Wang Pu's spirit is very good, but the old lady is a little depressed! Even the face is visible to the naked eye, pale down!

It had nothing to do with her, but the old lady had been there for so many years. Now Wang Pu finally woke up, so the old lady was relieved!

And the result of this relief? Is to let the old lady down! Admittedly, the problem is not as big as expected, but the hospital is still so nervous! As for Wang Changlin and Su Yuan, it is even more so!

If the old lady is younger, they may not be so worried, but the problem is that the old lady is really too old! Really, if there is a so-called good or bad! Then the problem will be big!

But when the old lady went to the hospital, many people calmed down!

Why? It seems very inappropriate to disturb the old lady at this time! What's the matter? The old lady is already lying on the hospital bed! You're still reluctant. What do you want?

You always need a degree to do anything, don't you? Beyond that line, it will make everyone feel annoying!

The housekeeper came alone at night with a flower basket in his hand!

After entering the room, he carefully placed the flower basket at the head of the bed, and then stood aside!

Wang Pu looked at some dull housekeeper. At most, he raised his eyelids! Seems a little impatient!

"Your husband? You're so busy at this time? There's no time to make a phone call?"

There is some provocation in the words, even a little deliberate provocation! On one side, Su Yuan took care of his mother-in-law as if he hadn't heard anything! As for Wang Yang and Xiao Bao standing behind, they lowered their eyes and even breathed as low as possible! Who knows what grandpa wants to do?

"I've heard that I'm sick! Come and visit!" said the housekeeper! "Sir, I can't interfere with things over there. I hope Mr. Wang will understand!"

For the housekeeper's words, Wang Pu pursed her mouth, um! Neither soft nor hard! It's hard! "It's your housekeeper's style, but it's also in line with your husband's style. No wonder he's always optimistic about you sitting in this position! His eyes are really fierce!"

"Mr. Wang is too famous!" the housekeeper bowed slightly. As for whether Mr. Wang's words are praise or irony, just listen to them! After all, what I represent now is my husband's face! As for the relationship between Mr. and the Wang family? This point can be handled by yourself!

"Since he is busy, don't bother him too much!"

The corner of the housekeeper's mouth twitched slightly. The old man's words were a little too much! But the housekeeper won't be angry with Wang Pu because of this! After all, the object of his service is Ding Yu, not Wang Pu!

"Let Wang Lao worry!"

The housekeeper has gone through the wind and rain, so he won't be fooled? There is no doubt that it must be notified to Sir! But talk? But you can't leave any handle, otherwise you'll find trouble for your husband!

Sitting in the courtyard, I have a good understanding of all aspects of the other party, and even need to make a good judgment!

Look at Wang Lao's appearance, it should be a complete awakening! The whole person's eyes and voice are completely different! Tiger power is still there! Is it because of the old lady? It is still unknown whether it is caused by other aspects!

It's not as important as you think! There's not too much for Sir!

The housekeeper knows what kind of power and inside information there is in the family! There is no need to show it by yourself! After so many years, I can see from your performance! What, did you see Mr. Zhang's teeth and claws? Almost never! Mr. has never been a high-profile person!

After the housekeeper left, Wang Pu asked Su Yuan to take Wang Yang and Xiao Bao to have a rest! And I was sitting by the bed! Carefully pulled the quilt for the old lady!

"A little grumpy! Not very good!"

Listening to the old lady's comfort, Wang Pu's mouth twitched a little. After a long time, he pressed down his mood!

"This bastard! He is definitely an animal, at least at this level!" Wang Pu cursed without any consideration! Even the sound was a little loud, and they could hear Su Yuan outside! But Wang Pu didn't pay any attention! I don't need them to understand the meaning of this sentence, as long as the old lady understands it!

"Then what are you?" the old lady also said with a smile and scold!

"This bastard! He has a good judgment on things! He even made plans very early! Then he hid in one side and became a good man!" Wang Pu said angrily! "No one can see through his disguise! Speaking of this, I'm not angry!"

"I can only say you deserve it!" the old lady has a good attitude! Indeed, there are some physical problems! But overall, the problem is not so big! The important thing is that Wang Pu woke up! This is the happiest thing! Even if her body has a considerable problem, the old lady is willing!

"Do you deserve it! Quite a thing! It's so late!" Wang Pu sighed! "The housekeeper chosen by this bastard for himself is still very good! He hasn't been impatient for so many years! He is very calm! He is the same type as Shenghai! Where did you find this bastard?"

"I don't know! Anyway, our grandson's eyes are not generally vicious, and there is no one's mind! Don't be arrogant! People can't understand it with a low profile! And they can always calm themselves! This seems so terrible!"

What the old lady said is quite pure!

"You!" Wang Pu snorted! "This bastard! He is considerate and ruthless when doing things! He will hardly give any chance! Either he doesn't do it, he will never procrastinate when doing it! Fast and fatal! He's not like me or you at this point, let alone Changlin and Su Yuan!"

"There are some like old Su!"

"Not completely!" Wang Pu snorted dully. "Anyway, it has gathered the advantages of many people, but its disadvantages? It has been deeply hidden by him. As for what he has revealed now? Ha ha!"

Wang Pu smiled coldly. What Ding Yu revealed now seems to be true and does exist, but it is only used to fool others! But is it really necessary for others not to believe it? Why? Because it's not fake!

The most direct example is Wang Pu! He fell into this pit, and even now he suddenly woke up! How long have you been cheated? I'm afraid Wang Pu can't explain it himself! At the same time, there are some who don't understand!

Because the pit is a little too miserable! So now Wang Pu is very angry!

I'm afraid this resentment will not dissipate for a moment! I don't talk about martial virtue at a young age. There's no such thing!

It's true that it's his own grandson, but so what? He teased himself so much that he really regarded himself as his grandfather? So we don't need to talk so much about each other! There is no meaning!

It's not that Wang Pu will pinch Ding Yu's neck and give him some color to see! But it will never give Ding Yu any good face! Even if Ding Yu makes an apology and kowtows to admit his mistake, Wang Pu will never forgive his grandson!

Of course, Wang Pu's heart is also very clear! My grandson would never do that! It has nothing to do with losing face! They belong to the difference of ideas, not the dispute of spirit!

And the more so, the more difficult it is to reach the so-called reconciliation between each other! And this bastard is really a son of a bitch! Or what I said before! I'm his grandpa, and I'm still my grandpa! This ridge is absolutely unbearable for Wang Pu!

But anyone who has so many human feelings can never do such a thing!

Look at the whole thing! Wang Pu feels too humiliated! It's like playing with yourself as a monkey!

Admit you're wrong! It's no big deal! But the humiliation imposed on him by Ding Yu, a bastard grandson! Wang Pu can't accept it! Other things can be discussed, but this point can never be discussed! Don't even think about it! No matter who comes to comfort, it is impossible!

As for his bastard grandson, does he know that? From Wang Pu's point of view, Ding Yu must know and know it clearly! But obviously he didn't take it to heart at all! Think about it. Since he can do such things! How can you care about the so-called view?

No, that's a little wrong! Even if Wang Pu said it himself, how many people would believe it? Because in addition to Wang Pu, Ding Yu's relationship with all aspects of the family is OK, at least the one that can't pick out too many problems!

The old lady pursed her mouth. Although she couldn't see much ridicule on her face, her attitude was enough to explain all the problems! "You! You just can't let go in your heart! Can't you?"

"Hum!" Wang Pu gave a dull hum! "He's got all the benefits! I've borne all the bad names! Is there anything so cheap under heaven and earth? Is it reasonable?"

"I can't say that. At least the Wang family has made considerable development!"

Wang Pu immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "the more you say this, the more I feel so angry! Even some can't control my emotions! He just wants to put the Wang family in the open! At least he resisted the prying eyes of other forces, this bastard! It's a good idea!"

The old lady has no intention of denying this!

"However, you need to admit that you are willing to do this! At least the Wang family has made considerable development and even accumulated certain details! Although the outside world has a considerable peep, compared with the resources obtained at home! It is an undeniable fact that the Wang family still takes a considerable advantage!"

Wang Pu sighed heavily! "It's true not to deny this, but this is also where the bastard's wisdom lies! He gave the Wang family conditions that are hard to refuse, but he deliberately created a considerable environment! I'm afraid this can't be denied!"

In this regard, the old lady shook her head! "There is no way to prove this! At least what you say is speculation! Even now, many people are afraid that they will not have any views on Ding Yu. On the contrary, they will have endless feelings for you, an old man, who is too greedy!"

"Madder!" Wang Pu scolded with a smile this time! "Absolutely a bastard, and very shameless!"

At this point, Wang Pu didn't even know what to say! My grandson is such a bastard. What else do I need to say? It's too late to say anything at this time!

Su Yuan sat on the sofa after he came home!

"What do you say about dad and mom? How can I feel more confused the more I see it? What's the matter?"

"What the hell happened?" Wang Changlin said, "I probably asked! Mom said he woke up! He finally woke up after being tricked for so long!"

"It sounds quite ambiguous!" Su Yuan said with a water cup! "Anyway, I was stunned when I listened to Dad's words. The whole person seemed to change suddenly! I had some doubts at that time! Did dad have any problems and conditions!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" said Wang Changlin reproachfully! "There's nothing in dad's side! Such a thing is not too big for him! It's a little awkward at most, that's all! As for mom's side? She's relaxed at once! So she can't bear it. After all, the physical condition is there! She's been holding on for years!"

"Why?" Su Yuan was puzzled! "For so many years, I have been unwilling to admit that there were so many things in the past, but now I can't figure out the sudden change!"

Wang Changlin doesn't have so many feelings! For him, his father has made considerable changes now, which is a good thing! Let's say so! What if not?

To some extent, the impact of his son on his grandfather is a little big! With his father, after knowing quite a few things, he was so shocked, even so worried and afraid! There are so many things involved!

There is also the way his son does things, which makes his scalp feel numb when he is a father!

After all, that person is your grandfather and your own grandfather. There are some contradictions between them, but have you gone a little too far in the means and methods you adopted?

To a certain extent, Wang Changlin doesn't quite agree with his son's way, but he still has some little admiration for his psychology. For so many years, he hasn't revealed anything. Even at a considerable time, he can bow his head and be small. Who else can do it!

In fact, Wang Changlin's psychology is more or less complex. His father fell out with his son! Even out of control, now the man who is both a son and a father is caught in the middle. You say how to deal with it! There are so many difficulties on both sides!

When my father didn't wake up, he really hit the south wall and didn't look back! Now my father is awake! But the question is, can your son be brought back? There is a broken relationship, can it really be reunited?

And there is another problem. My parents are a little old! Wang Changlin really has some worries! But to persuade his son, Wang Changlin really has no such confidence! Will he obey his authority? It's impossible!

Of course, he will not have any Refutation in the open. Wang Changlin can be sure of this, but that's all!

I still have lingering fear when I think of the old ghost. Didn't I dissuade me at that time? But what is his attitude? What does it look like? Respect other people's opinions and ideas, but I have a considerable scale and bottom line in my heart! Do things within this scale and bottom line!

Not satisfactory, but it will not be particularly disgusted! This is Wang Changlin's evaluation of his son's style of doing things!

This is still talking about friendship! What does it look like to be reasonable, to be impersonal and unreasonable? Wang Changlin really doesn't want to say this!

Why? A little too cruel, not many people are willing to mention!

Now Wang Changlin has some doubts. What did his son experience when he served in the army? How did this happen? In addition, he had many colleagues in those years. It seems that no one is similar to him, but it is the handling of things or the decision! Not much in common!

Is it really because the blow is too big, there are inevitably other problems and situations in the process of growth? For a while, Wang Changlin was really distracted, mainly because Wang Changlin was really helpless and even had a headache! Because I really don't know how to deal with my son!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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