The old man and the old lady don't care now! To be exact, his father made a big mess and left it to himself! Let yourself handle it! If it is an external matter, there are not many problems, but it is obvious that the situation involved is not just some external problems and situations!

Now the first thing to be solved is the internal contradiction! His father and his son, the contradiction between them is very sharp, and there is no possibility of easing each other! Even completely stand on the opposite angle!

Admittedly, it has not affected the overall interests of the Wang family, but in the long run, the interests of the Wang family will certainly be damaged, which is certain! For your father? I don't agree with him so much, and Wang Changlin doesn't mean that he fully appreciates his son!

How difficult it is to stand in the middle! Fortunately, behind him, his mother supported him, and Su Yuan himself made a silent contribution, but even so, his father and his son still have a little destructive power! Big let oneself have so some unbearable feeling!

It is certainly not possible not to solve the problem, but how to solve the problem? Wang Changlin hasn't thought about it yet! To be exact, there are some imbalances between their forces. Even a long time ago, their forces were a state of mutual imbalance, but the problem is that everyone was "deceived" by Ding Yu!

Now the situation is very complicated. The only thing that makes me feel so happy is that the communication channel between myself and my son has not been blocked! At this point, it is difficult to say whether it is a deliberate act of his son!

My son! There are things like being stuffy in your heart. There may be people who communicate, but there are definitely not so many people who communicate! In ordinary times, there is quite a sermon, but this sermon is more like a hope for the next generation!

"Wang Li is still very busy these two days!"

"Of course I'm busy! I don't know what I'm busy with?" Su Yuan said discontentedly. "Her department is also quite worrying. At the beginning, she was asked to study there so that she could be quiet and cultivate her love. Now it's good? It's just like a wild girl!"

In this regard, Su Yuan has a lot of complaints, "when asked about her considerable situation, she always has a lot of excuses, and it's not easy to mention too much! Anyway, people have support behind her!"

This so-called support refers to not only the teachers and colleagues in GuBo, but also her eldest brother, which everyone can't ignore and can't ignore!

I don't know if it's luck! From small to large, the children in the family, whether Ding Yu or Wang Yang, can be said to have experienced wind and rain! Wang Yang is a little better, but compared with Wang Li, there is no way to mention it!

Wang Li really can be said to have gone with the wind and water until now! Is there any reason? Why is she so lucky?

"Dad and mom have shown signs of things. Now we need to talk to the boss!"

Sigh for Wang Changlin! The expression on Su Yuan's face is so difficult! "Is it appropriate to talk to the boss at this time? No one knows what kind of situation he is now. I don't understand it!"

"Su Quan told me that his pressure is not particularly great!"

"All right!" Su Yuan nodded! "There's no need to find someone else! I'll call him and have a try!"

Look at the time. Although it is relatively late, from the perspective of learned habits, his son basically won't rest at this time! I don't know the energy from there. It has been so for so many years!

Take out the phone, ring twice, and the phone is connected! After connecting, Ding Yu's voice came from inside. Let alone, it really surprised Su Yuan, even shocked. He couldn't speak for a while!

Ding Yu also felt very surprised. How did you get through? And no one speaks?

"Hello!" Ding Yu shouted again! Su Yuan woke up at this time! Hurriedly said! "I'm listening!"

"Mom! You haven't rested yet?" Ding Yu asked with concern!

"Well! Come back from the hospital! Your grandmother is in the hospital! Your grandfather also stayed in the hospital! There's nothing wrong! Your father and I are back!" Su Yuan said, of course, with some intentional meaning! I just want to test my son and see what his attitude is now!

"The housekeeper mentioned it to me! There aren't many problems! It's just that the mental pressure is a little big!" Ding Yu knows this very well! To a certain extent, the hospital is also its own home. If you can't get such news, you've played in vain for so many years!

"Barely!" looked at Wang Changlin nearby! Su Yuan then said, "your father wants to talk to you!"

Wang Changlin silently answered the phone, "haven't you had a rest?"

"No! There are a lot of things here! There are a lot of problems on the farm! I have been dealing with this problem for the past two days, and many of them are still old people who fight with me! If I don't deal with it, I can't cause considerable warning! If I deal with it, I'm a little cold and heartless!"

What make complaints about this? Or are you complaining deliberately, or are you revealing something? Wang Changlin is also thinking!

"Yes! Things seem to be making a lot of noise! Many people found your grandfather and your grandmother, and they don't have any opinions and opinions on it! They even gave a lot of reprimands. Your mother and I don't have any opinions, but they support your approach! After all, we are not so good at it!"

The reason why I say this is to tell Ding Yu that the Wang family will never be involved in this matter! And now Wang Pu and the old lady will not pay any attention at all!

"It will take quite a long time for the farm to be settled! And I can't leave now!"

"No way to leave?" Wang Changlin was stunned when he heard his son say so! "I didn't know there was such a situation!" this remark has aroused Wang Changlin's deep doubt!

"Huh?" Ding Yu also said, from his father's words! Ding Yu heard the implied meaning of the words! "What my uncle said? Yes, he should know about it! After all, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang are here!"

"I heard something!"

"Generally speaking, things are a little long, and there are too many forces involved!"

In this regard, Ding Yu couldn't help sighing! "The Intelligence Department wanted to come years ago! But it was stopped by me! Of course, it was really investigated, and it can't be said that I was stopped! I didn't have that much right! But at that time, many people's eyes were red! Blowing could lead to world war!"

"World War?" Wang Changlin said, feeling that his words were a little perfunctory! "Boss! Isn't this a joke?"

In this regard, Ding Yu sighed slightly! "Under the circumstances at that time, no one knew what would happen next! No one dared to make such a test! Even at that time, many people had made plans to disappear! Together with that time, the intelligence department was also very cautious!"

Suddenly, Wang Changlin seemed to realize something! "If you say so, I have some feelings! Your grandfather seemed to suddenly realize something at that time? Even now the whole person has undergone a fundamental change from the inside to the outside. This change is really incomprehensible!"

"It's awesome to know autumn by falling a leaf!" said Ding Yu! "Not everyone has this ability!"

I don't know why. It sounds like a mockery to Wang Changlin, but I can't find any evidence! Anyway, my impression is not so good! So Wang Changlin coughed slightly! To cover up your embarrassment! It is also used to warn his son!

Can Ding Yu not hear his father's warning?

So he smiled, "fortunately, Grandpa woke up a little early! Otherwise, the whole Wang family won't be enough!"

"Boss, this is not the time to joke!" Wang Changlin put forward the most severe warning! A joke is enough, but it can't be endless!

"It's really no joke! Wang Li asked me before! She wanted to investigate some things! I once drew a line for her. She can deal with domestic problems whatever she wants! It doesn't matter! There won't be too many major problems basically! At least I can bear the pressure! But she can't get involved in other things! Otherwise, I can't help it The Wang family and the merchants can't save her. Even if the Su family is involved, it won't have any effect! "

Wang Changlin felt that the hairs behind him had stood up! Obviously, Wang Changlin also knows that his son will never joke with himself with such a thing! If this is the case, it is really not a dangerous sentence to describe!

"Boss! That's your sister, and it's your own sister!"

Next to Su Yuan, he can't control his emotions! Now that you know the situation in this crisis! You let your sister get involved. What do you want to do? Even if you are quite dissatisfied with the Wang family, you can't make fun of your sister! Really, if something happens, what will we do then?

"I know! So I solemnly warned her! At least I told her and let her know what kind of things to do in what scope! She doesn't know anything! If there is a problem at that time, there will be no way to end!"

"Are you so sure? Aren't you afraid you can't stop?" when Su Yuan said this, Su Yuan's back slot teeth clenched! Because such a thing is completely out of Su Yuan's tolerance!

I don't deny that you have considerable ability and power! But that doesn't mean you can do things recklessly! This does not mean that you can grasp it and have a scale!

"The question is, can Wang Li listen to advice?"

This remark made both Wang Changlin and Su Yuan dumbfounded at the same time! Because they don't know how to answer the eldest son! Can you stop Wang Li? Just her temper! Really, if you come up with this strength, who are you?

So turn around! Ding Yu's way may be the most appropriate and appropriate. Don't refuse! Just let Wang Li investigate within a limited scope! Let her not lose her enthusiasm, but also control considerable risks!

"I hear you have a patient over there!"

"I came here years ago!" Ding Yu thought for a while, and then said slowly! "There are not many people who know the situation here, but I don't guarantee that the Wang family will be quite liquidated after they know the things here! There are two people in my family now, one is Sanchez of the Boston consortium and the other is Bruno! You may or may not know!"

As soon as these two names were said, the hearts of Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were cluttered all at once! Feel your heart jump to your throat! Such people go to Ding Yu's town? Are you sure this isn't a joke?

So after the couple looked at each other, they pressed down their doubts!

"Your grandmother is in hospital! Your grandfather's situation is somewhat unusual!"

Ding Yu really didn't mean to scare his father and mother! It's just stating some facts!

"Grandpa's situation is so special!" Ding Yu smiled, "it's just that he has so many other opinions and views on me! But it's understandable that others may go too far!"

After hearing this, Wang Changlin felt that his breath was a little rough when he gasped!

Go too far with your grandpa! You're like someone who's okay! Is it? Your means made your grandpa embarrassed, and even you couldn't see it, but what you said was so light, a little outrageous!

But if you think about it, there may not be too many problems, but Wang Changlin will never say it! Because most of the resources of the three are from Ding Yu! This is an undeniable fact!

Pick up the bowl and eat! Put down your chopsticks and scold your mother! Such a thing seems very inappropriate!

What's more, this man is still his own son!

"What about things at home? There are quite changes. There are too many people behind your grandfather!"

Um! Ding Yu said he knew, but he didn't mean to continue talking! But made a considerable pause! It took a long time to say it slowly! "Is this what Dad and mom mean? Do you mean at home? Or what grandpa means? I need to make a considerable judgment!"

This sentence is a little so direct! Ding Yu needs to make considerable judgment! To a certain extent, it is also a test given by Ding Yu to his father. If his father can do it, it doesn't matter. But if his father can't do it, he can only be sorry! This has nothing to do with feelings and family!

So now it's Wang Changlin's turn to make this choice!

In fact, before making this call, Wang Changlin had already considered this aspect! How to choose this thing! I thought I would take the lead in communicating with my father, but I didn't think I couldn't communicate with my father, but my son seemed a little aggressive!

Is it good or bad? This problem needs to be discussed! But judging from the current situation, it's really time to make a decision! How to choose is the problem Wang Changlin is facing now!

Even in Ding Yu's opinion, his father and mother called him. To a certain extent, they have formed a resolution, but there are a few. Unfortunately, the resolution contains the shadow of his grandfather, which Ding Yu feels quite unhappy!

But it's just that he doesn't like it. Ding Yu really doesn't have to show his attitude immediately. There's no such need! And Ding Yu is not too interested in this issue!

In fact, it's more practical to say that Ding Yu is forcing the three families to start standing in line at this time! Is it your choice to agree or disagree with this? At this point, Ding Yu will not do any interference!

Similarly, the three also need to pay for their choices!

For so many years, Ding Yu has never interfered in the affairs of the three families! What have the three families done! Ding Yu is not even interested in asking! However, by absorbing Ding Yu's resources, the three families have repeatedly hindered Ding Yu, especially when Ding Yun was involved later!

To a certain extent, Ding Yu's bottom line has been involved! What if Ding Yu doesn't give Ding Yun? But it represents Ding Yu's previous attitude towards the three families! Some things can't be forgiven even if they step on the line!

It can be said that Ding Yu is very careful! But there is no way! Who made grandpa do such a thing? At the same time, Ding Yu is also reflecting! Walking on two legs is no problem, but what is the structure between each other? There are still some too fragile! Can't support it at all!

So now Ding Yu is thinking about how to introduce the third fulcrum! Three pillars, so there will be considerable constraints between each other! There will be no previous rollover! But it's easy to say. If you really do something, it's not as easy as you think!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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