It's hard! I want to do it! I really can't control my itching heart!

But afraid to take responsibility! Even the board of directors hesitated! The consequences can be very terrible and serious!

You Ding Yu can do it. Why can't we do it?

But such a thing can never be done by the board of directors! It must be white house! White House to do, even if there is a considerable problem in the future, there is also a board of directors behind! Will not let the board face Ding Yu!

This will relieve great pressure! Also let the board of directors will not be so constrained!

Of course, the establishment of this department must be small, so small that no one will notice its existence. Even in the official records, there will be no records of them. In addition, it is the choice of personnel! This is actually the most difficult!

Ding Yu is like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadow! Come out and give you a bite from time to time! You don't know what kind of ways and means he takes. Even if he holds a knife, gun and stick in his hand, it doesn't seem to play any role!

What's more, even if it's holding a guy in your hand, it can play a great role. It's really unknown. Too many things have actually been delayed!

When Ding Yu was a grass snake, he should be killed with a stick. It is true that he will pay a considerable price, but from a general view, it is definitely worth it! Where is it like he is now? They've turned Python Jackie Chan! It's been flying for nine days. It's not so simple to deal with him at this time!

And over the years, how many small organizations have been established to deal with Ding Yu and the subordinate departments of white house? How many are not recorded! But did it work in the end? There are no birds at all. It's a waste of manpower! Material and financial resources, really let people see, there are so many vomiting blood!

Together with the people on the board of directors, they all doubted whether the people on the side of the White House had made considerable moves. Otherwise, how could the accounts be black? It's black and shiny!

Everyone knows that Ding Yu is hard to deal with, but so much money has been invested in so many years! Throw the loss into the water, at least you can hear a sound! Right? But the question is, don't you even hear a sound now?

This has to make everyone doubt that how many small stones were thrown into the water facade with mountain like property? Otherwise, how can there be no movement at all? I can't explain the truth!

For Goodall himself, he naturally knows the things in it, but he pretends not to know anything, as if such things have never happened! Ding Yu chose to clean up the farm at this time. He didn't think of it, even many people didn't think of it!

But looking at Ding Yu's behavior, I can't help feeling some admiration. Does the farm really need to be cleaned up? If farms need to be cleaned up, do you clean up your own house as well!

incorrect! That's not right! My family is also cleaning up now, because there is too much dust and dirt inside! After watching more, I feel that my scalp is so numb!

Goodall never thought that there would be so many problems in his family! I've been in charge of the family for so many years, and I know that there will be problems behind the family! At that time, I didn't take it too seriously!

It's no exaggeration to say, what if it's a white house? Is there no place to show respect? There must be!

But now suddenly read it, Goodall felt so frightened! The problem is too serious! Even these have polluted the whole home system! There are problems with the foundation of this big tree at home!

Cleaning up inside and outside doesn't mean killing people or driving them out. It can solve the so-called problems and impossible things. It's very simple to deal with these people! But how can we guarantee that the new comers will be better than them?

What's more, the newcomer? They also need a lot of time to adapt, and these new people? What will it look like in the future? No one dares to make this guarantee!

So now I'm really afraid of hitting the wolf with a hemp pole! You can't do it without doing it! But how to do it, and to what extent? This is also a problem that needs to be measured!

At this point, good felt a little upset! Why? Because Ding Yu's handling of the farm can be said to be clean! Without hesitation, we can grasp the key points and context. The whole investigation process can be said that it has not caused any changes in the farm, and may even make the whole farm a higher level!

How big is the farm? Are there many people in there? Under such circumstances, how did Ding Yu make his subordinates obey? How to make everyone a rope? There must be quite a doorway here! These are worth thinking about! Even to explore!

Why can Ding Yu? It's hard to do it yourself?

He never meant to deny Ding Yu's ability, but is Ding Yu a little too special? A little exaggerated?

There is another problem that needs to be extended! His son is still with Ding Yu now!

From what I learned, my son's condition has been very well corrected! In addition, due to Bruno's reason, his son came to Ding Yu's suggestion to a certain extent, saying that it was too early to cultivate this!

I really hope Ding Yu can cultivate his son well! After all, Ding Yu's situation has been heard too much! His performance in this respect is legendary! No one else can match!

However, many problems derived from it also give me a headache, even some helplessness and distress!

Good is suspicious! Are these guys in the family really dead headed?

Deny Ding Yu's ability? Before this? Do you need to face yourself! Why deny Ding Yu's ability? From what angle do you despise Ding Yu? This makes Goodall extremely confused!

Before going, I had already mentioned quite a few problems! But why do you react to all kinds of problems when you get there? Even in the initial process, Goodall thought if Ding Yu had done something in it?

But with the reaction of the situation, Goodall realized it! It has nothing to do with Ding Yu! Even Ding Yu took the initiative to avoid it! Together with Bruno and Sanchez, they are also quite silent!

Why are they silent? For this, Goodall has begun to realize a considerable problem!

Bruno doesn't want to say, but his main accusation now is to protect Thornton's safety! He has taken great credit for this! If he hadn't been blocked by his life at the beginning, he might be separated from Thornton now!

This credit is too great! The big ones have made many people here red in the eyes! Under such circumstances, we naturally don't want Bruno to make contributions again! You've eaten such a big piece of meat! We can't even have a chance to drink soup! This is not just not as simple as friends!

And Bruno who saw through this! If you don't get your own advice, you won't make trouble here. They are all smart people! And even if it is his own instigation, Bruno will not personally come forward to correct some people. For Bruno, such a thing is too much to gain!

As for Sanchez? Why not? The reason is also more realistic. The relationship between him and Ding Yu is very good! With yourself? I can only say that I can live in face! If he gets involved in Thornton's affairs now, he will be accused by others that he has other thoughts! That's why Sanchez avoided it!

Everything is explained to the past people sent by the family! But can they really play a bigger role? Thornton has the most say in this! He didn't express his dissatisfaction directly! But between the lines, Goodall has realized a considerable problem!

The past personnel sent from the family! It's true that there are some unbearable, at least compared with Ding Yu, the gap is so big! Even this gap is a little difficult to fill!

Ding Yu only occasionally goes to see his son and points his son by the way. As for other times, he doesn't deliberately teach his son, but the effect of this way of guidance is unmatched by anyone else! Even riding a rocket can't catch up! There is no reason to speak!

Of course, as far as I know, the way the children of the Ding family adopt is almost the same! From this point of view, Ding Yu is really more attentive! In this regard, Goodall has some expectations!

That's my son. I also hope that he can inherit his position in the future. It's a matter for discussion whether he can meet his expectations only by relying on the training at home. But if he can get Ding Yu's advice and training, it will be quite different in the future. This is certain!

It's hard to say whether we can open up Xinjiang and expand land, but there is absolutely no problem in guarding the industry at home! Even yourself! Goodall asked himself, can you do Ding Yu's point? After thinking about it, Goodall couldn't help laughing. There are really some that can't do it!

Don't ask yourself why you can't do it! I can turn Thornton into an excellent talent, even an elite talent! But if you want to turn him into a housekeeper, you need to spend more than just hard work!

Being a good housekeeper is not difficult for Goodall! But how to train the next generation of homeowners? Even let him take over his position well, it's really not as simple as saying!

Throughout human history! Since ancient times, from the emergence of human beings to the present! There are absolutely many wise and powerful people! Even everywhere, but it can be passed on to the next generation! Even longer, it can be said that there are few!

It is true that our family has passed on for a long time, but many problems have been covered up! Even many families have recognized the problems, but recognizing the problems does not mean that they can analyze the problems and solve the problems at the same time! This is completely different!

Now there are people like Ding Yu, which is a great good thing for the whole family. Pie has really fallen from the sky! But some people even want to deliberately block it now. Of course, from their point of view? They don't want Thornton to accept Ding Yu's crooked education. Their own education is the most orthodox!

Goodall really scoffed at this question! Very disdainful!

Knowledgeable, some lofty, understandable, but can not be complacent! Now those people who sent in the past will not show much in front of themselves, because it is really easy to subdue them!

But after leaving themselves, their performance is very different! Admittedly, they have no intention of betraying! But their behavior and attitude, in Goodall's opinion, are more annoying than betrayal!

Letting you go is to train Thornton, not to let them teach Thornton how to do and how to do it. It's OK to do such things by yourself! Need you to talk? These guys! I really can't recognize my position!

But it's really not time to deal with them now, not to mention they just went to Thornton! Now at this time, I suddenly repent and hit my face too much!

But even so, there are some unnatural things in Gu De's heart. Why? Does the reason need to be explained more? Is it difficult that Ding Yu can't see the problems and conditions here? It's like joking! He definitely saw it! And he saw it clearly, but it was because of this that he didn't say anything, just stood on one side!

It's a little angry for Goodall! Even some shame!

He and Ding Yu are rivals! At least in the open, the two people are sworn enemies, but now their face can be said to be completely beaten! And still in front of Ding Yu, the naked one!

Admittedly, he and Ding Yu may not want to see each other in their whole life! At least the chance of wanting to see is very small, but this doesn't mean that you really don't care! It's impossible!

It doesn't matter whether you must find this field in front of Ding Yu!

The core of the problem is not here. The core of the problem is these guys in the past! You can't play your role well at all, and even have evil thoughts. There's really no way to tolerate this! This is definitely not a lesson one or two can solve the problem! At that time, we need to give them some color to see!

As for Ding Yu, for those people sent by Goode! There was no attention at all! Stop saying hello! Even if we didn't meet! Both of them knew each other's existence, even looked down and didn't see each other, but Ding Yu seemed as if they didn't exist! A little clear!

What do you think? How to do it! That's your own business! Just stay on this land! As for how they will teach Thornton, and even how to influence Thornton! What does it have to do with yourself?

Is Thornton his own student? Are you your own disciple? Since it's nothing? Why should I care about such a thing? What's more, I don't really have nothing to do now! I still have a lot of things to do, okay? The problems of the farm have made me so overwhelmed!

Handled so many people! Does it really have no impact on the farm? Stop kidding! This has a great impact! Just a little strong, so now the performance is not so strong!

In addition, in this process, quite a number of problems have been highlighted! Really do not see do not know, a look startled ah! Even Ding Yu has some happiness in his heart. Fortunately, he is quite alert to it! Have a considerable understanding of the problem! If you wait for another period of time, even if you want to deal with it, I'm afraid you don't know where to start! The ends of the thread have been wound together! I feel a little numb on my scalp!

After all, there is not much external pressure at this time! If you really give yourself some so-called external pressure! What kind of situation is that? It will not be as simple as scalp numbness at that time! Your head could explode!

However, Ding Yu didn't pay attention to Thornton's meaning, which doesn't mean that Thornton really didn't have any feedback!

It's mainly what these people instilled in Thornton. It's really a little out of line! Let you come here so that you can teach me some knowledge! I didn't ask you to come and add fuel to me, nor did I ask you to come and tell me what to do!

Have you found out who you are?

It's really doubtful what's going on in these guys' heads?

Do you need to judge whether Mr. Ding Yuding is a good person or a bad person? Although I'm lying on the bed now, it doesn't mean I'm a dead man, let alone I'm not a puppet!

Even quite a while, Thornton had some doubts about what his father was thinking? Why did you get yourself such a group of people? Are you really afraid of being influenced by Ding Yu? But if you are afraid of being influenced by Ding Yu, it seems that you don't need to take such a way!

If it's not your father's problem, it's these guys who have a problem!

Moreover, according to Thornton's judgment, the possibility of this aspect is so great!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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