If you can! Thornton really wants to ask Ding Yu! I hope he can give considerable advice!

Admittedly, if you do this, you will definitely be ridiculed by Ding Yu! This is a doomed thing! But Mr. Ding will never have any biased words! He will guide himself! Will not directly tell yourself the results!

It's definitely not like these guys from home. They almost point to their nose and tell themselves! Ding Yu is a bad man! It's not just about keeping a distance with such people! Even to a certain extent, we should be on guard against him. Who knows if he will do it secretly? Lin Lin! It can be said that Thornton is impatient!

Whether Mr. Ding Yuding has affected himself can be another question, but the problem is that he has been deeply influenced by these guys! With their own spiritual aspects, they began to fluctuate quite a lot!

However, it is obvious that Mr. Ding is so busy these days, even Bruno and Sanchez are also busy! Why?

Mr. Ding is busy because he is really busy. He has heard about the farm! As for why Bruno and Sanchez are busy, this makes Thornton so dissatisfied! It's all these people around you, a deliberate consequence! Of course, Bruno and Sanchez also consciously avoided it!

Bruno and Sanchez consciously avoided it! It's because these people represent their father and the family. If they are hardtop, they don't respect their father and the family! This is for their two old foxes! Absolutely not possible!

Why should we call them young foxes? This is what Mr. Ding said! I'm just borrowing!

At this point, their relationship with Mr. Ding Yuding is very good! But also because of this, it is criticized! In fact, Thornton has his own understanding and views on this! He is young, but due to Ding Yu's communication and guidance, Thornton has been able to recognize a considerable problem!

Admittedly, the relationship between them and Ding Yu is very good, but both of them can always abide by their own bottom line! This is particularly admirable to Thornton, because not everyone can do it! But admiration and envy have no effect!

It's not so easy for them to see themselves now. The people around them seem to be trapped in a cage! It's NIMA's. at the thought of here, Thornton has so many people who want to curse his mother!

After coming to Ding Yu, it seems that he is very limited, but it is just an article on the surface. Specifically, it is for others to see! In fact, I am very free!

But what happens when the family comes? I'm surrounded inside and outside! Even Thornton had some doubts about his breath. Did they also make a considerable imprisonment?

When Thornton had been waiting to see Ding Yu, there was some bitterness in his eyes when he looked at Ding Yu! It's like a resentful woman for many years! But fortunately, I can't see anyone else in the room!

Obviously, these guys know that Ding Yu is definitely not a good target to provoke! Even Mr. good is taboo to Mr. Ding Yuding, and this guy's temper is not as good as expected!

They are not so familiar with each other, and the people who are familiar with Ding Yu are not here! If you take the initiative to come forward at this time, you will never be good! This is certain! And Ding Yu is a little blind to them. This snack knows what's going on!

As for the so-called hands and feet in the room? make fun of! Ding Yu has warned everyone! And this is Ding Yu's territory! Once Ding Yu catches hold of such a small move, I'm afraid Mr. Goode's face will be even more embarrassed at that time! So it's better not to humiliate yourself!

"Mr. Ding!"

Ding Yu just glanced at Thornton's depression and irritability! Then he examined Thornton's body! Then slightly skimmed his mouth! "I remember telling you! At this time, be calm and don't be moved by foreign things! But obviously, you're angry!"

Thornton looked around and said, "Mr. Ding, the atmosphere is a little too dull! It's unbearable! I'm just a child, this is a fact!"

"What does it have to do with me?" Ding Yu asked back! "The question now is what kind of choice you make, and don't forget what you need to pay attention to at this time!" looked at Thornton suspiciously, "won't you forget?"

Twitched the corners of his mouth twice, "don't forget, the most important thing is to pay attention to my physical condition!"

"I hope you can really understand!"

He didn't explain too much to Thornton. After checking his body, Ding Yu left! The speed of leaving surprised those who had been waiting outside. Their chin was about to fall on the ground! Do you have five minutes for this? Is time passing too fast? Or are their watches broken? Is that exaggerated?

I don't know if it's because I've been surprised for too long, or if I'm a little afraid to face Ding Yu!

Anyway, when they wake up, Ding Yu has left! Come quickly and leave quickly!

When they looked at Thornton again, they didn't find any other accidents! Think about it. Ding Yu just came to check Thornton's physical condition. This is the purpose of Ding Yu's coming. As for other things, even if Ding Yu has this idea, does it take time?

But the time from Ding Yu's coming in to leaving is too short! For a short time, people have a feeling that they can't understand!

Ding Yu simply woke up and went back to deal with the farm!

The next day, Bruno came to find Ding Yu and told Ding Yu that he had booked a place. It was a little simple to entertain Ding Yu for dinner at noon! But the simple back reveals a little pride!

Although a little busy, but at noon, if Ding Yu accepted Ding Yu's invitation! Even Bruno invited Ding Yu alone, Sanchez, an old guy, didn't know where to go!

Anyway, he and Bruno are so leisurely at this time! It's like a wild crane! And Ding Yu didn't mean to interfere with them!

"Why do you suddenly remember to treat?" Ding Yu sat casually opposite Bruno! The room is not very big! But it's more private, and I don't know how Bruno found it!

Although it is said that this is Ding Yu's territory, to a certain extent, Ding Yu is really not so familiar as expected! Even quite a time to go out on their own, thousands of miles behind their parents!

"Of course it's a good thing!" Bruno immediately handed Ding Yu the verified things! "It has been found out!"

"Very fast!" Ding Yu immediately understood what Bruno was talking about, but he invited himself to dinner because of this! There is not much need. The relationship between two people will not be so perfunctory. As for the so-called plea, it is impossible! If it's a plea, a meal, or here, it's a little too small for Bruno!

"Can you hurry up? I really have some worries!"

Ding Yu didn't go to see the specific content of the investigation at all! Just take it down! "So?"

"Are you in such a hurry?" Bruno was a little 'angry', but he pretended, "I know your appetite is not so good at noon! But you should have a taste! Give face?"

"It's because of Thornton again!" Ding Yu's expression was helpless! "I said if I was a little upset! He just came to me for treatment! You've seen everything else!"

"It's because I saw it! That's why I'm quite worried!"

Bruno poured a cup of tea for Ding Yu himself! "Now those guys are defending like thieves. I don't know when they have stood in the opposite position. I really don't know what they are doing? It's really confusing! What can I do?"

"Who knows what you should do? But it doesn't seem to have much to do with me. I don't want to interfere!" Ding Yuyi said sternly! "And if you really interfere, what will happen? I don't say, you can guess! They guard against you like thieves. What about me? They almost didn't show me inside and outside with a microscope! I don't want to get into such trouble! It's inappropriate!"

"You went to see Thornton yesterday!"

Huh? Ding Yu couldn't help being alert to the meaning revealed in the words. Then he looked at Bruno suspiciously and asked with some doubts! "Can't they? They deprived you of your right to see Thornton?"

Looking at Bruno nodding, Ding Yu pursed his mouth, "it seems that there is really some trouble! And it's not an ordinary trouble! But it's obviously not something I can get involved in. It seems that you and Sanchez are too close to me! It's disgusted by many people!"

"Ding!" Bruno said sincerely! "What do they think! I know and understand! But this way hurts Thornton too much! It's a devastation to Thornton!"

Ding Yu shook his head and smiled, "Bruno, you should know that you are not as simple as playing with fire! We all know very well! They are sent by Goode! They can be said to be Imperial Envoys! They have supreme rights in their hands! You can't get contaminated, nor can I get contaminated!"

"But their existence has seriously threatened Thornton!" Bruno looked really anxious!

"What do you think Goodall means?" Ding Yu asked, "You know what Goodall and white house are doing at this time, and I know! Under such circumstances, the weight of the dispatched people can even be abandoned, but their meaning is too different! It's not as simple as playing with fire! If you want to play, you can! But don't pull me!"

Bruno feels his head a little swollen! "It's absolutely impossible, for Thornton! It's not easy to get rid of the previous shackles! But what's the difference between the current situation and entering another cage?"

"This is not what you and I can decide, or even what you and I can get involved in!" Ding Yu showed some regret on his face when he looked at Bruno! "But you must jump into the fire pit. I have no way! At least I can't help in this matter! You should know this very well!"

"Bruno, we are good friends, but even if you talk about it, it doesn't have any effect! The core problem is not me or you, but that bastard Goodall and the forces behind these guys! They are the most important!"

Then Ding Yu pointed to himself! "How about me? I can be better! I was originally a thorn in their flesh. This time, I really didn't have any way to recognize it by holding my nose! But there was still a lot of disdain behind me! Of course, I didn't bother to have a common understanding with them! It doesn't mean that I have a broad mind! On the contrary, if I were at ordinary times, I would definitely give these bastards away But now I don't have so much time and energy! "

"I see!" Ding Yu is dealing with the farm now! He can't be distracted from doing such a thing!

"I hope you really understand!" Ding Yu gave Bruno a meaningful look! "We! Can we play a role? Can we play a bigger role! This is not so important anymore! We still need to see Thornton's own performance! See if his heart is really strong! There is nothing we can do!"

"But he's still a little old..."

Halfway through, Bruno was suddenly stunned and looked suspiciously at Ding Yu! No! What exactly does Ding Yu mean by saying this? How do you feel? What's the problem?

Bruno just wanted to speak, there was a little noise at the door. After waiting for a moment, someone pushed the dining car in! Start placing dishes one after another!

Although Bruno warmly invited, Ding Yu didn't eat much! It has nothing to do with whether you like it or not! Ding Yu's personality is like this! Have formed the habit of not eating too much at noon! Although compared with the past, it has been greatly improved! But almost the same!

After dinner, Ding Yu took the lead in leaving! Bruno stayed for a long time, and the whole person seemed so lonely! But no one knows what they are thinking! I'm afraid only Ding Yu and Bruno can explain the problems here!

But which of them will stand up? No kidding, no one will stand up and make any mention!

Bruno was worried. Ding Yu gave some advice to his old friend's face. The advice was very vague. Maybe Bruno didn't understand it at that time, but he would certainly want to understand it later!

This is because Ding Yu opened the back door to Bruno, and he really saw Bruno in front of him! Otherwise, Ding Yucai won't care about Thornton's life and death. As for what happened in Goodall's home, will he get out such a group of wonderful guys? What does it have to do with yourself?

Do people who don't know still think they have benefited a lot? In fact, I didn't get anything, and even got a little fishy! Why bother?

So now the situation is that if Thornton can firm his heart, there will be no problem! There won't even be too many fluctuations and influences, but if sang Duan can't stick to his original heart, there's no way! Just let him recover! Other things have nothing to do with yourself!

Ding Yu has some indifference, which is not false. In such things, he needs to be cautious and careful, because there is too much to deal with! I don't have so much mind to accompany them fooling around! It's not serious!

What's more, there are still many bad things to deal with! The farm is so big. Take out quite a lot of things to dry! Will find a lot of problems! It's not particularly difficult to solve these problems, but how to place them in the future? There are other responses, etc. These are enough for Ding Yu to have a headache!

As a decision-maker, Ding Yu must respond in the general direction and adjust measures to local conditions in specific details!

Fortunately, this work was carried out earlier! If it's a few years later, even if Ding Yu sees it, I'm afraid there will be some scalp numbness! Not as simple as imagined!

But on the other hand, it seems that the White House is not too good! What happened to them is not just a headache! After all, they have more problems!

Just do some cleaning on your side!

But the white house needs to do more than clean up. They need to clean up room by room! Then make a good judgment! At the same time, do integration processing! The workload here is beyond the horizon!

I don't know what kind of mentality the board of directors who controls the whole situation is now? And that guy Goodall! He's been calming down a lot these days! I don't know what I'm doing!

Ding Yu won't believe that Goodall can't carry these things. It may restrict him, but do these things want Goodall to be tied up? It's impossible!

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