After seeing off Guo Kai and Zhou Xiaoan, Hou Tianliang deliberately observed Qiu Tianyang after he came back! After the previous blow, he can calm down in these two days!

From the perspective of qualification, it is still very good, and relatively young! So it's understandable for Hou Tianliang to make some mistakes! Everyone makes mistakes! Just such a thing, we must take warning!

If you make such a mistake again, don't say it's yourself at that time! Even the director can't keep it. After all, there are too many people behind! How many eyes are staring! Do you really think staying with the director is as safe as you think? How possible!

With a little emotion, Hou Tianliang went to see Ding Yu! Looking at Ding Yu who is approving the document, Hou Tianliang is quietly standing on one side! Ding Yu looked up! Nodded at Hou Tianliang!

"They're gone?"

"Well! I've got on the bus!" Hou Tianliang whispered!

"How about Qiu Tianyang these two days?" Ding Yu didn't mean to look up at all in the reply document. He even spoke very casually, but Hou Tianliang really didn't dare to perfunctory!

Because Hou Tianliang is very clear that the director will not ask such a thing at will!

"At the beginning, I was a little scared! Even uneasy. I've been much better these two days, but I should have a considerable feeling. After all, I can't be too worried about who to put such a thing on!"

Ding Yu smiled! "It's good to teach him a lesson! I don't have much experience! Even the foundation is not as solid as expected! But the good thing is that the foundation is still very good, at least much better than when you first started!"

"Director? Can we not mention such a shameful thing?" Hou Tianliang couldn't help touching the back of his head!

"As if it were yesterday!" Ding Yu reversed his signature pen and even knocked the table twice! Looking at the files on the desktop and sipping his mouth, he looked a little unhappy! "There are quite a lot of problems in the farm! Many people are old people! Why do you think they are corrupt?"

"It's hard to make it clear! Maybe life is too good?!" Hou Tianliang really doesn't want to make too much comments on this point, not that he has nothing to do with himself! It's mainly related to the farm! I need to be cautious, because behind this may be the blood sparkling number!

"Yes! Their life over the years is really good! There is no doubt about it!"

Ding Yu laughed at himself! "Everyone's life these years is really great! Let them get a little carried away! In that case, there is no reason to speak!"

"Director! Is this really good?" Hou Tianliang asked rarely!

"What if it's not good? I hope they can reform?" Ding Yu shook his head. "In fact, I don't want to embarrass them! I came with them! I've suffered a lot! I can understand this. After the conditions are good, the farm has given us a lot of conditions! At least, I never meant anything harsh on this!"

Ding Yu said so, not arguing for himself? But there are some feelings! These guys! Is really greedy! The farm not only ensures their life so simple, but also gives great care in all aspects, but even so! Some people are not satisfied!

If they created value for the farm, it would be better! At least it proved that the direction was wrong, but the problem was that they not only didn't create value for the farm, but also began to dig the corner of the farm! Maybe it's just a small hole for the whole farm!

But the thousand mile long dike was destroyed by the ant nest! If such a hole is opened for them, the hole will become bigger and bigger, and even there is no way to close it in the end! This is what Ding Yu is worried about! So it's better to eliminate all these ants before the hole begins!

"Director! I took a simple look. Will the scope be a little larger?"

"You don't think the outside world will miss such an opportunity, do you?"

"I know something about the outside world! I don't think they will make any action now, but inside, I've heard a lot of news, and everyone has expressed considerable opinions!" Hou Tianliang thinks it's still necessary to say a lot of news! You can't hide it!

Ding Yu suddenly smiled, "it seems that you have heard a lot!" he gasped slightly! "It must have a considerable impact. There is no way. The internal management of the farm can be said to be particularly strict. The supervision department has played a considerable role, but even so, it can't be stopped!"

Hou Tianliang understood that the director's mind could not be moved by saying a few words. Even before cleaning, he was quite ready! Together with the high-rise of the farm can be cleaned, so what are the other people?

When Ding Yu cleaned the top of the farm, did he really have no feeling in his heart? How possible! Ding Yu must have endless emotion in his heart, and even want to vent! However, in that position, we can only try not to express it!

That is, Hou Tianliang mentioned two sentences now, and Ding Yucai followed with two wordy sentences! Otherwise, Ding Yu is still in a cold state at this time! However, such negative emotions, too much intake, there are always some bad!

At least from the perspective of Hou Tianliang, we should try our best to make the director feel better! This is good for the overall situation!

If the director is really too gloomy, what some people in China have done. Who knows what the result would be if the director really started his anger? It's unimaginable! Anyway, Hou Tianliang didn't want to face such a situation. He even thought about it. He felt that he was upside down!

In these years, the director has always ignored domestic affairs! Even if it really touches the director, quite often, the director just makes a small-scale noise and yells! There really is no so-called big action! But don't think the director is empty!

Unwilling to pay attention and unable to pay attention are two completely different things!

Unwilling to pay attention, it means that the director has considerable power! Not being able to pay attention to it means that the director has no such power! After so many years of getting along with the director, Hou Tianliang really dare not say that he has learned how huge Ding Yu's power is! But even the tip of the iceberg is already frightening!

"I forgot to ask. How's the situation on your side?"

Huh? Hou Tianliang was stunned and smiled bitterly!

"Director! I stay with you! I don't know so much about the situation in the intelligence department! What's more, such things are not what I should know! And don't say it presumptuously! Director, even if I know, I can't disclose anything unless there is an order!"

Ding Yu nodded with his hand, but he didn't mean to be angry! "The clean-up work over the White House! I'm afraid it's hard to get results for a moment! It will continue. It's certain! After all, there are a lot of things involved! If the chairman encounters such a thing, he won't be unresponsive! Even at this time, he has suppressed his anger! Be careful !”

Warning for Ding Yu! Hou Tianliang's heart tightened!

"Director, will the White House go on for a long time this time? After all, even if they have a considerable problem, there should be no big action!"

"Those things in the bones won't change, but the appearance? They still need to be decorated! Those guys on the surface are too noisy! It's no big deal for the board of directors behind them to be greedy! But some boundaries can't be crossed!"

"Director, you can't cross some boundaries. I understand that!"

"You don't understand! At least you don't understand quite something now!" Ding Yu explained! "The problem is too complicated! To be exact, these managers betrayed!"

"Director, can't you understand betrayal?" Hou Tianliang showed some curiosity!

"No! What about them? If it's really the betrayal you understand? There won't be too many problems. These guys always have milk and mother! There's nothing strange! But this time it's obviously not the case! You can know the matter yourself! And tell them not to inquire about what, Bruno and Sanchez Things are not as simple as they think. Don't get angry! "

Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu a little foolishly! "Director, why don't I know when it happened?"

"Don't know?" Ding Yu was also stunned. "If you don't know, then this thing is a little interesting!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to doubt Hou Tianliang! But put down the signature pen in your hand! "If you don't know about it, there are only two situations. One is that some forces are involved! But it's not particularly likely!" what's the reason? Ding Yu didn't want to explain. I believe Hou Tianliang knows what he means! "Another situation? Maybe it's a little interesting!"

"Director! I need some time to check!"

Ding Yu scratched his eyebrows! "I have quite a guess on the whole! But it's not a warning! I know what Bruno and Sanchez are doing! That's the case on the whole!"

Hou Tianliang attaches great importance to what Ding Yu said! At this time, someone is deliberately making trouble! This is not so interesting and simple! The problems and conditions revealed behind made Hou Tianliang feel a little cold in the back of his head!

After coming out from Ding Yu, Hou Tianliang considered some time and then informed Qiu Tianyang!

"Tianyang, do you have any other actions these two days?"

Ah? Qiu Tianyang looked at Hou Tianliang and shook his head! "No! What's the honesty like these two days? This is director Ding's territory. Even if I'm really stupid, I won't do something. Something has happened?"

"I'm afraid you're involved!" Hou Tianliang said casually! "If you are involved, there is still room for redemption! If you are not involved, there are not many problems. Just take this opportunity to have a good experience and broaden your horizons!"

"I really don't know! I haven't even talked much these two days! The previous time was so powerful! I almost couldn't land! Under such circumstances! I still thought my head was on my shoulder!"

"Tianyang! I'm the first to say that I'm in danger here. If I'm careless, I may fall under the cliff. At that time, even if I want to save you, there are not many ways! Sometimes it's not that I don't want to save you! It's not worth it compared with the price I need to pay to save you! You're a person, but you are A person who has not grown up! And even if you have grown up! The road in the future is also full of hardships! "

"Elder martial brother, did you come here like this?"

"Is my path suitable for you? I don't know! There are certain commonalities. You can learn considerable experience! But don't blindly copy it. In that case, it's just the second me! It's of little use!" Hou Tianliang is very optimistic about Qiu Tianyang. If not, he wouldn't plead with him at the beginning!

"But I feel a fog ahead. I was a little proud at the beginning! After all, I can get to this position today, but now I find that I am just an insignificant little miscellaneous fish!"

"It's a little too small for yourself! But it's also a common thing! It's just that you haven't adapted yet! It also needs a process! But you'd better adapt quickly!"

"Why?" Qiu Tianyang was puzzled!

"Your current situation! I can give you an example! You are a fish jumping in from another pond, or you are a carp jumping over the dragon's gate! In the past, you were a big fish. At least in that pond, you belong to the same existence as a big Mac. Now jumping over the dragon's gate has some luck, but you haven't adapted quickly! Even subconsciously, they regard themselves as the existence of big fish! Toss hard! "

Hou Tianliang's metaphor is very vivid and vivid! Qiu Tianyang understood at once! Because I understand! So Qiu Tianyang's face suddenly turned white!

"Elder martial brother, will I lose myself?"

"Hard to say!" Hou Tianliang raised his eyebrows! "The most important thing when you enter this pond is to find your own position at the first time! Only by finding your own position can you start to formulate your current goals and plans! However, it is inevitable that such things will happen to you! No matter who enters this pond, there will inevitably be some complacency. The question is when can you control yourself Already! "

After saying that, Hou Tianliang nodded to Qiu Tianyang! I told him so much because he has this potential, and I don't want him to waste his opportunity! After all, it's too rare!

This important opportunity and inheritance must not be broken!

Just myself and Tong Tong are really overwhelmed! And Tong Tong is just a shadow now! No one can tell the future! So I hope Qiu Tianyang will live up to his expectations!

Of course, there is no need to tell Qiu Tianyang about these things! At least it's necessary to tell him now! As for whether he will go this way in the future! It all depends on his own! Even if I want to help, I can't help too much!

I have already said the reason! He can refer to his own experience, but he can't imitate his own way! It's of no use. I believe the director won't care about it, as long as he shows quite a bright spot! The director can vary from person to person! Find the most suitable way for Qiu Tianyang!

Everyone's focus and way are different! Now we need Qiu Tianyang to show himself! But this kind of display is completely different from displaying your feathers! Make no mistake! Previously, Tianyang was seriously confused!

"I've finished your story! Now tell us what we're facing!"

Looking at Hou Tianliang's serious expression, Qiu Tianyang couldn't help straightening his waist!

Hou Tianliang's expression seems serious, but his body is very relaxed! "Just now, the director mentioned something to me! Someone expressed the most serious interest in Bruno and Sanchez!"

Qiu Tianyang's expression was a little stunned! I even pointed to the ground! Hou Tianliang certainly sees the meaning!

"So the director is puzzled! This is the director's hometown! He thinks it's ours! But as far as I know, we don't seem to have any action in this regard!"

"Don't trust us?" Qiu Tianyang scratched his head! "Can it be because of me!"

"No, if it's because of you, you won't put the target on Bruno and Sanchez!"

In fact, this remark is deliberately "disdaining" Qiu Tianyang! Although there are many eyes focused on Qiu Tianyang, it is just focus! It doesn't mean that everyone will really do something!

So Qiu Tianyang overestimated himself a little too much!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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