Qiu Tianyang is very confused! Hou Tianliang seems very calm! The most striking contrast is formed between the two!

"Let's report the situation first! Let's see what it looks like. If it's domestic, we should at least understand it. If it's not domestic, it's really interesting!"

Hou Tianliang really thought of some possibilities! After all, a lot of people have come here during this period, but not as many as they thought. You can know by careful investigation! And get involved in such a serious matter, ha ha!

Other things may be shirked, but this thing can never be shirked!

Hou Tianliang contacted the intelligence department. Other things can be put aside, but this matter must be paid close attention to! Because no one knows what's involved!

The intelligence department is also a little silly, because the situation reported by Hou Tianliang also makes them feel a little confused. Now the situation is so complex! Who is so idle? Is Ding Yu deliberately making trouble? The possibility doesn't seem so big! Ding Yu has always been a tough guy, but his discretion is very good!

If Ding Yu didn't make trouble himself? So who is it? Think about it carefully. After all, it's domestic! Will casual people provoke Ding Yu? Impossible things, people's name, the shadow of trees, Ding Yu's name is still very easy to use!

Unless you can ignore Ding Yu's power, it's not true that there is no such power! Yes, but the question is, will they provoke Ding Yu? Now this time to provoke Ding Yu? Give Ding Yu some pain! No!

But the intelligence department investigated and found that the situation was a little strange! No one in China wants to disturb Ding Yu! We all know that Ding Yu's situation is more complex. Maybe other times may make trouble for Ding Yu, but now, we all know that Ding Yu is a barefaced wolf!

If anyone comes forward, it's definitely not as simple as a bite! It's gonna kill you!

Hou Tianliang was a little silent when he knew the news, while Qiu Tianyang was full of fog and didn't understand. What is the situation now? There are a lot of people outside, but can you enter the farm? Very few?

How do you feel like you've come to a dead end!

"Elder martial brother?" Qiu Tianyang shouted tentatively! Because I noticed Hou Tianliang's action and expression, it seemed a little different! Has he found any clues and clues?

Hou Tianliang stared at Qiu Tianyang, so that Qiu Tianyang's scalp was numb! I don't quite understand what this means? Did you do something wrong? I don't think so?

"Tianyang, what do you think of this?"

"Confused, even confused and dull! I don't know where to start the investigation!"

In this regard, Hou Tianliang shook his head! "What you said is wrong on the whole! You don't even understand what the director means!" Qiu Tianyang needs his own guidance! Can't ignore it!

"Well, what's the cause of this?" everything has a reason! It can't be without reason!

"The reason is that director Ding mentioned that someone had ideas about Bruno and Sanchez! And...!"

"Don't then!" Hou Tianliang stopped him in time! "What I ask is the cause. Just say the cause! As for the next thing, it will make you too divergent in your thinking, and even make you absent-minded and missing!"

Qiu Tianyang's face suddenly became serious! Nod to Hou Tianliang! Say you understand!

"The cause of the matter has changed! Then let me ask you another question. Does this matter have anything to do with the director?"

What does it matter? Qiu Tianyang calmed down, pursed his mouth and began to think! It took a long time to say it slowly! "This is the director's hometown and the director's territory! Bruno and Sanchez have a very good relationship with the director! There is no doubt about this! If something happens to them, the director's face will be very embarrassed!"

Hou Tianliang doesn't know what to say at this time! This thinking is a little too divergent! The more you know! The more you let yourself fall into trouble! This is like a clean, clean room! If there is no accumulation in it, it is easy to find a needle when it falls!

But if there are more and more sundries in it! Then I dropped a hammer and wanted to find it! It's not as easy as you think. Even if you rummage through the boxes quite often, it won't have too many effects!

Now Qiu Tianyang is such a situation! He filled his head with too many things that shouldn't be filled in! It has also affected his personal judgment!

So after sighing, Hou Tianliang continued to guide and said! "You've added too much subjective judgment! How is the relationship between the director and Bruno and Sanchez? These have completely misled you! And they are here. Don't lose face? Should you intervene in such things? Remove all these unnecessary details for me! Then carefully dredge! What does this matter have to do with the director Does it matter? "

"Things should have a certain relationship with the director! But if the so-called branches are removed! The relationship between things and the director should not be as big as expected! Unless Bruno and Sanchez have a request! They expressed their dissatisfaction in some aspects to the director! If from this point of view..."

"Don't spread your mind. It's not that time yet. You should know that rice needs to be eaten mouth by mouth!" Hou Tianliang said severely! "Pay attention to what I ask you. What I ask is whether it has anything to do with the director?"

"If you say so, it doesn't matter much!" Qiu Tianyang said happily!

"Why should the director mention this to us without much relationship? Give me your ideas!"

"Let's get our attention!" Qiu Tianyang immediately reacted and denied, "troops! Not like this! Not to get our attention, but to tell us! Someone has other purposes for Bruno and Sanchez! Yes! That's it!"

Yes! When it's time to divergent thinking, he won't divergent his own thinking. When he needs to divergent his own thinking, he suddenly stops! Let Hou Tianliang really don't know what to say!

So I can only lift my hand in the air and drag it up twice. I still need to add some firewood to him! Otherwise, it's easy for him to lose his breath and vent to the end! That would be bad!

Looking at Hou Tianliang's action, Qiu Tianyang held his fist and continued to say! "Telling us the purpose should have two purposes. If the thing is done by us or related to us, we need to stay away! If the thing has nothing to do with us! We should be vigilant!"

"One more question! What forces do you think do things?"

Uh?! Qiu Tianyang's little face immediately turned into a ball! How can I guess! There's no idea at all, okay? Look at Qiu Tianyang confused! Hou Tianliang spoke! "Let me give you a hint! Bruno and Sanchez are not ordinary people!"

The hint given by Hou Tianliang is already very obvious! But for Qiu Tianyang, there is still a lack of thinking in this regard! I have no experience in this field! Even smart! Even if you can pass the tests layer by layer, what can you do?

This is like a soldier just on the battlefield! Let him participate in the battle, but want him to read through the situation of the whole battlefield! It's beyond his ability! But you know, it's the same when he comes here and keeps up with the battlefield! I don't mean to let him be a soldier. If he is a soldier, there are many better people than him!

"Don't you understand?" Qiu Tianyang shook his head in shame! Hou Tianliang explained! "You should know the background relationship between Bruno and Sanchez! At this time, how many people are equal to them!"

"Director?" this suggestion made Qiu Tianyang stunned. "It's not right! It doesn't make sense!"

Hou Tianliang knocked on his head! "What about the director? Only those who can move on the farm! And those who are equal in power with them, can't you think of anything else?"

"Others?" obviously, Qiu Tianyang has come to the misunderstanding! To be exact, it's really good to hide under the black light! The force that came to Thornton! Too inconspicuous! And their cover is really great! Hou Tianliang can understand! But it doesn't mean Qiu Tianyang can understand the same!

"Except for the director, it may be us! But obviously, it is impossible! If it is not us or domestic forces, do others dare to move here on the farm?"

Looking at Qiu Tianyang, who couldn't understand it, Hou Tianliang sighed and said! "In addition to the director, there is another force that has been here for a long time! They don't show mountains and water leakage! They are even unnoticed, but this force is hidden under the eyes of almost everyone!"

Qiu Tianyang is still in a confused state!


"Patient?" Qiu Tianyang blinked his eyes, looked suspiciously at Hou Tianliang, and then suddenly realized, "yes! Patient!" the whole person was so excited that he even had to pick it up, and then angrily bit his back slot teeth! "Madder, why did you forget them! They came earlier! And new people came!"

After calming down his excitement, Qiu Tianyang said calmly, "I really ignored their existence! If so, all the clues seem to be connected!"

"OK! Then let me ask you! Such a simple question! Why did the director mention it! Tell us! It really doesn't seem to have much to do with us, even with the director! Explain!"

Qiu Tianyang stopped talking directly! Even after thinking for a long time, I don't know how to explain!

"Elder martial brother, is the director doing this on purpose? But what's the purpose? Let's get involved? Something inappropriate? It's true that the director hasn't restrained us, but at this time, even the above is very taboo to get involved in this matter!"

Hou Tianliang really wants to give him two feet! I'm so angry! Given so many hints, he told himself that? Did you cast pearls before swine?

After a while, Hou Tianliang's breath calmed down! Why? The reason is also very simple! In those years, the director seemed to have instructed himself. Think about what kind of mood the director was in at that time? I'm afraid I have the idea of killing myself! I haven't seen such a fool!

It's really a reward for a reward! The experience of the director in those years is now suddenly reflected on himself, and he is very helpless! So don't complain! Too many negative emotions! Not too good! Haven't you seen Qiu Tianyang now? Has the whole thinking begun to appear disorderly?

"The director's meaning is to warn us! Considerable forces have been involved! We are not prepared for the province!"

Listen to Hou Tianliang's sincere answer! Qiu Tianyang's expression is a little silly! I don't even know how to deal with it! It took me half a day to scratch my head! "What does that mean?"

"The meaning is very simple! Their internal is not as harmonious as imagined! They are not one heart at all! Maybe they will stand together in terms of external performance, but internally, in popular words, they are very fierce!"

"I'll go!" Qiu Tianyang suddenly realized! But there are some appalled people talking about it! "This is too much nonsense! Other forces haven't started yet! They don't even mean this! They fought first. Why?"

"Why?" Hou Tianliang hummed and smiled. "The reason should be very complicated! The director must know it!" he took a deep look at Qiu Tianyang, and Hou Tianliang said with emotion! "That's why the director mentioned it to us and asked us to investigate it!"

"In other words, the director is sending us some news!" Qiu Tianyang felt that his scalp was numb! "Isn't this complicated and simple? There are so many twists and turns inside! How can we ensure that we can understand the meaning? If there is a little problem?"

Hou Tianliang looked at Qiu Tianyang with the eyes of a fool! Qiu Tianyang's voice is getting lower and lower, and finally it can't be heard!

Now Qiu Tianyang has begun to seriously doubt himself! At least I have experienced strict training, but how can I feel like a fool when I come here? Is that how they play at ordinary times?

Is it too high-end? For a novice like yourself, there is a difficult start mode! It's the beginning of hell! I don't even have a steady breath! It's just lightning and thunder! Before he yawned, he almost died!

Fortunately, my elder martial brother was in the front position, and even took the initiative to pull himself! Otherwise, there may really be no bones now! But even so! Qiu Tianyang still feels fear! This is not under your control! You know, you may lose your life if you don't know when!

"Elder martial brother, did you come here like that?"

"Better! At least the director is more tolerant!" Hou Tianliang said truthfully! "But from my personal point of view, you'd better hurry up! Don't be lazy! I can remind you today! Or give you some advice! But what will happen tomorrow? Everything depends on yourself! Not to mention that everyone is making progress, and no one else will sit down and wait for you! Don't think about such things!"

Qiu Tian's face is bitter! "Elder martial brother, I feel a little too scary! It's even too exaggerated! Is this joke too big! The lake seems calm, but it's actually calm. The waves are rough! It's not as simple as falling to the bottom of the lake if you're careless! Even walking, you'll be dragged in! Even if you concentrate! Listen to six directions! You can't guard against watching all directions at night ! tanima is terrible! "

"What do you think?" Hou Tianliang said unhappily! "What do you think it is to study here? Go to class! Open your eyes and you'll be done! What beautiful dreams do you have! What beautiful things do you think!"

In this discourse, the flavor of criticism is very strong!

"I didn't think so, but personally, there should be no big difference! At most, it's training, or adding some other things! I never thought it would be so!"

"The reason why I stay with the director is that this is a Shura hall! Murderous spirit overflows! But there is no leakage! Murderous intention is vertical and horizontal! But it is ignored! Everything is silent and colorless! In this training hall, a little carelessness is broken to pieces! Of course, it's easier to keep my life! But it doesn't make any sense! In the end, it's likely to be a gangster Stiff walking! "

Qiu Tianyang sighed heavily! "Now I completely understand! Why do you adopt such a high standard in selection? It's just fighting with your own life!"

"That's right and wrong! At least it sounds a little negative!" Hou Tianliang said sternly! "I came here to make myself better! As for why the selection is so strict! If there is a slight difference, don't crush it! This is also why the director has few other people around him for so long!"

"I see!" Qiu Tianyang patted himself on the chest. It seems that he has great strength!

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