"Elder martial brother, how could such a thing happen inside them! Bruno and Sanchez are already giants! It makes people feel a little chilly! Someone will be interested in them!"

Qiu Tianyang looked blankly! Obviously, there is not much preparation for such a thing!

Facing the question, Hou Tianliang looked up at the sky outside! "People's hearts are always greedy, and this kind of greed is endless! Quite often, there is no way to control their mind!"

"A little understanding, but there are some difficult to understand!"

"Don't do anything beyond your ability!" Hou Tianliang gave Qiu Tianyang the most severe warning! "This thing must be kept in mind and can't be forgotten at all times! In other words, you can see and listen at a considerable time, but don't take your mouth! Even if you go to see and listen, don't show too much curiosity!"

"Because it's dangerous?"

"It's not as simple as danger!" Hou Tianliang said in earnest, "Because you are still a small fish, or even a small miscellaneous fish, you will be affected unconsciously! You don't even know this influence! To be more exaggerated, even if you die, you don't know how and why you die!"

"Elder martial brother, I'm afraid I need to calm down for a while!"

"I can give you time to calm down!" but Hou Tianliang pointed to the surrounding position, "but will your opponents give you time to calm down! I don't know! Maybe they will have pity! It's not certain!"

Qiu Tianyang looked at Hou Tianliang in despair. At the same time, he was deeply worried about his situation!

No wonder the director had such views and ideas in the past! He didn't recognize the current situation at all! He thought that coming here was heaven, and at most he was just suffering!

But now I really understand! This is hell! It doesn't mean that I end up with some pain! What I have encountered before, to some extent, is only bitter honey! If I don't wake up earlier! Tomorrow, it may be a poison wrapped in honey!

"Elder martial brother, how much time do I have!"

"I don't know! I went to the director and left you. I need to be responsible for you! This responsibility means two layers. One layer? Let you go to the right road, and the other layer means! When you really can't hold on, you need to protect your life so that you won't die!"

"I understand!" this time I really understand! Although Qiu Tianyang's impetuosity on his face has not dissipated! Considerable changes have begun to appear in his heart!

People? It takes a little lesson to grow up! As for whether it will be sunny! Who knows?

However, looking at Qiu Tianyang's appearance now, I'm afraid it will take him quite some time to get through this relaxation period! For himself, it's really a difficult thing to do! If you can't exert too much force, who knows if it will make him fall down? It's hard to say, but you can't be gentle! That won't work!

But now I finally see some hope! It's better than nothing!

As for the intelligence management department, it should have made a considerable analysis, but even if it has been analyzed and even verified, what is the final result of this matter? It is really something to be discussed!

Why do you say that? After all, this matter belongs to Bruno and Sanchez! The most taboo thing about internal affairs is that outsiders get involved! But even if you don't get involved, it's OK to pay attention!

After chatting with Qiu Tianyang, Hou Tianliang was not ready to see Ding Yu. Quite a lot of news came from the intelligence department. When he saw the news, Hou Tianliang also gasped!

"Elder martial brother, something's wrong?"

Hou Tianliang looked up at Qiu Tianyang, pondered for some time, and then handed the information to Qiu Tianyang. Qiu Tianyang looked at the information inside and looked at Hou Tianliang somewhat puzzled! "These seem to have nothing to do with us?"


"Relevance? Does this matter have anything to do with the director? In my impression, the director never seems to pay any attention to the affairs of the Wang family! Even the affairs of the three families, the director never has any interference!"

"I saw the surface, but I didn't see the essence!" but Hou Tianliang said this and didn't mean to go on! "The problems in this are only meaningful and unspeakable! If you can understand yourself, it's better! If you can't understand it! No one will make any mention!"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Tianyang's face was a little sad! Let yourself understand! Isn't this deliberately joking with yourself? If things are very simple, then the above will directly pass the news and data? It's impossible! There must be a considerable problem behind your back!

Use your brain! But look at what you mean now! I'm afraid it's hard to figure it out for a moment!

Hou Tianliang went to see Ding Yu, so he didn't tell Qiu Tianyang about it! On the one hand, it is because things are true and can't be said directly! The inside story between the director and the Wang family! It's not something outsiders can talk about! Indeed, many people know what the problems and situations are like!

But how many people mentioned this? Everyone pretends not to know! If you really say it, you won't say it if you offend the director! Also offended the three headed by the Wang family! It's not worth the loss!

Some people may be stupid, but this will never be themselves!

After seeing Ding Yu, Hou Tianliang reported the situation, that is, just a report! Do not do any analysis! It's like a routine briefing! There are no problems and conditions on the surface! The way of smart people!

Ding Yu blinked his eyes at Hou Tianliang! I mentioned it to the intelligence department, and the intelligence department also mentioned it to me in turn! We don't owe each other! I little interesting!

"Don't pay too much attention to their affairs! Just know!"

"Yes! Director! I understand, but there are some that I didn't expect!"

"The inside story is more complicated than expected! How about you? I'm more relieved! Qiu Tianyang looks a little too young! No one knows if it will be related to him. It's easy to be grasped by others without too much experience and experience! It's easy to fall into it and implicate the intelligence department at that time! Or It's forcing him to give up! No matter which choice, it's not so comfortable! "

"Understand!" Hou Tianliang said happily, looking at Ding Yu with grateful eyes, "director, let you bother!"

"Don't bother! I said how did you choose?" Ding Yu was a little confused about this!

For Ding Yu's dissatisfaction, Hou Tianliang smiled bitterly, "director! You don't know! You need to consider all aspects! And these young people take it for granted! They all think they are Jackie Chan when they leap over the dragon's gate! There is no other preparation at all, so the whole person is a little floating!"

"It's nice to think of it!" Ding Yu snorted. From this words, I can hear that Hou Tianliang should have been educated! Now that Hou Tianliang has done it! Then don't talk too much!

Three good words are as light as water!

But speaking of his father's action speed, it's very fast! It's only been a few days. Now there's a lot of news! Quick enough! I didn't think of it!

After thinking, in front of Hou Tianliang, Ding Yu called the housekeeper and asked him to visit his grandmother in the hospital. He didn't have much time here! So let him say hello!

Since the Wang family has made a considerable response, they need to make a considerable response! This is a mutual process. There is not so much love and hatred. It doesn't matter with these. At this point, Ding Yu has always been a relatively calm person! To put it better, stand on the overall situation first!

As for the bad ones? There is no need to make too many references!

"Director! The situation in the White House is particularly fierce these days! I heard it's very noisy!"

"Heard!" but Ding Yu, who put down the phone, didn't even mean to lift his eyelids! "I can't interfere in this matter, but I heard that many people are quite interested in it!" Ding Yu snorted slightly when he said this! "What's the matter? Are these guys so afraid of death?"

"I don't know if I'm afraid of death!" Hou Tianliang also responded with a smile! "However, seeing the situation at the White House, many people are anxious! Some people want to fish in troubled waters, some people want to be innovative! Even some people want to be opportunistic. Anyway, according to the news, it's really an eye opener! Even people can't help sighing!"

"A whale falls and everything is born! Everyone wants to go up and take a bite! Such a cheap thing! Everyone is excited!"

"So! There should have been quite a trap set nearby! Come to the door in front of the prey!"

"They just renovated the house! They didn't say they were going to throw away all their pots and pans! Even if some people didn't help! They even wanted to take out the old bottom of the White House! If it were you, could you bear such a thing?" Ding Yufan asked! "What's more, since people dare to do so, they must have considerable precautions! What's worse, decorating the house is also a huge expenditure!"

Hou Tianliang obviously heard that the words contained other meanings! So the head also turned!

"Director! Won't anyone be so bold? Touch the tiger's ass? And still while the tiger is crazy?"

Ding Yu wanted to laugh. "If it were you, you might not do it or even think about it. But for the people in the White House, decoration at this time must be such a huge expense! They pay for it themselves? It must be heartache and meat pain, but if someone else pays for it, it's another thing!"

"It's too insidious!" Hou Tianliang felt that his whole person was so broken! I don't doubt the director's statement, but in this way? People really don't know how to describe it!

"Shadow damage? Maybe! Anyway, you can count one pit! And look at it! Someone will be fooled! And to a certain extent, it's just a game! Maybe it won't take two days for someone to publicize it everywhere. After all, white house decoration will certainly flow out quite something! Do you want to make a bet?"

"If you didn't say that, I'd like to have a try! But after you said that, I feel that some hairs have stood up!"

"If you can bear such a price, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid you can't bear such a price!" Ding Yu ridiculed Hou Tianliang! "Not to mention those guys in the White House! They are monsters who have been practicing for many years! They didn't grow up vegetarian!"

"I know more about whether I grew up a vegetarian! But now I think my scalp is numb! Director! Do you know yourself and your enemy?" Hou Tianliang stared at Ding Yu deeply! Obviously, he also thought of other problems at this time!

For this! Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! Even laugh so wantonly!

"Don't be too young! You can't get involved in such things, but you must be quite on guard! Otherwise, these animals may give you all your ashes! After all, they don't do much of such things! It's as simple for them as eating and drinking water!"

"It feels a little incredible, but when you think about it carefully, it seems very reasonable!"

"If you don't shoot, you're afraid there's no good person!" Ding Yu sighed abruptly! This is about the guys Goodall sent over! When they came to Thornton! Not much good done! But there are a lot of things behind it. This is still under your own warning!

If you said you had not warned them before, what would happen at this time? I can't imagine! In this regard, Ding Yu also has considerable doubts! Goodall doesn't look like a man without a brain! Why did you get a bunch of fools here! One more thing! No matter how stupid these guys are, they shouldn't have no brains at all!

Anyway, I have observed for so long! Find that their heads are really missing a string! But the relationship with yourself is not so big! So it's good to show considerable concern! But judging from the current situation, how long can they tolerate it? It's really hard to say!

How Goode will deal with this matter at that time makes Ding Yu look forward to it! It may be a very fun thing! Anyway, up to now, in addition to reminding Thornton, Ding Yu is only Bruno!

As for their opinions and ideas, from the current point of view, they can not play too much role, nor can they play too much role!

I hope Goodall doesn't get too angry when he eats this dumb! Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with yourself! Indeed, they are all on their own territory! But so what? But I never meant to interfere with them! There is no provocation!

I'm just responsible for conditioning Thornton's body! If you buckle your hat on your head because of this! That's deliberately looking for trouble! At that time, I also had quite an excuse! I just don't know if Goodall will give himself such a chance! Anyway, these guys around Thornton! In Ding Yu's opinion, some names are not real!

They don't know what the core of their coming here is now?

Is it for power and profit? Is it to compete with Bruno and Sanchez? To monitor yourself?

They should come here to urge Thornton! Increase his knowledge and knowledge! To make up for the time he has wasted for two years! This is the first problem they should face! After completing this work, if there are other small thoughts and ideas, just infiltrate them slowly!

But what about them? have the order reversed! Even excluded Bruno and Sanchez! If you think from the enemy's point of view, Ding Yu can only applaud now. What they have done is really great!

Even if it costs a lot of money, it has not been able to achieve such an effect! So we need to clap and shout for them! Even come on! Because the more they do! The happier it is!

"Director, why don't I say something unhappy?"

When he found the director's eyes sweeping towards himself, Hou Tianliang stood up on his shoulder quite speechless! "The situation is a little special. Someone has found me! Anyway, it's bright and dark. Give it to me again!"

"Really? I didn't see it! You're so popular!" obviously, Ding Yu meant something!

"Hey! This is popular there! It just pushes me into the pit!" Hou Tianliang honestly explained the problem! "I really doubt whether they will do so if I did something bad in my last life! I boast that I am still a good man, but look at what they mean! I still don't want to be a good man! Because I am a bad man!"

"That's a little too much!"

"Who said not?" Hou Tianliang couldn't help complaining to Ding Yu! "I'm busy with my own affairs. How are you now? I don't think I have enough trouble! I have to give me some eye medicine! Who can I talk to?"

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