Someone found Hou Tianliang and pleaded! The relationship is wild enough! But in Ding Yu's opinion, this is a failure! Even panic and hunger! You can't take such a way! This is not as simple as drinking poison to quench thirst!

Who is Hou Tianliang? He's his own secretary, but he's from the intelligence department! Don't forget this!

From this point of view, some people are really impatient! The cleaning effect of the farm is still very obvious. I'm happy about it! When you don't clean up, you can't feel that there are too many problems. After you really start, you find that the problem is more serious than expected!

This is true on my side, and it must be true on the Wang side! However, such an early start even spread quite a lot of news. This is not just for himself. In Ding Yu's opinion, the situation is more serious than he imagined! But who knows?

After getting Ding Yu's signal, the housekeeper went to the hospital to see the old lady. Su Yuan was just there when he came. He obviously didn't expect the housekeeper's visit! However, he has a quick insight into his intention! The identity of the housekeeper is unusual. There are not many activities in ordinary times, but he lives in the quadrangle!

Even if it comes out, it's quite a few! The so-called "out" here refers to the housekeeper's participation in considerable activities! For example, go to the auction! For example, buying and so on! As for his home and so on, this does not have other representative significance!

What's more, the big housekeeper represents the courtyard, which is Ding Yu's! That is to say, when the housekeeper is quite, he represents Ding Yu to stand up, which needs to be paid attention to!

So this time the housekeeper came, it was obvious that Ding Yu had received quite a lot of news, so the housekeeper came to feed back the news! Of course, it can also be said that Ding Yu is quite satisfied with the handling of the three families!

The old lady and Su Yuan are very happy! What are you afraid of now? I'm afraid Ding Yu doesn't have any action and reaction! Now the quadrangle is responding! It can also unilaterally reduce the pressure on Wang Changlin and the pressure on the three families!

Don't think things are so simple! How is that possible?

You should know that Wang Changlin handles the affairs of the three families! People who move are not a minority! Even quite a few people are deeply rooted! At the beginning, Wang Changlin even had some taboos without Wang Pu's consent! This shows how powerful these people are! It's as easy as it says!

After all, this is different from the cleaning of the farm! On the farm, Ding Yu has absolute control, from top to bottom! as the arm directing the fingers -- command with ease as one wishes! The Wang family has been in Wang Pu's hands for too long! The relationship between the three families is complex!

Fortunately, the contradiction between Ding Yu and the three families hasn't broken out yet, so Wang Changlin still depends on his son! If the contradiction between Ding Yu and the three families broke out, it would be even more difficult for Wang Changlin to clean up the problems of the three families at that time! Even make a fuss!

The housekeeper first greeted the old lady, and then briefly introduced what he had brought! Then he greeted Wang Pu and Wang Laozi twice, which was a little simple! He looked at Su Yuan and then stood next to him!

Wang Pu's mouth twitches! Because from this reception, we can clearly see Ding Yu's attitude!

I kept a considerable distance from myself and had a good relationship with the old lady! There is a tacit understanding with Wang Changlin and Su Yuan. It is true that Wang Changlin is not here at this time! But one action and one look are enough to explain all the problems!

Satisfied or dissatisfied, the reality is the same!

"I heard that all the children at home are coming back! The holiday is coming to an end!"

Su Yuan asked casually! But no matter Wang Pu or the old lady, they all look at the housekeeper! The housekeeper has come here, and the goal has been achieved! Even if it is not reached, the relationship with Wang Pu and the old lady is not so big!

Wang Changlin's clean-up of the three families reflects a lot of problems! After seeing it, Wang Pu was a little shocked. He didn't expect that the problems of the three families were so serious! If we wait a little longer, it's really hard to say whether the whole three families will be a rotten situation at that time!

Still that sentence, when it is not placed on the scale, I'm afraid it can't reach four or two weights, but if it is really placed on the scale, it can't be pressed! The real situation is in front of Wang Pu. For Wang Pu, there are really some slaps in the face!

Although a considerable situation has also occurred on the farm, on the whole, the problem of the farm is not so serious that it is difficult to return, but the situation of the three families is full of difficulties! There is no progress between each other!

It's too much to say that all these are Wang Pu's problems and responsibilities, but more than half of the responsibilities still need to be recorded in Wang Pu's head. There is no doubt about this. Even Wang Pu can't deny it!

Since you no longer care about the three families, it's better to be thorough! Although it's still a little late, it's better than not having any chance! So Wang Pu has also changed his interest now!

It's not that I put the goal on the children at home! If Ding Yun happens again! At that time, I'm afraid my grandson won't be the same as he is now! And this time he can lift up high and put down easily, which has nothing to do with himself! Wang Pu knows this very well!

"Just these two days! But I haven't heard about the specific arrangements yet!"

The housekeeper didn't make a considerable disclosure! On the one hand, because the children at home have their own things to do, on the other hand? Mr. has no attitude towards this! In that case, it's not good to do anything! If you do something wrong, it will affect the harmony at home!

I can convey my husband's meaning and attitude, but don't speculate! The nature is completely different!

Wang Pu, the old lady and Su Yuan are not so satisfied with the housekeeper's shirking. Indeed, they all understand that the housekeeper must have his own difficulties, but discontent is discontent!

"Just say directly, will the children at home come back to the capital? We haven't seen them for quite a long time! People who don't know think we have a problem!"

Su Yuancai didn't pay so much attention! Even this speech is a little spicy!

The housekeeper frowned slightly! This is for me to make a statement, but the question is can I make a statement? It's impossible! "The children at home should be taking a rest these two days. Sir didn't say anything!"

It's very simple to confide. Mr. takes a free range model for the children at home! How will the children at home do it! This is not something you can decide! Even if you force yourself, it doesn't have any effect! Of course, I won't resent anything because of it. It's something I can't commit at all!

"I'll call them!"

Without giving the housekeeper any time at all, Su Yuan took out his mobile phone! Then I dialed my eldest granddaughter! The housekeeper is quite helpless about this, but that's it! There's really no intention to stop!

How will the Wang family treat their children! This point is very important. It is not important. In fact, it is not as important as imagined! However, from Su Yuan's reaction, the housekeeper can feel that the pressure on the Wang family is a little big now!

I'm in the siheyuan, in the capital! So I heard some news!

The Wang family's handling of the three this time is still quite serious! It even leads to fluctuations within a certain range!

First, Ding Yu's farm began a high-profile clean-up, and then the three represented by the Wang family, one after another, what do you want to do? We really don't understand some of them for a while! It's not a necessary moment! Is the Wang family deliberately cooperating with Ding Yu? Or is there anything else in it?

So at this time, many people and forces have expressed considerable wait-and-see! The Wang family did not violate everyone's interests! So make as much noise as you like! What's more, the three families headed by the Wang family stand behind Ding Yu, the great God!

For Ding Yu! We really don't know how to evaluate! Sinister and ruthless means! But quite often, they are calm and even very low-key! Ability is true, but it has always been free! Basically, I don't want to get involved!

However, there is a bit of vengeance in his character. If he offends him at a considerable time, he may suffer some embarrassment, but there won't be too many problems! But some bottom lines can never be crossed! If you really cross the bottom line in his heart, NIMA! Even if the gods come! There will be no good way!

There are definitely people who can make Ding Yu eat flat! But there are only a few!

So for quite a while, everyone was reluctant to provoke Ding Yu! If you provoke Ding Yu, there will be too much trouble! And make friends with Ding Yu! It has brought too many benefits to everyone!

Just like the previous echelon! Will Ding Yu care what these guys in the echelon are like? It is impossible and unrealistic to hide from Ding Yu's eyes!

It can only be said that Ding Yu has no interest in this! He really spared no effort in teaching echelon personnel! Human, material and financial resources! It can be said to be all-round support! As for the training, after it was almost finished, it was directly kicked to one side, and even the meeting didn't mean to pay attention! It's like I never knew you! That's called a ruthless!

For so many years, we can say that we have deep feelings about this! Do Ding Yu have any contact with these personnel of the echelon? Really! But what about this connection? Too indifferent! People can't bear to see it!

At least I'm the teacher of these echelon members. There shouldn't be too many problems when I say hello! But for Ding Yu, it seems that he has never had any interest in these welcome and send! And he has always been like this. You say who to reason with!

Su Yuan's phone was connected at the first time! Then there was a happy voice in the video! Not only did Ding Yun's head appear on the video, but all the children at home were there! Even the big bear was pulled over by Ding Yun!

Looking at her granddaughter, Su Yuan immediately smiled on her face! Seeing the children at home, my heavy heart suddenly got better! The dark clouds pressing on my heart seem to dissipate in an instant!

"Oh! What's the matter? It's sweat!"

Ding Yun smiled and held the big bear's head. "Grandma, where are you? Is the hospital? How are grandpa and grandma Zeng? We can go back tomorrow! We'll visit you then!"

Um! Su Yuan really didn't expect that the surprise came so unexpectedly! I haven't even had time to mention it! My granddaughter gave me a direct answer. This answer is not as simple as a surprise!

"Come back tomorrow? Does your father know?"

"Hee hee! Tell him later! Grandma Zeng is ill! We are all worried! We just brought back a lot of things! Plus Tong Tong also needs to visit the capital! We just go home to have a look! We haven't gone back for a long time! I miss home!"

Su Yuan smiled and scolded! This ghost girl has a really sweet mouth, just like her aunt when she was a child! No matter who it is, I like it very much! And people can't find any problems! Even if there is a problem, everyone takes the initiative to protect!

"Does your father agree?" Su Yuan asked again!

"He never paid any attention!" Ding Yun was very careless, but his attitude was really good! Such a thing doesn't need Wang An to come forward. It's better for Ding Yun to come forward directly! And dealing with the problems is also more comfortable! "Anyway, this time belongs to us! Dad won't care!"

"Pay more attention to safety!" Su Yuan gave a small warning, then looked at his father-in-law, but looked at Wang Pu! Su Yuan looked at the old lady again. The old lady's meaning was very obvious! Su Yuan handed his mobile phone to his father-in-law!

Although his face was full of reluctance, when he answered the phone, the wrinkles on his face had laughed! Su Yuan took a look at his mother-in-law! The father-in-law of his own family really has different opinions!

Looking at the happy appearance of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Su Yuan also felt that he had put a lot of mind down. In his spare time, he took a look at the big housekeeper. Anyway, he didn't have any reaction, but he stood next to him calmly. He didn't have any opinions on Ding Yun's reactions and actions!

Su Yuan's heart has a considerable sigh! His eldest son's eyes are really very fierce. Compared with the two housekeepers in front, the current housekeeper is really watertight! Whether it's receiving people or things! Or welcome, the end is impeccable! Even solved many worries of the eldest son!

In fact, if such people are really found, although it is not a difficult thing, they want to be suitable! But it's not easy! It really makes people have some doubts! Where did this son come from!

Of course, I have heard some rumors, but they are just rumors! I really have no way to prove this! It's even more impossible to find your eldest son to verify. After all, finding your eldest son is an act of tearing your face!

Everyone has his own secret! It's a dizzy act to break the little secret of the eldest son!

After Wang Pu and the old lady hung up the video, they handed the mobile phone to Su Yuan again, and the housekeeper also said goodbye in time! On the way back, the housekeeper told Ding Yu quite the situation!

The sooner you let your husband know such a thing, the better! There can be no passage!

Ding Yu really has no objection to the decision made by the children at home! They need to restrain them in some aspects, but they will never do any obstruction in such things. They can do themselves well!

There's no need for them to get involved now! It is true that I had a considerable account with Ding Yun before, but I only expounded some facts! It doesn't mean that Ding Yun must make a choice. Which side should he stand on!

As for other children at home, Ding Yu will not have this requirement!

But if they go back, they will suffer. I'm afraid it's not as simple as being in a hurry at that time! Look at their own! Anyway, this is their own decision. Since it is their own decision, they need to pay for their own behavior! There's nothing to say!

But while Ding Yu was still thinking about it, Wang an hung up the video!

"I heard! You'll go back tomorrow!"

"Master! Is it too abrupt!" Wang an still cares about the overall situation! I think he should have given considerable consideration to this matter! That's why I said that!

Ding Yu is smiling! "You! Hey! It's the girl Ding Yun's trouble again! But since the decision has been made, it can't be changed! What's more, it's not necessary to change! But after going back, she needs to bear quite a lot of things!"

Ah? Wang An's face is a little twitchy. Can he not understand what the master means by saying this? So I can't help feeling a toothache! Is the punishment too severe for Ding Yun?, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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