After taking a look at Ding Yun next to him, Wang an couldn't help shaking his head! Younger martial sister, is it a little too "jumping off"! At this time, are you really afraid of Shifu?

Ding Yun looked at Wang An's actions and expressions! He immediately reacted, jumped over directly and shouted at Ding Yu on the screen! "Dad, don't go too far!"

Obviously, her feelings are also quite sharp!

"No!" said Ding Yu with a laugh! Even the expression on his face is full of joy! "I'm glad you can go back. I'm really worried that if you don't go back, there will be a lot of trouble! Now you can take the initiative to mention it! I'm very glad!"

"Hum!" Ding Yun snorted dully! "Dad! I'm your daughter and your own daughter. You can't do this! It's too much! How can you do this? And this is a decision we made together!"

Ding Yu's eyebrows beat slightly for his daughter's cry!

"At least you are the one who expresses your views! There is no doubt about this! Not to mention your eldest martial brother, they have other things to do! So you try your best! And you have an advantage in this matter!"

Looking at his father's appearance, Ding Yun was very angry and even kicked Ding Chang next to him! I feel that my tooth roots are a little itchy now. In addition to Ding Chang, I really can't find other vent objects! This is very depressing!

Looking at Ding Yun who went to one side, Wang an looked at his master with a bitter smile!


"There's no big problem. Anyway, you're all about to start school! If you think the time is too abrupt, there's no need to turn back after you go back to the capital! Just send Xiaoyu and Mengxi back! If you don't think there's anything, you can come back for a walk! Don't make any mandatory requirements on this point!"

After hanging up, Ding Yu feels a little funny. Her daughter! Obviously, I've heard quite a lot of news. I'm not old, and I really worry about a lot! Although Ding Yu is a little reluctant, she has such a mind and doesn't see anything bad! And for the whole, it is still more beneficial!

Ding Yu also realized the problems caused by his grandfather at home! Walking on two legs? It's more stable, but it also needs a head! That is, the so-called tripartite confrontation. In this way, it is stable! There will be no mutual interference! But this head really can't act by itself!

Don't deny that you have this power! But having this power does not mean that you can take this position. If you take this position, the trouble will not be too small! But bring in another force! It seems to be quite inappropriate!

There are not many problems on my side, but my grandfather and my father will never accept it! In this case, it can only be internal to dig!

Relatively speaking, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are better candidates! But now let them stand on the front desk! For them, too much destruction! They can't bear the pressure at all! Don't say how it will be targeted outside, even inside, it will never make them feel too good!

However, judging from the current situation, it takes considerable time for this force to form! So I need to wait! And in this process, I really need to water more! I just don't know if my daughter can understand! I really need to communicate with her when I have time!

Such a thing is too much to hide her! No! And she should know some of her own positioning now! After all, Ding Yun knew what her grandfather had done before, that is, what her great grandfather had done!

On this point, we should not act too hastily! But also can not be indifferent! As if nothing had happened! After all, my daughter! I really don't want anything to happen to her!

When Wang Changlin knew the news, he also took a long breath! But then there were some worried questions! "Does the boss know the news?" obviously, he also has some concerns!

"There should be no problem! The housekeeper was there at that time!" Su Yuan couldn't help laughing when he said this, "The housekeeper! He's really not greasy! He doesn't have any opinions and ideas. It's obvious that he is in a state of indulgence for the children in the family, but it reveals a problem that our boss is a free range for the children! He doesn't have any rigid involvement!"

"It's quite unexpected, but on the contrary, it doesn't seem so surprising!"

Obviously, Wang Changlin's words mean something! Not only the housekeeper, but also his own son!

"That's your son! And the big housekeeper, but your son picked it out himself! Just his eyesight! People are not ordinary poisonous!" Su Yuan mentioned the big housekeeper again! "Anyway, the family can't catch up with each other! Of course, it's related to the nature of each other. Everyone belongs to different families!"

"It's not surprising that the housekeeper has such a response! Because he represents the boss! What kind of response the boss has, he will make a considerable response! It's the boss's response! It's both expected and unexpected! People don't know how to deal with it!"

"What's the matter? You're not happy to see your grandchildren?" Su Yuan looked at his husband sharply when he said this! Obviously, if Wang Changlin is wrong, he will never give any good face!

Wang Changlin can't laugh or cry about it! That's not a thing at all, okay! Or we are not on the same channel at all! This makes me so speechless!

"I'm glad to see them! I haven't seen them for a long time!" sighed slightly, "but it's really a little angry to mention this! What do you think of the boss?"

"Who knows what he thinks?" Su Yuan is also a little impatient! It's good not to mention it. When you mention it, you don't feel the anger in your heart!

"Forget it! Anyway, they'll be back tomorrow! By the way! Did you ask when they'll be back?"

"Don't be wordy. Come back tomorrow afternoon! I'll give you a message! I'll ask Wang Yang to pick it up tomorrow! Although the siheyuan will send a car, Wang Yang has nothing else to do and doesn't have to wait on the young at home every day! After all, he is also a father!"

The children at home are back! Instead of going to Su Yuan for the first time, I went to the siheyuan and cleaned up again! Then go straight to the hospital! Not to mention, such behavior and behavior make Wang Yang feel the same!

These children at home! I'm not young, but I'm still very considerate!

The more contact, the more doubt! How did your eldest brother educate your children! I don't see what strict way big brother takes. Of course, their courses are really harsh, which is undeniable, but it's the most doubtful that these children don't have any refutation and even feel comfortable!

Don't say it's them children! Even adults like yourself! In the face of temptation, it is difficult to control yourself! These children are facing delicious food! Do you really feel nothing about games and other things? It doesn't seem so! Anyway, every time Wang Yang contacts, he will cause considerable confusion to himself!

Of course, I'm really happy! Isn't it a happy thing that the children at home have a good future?

As for the trouble at home? I also have a considerable feeling in these two days! But I just have a certain feeling! No mind to interfere! You and Xiaobao can avoid if you can avoid! I don't want any contamination at this time!

It's ridiculous to say you know all the inside information, but you don't know anything. It's like fooling a ghost!

Things in this are too complicated! It's too chaotic. It's really not what you and others can get involved in! Grandpa and grandma came to an end in person! Even father and mother are involved! What is the final result?

Grandma has even been admitted to the hospital now! It is true that there are not many physical problems, but the problems reflected! It really makes Wang Yang tremble in his heart! It's scary!

But on the other hand, Wang Yang also admired his eldest brother. He was so brave! With their own grandfather to dry down! It's not that I have any opinions and ideas about grandpa!

In Wang Yang's eyes, Wang Pu absolutely exists like a god! superior! But your big brother? Although Wang Yang didn't fully know the ways and means he adopted, it was really an abnormal feeling of silence!

If it's your own, dare you? Grandpa, hum! Maybe I'll tremble! Even get down! More likely to raise your hands directly! It's no big deal to surrender to your grandfather!

But how did big brother do it! The more you think about this, the more you feel! At this time, Xiaobao looked sideways! Obviously, their brothers want to go together!

So smile at each other! Each other can see the bitterness at the corners of their mouths! But what can happen? Be honest now! At least it won't cause other trouble! After all, they are not Ding Yu. They can't carry it!

After getting off the bus, Wang Yang winked at Xiao Bao and the two found a place to smoke!

"How do you feel?"

"Don't mention it!" light Wang Yang's cigarette! Xiao Bao ordered one for himself! "It's like what these two days! I turned off my phone! I don't know where these bastards know! Even if I'm God, I don't have any way! What can I do?"

Xiao Bao's temper is a little grumpy! "If there's no problem, it's better to say something! NIMA's! It's just what they made! I don't want to hear it. I don't blame them for killing them!"

"This problem is not what we should consider!" Wang Yang said helplessly. "I didn't expect the children at home to come back! It's a little unexpected, but the pressure at home is really a little big!"

"Well! I understand what you mean! But I really don't dare to make this call on my brother's side! Don't bother me!"

"Calling has nothing to do with us. Have you heard about the second sister?"

"I've heard some! But it doesn't seem to have such a big relationship with the family! It's said that there are many people involved! Many people still have a considerable weight!" Xiaobao glanced at Wang Yang, "why? I found you! So!"

"Don't come with me!" Wang Yang said stealthily after taking a look at it! "Many people found me before! Some are because of things at home, some are because of things on the farm, and some are about the second sister! But there are so few!"

Xiaobao looks at Wang Yang strangely! "What do you mean? You want to get involved in the second sister's business! Is there nothing wrong?" looking at Wang Yang, Xiao Bao even couldn't help touching Wang Yang's forehead to see if he was wrong! I was slapped by Wang Yang! "What do you think? Just our little body? Count one! None can afford it! I think you'd better take it easy!"

"You think I'm talking about me!" Wang Yang took a resentful look, "what's going on with Xiao Si!"

"Xiao Si! Xiao Si of our family?" Xiao Bao's expression on his face was a little dull. "No! This girl's film is not in this industry and doesn't hang up with others! As far as I know, she's very honest!"

"Do you really don't know or don't you know?"

Xiaobao immediately took out his mobile phone! Even the expression on his face began to become the same! It will never be a small thing for Wang Yang to say so! "When did it happen? How did it happen? Madder! She's got a lot of guts? She can make do with everything?"

Look at Xiao Bao's anger! Wang Yang grabbed him! "It seems that you really don't know, but it's also true that the fourth grade of your family doesn't dare to go to you! It's mainly because it involves her! I don't know what the second sister means!"

"What did the second sister say?"

"No!" Wang Yang said! "When I contacted the housekeeper to pick up the children, the housekeeper mentioned it to me! Let me ask you some time! If you know, forget it! If you don't know, think about how to deal with it!"

"I wipe! I don't know!" Xiaobao has so many feet jumping! "Xiao Si is very honest in ordinary times! Why did she get involved in this matter? No, I have to ask her! It's not like words!"

"I listen to the housekeeper! Her situation should not be so serious! And the housekeeper doesn't want to affect the harmony in the home because of this matter! Educate her at home! Whether she is intentional or unintentional! She must have a lesson, but it's not so easy for the housekeeper to show up, or the second sister to show up, even me Appropriate! "

"I understand! I'll take care of this!" Xiaobao is also so cruel! At this time, the three families are gathering their tails, but Xiao Si is good! Even exposed his tail! Even let people get hold of themselves!

Will the housekeeper reveal things for no reason? It's impossible! Obviously, big brother knows about it! But it's not easy to make this call directly! So let the housekeeper and Wang Yang pass a word between them! At least face can look better!

But even so, Xiaobao still feels a little hot on his face! It's a real shame! For so many years, I don't pay much attention to things at home! It's mainly what I did with Wang Yang, which made too many people jealous!

It's no big deal for outsiders to be jealous, but some people in the family hate it! This makes Wang Yang and Xiao Bao uncomfortable! He looked at the two of them in front of the dignitaries, and didn't see the suffering behind them! If you envy me, you can stand up!

Yell beside you and pull your legs behind your back! When you really need to stand up, you are like a dog!

"Xiao Bao! According to the housekeeper, the relationship between Xiao Si and her is not so big. It mainly involves some people in your family! Pay more attention! Hi!"

Speaking of this, Wang Yang couldn't help sighing!

Although what I say now seems very light, this time my father presided over it! There are not a few people who come out together! Even the people involved in their own family are not a minority! Many people talk face to face, and even those who swear at their mother behind their back know a lot!

For these people? Wang Yang really feels so impatient! Now is not the time for you to eat fat brain and intestines! Why didn't you shout at that time? Now I know it hurts! I didn't see the three difficult times! What were you doing then?

However, due to their own identity, there is no problem if you think about it in your heart! But there is no way to publicize it! After all, my father is in charge of it! If you say something, who knows what those guys behind you will say!

I'm not afraid of anything. I'm mainly worried that it will have a considerable impact on my father's affairs!

But think about big brother? I've heard quite a lot! There are many people pleading, but those who swear at their mother and talk behind their back! It seems that I haven't heard too much! The contrast is a little big!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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