Wang Yang and Xiao Bao went upstairs and watched the children gather around Wang Pu and the old lady. The old lady hugged the children like a captive kitten! The smile on the face is called a brilliant!

Looking at the happy appearance of Wang Pu and the old lady, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at each other! They really can't do such a thing! Children at home do these things, pure! Nature! No pinch! Unlike them, they are all old dishes entering the society! A little too thick skinned!

Wang Pu and the old lady didn't pay attention to the meaning of Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, and even didn't even take a look! If it weren't for the fact that they still need to take their children, they would have been in the way!

When Su Yuan came over, he looked at the children at home. He was also distressed for a while, and even couldn't bear it!

Blame your eldest son! The child is still so young, but the eldest son is so cruel, and there is such a crisis. He doesn't protect these children well and let them out! Fortunately, Ding Yu is not in front of me at this time! Otherwise, it's definitely not as simple as scolding and punching!

Many old people in the hospital also came here. Looking at the children of the Wang family, their eyes began to shine! Politeness! Smart and very good at receiving people and things! There are also reserved children, but we all know that it's only a short time since we first came to Ding Yu!

I really don't know how Ding Yu educated his children! One by one, from now on, we know that the future is absolutely bright! Seeing them old guys, I wish I could take them into my own hand at this time, and then take them back to my home!

But just think about such a thing! Everyone knows that it is impossible to do so!

Look at other people's children and their own children. These old people can't help but want to swear! Everything is afraid of comparison!

forget it! Not yet! However, the arrival of these children really eased the serious atmosphere and environment! A lot more joy out of thin air! Even their own illness seems to dissipate!

After these children got off the plane, they came to the hospital and went back to change their clothes! So he didn't let them stay too long. Su Yuan was ready to take them away! Wang Pu and the old lady don't have much to give up. Anyway, they can go home. There are not many problems in their condition!

But for other elderly people in the hospital, there are some regrets. The time is too short!

When he came back with the children, Wang Changlin also came back! In terms of time, it's a little early, but fortunately, it's time to get off work! The work during this period is really busy! Plus there's such a big thing going on at home! The pressure on Wang Changlin is really so great!

And the children at home are back! Wang Changlin is really happy to be a grandfather!

Of course, there is another meaning in this, that is, these children are the representatives of Ding Yu. With such a relationship, they can play a considerable role and effect! At least you can subdue a lot of voices at home!

Wang Changlin knew very well that there was a considerable problem with the big tree at home, but he had no way to do it. He could only see it in his eyes! Anxious in my heart! Now it's a little late in terms of time! Some forces are already deep-rooted! It's not easy and easy to pout them!

Now the eldest son let the children come back! It can be regarded as adding countless confidence to yourself, and it has also become the last straw to crush those forces! Whether they are satisfied or not is not so important!

Although Wang Changlin is under the pressure of his son, some leaves and branches on the big tree of the three families are really not decent! Even some basic problems have emerged! If you don't clean up, maybe the Wang family! The big tree of the Su family and the Zheng family is also easy to be linked! This is absolutely not allowed!

As for your father? There has been no movement all the time. It is obvious that the old man has clearly realized the considerable problem with some things he has found out! After he wakes up, he is still so wise!

But when I thought of my father, the image of my son came out again! For so many years, he has been hanging his grandfather! Even deliberately fooled his grandfather, and even many people didn't see the problem clearly! This is not generally hateful!

Admittedly, he has his own considerations, but how does he do things? It's really not generally criticized! With his father, he complained about it. Anyway, it was your grandfather, and it was your own grandfather. Wang Changlin didn't know what to say next!

This also led to! Even if your father wakes up! But the relationship between him and Ding Yu became more and more contradictory. Even for such a long time, there was no face-to-face or even a phone call! Obviously, this is the result of the further intensification of the contradiction!

Of course, the intensification of contradictions between each other did not affect the home! This really makes Wang Changlin happy! Although the contradictions between them have been irreconcilable, it's good that Wang Pu and Ding Yu have a considerable clarity. They both know what to do and what not to do!

"Where's Xiaobao?" Wang Changlin took a look and asked, "didn't he come with him?"

Wang Yang looked around. "Something happened to Xiao Si, and he went to deal with it!" looking at his father's eyes, Wang Yang explained, "what the big housekeeper told me is mainly related to the second sister's affairs! But it seems that the problem should not be very big. Xiao Bao just knew and he went to deal with it!"


"The eldest brother must know! That's why the housekeeper called! But the problem is not so big!" Wang Yang didn't want this to affect his father! "If things are really big, there can't be no movement from the second sister! Just her temper! Don't you know?"

"I've heard something about her. It seems that some people are involved!"

"Never mind, there are not many people calling about the second sister. The phone calls these two days are mainly related to the farm and home! The phone calls are going to smoke! Xiaobao and I have turned off the phone! We shouldn't be involved in such things! We can understand one or two! But there's not much need!"

Wang Changlin is very pleased to look at his son! I still feel a little proud of his sensitivity! At that time, the family lacked considerable resources, so they had to abandon their little son. Later, when the eldest son came back! It has filled him with considerable resources. Otherwise, it's really hard to say what's going on today!

However, the development of Wang Yang and Xiao Bao is really good. They can even sustain the considerable consumption of the family, and even play an important role. More importantly, they can recognize their position and have no intention to show the mountain! This is crucial!

Don't think you have some strength and capital! You can be unscrupulous! You can maneuver! At this point, take a look at Ding Yu, the eldest son! His power is not strong? Isn't he deep? It's beyond imagination. Have all the forces on the farm been exposed? Has the consortium shown everything?

What you see is just what Ding Yu is willing to let you see! Even what you don't want to see may be the tip of the iceberg! It's like the layout of the electronics industry! After all these years, have you revealed anything?

Not at all! As if nothing had happened!

This is particularly surprising for Wang Changlin! The eldest son of his family is by no means ordinary to bear it! If it were someone else, I'm afraid I couldn't control the blood in my heart! But my eldest son is good! It's completely hidden behind the scenes, like a farm!

Once it is revealed, it is a thunderous trend, and there is no way to stop it!

And as far as Wang Changlin knows, Jin, the supervisor, hasn't appeared for so many years! Many people wonder whether Jin has been dealt with by Ding Yu because he knows too many secrets of Ding Yu! But Wang Changlin knows! Gold has not been eliminated, it is just hidden! As for whether it is for the layout of the electronic industry, it is hard to say!

Because there is no exact news to prove this, at least there is no news about this from Wang Changlin!

"Xiao Gang will stay at home for two days?"

"I just asked! They need to stop at home for two days!" Wang Yang slightly glanced at his mouth. "Go home and see his mother and little guys! Although there are videos often in ordinary times, it's always good to see them with your own eyes! Moreover, they didn't come back during the New Year!"

That's interesting! Wang Changlin smiled knowingly! Obviously understand the meaning!

"Hey! Your big brother! Sometimes I really don't know what to say! It's hard to make a good judgment! You and Xiaobao work harder these two days! Anyway, you don't have anything else! Just right!"

The meaning of saying this is very simple. It doesn't mean that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao really have nothing else to do! So let them accompany the children! Not so! Let them accompany their children, mainly because they don't want Wang Yang and Xiaobao to be too involved in things at home!

It's not easy for them to do this today! And because of their own reasons, they have no problems and conditions, which is particularly gratifying! In that case, don't let them get involved!

Let Wang Yang and Xiao Bao take the initiative to be with the children! At the same time, it can also release a signal to the outside world! After all, the family knows the relationship between Wang Yang, Xiaobao and Ding Yu. It's unusual! Under such circumstances, even if some people really want to jump over the wall, they also need to pay attention to Ding Yu's attitude behind them!

After all, everyone knows! Provoking Ding Yu is definitely not an easy and pleasant thing!

Ding Yu's caution is obvious to all, and his destructive power is really a little big. Everyone can't bear it! Under such circumstances, what else can we do? This does not mean that we can solve the problem with a desperate struggle!

Had a meal with the children at home! After dinner! What should everyone do!

But the Wangs have dinner here, and the others are not so happy at this time! Ding Yu's children are back! Went to the hospital, then went to the Wang family, what is the meaning of what it represents! Are we really blind and can't see it? Obviously Ding Yu still supports his father!

This makes many people's morale dissipate at once! It can even be described as missing! Although Ding Yu has never been involved in family affairs, we still know his virtue!

It's no big deal to really offend Wang Changlin, even Wang Pu and the old lady, but if you offend Ding Yu, no one can bear the consequences! Let Wang Changlin deal with quite a lot of things. We may not have much dignity, but at least we can end, no matter what the result is!

If Ding Yu really gets involved, don't be decent at that time! It may not end with it. It's over! More exaggerated, Ding Yu may even give you his ashes! And you don't have a place to reason!

This bastard has done too many bad things! are too numerous to inscribe on all bamboo strips!

Think about it, this bastard is really unique. You know, you are dealing with all the affairs of the farm now, and you still have such time and leisure. Are you really free? A little exaggeration!

In the face of absolute strength, we all know how much effect small tricks can play! Ding Yu's support is really at the right time! Although it is not the support on the bright side, the effect is the same!

At the same time, Xiaobao found and beat his cousin! Even at her door after work!

Looking at the car driving out of the door, the driver in front hit the steering wheel and blocked the car! The woman sitting on the car looked at someone crossing in front of her car. Her face was not very good-looking. She ate bear heart and leopard courage! How dare you block your car! But looking at the pulled down window, my heart couldn't help jumping!

Xiao Bao looks at his cousin! Pointed to his own car, two cars driving in front and behind! The driving distance is not particularly far! Xiao Bao stopped his car! He opened the window, stretched out his arm and said hello twice!

After the door was opened, Xiao Si was a little timid! The driver didn't mean to get on the bus. He even stood up far away!

"Do you know why I came to you?" Xiao Bao's voice was a little cold!

"Elder brother!" Xiao Si's body trembled slightly! I've heard quite a few things. After all, this is the capital, and the spread of news is still relatively fast! I'm not a fool!

Xiao Bao took a deep breath! "Seems to know! Tell me what happened!" it's obvious that Xiaobao also gave his sister a chance! After all, such a thing is not big or small!

"When Liu San came to me, he asked me to give him a hand. At that time, he gave me something! I liked it very much, so I took it down! After I liked it for a period of time, I sold it!"

Xiao Bao pondered for some time! "So you know some of them!"

"I learned later! At that time, everything had been sold! And I spent some money!" Xiao Si looked at his cousin timidly! A little afraid, but also a little worried! "I later learned that there was a problem with the origin of the thing! But when I wanted to trace it again, I couldn't find Liu San! Let alone the thing!"

Xiao Bao stared at his cousin. "So, someone set you up?" looking at her, Xiao Bao took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and lit them! "I hope you're telling the truth! You've been set up by someone! Instead of setting up your own set, there's still time! At least you have a chance to save yourself! Don't say that I'm desperate to be a brother. I'm saving you! I'm also saving your family! Can you explain it?"

"Brother! It's true! I spent the money, but I learned about it later. I deliberately borrowed some money and was ready to find it back! I paid interest every month and didn't dare to move the money again!"

Looking at the poor little four, Xiao Bao said!

"I don't know whether what you said is true or false! It's not up to me to judge! What I focus on now is how to solve this matter! But from my personal point of view, you have entered that set! It shows that you have quite a problem! There is no doubt about this! Don't say I'm harsh on you!"

"Brother!" Xiao Si's tears came down! "I didn't mean it!"

"Go and have a try! I hope you will still be like this!" Xiaobao opened the window, greeted the driver outside the window with his hand, got on the bus and went straight to the quadrangle!

"Elder brother! Where are we going?" Xiao Si looked out of the window and asked with some worry!

"It's a little inappropriate to find the second sister at this time! You should know that she is investigating something. Go to the housekeeper and ask the specific situation again! I repeat, you still have a chance to see the housekeeper! Don't say I didn't give you any chance!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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