The housekeeper saw Xiao Bao and Xiao Si, their brother and sister! I don't seem to feel too strange about their visit! If an outsider sees the housekeeper's expression, he will find that he seems to be quite prepared for it!

Let them enter the courtyard. Xiao Si came to the courtyard for the first time. Although he heard it many times, the real step is really the first time! When I walked in from the gate, I felt a little strict to Xiao Si! A little solemn! Indeed, the environment here is as warm as spring! Even the layout makes people relaxed and happy!

After entering the inner courtyard, the environment suddenly became very different! Xiao Si's eyes are also shining, but at most, he peeks. He finds that the environment here is very good and there is no sense of depression. Even the whole person's mood is suddenly cheerful!

However, I don't see anything luxurious. At most, there are some flowers and trees. The rest is very neat. Of course, I can't see too many people! However, I can't see the desolation and feel any staleness. On the contrary, it is thriving!

Everything is so strange, the contrast seems to be a little big!

Then they came to the wing room! The housekeeper poured tea for him personally. Xiao Si looked at his cousin and said thank you in a low voice. Then he put his hands on his legs and sat there like a wrong pupil! Straight!

"Housekeeper, I heard about it! I'll bring Xiao Si here!"

The housekeeper also smiled, "I didn't investigate the matter, but I mentioned it to my husband! My husband said something at home. Just deal with it at home! Such a thing is not suitable for the public!"

"I'm so ashamed!" Xiaobao then said what he knew simply once! "Big housekeeper, no matter what kind of problem it is, Xiao Si is involved! If you make a mistake, you need to admit it!"

The housekeeper nodded his head! After thinking for a while, he stood up and came out. Not long ago, he came back with a box! Put the box in front of Xiao Si!

"Whether things are right or wrong is a serious attitude! Now that you have this attitude, other things are not so important!" the housekeeper said truthfully, "just take it back and play!"

"Housekeeper!" Xiaobao blushed!

The housekeeper shook Xiaobao's head, and Xiaobao also asked his cousin to put away his things! But before leaving, the housekeeper shouted Xiao Bao! Then he handed a bank card to Xiaobao! "Take it!"

"Housekeeper, what's this?" Xiaobao is a little confused!

"Take it!" he pushed it into Xiaobao's hand! "It's not suitable for Wang Yang to do this! Just go back and tell him! You can let him know, but his identity is not suitable! So it's up to you! This time, the situation at home is a little special. Some? Can't be forgiven, but some? Life is really difficult!"

"Housekeeper, don't use this! I have..."

The housekeeper shook his head with a smile! "You have? It's yours, and it's all in the account. If you use it, it's not easy to explain in the future! So this matter comes out! But it's up to you. Don't let others know. At least under the current situation, it's not suitable for others to know!"

Xiao Bao pondered for some time! "Chief steward, I see! Let him rest assured at brother's side! I'll take care of it!"

Looking at Xiao Bao, the housekeeper patted him on the arm! A look of relief! "Sir, you and Wang Yang have performed very well over the years. They are not arrogant and impetuous. Although they are a little off-line occasionally, it is not easy. I hope you can continue to be calm!"

Huh? What exactly does that mean? For a moment, Xiaobao didn't understand, but when he looked at the big housekeeper again, he found that the big housekeeper was smiling! Xiaobao is moved!

The Housekeeper will never say this for no reason! What brother told himself? It's definitely not accidental! It must have a deep meaning, but it's a pity that I can't understand it now! I can't even understand the meaning!

But Xiaobao is sure of one thing! Big brother will never hurt himself! This does not need to be considered at all! After so many years together, if you can't even feel this, then you've really lived for so long in vain!

Although big brother is a little true to himself and Wang Yang! Even quite strict requirements! But it's really good for them! It's not that there are no other people at home. What's the big brother's attitude towards others and towards himself and Wang Yang at a glance!

After coming out of the quadrangle, Xiaobao gasped slightly! And next to the small four hands holding the box, tears are still swirling in their own eyes! "Elder brother, is it serious?"

Xiao Bao glanced at his cousin! The corners of the mouth twitched slightly. Looking at the box she handed me, I didn't pay much attention!

"You can take it from the elder brother!" Xiao Bao has now understood more or less. What did Xiao Si make of it? The problem is not as big as expected! Even to a certain extent, it is just a cover!

If the problem of junior four is really big, the big housekeeper won't let himself come at this time!

Now everything is very clear. I warned Xiao Si openly and even reminded others in my family. What about in the dark? Big brother told me quite a lot of things! But this guise makes everyone ignore what big brother told us! Because it's great to give an excuse to the outside world!

From this, we can see the way and means of big brother doing things! It's quite different from ordinary people. It's really worth learning by yourself! Even now Wang Yang is covered in the drum! In fact, he is also the object of use. I just don't know what kind of expression will be on his face after he knows this thing. I'm a little looking forward to it!

"Brother, did I get you into trouble?"

"A little!" Xiaobao patted his cheek twice to wake himself up as much as possible! "I'll investigate this matter, and I'll deal with Liu San's matter! The problem you caused is not particularly big. At least from the current situation, the impact is not so big. Just solve it for you at home! It shouldn't be too difficult for you at home, but you need to remember this lesson!" Xiaobao sighed!

"Brother, I know! Tell me when you find Liu San!" Xiao Si is gnashing his teeth!

In this regard, Xiaobao couldn't help humming! "Now I know how powerful it is! What did I do in the beginning? Let me say you! At that time, I didn't control my greed, which is the most important! Such an obvious trap! But the layout is very interesting. I've heard of Liu San. He can't arrange such a situation by himself!"

"Brother, I don't seem to have offended anyone lately!"

Xiaobao is so angry and laughing! It's silly to ask such a question. I really doubt how she lived to this day. Thanks to myself, I just said so much to her in vain!

But there's no way, who let her be her own sister! What can I do? Just throw it aside, regardless? just so so!

"You! Let me tell you something! People deliberately use you as a cover and a target! Why not go to the second sister and the third brother, or me? Because they know that we can see through these! Of course, it's also due to your own greed. Although I've said it many times, I still want to say it!"

"I will never make him feel better!"

"It's better than another thing! But you've been a target this time. Stop it in the past two years! You can save you this time because elder brother doesn't want to investigate you! If elder brother really investigates you, you'll be with the second sister now! What will happen? I'm trembling when I think about it! I'm not old enough, but I don't have the ability to make trouble Small! "

"They are too bad!" when he said this, Xiao Si also had some bad ideas!

"All right! Drive home by yourself! Leave Liu San's business to me! I also need to see my second sister and third brother. I need to say hello at least. Otherwise, it won't be over. At the same time, I need to say hello to Uncle Wang! After you come home here, mention it to your family! What do you say? Do you hear me?"

"Say it now! You can't kill me at home!"

Xiao Bao snorted, "I can't wait to slap you now, otherwise I'm really hard to understand. You don't know how big this matter is! No matter what your uncle does to you, it's all a family matter. Don't embarrass your uncle! Have a snack!"

Came to the parking place, let Xiao Si get on the bus, and asked her to report peace to herself when she came home. Xiao Bao called Wang Li! The phone simply explained something about Xiao Si! No reservation, of course, no plea! It's already this time. Just explain the problem honestly!

Wang Li has the leisure to chat with Xiaobao, which can be regarded as relieving her mood!

"It's really not easy! Your fourth grader was dragged into the water!"

"These grandsons tainima are bad! A very good child of Xiao Si has been fooled by them! I just took her to see the big housekeeper. What elder brother means is to deal with things at home! Second sister, you will spare her this time, and the bastard Liu San? I have to see him!"

"It's not impossible to see him. He's in my hand, but there aren't so many things to explain! Take chances!"

"Leave it to me! Second sister, don't worry. I'll do it for you. If there's any problem, you'll come to me to settle it!" Xiaobao vowed! "Madder, do you think little girls are easy to bully!"

"I heard that all the children in brother's family have come back?"

"Sister! Dear sister! Don't do this!" Xiaobao also screamed, "I can't hold it! People all over the house are watching! Even if they lose their hair, it's a big thing!"

"Your brother-in-law has a cough recently! I asked traditional Chinese medicine! So I wanted to find some tangerine peel for him. Since you went to the quadrangle, go and find some tangerine peel! Isn't it difficult for you?"

"Yes! I'll admit it! I'll get some tangerine peel for you! I promise it's true. Just look at it!"

Although she was beaten by the second sister, Xiaobao was still willing! When I came to the Wang's house, I just caught up with dinner. Xiaobao also had a mixed meal. At dinner, he simply said something about Xiao Si!

On the way to, my uncle has called! Obviously, Xiao Si's trouble made him very angry. Fortunately, Xiao Bao comforted him! It's not a particularly big thing. Pay more attention in the future. As for Liu San? Then ask about the situation and rest assured!

While not paying attention, Xiaobao sat with Wang Yang!

"Take Xiaogang back?"

"Hmm! Tong Tong needs to go back later! Ding Yun and Ding Chang stay here! Go back to their homes and find their mothers! My mother wanted to stay! But it's not as simple as making a floor shop! And they're old! It's not so convenient! And it's inappropriate to do so!"

While others were not paying attention, Xiao Bao simply said what the housekeeper told him!

"The general thing is such a situation! Just know it! If there is any other situation, let me know! It's not easy for you to come forward and you can't come forward, otherwise it's not easy to deal with Uncle Wang!"

Wang Yang's expression was silly. Then he pointed to himself and Xiaobao! "I'm the tool man! Isn't it? This thing is noisy!"

In this regard, Xiaobao can't stop his smile! "It seems that the eldest brother still keeps a lot of attention to things at home! We can't participate in quite things. We can only do what we can, and we need to take other precautions to do such things. Hey!"

It was a good thing, but it needed to be sneaky! Even a little can't get on the table. Anyone who encounters such a thing will inevitably have some other opinions and ideas in his heart!

But Wang Yang and Xiao Bao's mentality is obviously different!

"By the way! The second sister asked me to find some tangerine peel for my brother-in-law, otherwise I wouldn't be spared! Think of something!"

"Let Lao Xu find a way! He must be able to get it! There's no need to think about the courtyard!" Wang Yang knocked on his head twice! "Although the courtyard has old tangerine peel, it's for my brother-in-law! The housekeeper is definitely three feet high! Lao Xu must have a way, and the money won't be too expensive! He has a very good relationship with the courtyard!"

"I'm not worried about the amount of money. I need to rest assured!" Xiaobao said bitterly. "Just the second sister's mind, except for their two children, it's her brother-in-law! Hey!"

Wang Yang wanted to laugh, but considering what happened to Xiaobao, he held back his smile! But think about what big brother did. It's really spring breeze at night. I can't see any trace. If I don't deliberately disclose it to myself, I'm afraid I'll be covered in the drum all the time!

But Wang Yang doesn't have any discomfort. It's normal. After all, he can pull his wrist with his grandfather. Even his grandfather hasn't won him. It's no exaggeration to say that his grandfather has lost!

In the case of equal segments, you may still have jealousy, envy, hatred and so on! But the elder brother's position is really a little high. The high one can only let him look up, so now he has only admiration! In addition, there are no other opinions and ideas! This is my most real idea now!

The next day, these children at home were busy! What if not? Ding Yu is not free now, so the children at home can only rush in front of him!

The most bitter person here is Ding Yun! But Wang An, they don't want too much. In fact, to put it bluntly? Just visit! If Ding Yu isn't here, we can only let the children at home complete these tasks!

But in the evening, none of the children in the family were picked up! Su Yuan almost didn't close his mouth when he knew the news. This is not a joke! If Ding Yu comes back, there's nothing in the past! Everyone knows that Ding Yu has a very good relationship with his third uncle!

But take all the children home to eat! This thing revealed a bit strange! It's really hard for people to understand! What is it? After all, I need a reason and a reason! It can't be for no reason!

But he didn't get any response. Even Su Yuan had some uncontrollable to call his eldest son and ask what it was. Others didn't know. His eldest son absolutely knew!

After waiting for Wang Changlin to come back, Su Yuan told the story again!

It was strange that Wang Changlin didn't see the children at home when he came back. After knowing where they went, he couldn't help scratching his head! Some joked! "Are they so popular? I didn't expect it!"

"I'm telling you something serious!" Su Yuan glared at her complaining!

Wang Changlin spread out his hands, "I don't know!"

"I know Ding Yu has an unusual relationship with his third uncle, but it's not like taking all the children home for dinner!"

"Who knows what's coming out of your eldest son's back! I can't understand! And it's useless to ask such a thing! It's useless!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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