The children at home didn't come back at night, and went to the courtyard to have a rest!

The excuse is that it's too late! So it's a little more convenient to go to the quadrangle! But the actual situation will never be like this! Anyway, Su Yuan felt that he couldn't understand it, but look at what her husband meant! He doesn't seem to have any interest in it!

Really don't care? Or do you have confidence in your heart?

I wonder how he became a grandfather? What a shame!

After the children at home were almost busy, they took the name of sending Xiaoyu and Mengxi back! Leave in a hurry! Even Tong Tong is acting with the big army. He doesn't mean to stay at all!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were most happy about the return of their children. Of course, they didn't have anything to do, so they went to the station to meet them in person! There can be no ambiguity! As for whether Ding Yu will go or not, it has no impact on their old couple! It doesn't matter!

Of course, although the old couple love these children, the way of discipline is obviously different! I asked them about their trip and asked them to talk about it! At this point, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying's way of discipline is obviously different from Wang Changlin and Su Yuan. Of course, Ding Yu may have a greater impact on them!

Of course, when they got home, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying began to reward these children at home, regardless of the living standard outside? In their eyes, neither of them is as good as home! Diet! There is a big difference in rest and so on! Revealed, is a natural and warm!

And treat the children at home equally. Ding Yun jumps outside! When you are at home, that is, in front of Ding Lin, you may dare to jump and pedal a little. You should also pay attention to this. Peek, Zhao Shuying is not here! If Zhao Shuying is around, Ding Yun can say how many ladies there are!

There is no way, Zhao Shuying is really starting! And it's still the unambiguous one. It's true that there are not so many times to start now! But when I was a child, I left too many shadows! The one that can't be eliminated at all!

When she remembered this, Ding Yun couldn't help looking at Ding Chang. Why? When making trouble as a child, the situation of the two people seemed to be similar, but it seemed that every time they were taught a lesson, they were black pot! Even the most beaten is yourself! He'll be there! Shout twice in your own voice, and then hold grandma's thigh like a little milk dog!

At that time, Ding Yun also looked down on Ding Chang. Now he finds that Ding Chang was a chicken thief when he was a child! It's really impossible to prevent! Hum! See how to deal with you in the future!

When Ding Yu came back in the evening, he looked at these rabbits at home and his eyebrows beat slightly twice! From the performance of essence, Qi and spirit, it's still very good! When the big bear saw Ding Yu, he bared his teeth slightly! Ding Yu responded by patting his trouser legs, which was a bit intentional!

They looked at each other, and then they all threw their heads away, looking different from you! Don't say, it's an interesting behavior. The children at home are about to tie their intestines! This is a reserved program at home!

It can be said that it is never tired of seeing! I don't know what hatred is between Dad and big bear? Anyway, they don't like each other! However, when they saw the dog coming out from behind the father, the children at home felt that the big bear seemed to be unable to control his anger!

In ordinary times, Ding Yu has always been a stocking posture for this little guy, but I don't know what interest he came today. He came with him! If the big bear can talk at this time, he must say, I'm not human, but you Ding Yu is a real dog! The kind with smoke!

At night, the family gathered together, very lively! After dinner, Ding Yu didn't mean to go to the educator's children! Let them slow down! Back and forth, even adults can't stand such fatigue. Of course, it's not physical, but spiritual!

Ding Yu didn't ask them to come back. He didn't even ask them to go back to the capital! Even if he returned to the capital, Ding Yu didn't expect them to come back at this time! Because Ding Yu is very clear and tired!

Although if you preach to them at this time, the children will certainly get together, but how much exercise they can bear in terms of spirit is a very realistic and practical problem! Can not be ignored!

The children at home are a little indulgent. They may need to carry some of them in other places, but when they return home, this is the harbor! So some yell! Even Mengxi is the same. Ding Yu just smiles! And Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have no intention to correct!

Anyway, this is a villa and there is no one else. Even if you shout at your own voice, what can you do?

The next day, the children at home will herd sheep! Until the evening, Ding Yu invited Wei laiyigan to take a bath together! It can be regarded as washing away the fatigue of children at home! Each one is lazy. It's really not as good as Wei Lai's spirit!

But this is also normal! This is still a day and night's rest. Otherwise, it would be unimaginable! Obviously, this winter vacation is not as easy as expected!

In such a thing, Ding Yu took care of the children at home, played for a while, and then took the lead to leave! As for the rest of the time, just leave it to themselves! As for how the children at home will arrange, they don't want to do too much interference! As long as they like it!

When they got up the next morning, the children in the family were refreshed. Of course, what was the reason? I'm afraid only Ding Yu could make it clear! It's just that such things don't need to be described again! As for Muncie who follows behind his ass! Ding Yu didn't mean to care too much!

If he is willing to follow, then follow! It's not a big thing!

In addition to his brother and sister at home, the light rain around him can arouse his little interest!

"Went out for a trip! How did you feel?" Ding Yu took Meng Xi's small hand and seemed to say something at will!

Mengxi's little hand holds Ding Yu! Looking up at Ding Yu with his head, he looked a little depressed! "Everything else is OK! It's just that some of the above requirements are too strict! Especially senior brother and senior sister Ding Yun!"

"Is this a complaint?" Ding Yu laughed. "You are a little careful! But this is what I deliberately asked. Your master brother is a gentle man. As for Ding Yun? Sometimes he is angry! But his mind is not bad!"

"OK! I've seen a lot of things and tried a lot. In your words, I've broadened my horizons and gained a lot of insight at the same time!"

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang, who followed behind, looked at Ding Yu and Meng Xi walking in front, and they had an unspeakable envy! Typical of other people's children, even envy is no use! From what we know, this guy's IQ seems to be so high that it's scary!

I'm afraid only the director can subdue such demons? If they are like this, just look around!

But being able to get Ding Yu's favor shows that Meng Xi's qualification is not generally excellent! Of course, for the intelligence department, even if such children are given to them, they are overqualified, and they don't even know how to apply them! It is quite possible to cultivate Muncy into a special genius, but I really don't know what the result will be!

But when it is placed here, Ding Yu will basically have no worries in this regard!

"To be honest, I'm a little envious!"

"Envy!" Hou Tianliang smiled, but then sighed and breathed out! "My psychology is more complicated than you think! Even a lot of ideas come out in a moment, but just think about it! After thinking about it, I'm disappointed! Yes! I'm disappointed!"

Qiu Tianyang looked at Hou Tianliang in surprise. He didn't expect him to say such words! "Elder martial brother, are you okay?"

Because there is something wrong with this remark! Although I can't tell what's wrong!

"Just for a moment, there was some emotion!" Hou Tianliang raised his shoulder! "When I look at them, I feel like I'm a little old suddenly! I can't even refuse!"

In this regard, Qiu Tianyang felt a little speechless! How old are you? Now I say I'm old! So what are you? Is it really appropriate for you to say such a thing at this time? Is there too much inappropriate?

So Qiu Tianyang was a little depressed! However, when Ding Yu was carrying Meng Xi on his back, Qiu Tianyang really couldn't control it. Hou Tianliang also had some broken defenses. Even the children in the family didn't have such treatment, did they?

But for Meng Xi, he is a little depressed, because he can make some tricks under the care of senior brother and senior sister Ding Yun, but don't dream like this in front of the teacher! It's impossible!

But it's okay! At least not when you stay at home! So restrained, I'm very free now!

There is another reason to follow Ding Yu? Can learn a lot! These things greatly expand themselves! Let yourself have a new understanding of the world, which I have never realized before! Of course, there are reasons why I have never been in contact!

After entering his office, Ding Yu released Mengxi! There is not much intention to restrain Muncy!

The reason for doing so is that Muncy has absorbed a little more during this period of time! Even a little greedy! So Ding Yu needs to guide him! We can't let him go too far!

Mengxi naturally knows this situation. During the period of going out, there has not been too much wild, but the teacher must know his own relatives clearly! A little more with the people around you! So after coming back, it can be said that such education is inevitable!

The office staff showed considerable interest in Meng Xi who came here because Meng Xi stayed in Ding Yu's office for a long time. Otherwise, he would have been surrounded by snacks!

At this point, Ding Yu does not have too many constraints! However, Mengxi seems not so interested in this. He is communicating with xiaoyudian! I don't know what they can communicate between them! Yee Yee!

Until noon, Ding Yu received a call from the children at home. Ding Yu took Mengxi to the canteen! Looked at the children waiting there and nodded slightly! What did they do in the morning? Ding Yu didn't have so much leisure to pay attention to it!

"What's the matter? People are so complete?"

"Dad! You're a little late!" Ding Yun grabbed Mengxi's small hand and asked something in a low voice, but it's obvious that she made a mistake in paying attention to this! Because one morning, in addition to playing with light rain, it's basically relaxing!

Ding Yu looked at the time on his watch and ordered it on purpose! "Just right in terms of my time!" Ding Yu also noticed that some eyes seemed to visit when he spoke! Ding Yu didn't pay much attention, because at this time, with the eyes of exploration, there would be no other people except those around Thornton!

Ding Yu is sure of this! These guys! Just a little thought! It's hard enough for them!

"Dad, we're leaving the day after tomorrow! Don't you make some preparations?"

Ding Yu looked at his daughter with ridicule! There seems to be no benefit from Mengxi! So direct the signs to yourself! "I've made some preparations! But it's a pity that I'm a little busy during this period! So I don't have much to prepare!"

This word makes the children's spirit cheer up at once. The eyes looking at Ding Yu are so different! After all, there are not so many things that his father can do in person! Even now the spread can be described as less pitiful!

Even Tae hee! It can also be described as countable!

"Now you can say, what's matter with the you?" Ding Yucai won't be confused by these children at home, just their careful eyes! Why not mention such things at home! Because if they were at home, if Ding Yu denied it, they would have claws!

In public! Even if they mentioned a little too much! Ding Yu may reluctantly agree!

This is the purpose! It's too early to be understood by Ding Yu! So after coming up, first block up their mouths. When they wait for a while, they will have a big opening!

"Master, in half a year, we will graduate!"

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. "So?" he asked back. At this point, Ding Yu didn't mean to make a hard request! Look at their own choice!

After taking a look at everyone, Wang an summoned up his courage and said! "Master! We want to stay outside for another two years! Maybe there will be some other changes in the middle, or even a short exchange in other places! But we hope not to be too constrained!"

For their proposal! Ding Yu really had some unexpected! At least I haven't heard of their intention in this aspect before, so Ding Yu really considered it for quite a long time!

"This problem is a little abrupt, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be a big deal!" Ding Yu obviously has made a considerable decision in his heart! "What about this? I need to mention two questions! It's not that I must care about your studies. Studies are not difficult for you!"

The children led by Wang an nodded to each other! Obviously, for them, studies are pediatrics at all! Even for them, the training at home has begun to enter the bottleneck period!

And this bottleneck period also represents calm! And calm for some hot-blooded children! It takes time! Ding Yu feels quite normal that they can enter in advance! The education given to them at home is a little too good!

"First? Some problems can't be contaminated! Second? Your safety! These two are essential problems! I don't want the so-called edge ball in them! Absolutely not allowed. Can you understand what I mean?"

Ding Yu made substantial concessions on quite a few issues! I'm not going to refuse their request! But the same is to give them some constraints!

It's really hard to say whether they will release themselves! No one knows! So it's better to put the so-called hoop curse on them now! They have made considerable concessions to them, and they also need to make considerable concessions to themselves! This is a mutual process!

Quite a lot of things are like this! Sit together and discuss! What's more, there is a problem to pay attention to! That is, Ding Yu is occupying absolute power! If Ding Yu really objects, even if the children in the family are very reluctant, they can only recognize it by holding their nose!

But now Ding Yu is not too rigid! Even took the initiative to open a hole for them! But opening a hole doesn't mean you can be unscrupulous! Even need special attention!

In Ding Yu's opinion, this is the way of education. Don't restrain them, but also let them restrain themselves!

If you can't even do the so-called self-discipline, don't blame yourself for being unkind!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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