"Dad, I like you so much!" Ding Yun, ecstatic, yelled!

Ding Yun, a little uncontrollable, even hugged his father directly in front of everyone and kissed him fiercely. Ding Yu obviously didn't think of it! My daughter is so bold!

What the eye can see is Ding Yu's face, which suddenly turns red! He even stared at his daughter complaining! It's a bit outrageous to be in public! Lady, lady, how do you teach at home! Have you forgotten?

When the children at home saw this scene, they all looked at Ding Yu with ridicule! And the others around also laughed. When they saw Ding Yu eat flat, it was definitely not as much as they thought! Of course, this smile is more a kind irony! It's a bit of a deliberate coax!

After all, seeing Ding Yu's embarrassment is also a kind of talk!

Ding Yu was helpless and pressed his hand against the people around him! But it didn't have much effect, and the laughter of everyone was more enthusiastic!

The expressions of Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang not far away were so dumb! The two men looked at each other. What happened just now? What did they see? From a normal point of view, it's no big deal!

But the director blushed! This is quite strange news!

As for the other people who observe Ding Yu! They are also very strange. They really didn't expect to see Ding Yu's embarrassment. It's really not easy! Even a very strange thing! That's Ding Yu. It's said that he exists like a great devil, but it can also be seen that Ding Yu really dotes on his children at home!

After lunch, Ding Yu took the lead to leave! After all, Ding Yu won't eat much at noon! It is extremely inappropriate and inappropriate to leave Mengxi without any free space! Doing anything requires ways and methods! Can not blindly copy!

The children at home have some little excitement. Although Ding Yu mentioned considerable conditions, it has been the biggest victory for them! Nothing is happier than this! Even now you can start making plans in some areas!

But the children at home also know! Although Ding Yu said it clearly, the rules behind it are true and can't be violated! The price is what they can't afford. How easy Ding Yu said before, how severe it will be when it is implemented in the future. This is certain! And there is no doubt!

Ding Yu returned to the office and thought carefully about the things mentioned by the children! I can think of their yearning for the outside world, but they come so fast that they are a little out of touch!

But it's OK. There will always be such a day! If you think so, it shows that there is no big problem in your way of education! As for their foundation, I have laid it for them! As for how to realize their own foundation, is this the problem? It still depends on them. The role they can play is still very limited!

As for restraining them? At this point, Ding Yu really never thought about it! Providing them in the flower shed can let them bloom the most gorgeous flowers! But what's the use? In addition to being good-looking, there is only good-looking! As for letting them feel the cold and warm outside, it can make them realize quite a problem!

Even to a certain extent, complete self evolution! And this evolution can't even be done by Ding Yu! At least it is difficult to achieve with the so-called external conditions, only by itself! I hope everything can be good!

As for whether there will be other concerns, there must be, and they are not small, but so what? Just because you're worried, take care of them under your own wings?

Is it just this thing? Don't publicize it for the time being! Even if something happens, Ding Yu is not ready to let the news out! Who knows what kind of reaction and response will be made by the old and young at home after they know this thing? Think about it, you will feel so big!

But when it was almost evening, Ding Yu took Mengxi to see Thornton. There was no other meaning. He just came to check Thornton's health! This time, it was not Ding Yu and Meng Xi, but someone else followed around!

I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional!

Ding Yu has no intention to refute. Of course, he basically belongs to the kind of ignoring. It's no big deal to look at it if he's willing! When Thornton saw Ding Yu and Mengxi, his eyes were a little indifferent! Of course, you can see some small flames beating! A little shiny!

Just this kind of look, the cover is very good! Young and thoughtful! Obviously, his family has considerable experience in this field! Otherwise Thornton wouldn't be able to do that!

"Oh! Master Thornton is in good health!" Ding Yu took the lead in sitting on one side before checking his body! Mengxi is homeopathic and stands beside Ding Yu, but he doesn't seem to have any interest in Thornton! He is more interested in the machine next to him, and even some books placed at the head of the bed!

A little greedy! The people standing not far behind saw Mengxi clearly! Too conspicuous! After all, it's a child. There's no affectation at all. As for Ding Yu's performance? It's hard to evaluate this and give yourself personal feelings! Ding Yu seems to be on purpose!

Even against Thornton! This makes hollian have a very strange feeling in his heart! There is also master Thornton's reaction. When he looks at Ding Yu, it seems to be some strange, even some mysterious!

Why do you give yourself the feeling that master Thornton is now like a deliberately patient cockfight! Even at the next moment, Ding Yufa may have a considerable impact, which is due to the education of these people? Or the problem between master Thornton and Ding Yu was bigger! This is hard to define!

After all, we don't know much about the previous things!

"Fortunately, Mr. lauding is worried!"

Thornton glanced at Mengxi next to him. "Mr. Ding, your students don't seem to be so interested in here!"

"Really?" Ding Yu touched Mengxi's shoulder instead of rubbing his head! "His interest should be in the machine. I don't think he is particularly interested in you!" when talking, I can even see the smile on Ding Yu's mouth. "OK! From the perspective of mental state, it's pretty good! It seems that my treatment has achieved very good results! From this point of view, I still have considerable credit!"

"Mr. Ding, it seems that it costs a lot, doesn't it?"

"Yes?" Ding Yu asked in reply! Even let the people behind hear that they have some toothache. They brought a lot of things! But how to apply it, they have no way! But it is certain that quite a lot of things are not used on master Thornton at all!

In this regard, people are really angry, and even have some resentment, but they can only express their opinions and ideas at the bottom of their heart. Otherwise, what? This is Ding Yu's territory, and master Thornton needs Ding Yu's treatment. If there are any problems again, no one can bear such consequences!

Although even if we clearly know that there is a lot of fishiness, we can only bear it!

Can't bear what? Is there any other way? If there were any other way, why bother to be angry at this time? Being backward means being beaten and bullied. That's the truth! Even that makes sense!

Anyway, no one can treat Thornton except Ding Yu! This is Ding Yu's confidence!

It's not that these guys don't have this idea, but really no one is willing to take over! Even this idea is not communicated internally! Why not communicate? If this scheme is feasible, it will have been put into operation in advance! Why wait until now?

Moreover, I went to business to ask Ding Yu! We still know what the price is. If we do it again, will Ding Yu agree? To be discussed?

It's not that I can afford it! These are two things!

But watching master Thornton look at Ding Yu's angry expression! It's really gratifying! We owe a lot to this problem! If it wasn't for everyone's teaching and transmission, how could it be so?

"Mr. Ding, can I get out of bed for one or two?"

Ding Yu looked up and down at Thornton, and snorted with disdain, "you don't look good? You think it's beautiful! Just stay honest! If there's any problem! Don't find my head! At least I won't admit it! Because it's not my problem!"

In fact, this problem has been very obvious! Thornton wanted to be free, but Ding Yu rejected it at the first time. What do you want? It has nothing to do with me! Don't think that I will become your backing. It's impossible and unrealistic!

Your relationship with me is not that good! What's more, who are you? I need to resist the pressure for you? If it were Mengxi, I wouldn't have other considerations! But the problem is that you are not Muncy, and there are many contradictions between your father and me! So don't think it's okay!

This answer made Thornton very dissatisfied and even showed his teeth! With Mengxi beside him, he looked at Thornton curiously and gave Mengxi the feeling. If the teacher leaned a little, maybe Thornton lying on the bed would bite it! At least that's what he said in his eyes!

So Mengxi couldn't help looking at Ding Yu!

"Good eyes, it seems that the spirit is really getting better!" when talking, Ding Yu pointed to Thornton! Let him put his hand out! "Regulate your own mood. I need to check your physical condition!"

Although he was very dissatisfied, Thornton took a deep breath! I even closed my eyes! It's like lying on a corpse. Stretch out your arm! Because Thornton is suspicious! If you open your eyes and see Ding Yu, will you subconsciously do other actions?

The inspection time is not long! Ding Yu touched Thornton's vein. In the process, the whole room was very quiet. Of course, the people standing behind also noticed Ding Yu's action! But it can only be regarded as blind! Because even if you see all the processes, what can you do? I can't understand it at all!

This is actually the most desperate! Because everything is in front of you! But you just can't understand! It's impossible to even see! What can I do? Even hollian, who was standing in the back, could not help closing his eyes!

Did Ding Yu do it on purpose? Are not as important as they think! It can be said that it is not harmful, but it is too insulting! It's so strong that people can't even help it!

Now I can understand why master Thornton would look like that when he looked at Ding Yu! What did they transmit to master Thornton earlier? How to put it? To some extent, it's just the act of taking off your pants and Farting!

Unfortunately, everyone didn't understand at that time. Master Thornton, how can you look like that? Ding Yu is the enemy of the whole family! Now, master Thornton's hatred for Ding Yu has not reached the point of gnashing his teeth! But definitely in mind! Now people have some doubts about whether they will have the opposite effect if they do so! It seems that we really need to pay attention in the future!

Ding Yu really didn't think so much! It's not my turn to think about these things! What does it have to do with yourself?

"OK! You can open your eyes!" Ding Yu said loudly! "From the reaction of your body! You're doing well!"

This remark made Thornton's mind move when he opened his eyes! It's really not easy to hear Ding Yu's praise! Thornton almost burst into tears! Nima, do you know how painful and painful you are?

"That's it for the time being!"

There were no other actions and words. Ding Yu stood up in time! Left the room without any stagnation! Hollian standing behind looked at Thornton, and then at Ding Yu! He even raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist! It's a confirmation for yourself!

Is time too short? Is it because I'm here? But on second thought, it seems that the last time, it was the same situation! Come and check master Thornton's body and leave! This time I saw it with my own eyes! Ding Yu, an asshole, is really a very strange guy!

Since Ding Yu is leaving! Hollian, who followed, also bowed to Thornton and nodded, and then wanted to send Ding Yu away!

But when he just walked out of the door, Ding Yu, who was holding Mengxi, suddenly stopped his steps, and holly en couldn't help but stagger! Fortunately, there is a considerable distance between them, otherwise they will really hit Ding Yu!

Ding Yu came to his side and looked at hollian who was already standing at his side! Motioned to Muncie! Then he released Muncy's hand! Hollian, who followed Ding Yu, looked at Ding Yu's outstretched hand! He looked flustered all at once!

Just when he was in a hurry, Ding Yu's hand had been put on his arm! Even took two pictures!

"Who are you? It has nothing to do with me, but remember! This is my territory! Do you understand?" Ding Yu said solemnly, "I think what I have said is very clear! However, it seems that you still can't hear clearly. Let me explain to you. It's no more than three times. There's one time in the canteen! Here's another time! So don't let me find a third chance! If there's another time, I don't know what will happen!"

"Mr. Ding!"

"Don't explain! Explanation is cover up! You and I should be very clear about what happened!" Ding Yu smiled at the person in front of him! "What about this time? I'll teach you a little lesson. You don't know the consequences of doing such a thing! Don't worry, it's only half your life at most! It won't be particularly serious. Relax!"

When Ding Yu left, he seemed very happy, but hollian standing there felt that his back was like invading into the cold river! He couldn't tell what had happened! Anyway, at that moment, sweat suddenly came out, and he couldn't control it if he wanted to control it!

There's another problem! Suddenly, my stomach seems a little out of control! Even I can hear the roar inside my stomach! No! Holding my legs, I began to run to the bathroom!

But even so, in terms of time, it's still too late! Before waiting for the bathroom, hollian felt that there was heat coming out between his legs! When he squatted on the toilet, hollian felt that he was dying!

Obviously, this is Ding Yu's way! This guy's means and techniques are unpredictable! Why did he have that mind at that time? Those who can't die must follow Ding Yu's side? Now it's good!

Sit on the toilet! Hollian even felt that he had no face to see others! Because it's too disgusting, I've vomited in circles! But the question is, can you clean it up?

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