Hollian was finally rescued. To be exact, someone grabbed his nose and dragged him out!

The situation can be said to be terrible! He even took a bath with a water gun. There's no way! The situation is really a little terrible! Too exaggerated, yellow! Black! White and other colors mixed together!

It's too disgusting! Hollian also knows his society is dead! But I still can't control my sphincter. Even in the process of bathing, the color of water has changed quite a lot!

But some of his little friends don't mean to laugh at him at this time! Even the expression on his face is a little angry! Because everyone is very clear that this trouble is caused by hollian, but to a certain extent, it is also a failed result of everyone's test of Ding Yu!

And hollian, sitting on the toilet, has said it! Ding Yu showed quite an attitude!

As for what it was, hollian didn't mention it, but how can these smart guys not understand! The canteen! Including following Ding Yu into Thornton's room! These two things seriously touched Ding Yu! So Ding Yu is very unhappy! What are the consequences of unhappiness? Just look at hollian!

The accompanying doctors checked hollian's health, even on the toilet. Only sitting on the toilet can hollian be considered more comfortable. Lying on the bed is extremely inappropriate! Even a drop is hung on the hook next to it. It can't be carried by people next to it, can it? That's inappropriate!

Hollian, sitting on the toilet, looks pale and loveless! Although I know that the consequences of offending Ding Yu may be very serious, I didn't expect Ding Yu, an asshole, to do so! How can I meet people in the future? I'm afraid anyone who sees himself should avoid it!

We all know that Ding Yu is certainly not easy to mess with, but we never thought that this guy would take such means and ways! It's hard to say!

For hollian, the absolute humiliation and humiliation, together with the desire to die! But I dare not retaliate against Ding Yu! How to retaliate? After all, they tested Ding Yu first! Ding Yu in turn is a slap! Whether this slap hurts or not is another matter! You have to bear it anyway!

After all, Ding Yu didn't kill hollian. What's great is to teach him a lesson, that's all!

More importantly, hollian must focus on the overall situation at this time! After all, Thornton still needs Ding Yu for treatment! If Ding Yu were really allowed to vent his emotions, what would Mr. good's opinions and ideas be like at that time? I really don't know!

You know, Goodall didn't ask them to come here to provoke Ding Yu's anger. Mr. Goodall asked them to come here to teach master Thornton! But who could have thought that Ding Yu didn't play cards according to the routine?

It's too late to say anything now! Ding Yu left with Mengxi! But the trouble left is a little big! Thornton in the room felt a little strange when he didn't see hollian!

This is a little inconsistent with my understanding of hollian! When placed in the past, this guy is like a haunting ghost! Directly floated over, but what happened today? I didn't mean to preach! Sent a little secretary over! What does that mean? Look down on yourself!

The little secretary looked at Thornton and looked embarrassed! Even if master Thornton knew this, he should not say it through his own tongue! Really, if you say it through your own tongue! Without permission, what will happen to yourself is unimaginable!

"Where's Mr. hollian?" Thornton asked deliberately!

"Master Thornton, please wait a moment!" the secretary went out and reported the situation to the relevant people! Master Thornton! It has nothing to do with me. I didn't mention anything, but obviously master Thornton was impatient!

I don't know how to deal with it, so I'm waiting for a reply!

In this regard, people really have a feeling of lifting a stone and hitting their own feet! What exactly caused the immediate problem! We really understand again! Is Ding Yu working with Thornton! This is simply impossible!

Even hollian didn't have this idea! Even if Ding Yu wants to vent his anger on Thornton, he doesn't need to adopt such a way and method. It has nothing to do with whether he is vulgar or not!

The main reason why hollian was punished? Or for everyone! But now master Thornton asked about it! Do you want to hide something from master Thornton? Even if you want to hide such a thing, how long can you hide it? Of course, these are not the most important!

The most important thing is, can this matter be concealed from Mr. good's eyes? If things get to Mr. good's ears! What kind of views and ideas would he be! To some extent, you can ignore Thornton, but you can't ignore Mr. good!

For everyone, that is supreme, and there is no doubt about it!

"I'll go!" said setier in a deep voice with rimless glasses! Master Thornton's question! In itself, it's no big deal, but now things have changed quite a bit! And as the principal here! We must give master Thornton a satisfactory explanation!

And in the process, I also want to say a little euphemism! Let master Thornton realize the power as much as possible! Ding Yu, this bastard, is definitely a disaster and a very big disaster. Don't be deceived by him!

Why do you come here? Don't you worry about this? I'm afraid that master Thornton will be influenced by Ding Yu! If that happens, everyone will die!

When setier came to Thornton's room, he stopped his steps, took a deep breath and tried to make his breathing more stable! Hollian's affair made him a little angry at the same time! Also let oneself have deep vigilance to Ding Yu! Ding Yu is definitely not a player who plays cards according to common sense!

Don't offend him! Even if it's a little contaminated! The end may be extremely miserable! This guy is like a porcupine! Even the same kind needs to keep a considerable distance from him! Otherwise, it is easy to get hurt. As for his enemy? Not to mention it!

Thornton couldn't help blinking when he looked at seter coming in! I don't even believe it! What happened? Hollian didn't come. It was saitil! How do you feel that things seem to have changed a little?

"Mr. setier? Who are you?" Thornton expressed considerable doubt and confusion!

"Master Thornton!" satyr bowed slightly to show his respect. "Hollyn can't come! His body is in an emergency! The problem is serious! Our doctor has already done an examination! But now the effect is very little!"

"Something's wrong?" Thornton's face changed a little! Obviously, we have recognized quite a problem! "Ding Yu did it!" the words were a little sure! Thornton couldn't help humming, "in addition, I can't think of any other possibility! Just because hollian entered the room together! So Ding Yu was very dissatisfied!"

"Ding Yu did it! It conforms to his personality, but it's not a bit of a fuss?"

Setier shook his head slightly, and the expression on his face was also a little confused! "It's hard to make this definition!" looked at Thornton puzzled! Setier explained, "from what I personally know, Mr. Ding just patted hollian on the arm twice! There is no other contact!"

"It's not serious! My arm is broken?"

Setier shook his head. "It's more troublesome than breaking his arm! If his arm is broken, it may be better! But the problem is that his arm is not broken, but there are some adverse reactions on his body! Vomiting and diarrhea! He can't get out in the bathroom! He had someone take a bath before!"

In this regard, Thornton's mouth twitched a little badly! "Is it the kind of understanding?"

Setier nodded slightly! Speak frankly! More exaggerated and disgusting than you understand! So I won't say, and don't ask again! Otherwise, I'm afraid you will have quite a problem!

"Say hello to Mr. hollyn for me!" Thornton would never show up! You even need to control your expression, "so this Mr. Ding's attitude is worth pondering at this time!"

"I didn't expect things to go so far! Master Thornton! I'm sorry!"

Thornton shook his head slightly! Look a little silent! But my heart has blossomed at this time! My intestines are going to tie! Let you bastards act recklessly! If I don't give you some color to see, you really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!

As for what kind of ways and methods Mr. Ding Yuding has adopted, this is really not as important to Thornton as he imagined! It doesn't matter. Just let it go!

The only thing that makes Thornton feel a little pity is that he is now! Can't laugh! I need to control my emotions! At least we can't let setier see any clues!

"It's not your fault! Mr. Ding! I haven't given me any good face since I came here! I'm always cynical! It's for my good!" Thornton snorted. As for the true meaning of this disdain, it remains to be discussed!

"There's no need for such an expression!" Thornton said calmly. "We depend on others. Just remember this shame! One day, we need to pay back double!"

Thornton didn't bite his teeth! It even gives people the feeling that Thornton seemed powerless when he said this! And setier helped his frameless eyes! Nodded slightly at Thornton! Then we must add ourselves! I want to give back all the things Ding Yu added to them! And double it back!

I believe hollian will be in high spirits when he knows the news!

"Master Thornton! Recently, we may need to relax a little!"

"Speak directly!" Thornton didn't have so much free time to pay attention to this matter! So I showed my thoughts without hesitation! I am controlled by others now. In that case, I might as well be happy!

"How about Mr. Bruno?"

"Do you need to do it so quickly?" Thornton muttered to himself! It's like asking setier, and it's like asking yourself! Is it really appropriate for Bruno to come forward at this time?

But deep in Thornton's heart, he had another idea! Even now I hate setier even more! Because of setier's proposal! Just use yourself as a raft! To put it directly, it is to coerce the emperor to order the princes!

Use my name to find Bruno. If Bruno has any dissatisfaction, you can press him in the name of the family. It's good for you! The notorious family! It's really enough! that 's ok! You're good enough! I can't bear it! I do!

"Yes! Anyway, Mr. Bruno has nothing else to do. Let him find Ding Yu and get in touch with him! It's so decided!" without hesitation for too long, Thornton made a decision!

For Thornton, he responded and responded so quickly! Setier is very satisfied! I didn't even feel anything wrong! Maybe it's because you think highly of yourself, or maybe you don't have any precautions against Thornton! Of course, it may also be that Thornton's personal concealment is too good!

When setier went to see Bruno, Bruno was still natural and unrestrained! Anyway, he has nothing else to do. He can't leave here and get too close to master Thornton!

If I put it in the past, I may have a good quarrel with those guys of setier, but I don't need it now! Ding Yu has given himself quite a hint! Under such circumstances, try your best to relax!

It is precisely because of this that Bruno expressed his serious disapproval of the arrival of setier! They didn't go to them, but they took the initiative to come to the door! What do you mean? It's easy to bully yourself, isn't it?

I give Mr. good face and master Thornton face, but it doesn't mean I also need to give setier face!

If they really don't know their position, they don't mind doing them a favor!

However, it is obvious that saitil has made considerable preparations before coming. Although Mr. Goode is behind it, it does not mean that saitil can despise Bruno! It's impossible! People respect Mr. good, not themselves! I'm not even a green onion in front of him!

However, Mr. Bruno still knows a lot about affairs since he brought people here! Completely gave up the position! At the beginning, there was still some dissatisfaction, but these two days! Seems to have identified the location! This is also very good!

"Mr. Bruno!" setier didn't mean to pose in front of Bruno!

Um! Bruno nodded slightly and didn't mean to lift his ass! At most, he made an invitation gesture. If you are willing to sit, sit. If you are not willing, no one will go back and force you!

Bruno did so for two reasons. One was that he didn't catch a cold for setier. The other was that? This guy is a weasel into the house! come with evil intent!

"Mr. Bruno! Mr. Ding just came! He was very rude!"

Bruno's eyebrows beat a little! Nod! Means you know! "Mr. Ding has always been like this! There's nothing strange about it!"

As far as Bruno knows, Ding Yu's temper is not as good as expected! But it has always been relatively peaceful! Unless it really annoys him! Look at the situation of setier, what should have happened to each other!

"Mr. Bruno, master Thornton is a little angry about it! I hope you can resolve it!"

Originally Bruno was gentle, but setier's words made Bruno angry and even couldn't help standing up! But after standing for a moment, Bruno tidied up his suit and sat down under his anger! But the look at setier was a little fierce!

"What happened? I need to know the whole story!"

Setier looked at Bruno and didn't feel any big deal! Simple and detailed things to say!

"Mr. Bruno, I hope you can solve this matter quickly and don't affect master Thornton's follow-up treatment because of it! No one wants this to happen!"

After that, setier leaned slightly and floated away. Bruno almost overturned his table. At this time, his mood was a little out of control and swept away the things on the table!

In this regard, saitir who came to the door didn't have any reaction! Even the pace did not stop!

And Bruno did it on purpose! Unexpectedly, Ding Yu gave himself a sigh of relief! And that guy hollian is so ugly? It's a very interesting thing!

Think about it, I feel so happy! Don't give him some strength to try! He did not know who has the final say in the acre of land. At this point, Bruno is definitely on Ding Yu's side! not to move or retreat!

There is also a deeper reason. Setier even borrowed Thornton's name to order himself, which made Bruno realize the seriousness of the problem! At this time, what kind of identity does setier stand on to do things?

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