But Bruno really didn't mean to complain! What kind of behavior is a complaint at this time!

I just don't know what the situation is like on master Thornton's side. Admittedly, Ding Yu has made quite a mention to himself, but can this mention play a bigger role and effect on Thornton? Who knows?

And even if it's a complaint? What can happen? Does Mr. good know what's going on here? He still needs to be wordy. Bruno always remembers why he is here and protects Thornton's safety. As for other things, he can shoulder a little when setier and his people don't come over!

After all, there was no one else at that time! But now they're all here! No matter what they do is right or wrong, they all represent Mr. good's will! So I still need to be vigilant! Control the propriety!

Although he is very dissatisfied, Bruno still thinks it might be better to find Ding Yu at this time! Of course, it's not just because Ding Yu is angry with himself! It's very sad for hollian. What's important is that he needs to know something about Thornton. This is what Bruno wants to do most!

It's not easy for others to see Ding Yu, but for Bruno, it may be just raising his feet! But Bruno really didn't come empty handed. He brought a lot of good things, but he didn't have any share of Ding Yu! It has the share of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. Of course, the main body is still the children of the Ding family!

Ding Yu humed and smiled. He was a little dissatisfied, but obviously, it was intentional! Even when Ding Yun saw his father's "face", he deliberately stood beside Bruno. Of course, he also pulled his little four eyes to his side! It's a deliberate platform!

Ding Yu glanced at Xiao Si, who was also staring at Ding Yu! Then they each skimmed their mouths! Seems to have a considerable dislike! But for so many years, little four eyes haven't seen how old they are! On the one hand, the food and treatment at home are very good! On the other hand, although Ding Yu doesn't like it! But still give some care!

There's no way! Son and daughter have a good heart! What can I do? Even if there is more dissatisfaction, it can only be to bear the unhappiness in my heart! If you were raised in another family, even if you could get considerable care, it would not be like this! Ding Yu is very clear. What kind of power does the little four eyes hidden under the hair have!

Even slightly exaggerated!

But in this regard, I'm really not an expert! Mainly because Xiao Siyan spent a long time at home, Ding Yucai used some special means! As for the maoduan between yourself and it, I'm afraid there is no way to resolve it in a short time!

After playing with the children at home for a while, Bruno went into Ding Yu's study and looked at the layout in the study, although it was not the first time! But I still feel so shocked!

It's quite different from my study! My study is very heavy! With historical accumulation! But what do you say? To some extent, it is just a symbol! I don't spend much time reading in my study. I spend more time dealing with official business!

And Ding Yu's study? It's just a study! Although quite a time, talk about some things, but more often, Ding Yu is used to read books! Even a place for children to play at home!

"I don't know how you arranged it. I didn't smell anything else after I came in! But I couldn't help but feel a shock and even a very sober feeling!"

"Just a little trick!" Ding Yu said calmly, made an invitation gesture, and the two sat down separately! Each other is a little relaxed! "Why? Does the opening speech need such a compliment? It's not like your style!"

"What can I do?" Bruno sighed. "I'm really worried at this time! Even with some fear, I think you've seen setier's actions! They're not as simple as stepping on the line!"

For Bruno's sadness, Ding Yu nodded his head! "I saw some! But it doesn't have much to do with me. As for hollian, he asked for it!"

"I've heard some! But what setier said is not very comprehensive! What makes me angry is that he uses master Thornton's name! He completely uses master Thornton's family name for his own use! How dare he do such a thing? Does he know what his identity is? And where should he stand?"

Facing Bruno's question, Ding Yu pursed the corners of his mouth! "Bruno, tell me this? It doesn't seem to have much effect! They spy on me in the canteen! They even follow me into the ward! These two things have seriously violated my bottom line, so I'll teach them a lesson and stop!"

In this regard, Bruno also has some doubts. Why is this so! The reason is very simple! Obviously, Ding Yu is not willing to get involved in the things and problems here! Because Mr. good is involved!

Ding Yu and Goode are competing all the time, but at this time, they both need to exercise considerable restraint. If they really create considerable contradictions! Will the next moment trigger the so-called world war? It's really hard to say! No one dares to make this guarantee!

So whether it's Ding Yu? Or good, both of them are quite taboo! What's more, Goodall now needs to clean up the White House and the board! And Ding Yu? About the Wang family? Farm things and so on, these are time-consuming and energy-consuming! It can't be solved in a moment!

"Madder!" Bruno scolded, "these bastards!"

Ding Yu is smiling! "It seems that Goodall has been substituted in! But I think his face should hurt a little at this time! So as a friend, I advise you to say that you don't know such a thing! It's not necessary to sit at the top of the pyramid! Just care about Thornton's health and safety! There's no need to get involved in other things! Even if you blame yourself, it doesn't matter! "

The popular explanation of this remark is that it must be necessary to carry the black pot in the future. At that time, there is no need to do other explanations, and even take the initiative to help Goodall take over the black pot! In this case, there are considerable steps for each other!

Otherwise, Goodall will lose his hair!

Ding Yu doesn't care whether his face hurts, but from the perspective of friends, Ding Yu thinks Bruno's position in front of the stage is still very good! At least it can make quite things handled smoothly! Not too stiff!

Ding Yu did so, of course, for his own consideration! The more stable Bruno stands, the greater the benefits to himself!

Bruno sighed heavily! "I'm still a little worried! In fact, they don't get into my eyes at all! It's true that they are not wine bags, but they don't have any foundation. Once they are in the top position, they will open their teeth and claws and even act recklessly. This is the taboo of the top position. I'm worried about how much influence master Thornton will be affected, and even harm will be caused by this influence! After all, master Thornton is still too young! "

"Happiness lies in misfortune, misfortune lies in happiness! A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise! Such a thing is difficult to be explained by reason! It even involves some things in philosophy! It can't be explained in one sentence or two!"

"Also, Bruno, give me a personal feeling. You seem a little possessed! Don't you?"

"I also have a good understanding of Chinese culture. The so-called enchantment is not a small thing! It's terrible!"

"The so-called obsession is obsession! Care too much!" Ding Yu explained! "You're paying too much attention to Thornton now! It's a little bad! You can't even hold your heels for a while!"

"You don't hurt your back when you stand talking!" although Bruno also understands this truth, he understands it, but he can't go down according to Ding Yu's ideas. Otherwise, Ding Yu will easily take him to the ditch! "But really, that's why I came here!"

"That's right!" Ding Yu looked at Bruno with a smile. "Hollian's situation seems to be serious, but it's only two or three days. Look at his own physical condition! If he takes good exercise at ordinary times, the problem should not be particularly big! If he is too indulgent at ordinary times, it may take a long time!"

"I heard that I can't get down now sitting on the toilet!" Bruno looked at Ding Yu suspiciously! "This technique is a little exaggerated! I've heard Dongfang explain it to some extent! But there don't seem to be many people who can do this step! It's too much test. Anyway, Dongfang says it's very difficult!"

"It's just a little skill! But it's not particularly difficult for me and senior brother Dongfang! But for most people! The effect is not as obvious as expected, and may even lead to poor control! It's inappropriate to hurt people!"

Bruno looked at Ding Yu suspiciously! "Do I have any misunderstanding about the word hurt?"

What is the situation of hollian? I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I've heard some!

"It's not as exaggerated as you think! It's just a small lesson for hollian! It was used in medical treatment in the early days! It won't cause any irritating harm! There are a few people who can control! Even in modern times! And very few! There are other times that it will be used in other ways!"

In this regard, Bruno's mouth twitched a little! Ding Yu's explanation really made him speechless!

I don't have any pity for hollian. I won't be interested in hollian's experience! Anyway, it's Ding Yu's trouble! I have nothing to do with myself, and I am happy to watch jokes next to me!

"I'm here just to make up! It's obvious that setier has recognized some of the problems and conditions and can't carry them! Under such circumstances, he can only find a decent way for himself!"

"Do you believe it?" Ding Yu expressed disdain for it! "It's too low-level to use such a way to test! It's basically what we play with the rest and play in front of us? I don't even know what to say! Is their head really flooded?"

"Is there water? This question is really something to be discussed, but judging from the current reaction, how long has it been? I can't help myself! Just shoot at me and Sanchez! Even for you, a giant, I don't respect you as much as I thought! It's a little interesting!"

"Just say they are too bold and reckless! Don't be so implicit!"

"It's unimaginable, okay? The so-called let people perish, first make them crazy, which makes sense!"

Whether it's Ding Yu or Bruno! I'm not so optimistic about the fate of setier and his gang! In the future, it will not be as simple as being guilty! It's no exaggeration to say that their humanitarian self-reliance, as for others? Is it really difficult to make this decision when there will be a situation of destroying families and families?

See if Goodall wants to set up a memorial archway? If you want to show off your tolerance and magnanimity, you should leave two or three kittens! If you are cruel! At that time, it will be as if they had never appeared in this world! I can't find any trace anyway!

"Your attitude is really good?!"

This remark is a little ironic. I don't know whether I'm mocking Ding Yu or myself!

"By the way! The children in the family will start school in two days? Look, this means they still need to stay at home for a few days?"

"Don't beat around the Bush!" Ding Yu said impolitely, "I simply looked at Thornton's learning situation. Hollian was there at that time. I wasn't so convenient. From the perspective of attitude, it was still good, and my mental condition was relatively good!"

Bruno was determined to hear what Ding Yu said so frankly!

"I knew it! There must be no problem!" Bruno, who couldn't himself for a while, began to mutter to himself!

"I took Mengxi with me!"

"I haven't heard of that!" Bruno looked at Ding Yu curiously, thought for a while, and then asked tentatively, "is it appropriate? Ding Chang or Wang an are almost the same!" it's not that he despises Tong Tong and Ding Yun! In terms of identity, there is not much difference! Mainly reflected in ability!

At least now Mengxi has too many differences from other children at home! I'm afraid even Ding Yu can't deny this! However, Bruno also knows that Ding Yu must have a reason to do so!

"Didn't you explain it earlier? I don't deny that Thornton received a better education! But it wasted two years! These two years are a little fatal for him personally! At least for his growth, so he has a big gap with the children at home! This gap? May have a devastating impact! At least he hasn't seen it Enough to withstand such an impact! I don't want any other problems in his spirit! "

"Mengxi must be suitable?"

"The question is, can you find someone else besides Simone?" Ding Yu spread his hands, "Of course, if you can find the right person for me! I certainly don't have any problems here. I'll even raise my hands and feet to welcome! I can say I'm extremely looking forward to it! For Mengxi, Thornton is not a good level training object!"

This makes Bruno helpless! It's not difficult to find one or several people, but it's not so easy to come with the right person! You can't be too old, you need to get Ding Yu's approval! Especially Ding Yu's approval! Bruno can't help but swear at the thought of this!

After so many years, even if Ding Yu really found several suitable candidates, including Meng Xi and Xiao Gang, but not Ding Yun and Ding Chang, only four of them! How much effort and energy did Ding Yu spend in this process?

I have such patience, but the problem is that I haven't been able to find a suitable candidate! What's more, don't I need it? How many reserve forces do I really want? It's unimaginable for the whole family in the future!

So the problem that Ding Yu mentioned now is the existence of no solution to a certain extent!

And Mengxi will stay with Ding Yu! The other children in the family are scattered everywhere! It's hard not to let Thornton run around! There are such conditions at home, but the problem is that Ding Yu can't be an accompanying doctor! It's too disrespectful to Ding Yu. On the one hand, the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't have so much time!

"Just don't know if others will understand?"

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Ding Yu asked, "is it difficult that I need to look at other people's faces to do this, and even tell them the truth! Don't be kidding!"

That's over! Bruno can't help feeling a little ashamed! Yes! Such a thing! Does Ding Yu need to explain to others? Not at all! Even Ding Yu will be extremely impatient! How do I want to do it? That's my business! It has nothing to do with anyone else! Don't tell anyone in front of me! I don't like it!

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