When Ding Yu left here, Bruno couldn't see too many expression changes on his face, but he was still very happy in his heart! Through the dialogue with Ding Yu, I know something about Thornton! Even Thornton's future has a considerable context! This is definitely something to be happy about and even to celebrate!

But just think about it! Celebrate such a thing or forget it! I'm over my green age! For quite a lot of things, I'm open! But this is an opportunity! You can make a deal with setier and visit Thornton! Reasonable request!

How will Bruno deal with this matter? Ding Yucai won't worry! But let yourself visit Thornton at this time? Impossible things, if you are free, you may think about them! But I don't have that time now! Just wait!

Anyway, I've seen Thornton's situation! Just take good care of yourself! It is these days that I haven't been able to completely calm down. There are still some small anxieties! That's it!

But this is also a common sense thing, let alone a child like him! Even adults! I'm afraid it's hard to recover from such a situation! Even Taoists who pay attention to quiet and inaction have fire!

Almost all the children in the family left in an instant! Ding Yu didn't mean to send each other at all, just because of this! Ding Yu was also slapped by his mother Zhao Shuying on the back to show her dissatisfaction!

But for Ding Yu, it's not a big deal! Why? I'm not idle. There are countless things at hand! In fact, to some extent, Ding Yu doesn't want his parents to see him off. Why? But such things give the children a look in the eyes and let them understand themselves! As for yourself? There's no need to say it!

Otherwise, it will not be as simple as slapping yourself! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying will definitely let Ding Yu try family law. Even if Ding Yu is the child's father now! But so what?

Xiaoyu has gone to school. Ding Yu took Mengxi to try! For Muncy, there are things to learn in the school now! Not much, but Ding Yu is mainly to let him integrate into this environment! Real learning can be done at home!

It can also be seen from this that children are sometimes too smart, which is not a good thing! At least on this point, there is a little trouble, because the school is to popularize all children. Mengxi is really a special case among special cases, which really needs to be looked at differently!

Fortunately, Mengxi is not a naughty child, but is quite curious about the outside world. Is that true? Maybe the teacher needs to worry more! But you need to be more careful at home. Why? After all, Mengxi has a little resistance to the external environment! This is also due to his special situation!

But for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, it's nothing at all! Anyway, they have nothing else to do now! Just take care of the two children at home. There is no problem! Even the girl Xiaoyu doesn't have much fun! Because he is very sensible, Mengxi is here now! It just fills a considerable gap!

"Elder brother!" Ding Yu looked at the mobile phone in his hand and blinked his eyes. Only then did he react! Just now I answered the phone subconsciously! Listen to the voice on the phone. It looks like Wang Li!

"Oh!" Ding Yu said slowly! "What's up?"

"What are you doing? How do you feel weak?" Wang Li listened to her eldest brother's voice and felt a little wrong! When I listen to my eldest brother, I'm full of confidence. How does it sound quite different now! "Wait, I'll give you a video! What's the matter!"

"No big deal, don't be surprised!" Ding Yu said loudly! "I'm a little tired these days! There are a lot of things on the farm! What about you? What's the matter?"

"So tired?"

This makes Ding Yu even want to curse! You say this lightly, as if you were nothing! But what about yourself? It seems that there is no physical labor, but the head is surrounded by various personnel arrangements and processing every day! Any line can not be broken. If it is broken, it may cause a series of problems!

Under such circumstances, how can you not be tired!

"Don't stir up trouble nearby! What's the matter with you? Say something if you have something to do. If you have nothing to do, I'll hang up!"

"Don't!" Wang Li hurriedly stopped! "It's mainly because the domestic survey has achieved considerable results. The results are satisfactory and not many people are involved! But the nature of the matter is quite different! Not to mention the big brother you! So I want to mention it to you!"

"I know!" Ding Yu knocked on his head with his hand. "Is there anything else? What's the situation at home these two days? I'm a little busy these days, and I don't have so much time!"

"It seems very busy too! I don't ask much!" Wang Li smiled, "but I didn't see Dad. It must be similar to your situation?"

"I know what you mean! Go home and have a look! Find the housekeeper when you have time! All right! That's it for the time being! I'll hang up!" there was no response from Wang Li. Ding Yu had already turned off the phone!

Wang Li bares her teeth! But it's really bad to call your big brother again! Because Wang Li knows very well that even if she calls, it doesn't have any effect and effect. Brother won't answer the phone at all!

However, it seems a little early to go home at this time, so I'd better go to the courtyard to have a look, and even have a meal in the courtyard! It's not how good the food is! It has nothing to do with this. It's mainly exquisite!

Wang Li didn't even come alone. She came with her little apprentice Lu Mei! Wang Li fell in love with these newly admitted students at the first glance! There is no reason to speak! Let others have some envy!

What Wang Li likes more is that this little apprentice is definitely a snack! Let yourself have another level of understanding of food, which can not be made clear in one sentence or two! It was also because of her love for the little apprentice that Wang Li took her to the siheyuan without hesitation!

Lu Mei is not the first time to hear about quadrangles. They all say that the courtyard here is deep! the mansions of the nobility were inaccessible to the common man! But I just heard it! I've never been here before! If not through the master's light! I'm afraid I've never been able to enter this door in my life!

But just walked in! Lu Mei moved her little nose! "Tofu!"

Huh? Wang Li was stunned, and the housekeeper walking in front also paused slightly. She looked back at Lu Mei, who was following behind, with big black framed glasses!

"Is she your little apprentice? Her nose works very well!"

Ah? Wang Li was even more surprised! But there is considerable disappointment! "No! Housekeeper, I'm going to have a big meal here tonight? Do you want to eat tofu tonight? It's too exaggerated!"

"What I made today is old tofu! You can taste it!" the housekeeper looked at Wang Li's eyes and was a little picky! Such a good thing is still despised. I really have eyes and don't know Mount Tai! The little apprentice in the back is more interesting!

"Can you do it?"

"Not really!" looking at her master, Lu Mei helped her big glasses! The housekeeper asked someone to leave with Lu Mei! Wang Li didn't pay much attention! Because the Housekeeper will never do such a thing for no reason!

The housekeeper took Wang Li to the wing room and took out quite a lot of information from the safe!

"Chief steward! That's why brother asked me to come here?"

"Things abroad are very complicated! Even very dangerous. Especially at this time, even a sneeze may cause an uproar! Huge waves!" when he said this, the housekeeper also looked sad! "Even sir, it's taboo! I dare not let you do other contamination!"

"There are not many domestic participants! But the architecture model is not simple at all! Even now, it's a little scary. These guys have a clear division of labor! They are a little bold! If they can go on the right path, they definitely have a very good future and scene! What a pity!"

"In order to prevent accidents and omissions, investigations abroad have been completed!"

"Finished? What brother did?" Wang Li was a little happy!

"It's really not Mr. did it!" then the housekeeper explained, "Sir can't get involved in this matter, at least at this time! If Sir gets involved! Even if asked, it may lead to things out of control. Of course, those guys abroad are afraid that Sir can't be satisfied! So they don't dare to take it lightly! This is also a giant helping to do it Yes! "

"How to give me a personal feeling! There are considerable worries and fears on both sides?"

Wang Li is a little curious about this, but when she speaks, she also looks through the information! After reading it, she smacks a little! If the people here are themselves, I'm afraid it won't play any role and effect!

"Are these guys idle?"

"At the beginning, I just wanted to block my husband! Later, I was a little out of control! People's hearts? There are some greed. If someone can't control their greed, it's easy to have problems! Especially the people in this industry! For them, they may give up once or twice, but once they touch it! There's no way to quit!"

Wang Li shook the information in her hand! "It seems that there are still people! Even some people are lucky. Of course, the people who go in are really interested. It's now! They are not honest! It seems that the punishment given to them is still a little light!"

Obviously, Wang Li is a little angry at this time!

"Whether it's serious or not, this problem is not something I should care about! Sir has explained quite a few things, and I've told you! If you don't understand anything, just ask, but it's only limited to this matter and some related matters!"

The housekeeper set the boundaries from the beginning. She can't ask Wang Li any questions. She has to answer them! In that case, what kind of Housekeeper will you be! So it's better to put yourself and Wang Li in a cage at the beginning, which is quite good for both sides!

"Domestic ones can be handled! But these guys abroad have no way!"

"It's more exaggerated than you think! Although this thing is inspired, no one is willing to pay attention to whether you are inspired or not at this time! It's not so important! In the eyes of those people, do you do this thing? Participate or not? If you do it! Participate! It's OK!"

"Unreasonable! Unreasonable!"

"You can be reasonable! You can also be considerate, but at this time, not many people are willing to be reasonable and considerate! Too many people are involved! Basically, they are the kind of giants! Everyone hopes that this matter will be completely solved! It will be swept away!"

"Sweep and clear!" Wang Li's expression was a little frightened. She even covered her mouth and said a little stumbling!! "Housekeeper, is this a little too heavy?"

Wang Li can feel that this so-called sweeping and cleaning is definitely not enough to sweep twice with a broom. It will be clean at that time! There will be no omission!

"Since we have done a lot of things, we need to pay a considerable price for it! At this time, no one wants to make other mistakes because of such a small thing! People over there don't want to do it, nor do you, sir. As for the domestic side, we can do it easily, but it's foreign side! No! It's not allowed! What's more, some people in the White House don't want to do it themselves It's hard to protect! Under such circumstances, let alone other branches and leaves! "

Wang Li couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva! "Housekeeper, are you afraid that I will eat a little too much at night? So you deliberately scare me! I brought my little apprentice today!"

"Don't get involved in foreign affairs! Mr. Zhao needs to be cautious to deal with foreign affairs now! As for the domestic side, how you want to deal with it, even if you don't deal with it, it's not so important! Just find out the people! You're not a judge!"

This remark is a little critical! Of course, there is also the meaning of guidance! Wang Li nodded her head clearly, obviously listening to this opinion! "That's true! The elder brother said he was a little tired. I'm busy inside and outside this time. I don't have much time to pay attention to my two children at home! Don't wait two more days. They don't know me as a mother!"

The joke is too abrupt, and even the housekeeper doesn't have much preparation! So I can only have a helpless look at Wang Li!

When she came back, Wang Li found that her little apprentice seemed to scratch her ears! Don't know? How did you think she was? Look at the light behind her black framed glasses! Wang Li thought it was a little abrupt to bring her here!

Although tofu is the main material, the choice of side dishes is quite exquisite! Even the brewing of tofu makes Wang Li have a very strange feeling! It's totally different from the tofu you usually eat!

"It's not lactone tofu or paper tofu! It feels the same as the big tofu I ate when I was a child!"

"It's just made at home! When the children came back, they had a meal! Whether it's nutrition or taste, it's more popular with the children at home! What's important is what my husband said! It's quite pyrotechnic!"

Lu Mei nodded uncontrollably! She eats juicy! Anyway, no one cares about her, so now it's time to eat it! That's called a pleasure! Watching her eat is called Yixiang! It's definitely not as simple as eating two more bowls of rice!

"The fireworks didn't come out, but the taste was very good!"

In this regard, the housekeeper didn't make other explanations. These life experiences need time to hone slowly! Wang Li is still young after all! And sir? His situation is a little special! Although Mr. is not so picky about food and clothing, it doesn't mean he won't eat!

After dinner! Looking at her little apprentice, she didn't suffer at all. She almost came out by holding the wall! I brought her here to see the world, but she is good! Had a big meal in the quadrangle! Happy is really happy! As for what kind of consequences, it seems that she has never considered it!

Is your mind a waste?

Back home, my father seems to have just come back! Look at him, these two days seem to be a little too hard work, frown!

When they saw Wang Li, both Wang Changlin and Su Yuan subconsciously glanced at the past. It seemed that Wang Li was not comfortable. It didn't seem to be a big deal! I had a meal in the courtyard, that's all!

"Do I have any questions?" Wang Li asked rhetorically!

"Have you eaten?"

"Well! I just went to the quadrangle and had a meal with the housekeeper. It was mainly related to some things. Brother asked me to find the housekeeper and gave me some explanations! That's the general situation!"

She took off her coat and wanted to throw it on the sofa, but after looking at her mother's face, Wang Li hung it on the hanger! There is no need to attract your mother's anger at this time! Don't make trouble for yourself! Who knows if my mother will suddenly work hard at herself!

Hard to say!

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