"You go to the courtyard?" Su Yuan's expression was a little stunned! I really didn't expect that my daughter not only went to the courtyard, but even had a meal there! It's a little exaggerated at this time! "What's your big brother looking for you?"

Sitting down, Wang Li, a little careless, picked up the fruit plate and ate two apples! See Su Yuan's tooth flower! Back home, there may be no big deal! But if she went to her mother-in-law's house, the merchant never mentioned anything, but Su Yuan felt a little headache!

"My investigation is almost done! I called my brother! He seems a little busy! There is no time to connect a phone! And he is a little tired!"

Wang Li couldn't help looking at her father! Wang Changlin is a ha ha smile! Why does the daughter look at herself? I can think of it! My son is very tired, and I'm not better here! What's going on at home? It's messy! If you want to clean it up, how can you do it without bother?

"All the domestic affairs have been investigated?"

"It's over!" Wang Li's expression was a little depressed! "In my opinion, things have been investigated almost! After seeing the housekeeper, I know that someone has investigated things abroad! It's a little unexpected!"

"Foreign countries have investigated it clearly?" Su Yuan was a little surprised! "Did your eldest brother do it?" in Su Yuan's opinion, such a thing! My daughter can't do it. Even if she can, the time is too short!

"Big brother didn't do it!" Wang Li gave a negative answer! "As for who did it! I'm not so clear. On the one hand, big brother doesn't want to get involved in it. On the other hand, foreign people are afraid that big brother will get involved in it and even get angry through it!"

Su Yuan has some doubts! "What and what? How do you listen to what you mean? It seems that there are some fears and scruples on both sides! Even if you solve the problem yourself, you will never let the other party participate!"

"Generally speaking, it's like this! But the eldest brother has a considerable initiative! In my opinion, the eldest brother still has a considerable advantage, but I really don't know where the eldest brother's capital is! I can't say it! Neither the eldest brother nor the housekeeper have mentioned it too much!"

"Everything has been investigated clearly?" Wang Changlin asked! It's not that Wang Changlin is interested in this matter. Now Wang Changlin is quite well informed about external affairs! As for other aspects, I don't care so much, because the things of the three families are really too cumbersome!

Although it was known at the original time that there was a big problem, it was only after the real start that we knew the extent of the erosion of the three companies, which was even more exaggerated than expected!

Now Wang Changlin understands more or less, his eldest son! The vision is really long-term, and this means is also very sharp! In that case, his father must make a considerable choice, or clean up himself! or It was Ding Yu who directly cut off the leg of the three families through other means!

The old man woke up at the last stage! Although Wang Changlin also knows that the old man must be quite oppressed in his heart! But under the circumstances at that time, we can only make favorable choices! It doesn't matter what's right or wrong! There is no such problem!

"The investigation abroad is particularly believed!" Wang Li's expression even appeared a little different, "and look at this situation, these guys are basically like that afterwards!"

"That's right!" Su Yuan asked almost subconsciously!

"It should be swept away! There will be no legacy! The housekeeper said! This should be a white house, or even a sign from some people, but at this time, they can't protect themselves! Let alone the branches and leaves on them! They will definitely be cleaned!"

"Ah?" Su Yuan exclaimed, "this is too barbaric!"

Obviously, Su Yuan also realized what Wang Li meant! "All clean?"

"It should be the same situation! There won't be too many leftovers at that time! They should also be worried that big brother will turn over the accounts in the future! So take advantage of the investigation of quite things now! Completely and cleanly solve all problems! Don't give big brother any excuses! Under such circumstances! They shouldn't deliberately leave trouble for themselves!"

"It seems that things over there are more difficult than expected!"

"Who knows? But I can't see too much from watching the news! The old God is sitting there! I don't see any news! I don't know much about it, but I heard that it's calming there! The people in the intelligence department haven't left!"

Su Yuan paid more attention to this, but Wang Changlin didn't have so much thought! At this time, your subject cannot be changed! As for the eldest son? Who knows? Look at his own!

I can only say so, otherwise what can I do? Don't say his business is his own! Even the three companies can't get involved. Of course, they can't afford to! You know, the eldest son doesn't have anything to ask about at home! To this extent, it has been very illustrative!

If he really means this, can he solve the problem by himself? Even if the old man and the old lady are pulled out, it has no effect! On this point, Wang Changlin knows very clearly!

"Let him handle his affairs by himself! What do you do here? But it needs to be handled well!"

Su Yuan took a look at his husband and understood what he thought in his heart, so he didn't stay on this issue for too long. It didn't make any sense!

"It's OK! I thought I'd caught them all! So I called my brother to show off!" then Wang Li cracked her mouth! "I didn't expect that there were still people hiding. It's a bit of a slap in the face! These bastards must know quite a lot. They dare to hide it! They can't be forgiven!"

How does this sound like a little intentional? Wang Changlin looked at his daughter suspiciously!

But then Wang Changlin smiled. He seemed a little nervous! Even a little too much! If the eldest son really wants to show his meaning in this regard! I will never let Wang Li send a message! He will call himself directly! Never take such a tortuous way!

"It's good for you to deal with a lot of things yourself! The current problems at home are not so big! Just deal with them slowly! At least there's still a lot of time! And from the current situation, the effect is obvious!"

"I'm fine too! Generally speaking, people have gone in to study! They have explained quite a few things, but some very special ones have been exposed this time! Their problems have been used to. At this time, I still think of Xiao Jiu, beautiful them!"

Wang Changlin said well! "I said Xiao Si also has a considerable situation!"

"Xiaobao has told me! It's easy to clean up at home! It's not easy to clean up! Xiaobao is also. Just tell me! It's not a big thing! If Xiaosi's thing is really said! She's a little greedy! So it leads to quite a lot of things! There are mistakes!" Wang Li wanted to laugh about it, "It's not a child! It's just because 'a piece of candy' that I'm tempted! I don't know what to say!"

"I've heard quite a lot. Xiao Si's father called me! Hi!"

Wang Changlin didn't mean to aim at anything! Xiao Si's situation is not too big, and it's good to draw a considerable lesson! "Anyway, when you have time, tell Xiao Bao that it's his sister after all! Don't go too far!"

"I don't know about this! Why? Xiao Bao did it? He's brave!"

Su Yuan glanced at the past complaining. It's like she's a good person! Did she cause less trouble at the beginning? In her early years, her eldest brother told her the truth. Otherwise, she doesn't know where to stand guard now! It's impossible!

Now I have the face to say so! It's really hard for her!

"It's not because of the boldness. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are two of them!" Wang Changlin couldn't help laughing. "It's obvious that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao cooperate with each other at home! Even give some people a warning! From this point of view, their performance is still very good!"

If Wang Changlin can say such words, it is obvious that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao stepped on the drum!

Wang Li feels that her teeth are a little itchy. Anyway, she doesn't have too many things here. She can find time to repair them. She has other thoughts. The problem is that she hasn't called herself yet. She can't bear it!

"All right! You've been busy for some time. There's nothing at home!"

"I see!" Wang Li said casually. "I'm so busy now, I must have no time!"

Father and daughter don't need to ambush each other! Wang Li really doesn't want to pay attention to the things at home! She has a lot of things to deal with, and there are too many things involved in the things at home! They are basically the old people, and they are the old people of her grandfather! Don't get contaminated!

Wang Changlin snorted! Wang Li called Xiaobao and then left in a rage! Finding Xiaobao is a meal of repair. For Wang Li, there is no reason or reason. I just want to clean you up! Even if you are angry, you can bear it!

As for Wang Yang, she didn't run away. Her sister is also the one in the family. In addition to her eldest brother, she is really not afraid of heaven and earth. Even if her eldest brother is face-to-face, she may shout twice! She has always been such a temper and temperament, and no one has any way!

So even if it's cleaned up! Two people can only endure! Can't bear what? May be cleaned up even worse!

And Ding Yu held his head with his hand, which consumed a little more energy! The handling of some farm affairs is not as easy as expected. It needs coordination. We can't do the so-called one size fits all. If we really do so, it will be absolutely useless to the farm and do too much harm!

However, we can't handle it lightly, so it's particularly important to master it appropriately, which is not only a test of our own temperature, but also a test of ourselves! After all, I have been in control of the general direction for so many years. I really don't ask too much about these details!

Seeing Meng Xi coming in and the light rain spots following him, Ding Yu pursed her mouth and couldn't help laughing!

"What's the matter? Have you been bullied by anyone?"

"Sister Xiaoyu!" Mengxi is not implicit at all, even has a little temper! The light rain at his feet seems to be wilting! Obviously, I was bullied!

"It's also a common thing!" Ding Yu stood up and checked Mengxi. There was no big problem! Xiaoyu's hand is still quite measured, and in Ding Yu's opinion! Light rain is intentional! Finally, a brother came to the house. Usually, Xiaoyu belongs to the role of being bullied! Now there is one who should be bullied by himself! How can we give up such an opportunity? And who knows if there will be such a chance in the future?

And Mengxi's threat to Xiaoyu is too great?! Fortunately, Mengxi doesn't have any brute force at this time, so Xiaoyu can stretch out his hand. Once Mengxi makes up for this ability, Xiaoyu may not be an opponent at that time!

However, I'm afraid Mengxi didn't just complain about himself this time. His careful thinking! At this time, it can be said that it is completely revealed! To a considerable extent, it was damaged by the children at home!

"Teacher! I spent two days in school. I feel that these students are too childish!"

Ding Yu has no objection! Even nodded happily! "I know that! Their situation is quite different from you! You can even say that you are two different people! Specifically, the division of labor may be quite different in the future! There is no such thing as high or low!"

Mengxi looked at his teacher suspiciously! I don't quite understand why my teacher said such words!

"I don't look down on them. I even feel that they are very good! They are very good to me and care about me, but they are a little..."

"A little naive, a little childish! Really?" Ding Yu couldn't help nodding his head. "You! Too smart! To be exact, your teacher! I don't want you to lose this childlike innocence too early! After all, it's only a few years! Your brothers and sisters at home have lost this childlike innocence!"

"Why not?" Meng Xi asked puzzled!

"Read wisely! The more you understand! The more you know about the society and the world! With the more you know about the society and the world, the innocence in your heart will slowly dissipate. In ordinary words, it is sensible! And this kind of sensible? I don't expect it! It's even a little less advocated!"

"Why not advocate it? Isn't it better to be sensible as soon as possible?"

"Different!" Ding Yu looked at Meng Xi with loving eyes! "But this is a very paradoxical thing! Because I hope you can read more! It's difficult to balance each other!" when talking about this, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! "It can be regarded as a self exclamation!"

"I don't understand! And I don't know where to start!"

Ding Yu is a little embarrassed! "All right! What will you have for dinner?"

"Sister Xiaoyu has gone home! Grandpa and grandma said to cook delicious food tonight! I don't know what it is! But the meat steamed stuffed bun yesterday was very good!" Meng Xi looked at Ding Yu with pathetic and expectant eyes!

"Yes, yesterday's beef steamed stuffed bun was good! But you're exaggerating!" the problem needs to be changed day by day. It really can't be changed for Mengxi in a moment! That would be harsh for him!

"Let's go! Today should be noodles! Lobster beef noodles!"

Meng Xi's eyes lit up when he heard it, and the light rain next to him was a little interested and weak because he was bullied! After going home, I have to face the tigress. It's a little difficult! Fortunately, the food at home is very good, otherwise we should consider running away!

Ding Yu came back with Mengxi at the right time! The so-called lobster beef noodles is a random stew! Eating is an atmosphere! Xiaoyu and Mengxi are a little impatient!

But before this, two people still need to take care of their own little dog! Then I went to wash, and then I came to the table! A full table! They are all made in big pots. The taste is naturally quite different!

Although there are chefs at home, they can use a good stove to a certain extent. At this point, they really don't boast! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying had been waiting for them to pick up the chopsticks, and the two children followed before they picked up the chopsticks! The question of upbringing! At this point, Ding Yu paid special attention! The requirements are also relatively strict!

After dinner, the old couple took Mengxi and Xiaoyu out for a walk! Ding Yu's side was ignored! Indeed, Mengxi looked at Ding Yu with expectant eyes, but it was useless! Children are a little more lively! Don't always be at home! That's not good! Don't be like yourself!

So Ding Yu is a little lonely and ready to go back to the villa!

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