But just at the door, even before their hands touched the door handle, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang were like rabbits driven by dogs! He ran towards himself! Speed is called a fast! The thunder can't hide your ears!

Just now I called them to eat, but they didn't come. Now they run so fast! There's a problem!

Followed Ding Yu into the villa. Ding Yu took off his coat and sat on the sofa! Relax a little!

"What's the matter with you two? You didn't come to dinner just now?"

"Director! Something has happened! It's very troublesome and tricky!"

Ding Yu glanced at Hou Tianliang! "Since it's very troublesome, don't say it! I'm also very troublesome now. Things on the farm are very troublesome! I haven't asked anyone to reason! What can I do? I have to taste the pain!"

I won't get used to it! I'm not as relaxed as I thought, okay?

Sitting next to Qiu Tianyang, without any words, he listened carefully to the dialogue between the director and his senior brother, and observed their expressions at the same time! There are too many things you can understand from the dialogue between two people!

Elder martial brother Hou Tianliang seems to be a little anxious, but he speaks in an orderly manner! And the director? It seems very rejected! But the attitude is not so tough! It's like setting a tone!

I didn't expect that at the beginning, the game between the director and senior brother was so wonderful! You know, this is not the first time! But I have some feelings. This is really the first time! What was it that dazzled my eyes in my previous time! I can't even see such a wonderful performance!

However, at this time, it's better to restrain your mind and study hard! After all, such opportunities will never be as many as imagined!

"Director! Something happened to the White House! And there was a lot of noise!"

"When hasn't something happened? It's quite normal! Did they move bricks? Or did they say there were thieves at home!"

Hou Tianliang's expression was slightly different! "To be exact, it was a thief! And a lot of things were stolen! There are not so many things, but the nature of the matter is more serious! I heard that those over there are worried and angry! They even sent us a notice! Of course, many good friends are the same!"

Cut! Ding Yu snorted with disdain! "Just like their bird? How many friends do they have?" after looking at Hou Tianliang sitting opposite him, Ding Yu seems to be quite interested. "What? You're involved! You've done such a thing with such thick eyebrows and big eyes! I thought you wouldn't!"

"Director, it's a bit wrong! I've been here all this time! Of course! I haven't seen your great achievements in person, but I've heard of some!"

Even Hou Tianliang raised his thumb! It seems a little intentional!

Ding Yu's mouth twitched slightly! He even couldn't help laughing. "It's very interesting to shoot your horse! Also, I did such things in those years, and even used a knife and a gun! But it's absolutely impossible for you to let me admit such things! Don't even think about it!"

"No one will admit it, will they?" Hou Tianliang said with a bad smile!

In fact, the intelligence department is just a guess, but such a thing? Guessing is useless! Ding Yu never mentioned much about the specific situation, and the intelligence department can't detonate it!

"There is a chestnut in the fire! It seems that there are still people who understand in the White House!"

"A little tacit understanding! Then the White House wants to dig a hole. We're a little smarter, but look at the current situation, many people have fallen into it! It's hard to say what it will be like!"

"So? Take me out of the gun?" Ding Yu asked, "this is not the right time! If I get involved, I really don't know what will happen to the White House!"

"Director, this matter has caused considerable fluctuations! It is not a joint game! To be exact, the people in the White House? They even want to deliberately set a trap for us! Although the White House finally ate chicken and lost rice, it still caused fluctuations in a small range! Now many people have fallen into this pit!"

"There's no point in looking for me!" Ding Yu's face was calm! "I didn't get involved in this matter, and I didn't even mean it in this regard, and I had already expressed a considerable attitude in advance! I don't agree with this thing! So no matter what the situation and result are, it has nothing to do with me!"

"The problem is that some people think it's too fragrant!"

Ding Yu slightly moved his body and let half of him even lean on the sofa! He even put his head on his arm and pointed his head with his fingers! "What is this? I expressed my opposition to it from the beginning! It has nothing to do with me if someone doesn't see the coffin and doesn't shed tears!"

But then Ding Yu's painting style turned suddenly! "But everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door and doesn't care about the frost on others' tiles! I shouldn't have interfered with such a thing! I don't want to be stood there as a target. At least from the taste, it's too uncomfortable!"

Hou Tianliang is very clear that the director will not participate in such a struggle! From Hou Tianliang's point of view, we can achieve considerable results because of the layout in advance! So we are quite prepared!

And the White House is indeed quite defensive! But they didn't expect that they would be so brave! Comprehensive aspects will achieve considerable results! And now? It is definitely not the best time and node to pursue success! Because the White House must be quite prepared!

You can't always take bean bags as dry food! The White House is not for nothing!

"The effect is obvious. Some people obviously can't control it!"

"The temptation is not big! Can you do it? The house has begun to leak! Don't hurry up and repair it! Can it come true? Can you watch it collapse? Don't be too stubborn!" Ding Yu said a little uncontrollably!

Huh? Hou Tianliang felt that there seemed to be other meanings in the words of the director!

Then he couldn't help blinking his eyes, "that's what he said! Now it's time to move his mind! Those who use their hands and feet seem too inappropriate!"

"Lobster beef noodles in the evening! It's very good! It's a pity that you didn't taste it! It's not my mother's original creation, but today it's made in a big pot! Mixed together, let alone, the taste is really special! And what you ate at that time was a pleasure! It has nothing to do with anything else!"

Qiu Tianyang didn't understand the meaning of this word! But Hou Tianliang has understood more or less! At this time, we can't stand up alone and confuse them together! At that time, what you want to pick and choose is another thing! It doesn't matter. Everyone has his own preferences!

It's all good stuff anyway! They are picky before they are cooked! Don't waste time and energy! And extremely prone to problems and situations! So we might as well get them all into the pot! It's done! Eat it in your mouth is the most real! My stomach! Is everything else important?

When I haven't had my stomach or even cooked, it's this and that again! What good things do you think? It's so pretentious at this time. Don't really serve the table at that time! I haven't waited for everything to eat in my mouth! People were directly detained! Even have to pay the bill, so the joke is too big!

"Director, are you full at night?" Hou Tianliang asked abruptly!

This remark made Ding Yu's calm face change for a time! Even Hou Tianliang showed a very satisfied smile! "This statement is a little interesting! No matter I'm not full! Anyway, I've eaten! Together with Mengxi and Xiaoyu, they still have some regrets!"

"Unlikely!" Qiu Tianyang asked in a puzzled way!

Ding Yu gave a sound! "What I burn today is a big stove! And it's also a firewood stove! It's not easy! It seems very simple! But slow work makes fine work! I'm very particular about the heat and deployment! But don't eat too much in the evening! But even so, I'll wash the dishes in the end! It's a little less particular!"

To this end, Ding Yu deliberately stretched out his hand! "I'm the hand holding the scalpel! What can I do if I'm asked to wash the dishes and clean the table? It's true that Mengxi and Xiaoyu are both here! But they can't help too much! Fortunately, they don't help! Otherwise, I can let my parents start?"

In the face of the rhetorical question, Hou Tianliang didn't have much words. Qiu Tianyang at least nodded his head, but then immediately reacted, and even subconsciously closed his mouth! Just bring your eyes and ears! You must not speak again at this time!

Otherwise, the director may not mention anything, but elder martial brother Hou will never spare himself! Now is not the time to show yourself! Director and senior brother Hou are big winners! People perform on the stage! Sit, read, sing and play, and catch it! I'm afraid I haven't opened my voice if I go on stage! You'll laugh!

"Director, if you miss it, you miss it! What a pity! There was a good chance!"

"Even the leftovers are gone!" Ding Yu slightly waved his free hand! "And if you go back at this time, you can't explain it clearly in one sentence or two! Why don't you try?"

"Don't!" Hou Tianliang couldn't help flinching back for a while! "Director! Such a joke can't be joked! I think it's better for my head to stay on my neck! If I really take it down, I'm a little reluctant, at least at this time! You're so proud!"

"It's up to you! I'll wake you up and save you from being confused!"

After leaving Ding Yu's side, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang didn't mean to talk along the way! Qiu Tianyang also knows how powerful it is. He talks about quite chaotic things in public! This is not only irresponsible to yourself, but also irresponsible to the intelligence department, but also irresponsible to the director!

After all, now the means of science and technology have been very advanced! Even in your own room, you also need to check carefully. At the same time, you also need to take considerable precautions. If there is no way, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if something really happens! Then it will not be as simple as regret!

"Elder martial brother, I feel my head is a little fried! What the director said is very clear and clear, but it goes around! If you are careless, it is easy to deviate from your own idea! Even the director took the initiative to deviate from this idea!"

"I've taken good care of you!" Hou Tianliang said quietly. "If it wasn't for your presence, it might be more obscure! But really, do you think the director made a statement?"

"Said something! But specifically, he didn't seem to make a statement! At least he didn't hear clear opinions and attitudes from the director! Although he has always been quite guided! It seems that he doesn't agree! But he really didn't say that!"

Qiu Tianyang has made considerable progress. At least in such things, he has not been misled!

"Progress, commendable!" Hou Tianliang finally found some comfort. Admittedly, the time he came here is very short! But so what? I can give Qiu Tianyang time, but will others give Qiu Tianyang this time? The director may give Qiu Tianyang this time, but will the people in the intelligence department give Qiu Tianyang this time?

Therefore, Qiu Tianyang must grow, and must grow rapidly. However, growth belongs to growth, which does not mean that he wants to encourage the seedlings. There are essential differences and differences between the two! If it's really confused! At that time, Qiu Tianyang may be abandoned!

Now Qiu Tianyang's performance is to let himself see some hope! It's really not easy!

"Elder martial brother, what will the top do to deal with this time!"

Hou Tianliang shook his head at Qiu Tianyang, "This is not what you should care about! It is also not what you should ask in this position! I still say that it is not easy to do your own things well! Don't aim too high! Of course, you can think and even think! There is no problem with this! But there is still a long way to go before you show these things Go! "

"Senior brother, not many people can stand this. The test of the director is really difficult! The longer you stay here, the more you can find out! What's powerful!"

"Sharpen yourself slowly! However, it should be noted that sharpening does not mean that you have shaved all the edges and corners on your body! It is not called sharpening, but called sleek, which is different at all!"

"Elder martial brother, did you come here like this?"

"It's different!" Hou Tianliang snorted. "Sort out the situation and I'll report it! As for how the above considers this matter! This is not something we can care about. After all, the level we can see is still a little low! It's not comprehensive enough! Don't think of yourself as omnipotent!"

Hou Tianliang has a very clear understanding of this! The director said about dinner tonight! There is not even a considerable extension! Why? Hou Tianliang saw it very clearly and clearly!

The director can't do anything else now, and it's not even easy to make quite a hint! Because there are too many people staring! Countless kinds! There are too many implications!

Relatively speaking, what the intelligence department is involved in is not a big thing at all. At least it is not a big thing compared with what the director is doing here! Although the director seems to be trapped here! But we can't be too one-sided! It's like the White House!

If the director doesn't move, it's not easy to have other actions over the White House! It's no big deal to deal with your own problems, but if there are other changes! It may be extended!

As for whether someone will say that the director is too conservative? Hou Tianliang really needs to refute this matter! What is not conservative? At such a delicate moment! To provoke the anger of the White House! This is not conservative? When the director goes out and walks, this is not conservative?

If someone says so, Hou Tianliang will definitely spit on his face! I don't know what's in the heads of these guys!

If the directors are conservative, what is the behavior of others? Why does the white house make a fuss now? Does it really depend on what some people say! If things were so simple, it would be easy to do!

If you want to push the White House, it's definitely not so easy to say! It should be lucky to be able to drag their development!

Domestic development needs time! It needs human, material and financial input! It may be better to say a little about material and financial resources, but the problem of human resources! It's not like blowing a balloon!

Just blow your breath and people will grow up! And even if it grows up, it won't work!

Say something ugly! You can't just eat white rice and don't want to do anything! What do people like them want? Waste is not such a waste method!

We also need to make considerable investment in education and so on! These supporting inputs! The absence of any one of them will not work!

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