There were not many things in the evening. Ding Yu took Mengxi to visit Thornton. To be exact, he came to visit after dinner!

Anyway, there was nothing else to do when he was idle. It was just to add a fire to Thornton so that his bones could warm up!

Looking at Ding Yu, he looks a little lazy! There's a little twitch around Thornton's mouth! It doesn't mean that he is intentional. Anyway, looking at Ding Yu's appearance, he feels a little angry and doesn't fight out! And Muncy is still the same as usual! Expressed great interest in the machine in the room! He also showed some envy for the books on the table next to Thornton. As for Thornton himself, Mengxi just looked politely at the beginning!

This, in particular, made Thornton so angry! Ding Yu is like this, and Mengxi is like this! Did you two do it on purpose? Just want to show me face!

I didn't do anything outrageous, did you?

Neither setier nor hollian meant to come in this time! However, they still have some worries. They arranged security at the door! From this point alone, their starting point is quite problematic! If Thornton is their own child, he can understand!

But what kind of identity is Thornton? Even if you are floating now, you can't be so unscrupulous!

Ding Yu checked Thornton's body and then whispered to Mengxi. Mengxi puffed his mouth as if he were an air bag and came to the door and shouted for the security outside!

The security guard was surprised and came in! Ding Yu greeted him! "Give him a specific physical examination tomorrow morning! All aspects need to be comprehensively compared! Then send me the report, I need to have a look!"

For Ding Yu's arrangement, security is very puzzled! Because I don't understand what happened, but if I don't understand, I don't understand! It is quite necessary to implement it! Such a thing is about master Thornton. You can't be kidding!

"Mr. Ding, do I have any questions?"

Ding Yu humed with a smile, "this report is not for me, but for others! Your situation has improved considerably, but take you out? It's just an article on the surface, so giving someone a report can add more weight. It's true that not too many people will know this report, or even look at it, they may not be able to do it!"

Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, Thornton's mouth twitched a little! Although I like Ding Yu's way of education and guidance very much, in other aspects, I can say I hate it very much, even some hate it!

Fight with setier and hollian! Can't you be a good person? Why do you have to do this? Too annoying! It even makes people very angry and angry!

You should know that you are just a child, not an adult!

Then Ding Yu touched Thornton's pulse! "Barely! The problem is not as big as expected, but the trip on February 2 still has some impact on you, but the impact is not as strong as expected! So it's not so difficult!"

"Mr. Ding, in this case, there is a considerable risk?"

"No need to use such inducement, no effect!" Ding Yu looked at Thornton coldly! "And your little trick won't play any role. If someone else tries it in the future, the effect may be more obvious!"

In this regard, Thornton's mouth is also bulging, just like the puffer fish!

But for Ding Yu, it's nothing at all. He doesn't even have any meaning to put it in his heart!

"Mr. Ding, don't you have anything else to do in the evening?"

"Really!" he glanced at Mengxi around him. "He is one of them! He just doesn't like sports very much. If he doesn't twist, he really won't go out. If there's no way, I can only come to you! At least relatively speaking, you can still arouse his little interest!"

Ding Yu gestured his fingers and looked at the distance between his fingers. Thornton was almost angry!

Is this a little too despised! Even if you are bad, it seems that you are not so bad! Where do you put me when you describe Mr. Ding like this? It's a little too outrageous. There's no way to tolerate it!

"Physical problems need attention, but from the situation, the problem is not so big, so you don't need to worry so much! Looking at it, everything is OK!"

Isn't that bullshit? Thornton looked at Ding Yu rather bitterly! Is there any difference between what you said and what you didn't say?

But Ding Yu didn't mean to stay in the room for too long. He left with Mengxi! Mengxi's eyes are shining. For him, coming here today is like completing a task! Now the task has been completed! Of course, it is a happy thing!

Thornton looked at Mengxi's performance and deliberately looked at Ding Yu. His eyes were a little angry! It's so annoying! How can you do this? Even bullying people can't be like this! It's going to step on his face!

But Thornton was helpless. He couldn't even vent in front of Ding Yu!

After waiting for Ding Yu to leave, Thornton pulled over a crystal cup and directly hit it on the ground! Instead, setier came in and looked at the broken glass and books on the ground! Look a little surprised, even a little shocked! What happened? Nothing seems to have happened all the time? But looking at this meaning, master Thornton seems not generally angry!

Thornton took two deep breaths when he looked at setier coming in! "A bit of a mistake! Mr. setier, let someone clean it up!" setier didn't know what had happened, but he still let someone clean it up!

"Master Thornton?!"

"There's nothing too big. Mr. Ding Yuding came with his apprentice! Let me have a check-up tomorrow!" Thornton said calmly. "I checked my body, said a few words and left!"

The actual situation will never be as understated as master Thornton said! Indeed, master Thornton seems calm, but the green veins on his hands are still too obvious! Setier gave his glasses a hand!

"Master Thornton! It's a big deal!"

Thornton glanced at setier! He shook his head slightly. "There's nothing too big, that's it! Just get used to it! There's a little hand slip today! It's such a situation under the fence of others. There's nothing wrong. If you don't even have such tolerance! You'll live up to everyone!"

For Thornton, there is really a little anger! Of course, there are also some meanings to vent. As for the reasons? Of course, it's Sebastian and hollian. They put a little more pressure on them! If you don't vent in time, who knows what the result will be!

And doing so can also take the opportunity to deceive them! Let them not realize some of the problems and situations!

There is no doubt that they admire their profound knowledge, but they obviously have the wrong purpose, so their behavior is particularly annoying!

As for why Thornton didn't accept them, the reason is very simple! Because Thornton's keen sense! Behind these guys! I'm afraid the forces standing are not the same, and the people behind them are definitely not as simple as one or two!

Even these forces and people, even if their father wants to deal with it, will feel extremely difficult! I'm afraid that's why my father asked these people to come over! As for whether there are really learned people among these people, or whether they have nothing to do with other forces and people? Maybe! But so what?

As Mr. Ding said, there are no succumbing ghosts in that temple?

I really don't have the time and energy to distinguish these! Now I need to take care of my body and try my best to accumulate myself! Lay your own foundation, these are the most important! Similarly, I can't insure too recklessly now! It doesn't make much sense! After all, his father is still standing at the front desk!

This is not the transmission of Mr. Ding Yuding, but the feeling from reading after coming here, which is just this feeling? I've been stuffy in my heart! There is no intention to show!

When to do what! I don't need to think so much now! And these? Many are transmitted by Ding Yu to himself! Mr. Ding Yuding did not mention whether these were right or wrong, that is, to show everything in front of him! Let yourself choose!

As for what angle do you choose to stand? This problem is a little premature for myself now!

Take a look at the children of the Ding family. Although they have seen Mengxi so far, it is true that they have not met other children, but they have been friends for a long time! Of course, the words may make people blush a little. They miss the children of the Ding family, but how can the children of the Ding family miss themselves when they don't see it!

This is really a little depressing!

"Teacher, I feel that Thornton's mood seems to change a little fast!"

Holding Ding Yu's hand, Mengxi is a little lazy! Other aspects may not have been learned, but Mengxi's performance is quite different from that of other children in the Ding family! Even deeply influenced by Ding Yu!

Quite often, there are some low-key! Not so impulsive, not so curious, even so calm! Quite interested in business! But it never meant anything to show! There has also been considerable improvement in character!

Of course paranoid? Maybe it can't be changed in a lifetime! And Ding Yu doesn't mean to correct too much! At least in Ding Yu's opinion, there is no such need!

"Don't look at the appearance, Thornton! It's a little different from your situation!" Ding Yu patiently explained to Mengxi! "From the perspective of IQ! He is a little far from your position! But from the perspective of comprehensive quality, you are quite far from him now!"

"Why? I'm smarter than him!"

"Being smart doesn't mean everything!" Ding Yu showed great patience! "His foundation is much thicker than yours! At this point, his family can't be compared with his family. We still need to have a clear understanding of the gap between them!"

Mengxi is not very happy about this! But it's just the mood of children! It's no big deal!

"It's not a mallet now! But it doesn't seem to develop towards the discovery I expected!"

In this regard, Ding Yu felt very funny. He even couldn't control his expression. He picked up Meng Xi easily! Mengxi's body is still a little too thin, but Ding Yu still enjoys his actions, and even the unhappy expression on his face dissipates without a trace!

To a certain extent, Mengxi still has some little arrogant and charming! But this kind of arrogance is displayed in front of Ding Yu. As for others, don't think about it! It's impossible! Mencius would not give them such a chance!

Back to the villa, Ding Yu took Mengxi to wash, changed his clothes again, and then went to the study together! On the road, Meng Xi saw Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang coming together! After saying hello, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang walked in silence. They looked at each other!

Envy is really envy, but Mengxi is quite different from other children in the family! Not extroverted at all, even a little too introverted! What about that? It's a little imagination with Ding Yu!

Is this the reason why the director likes him better! It seems to Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang! The treatment that the children of the Ding family don't enjoy! Muncy basically enjoyed it! Even the one beyond the specification! This is a little unreasonable!

But there is really no reason for such a thing! Who to reason with?

Came to the study, Mengxi found his own position! It's like someone who's okay! To be exact, the class is on one side! At this point, Ding Yu's requirements are really strict!

Looking at Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang who came in, Ding Yu was a little puzzled! Then let them follow their own to the inner room!

"Can you two come together! What? What happened again?" Ding Yu was a little dissatisfied with this! "I don't seem to be as relaxed as I thought recently! Things are very busy, so come to me at this time? Is it slightly inappropriate?"

"Director, something's wrong?"

Ding Yu's mouth twitched slightly! Knock yourself on the head with your hand! But the look is stable!

"Something happened. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me!"

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang looked a little embarrassed. "Director, things have changed quite a bit. Some people still can't resist the temptation, so things are a little complicated up to now! There is the White House? I really caught a big fish this time!"

Ding Yu couldn't help blinking his eyes. "I really haven't heard the news in this regard. It's a little strange! Confidentiality seems to be really good!" that is, he sighed. He didn't mean to ridicule or sympathize. Everything has happened. It's useless to say anything else!

"It happened suddenly, and we just got the news!"

I don't know where Ding Yu pulled a hand string from, just rubbing it back and forth in his hand, as if he didn't respond to the things mentioned by Hou Tianliang! Qiu Tianyang, who is standing on one side, is honest. He occasionally looks at Ding Yu, but most of the time, his eyes are down!

"It's no use looking for me!" Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang, who was silent, and said calmly, "at least I have no way to intervene in such a thing! It will make many people pay attention to me! This is a common thing!"

"Director, things are very troublesome now, even so difficult!"

"Thorny or not, troublesome or not, as I said just now! I have no way! At this time, I have been sealed!" Ding Yu glanced at Hou Tianliang. "What? Do you think you can open the seal? Of course, if you can open it, I don't care!"

In this regard, Hou Tianliang couldn't help laughing!

"Director! Don't joke with me!"

"You're kidding first, okay?" Ding Yu couldn't help staring at the past. "You came here years ago! Don't you know what's going on here! Even if you're in an emergency, you need to find the right direction. What's the use of looking for me now?"

Hou Tianliang is also careful. He should face Ding Yu's words, because there may be some pit in it. He may not know if he stepped in. He has fallen into the pit. The problem is when the director will bury himself! For this! Hou Tianliang still has a clear understanding of price comparison!

"Director, it's mainly because this time things have been quite involved!"

"Who is so stunned?" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "At this time, everyone is particularly cautious and careful, and even has a high degree of mental tension. Who has the courage? Choose to make a lot of trouble at this time? Even if it's fun, it won't be so?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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