Hou Tianliang can't laugh or cry about it!

"Director, I know something about the specific situation! The above has made a considerable conclusion about this before, but it can't stand it. Some people can't bear the temptation! Heavy bait has been laid over the White House! That's all I know now!"

In this process, Hou Tianliang did not make any pause!

Ding Yu humed and smiled, "what a normal thing! If they don't lay heavy bait, they will really be so strange! Even so abnormal!" such things have been discussed at the beginning, and even are not strange! Under such circumstances, there are still people who are so bold! I really don't know what to say!

Anyway, Ding Yu doesn't care about this attitude!

"That's why I was deceived!"

"At dawn, I don't seem to be from your intelligence department?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically! "What's more, at this time, I can't have other actions. Under such circumstances, what does this mean when you come to me?"

"Director, there is no other meaning!" Hou Tianliang quickly explained. After all, Hou Tianliang had made considerable preparations before coming, because Hou Tianliang also knew that he would come to the director at such a time! A little intentional!

But things are arranged above. What can I do?

Ding Yu cut. He wouldn't lose his temper with Hou Tianliang. There's no need. Don't he know he came to carry the black pot! "So? It seems that some people are involved in this matter!"

"It's a little involved, mainly because of some worries. The White House has caught a big fish this time. Everyone has seen the reconstruction of the White House, and everyone wants to take advantage of this opportunity! Everyone has tasted the sweetness before, so this time it's a little out of control! No one thought that the White House would sell so fast, and it's too late There are people who act, almost never heard of! "

Huh? Never heard of it! Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "it's them!"

"Director, do you know?" Hou Tianliang showed some curiosity!

Qiu Tianyang next to him couldn't help looking at Ding Yu at this time! Ding Yu's hand string paused slightly!

"It's not easy to investigate the identities of these people, because they don't have any identities. To a certain extent, they are ghosts! As for the superficial identities, they are used to hide! They may not be revealed for a lifetime! To be exact, these people are directly under the board of directors! They don't have much relationship with white house. They occasionally appear and do something! That's all! But they will never show up for a long time! Of course, these people who show up now will not continue to hide! "

Ding Yu has made the whole story very clear! As for why there is no intention to hide, because such a thing is simply a layer of window paper. I believe that the intelligence department will investigate it in a short time, but even if it wants to investigate it clearly, there must be a lot of difficulties!

In Ding Yu's opinion, there is not much need!

"People on the board of directors?" Hou Tianliang's face was also a little surprised!

"Quite normal!" Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "but these guys! How can they say it? They are a little too stubborn! They only obey the orders of the board of directors and don't care about others? They really don't care! They don't care! They are different from the selection of white house! Even I don't know some of their selection!"

"Director? Can't it be true?"

"What do you think?" Ding Yu glared at the past without being angry! "Although these guys are not the last line of defense! They definitely exist to reassure the board of directors! As for how much they have exposed? This problem? Something to be discussed!"

"Director! If you look at it like this, it seems that the situation is really not generally complicated!"

"All right! You don't have to grind your teeth with me! At least it's useless to find me for such things. My role is too limited! It doesn't mean I don't want to get involved, but I can't get involved at all! It's said that this is a game, and there are people who step in it, so there's really no way!"

Hou Tianliang couldn't help scratching his head! "Director! Now we have some worries. After all, we tasted too many sweets in the past, and now there are quite problems! It's not as simple as falling in!" Hou Tianliang almost knelt down to Ding Yu when he said this!

Ding Yu snorted, "it's not as easy as you said, and it's not as simple as you said!" in fact, Ding Yu also has quite a headache for such things, "the White House has been built with traps! They don't have enough to eat this time! They will never rest! Wait! They will definitely open their mouths!"

"Director, it's not easy to accumulate a little money!" I can hear that Hou Tianliang's words are definitely not complaining, but the fact. After all, it can get quite something from the White House, which may play a role beyond imagination!

"Easy is not easy, you have to see the form inside!" Ding Yu was a little impatient! "Wait and see! It's useless to mention it now! And you've really found the wrong person!"

"Director? Can't you take other channels?" Hou Tianliang still has some, not too desperate!

"Take other channels?" Ding Yu immediately understood what Hou Tianliang wanted to say! After thinking for a moment, "what channel do you want to take? Sun Yingnan! Horton? Or Sasha?"

Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu with a smile. It's up to you to decide this matter! I just make a tentative suggestion! Yes or no! Everything has the final say.

"Doing so will disrupt my deployment!" Ding Yu said indifferently! "Everyone must know the situation of the farm! Although the establishment time of the farm is not particularly long, and considerable achievements have been made from the overall situation, there are many problems in this process! There is no way to deny it!"

"Director, what do you mean?"

"The farm has been gradually cleared up, but the business on the consortium side is imminent! Now is the most appropriate time. At least at this time, there will not be too many constraints. What impact will it have on the whole consortium if you suddenly ask me to stop making considerable actions? What about the responsibility?"

Hou Tianliang felt that his scalp was numb, and Qiu Tianyang had found a suitable place to hold it with his hand for fear that he would faint!

"Director! I just want to tuckle with you!" you threw me into the pit, and even make complaints about it! "Hou Tianliang even had little control over his emotions.

Ding Yu snorted disapprovingly, "do you think I think you have to involve me in the trouble you make? I have already shown a considerable attitude before. I don't have any opinions and ideas on this matter. You can do whatever you want? Now come to the door! I still think you are intentional?"

"Director?" Hou Tianliang called, but after calling, he didn't know what to say!

When he came out of the room, Meng Xi, who was studying, couldn't help standing up and quietly put the books at hand aside. Ding Yu raised his wrist and looked at Meng Xi. Meng Xi lowered his head as if he had forgotten the time! It's a little out of line!

"Rest! Remember to exercise yourself before going to bed!" Ding Yu's voice was a little harsh. Meng Xinuo gave a well, and then left with his mouth bulging!

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang were completely numb at this time! Back to the place where they stayed, they went through careful inspection inside and outside, and even called some personnel from the intelligence department. What are you doing? Naturally, I'm a security guard. What else can I do? Now we must contact the above at this time! They need to go back!

Even for the sake of confidentiality, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang set out that night. After all, if they contacted by telephone, there would still be a risk of disclosure. Ding Yu had to start with the consortium. To a certain extent, it was really a big deal! Starting with the farm has affected many people's minds. Now it's time to start with the consortium! What exactly does Ding Yu want to do?

The intelligence department knew the news in the early morning. When they knew the situation, they also felt that their scalp was numb! It's better to force Ding Yu before! It fell into the pit! Ding Yu wants to fight the consortium. Such a thing is really no small matter! At that time, it will not be as simple as causing considerable waves!

More importantly, Ding Yu disclosed the matter to the intelligence department! This is the most troublesome! Ding Yu starts to fight the consortium. It's hard to imagine how much storm will be caused at that time! After all, the farm has shocked everyone, but how to say? After all, the main body of the farm is in China!

But the situation of the consortium is so different! After all, the consortium is abroad!

However, at this time, the intelligence department should not eat pickles and be idle! The problem now? Is how to keep it a secret! This is particularly important! Really, if the news is leaked out and quite a lot of things are made up, what will happen to the intelligence department at that time? Hard to say!

In this, I have to mention Ding Yu. His means is really no one! In fact, we really have no other meaning! Just about to ask for his advice! But Ding Yu's reverse hand really makes everyone feel out of touch and even embarrassed!

Because everyone knows that this matter can be big or small. If it's too noisy! At that time, even the intelligence department can't carry it! This is certain! Of course, Ding Yu really thought nothing had happened! The intelligence department will also get through this embarrassing time smoothly!

Therefore, Ding Yu is a guy who will report everything. He is really right! Even this statement is not enough to describe Ding Yu!

Don't let her find the so-called opportunity! He gave me a chance. It's definitely not as simple as biting off a piece of meat! It's absolutely painful!

Obviously, Ding Yu didn't mean to get involved in this matter! Even the attitude towards this matter is still far away! Think carefully and admit that Ding Yu is still under great pressure at this time!

Don't look at him. He seems to stop! Even leisurely, but to say that there is no suffocation in my heart? How possible! I'm afraid the anger in my heart is stronger than anyone! It's just that I haven't found a particularly good opportunity to vent!

The intelligence department can only let Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang go again. Of course, before this, Su Quan also deliberately met them! It's in the office!

"All right! Don't carry it!" Su Quan was so angry about the things made by some people, but he didn't blame Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang for the responsibility! Deliberately shirk their responsibilities! This is not what a leader should do!

Qiu Tianyang was a little silly, but he pretended to be silly. Fortunately, Su Quan didn't mean to investigate. He just looked at Hou Tianliang sitting down. "How do you feel about Ding Yu? Do you have any feelings?"


Su Quan waved his hand again, "OK! It's not an outsider! My nephew! Hey! It's just a matter in front of him with me as an uncle! Quite often, I don't give face, which makes me very angry! But there are not many ways! If it's not because I can't fight, I really want to educate him!"

My God, director Ding Yu is your nephew. You can say that, but it's me? Sesame seed size, dare I take that? Su Quan also saw Hou Tianliang's embarrassment and smiled, "Ding Yu, ah! Quite often, he took the overall situation into consideration. This time, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Or we didn't do well enough! So let the director be so angry and angry!"

"Ding Yu! You may be a little angry at this time, but it won't vent on your head! But you really need to find someone to clean him up!"

In this regard, Hou Tianliang looked at it with suspicious eyes! Is it really good for you, an uncle, to say so? But it's really inconvenient for Hou Tianliang to say this! The reason is too simple! After all, they are uncles! What's more, what is Su Quan's identity?

"How did Tianyang study during this time?"

Qiu Tianyang nearby couldn't help but hit a clever one! Then honestly admit your problem! Reflect on your problems!

In fact, Su Quan has a good grasp of these situations, and even the intelligence department knows it clearly! Why do you ask so much at this time? The reason is also very simple!

Hou Tianliang has experienced it! Now Qiu Tianyang finally went to Ding Yu's side! No one wants this opportunity to be wasted! After all, Qiu Tianyang's situation is quite different from Hou Tianliang's!

Its essence? I still hope Qiu Tianyang can be more excellent and outstanding!

Since Ding Yu has chosen to leave him at his side, it means that Qiu Tianyang has considerable potential! Other questions aside, just Ding Yu's eyes are really not ordinary picky and casual people? He wouldn't look with his eyes at all! With people who can be looked at with the right eyelids! Are not ordinary people!

As for his previous mistakes, is that true? Now things have changed! If only he could learn from it! Don't be conceited and live up to everyone's expectations!

Judging from his reaction and performance today, it's still very good! Among them, we can't deny the role played by Hou Tianliang! As Ding Yu's secretary, he is still the one Ding Yu likes! Definitely not as simple as two brushes!

There are more people with two brushes! How can others not be looked upon by Ding Yu? There's a difference!

"Be modest! Work hard!" then Su Quan turned his eyes to Hou Tianliang, "take care of more! Everyone knows that Ding Yu is a little different from you!"

In this regard, Hou Tianliang is really speechless. Is it really good to bring such a high hat to himself?

Don't fool me, you old man, and then lame me! It may really be over by then!

After leaving, Qiu Tianyang still had some dizziness! Hou Tianliang doesn't have so many feelings. Even the whole person is still very clear. From beginning to end, Hou Tianliang keeps quite sober!

"Elder martial brother, I still don't understand the director's operation! Is this a threat?"

Hou Tianliang couldn't help laughing. "It's not a threat! If you understand it like this, it's wrong! And it's still very wrong!" then Hou Tianliang explained, "this time is our test of the director. Of course, it can also be regarded as a test of the director from the White House!"

"There's quite a connection with the White House?" Qiu Tianyang felt that his head was not enough!

"If the doorway is really said, it's actually very simple! The question is whether you can see through! Do you really think the pieces on the chessboard really don't need to move? If you don't move, how can you see the so-called situation clearly?"

"My God!" Qiu Tianyang almost covered his head and shouted, "come and chop me with a thunder! I really can't bear it! What and what is this? It's too exaggerated?"

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