Qiu Tianyang really feels a little unbearable! There are so many twists and turns here. People don't know how to deal with them! Even if it's over! I don't know what happened! It's like this time!

Everything is presented in front of you! I can see it clearly!

But I just read a so-called superficial article! I just saw the things in front of the stage, and even these things in front of the stage didn't see too clearly and clearly! So I still need to learn! And there are many things to learn! It's not that simple!

Elder martial brother Hou, is there anything you can hide from yourself? Not at all! Everything is equal in front of two people, but so what? What elder martial brother sees is more long-term than himself! What about yourself? Now we can't even see what's on the surface. We can see how big the gap between us is!

"Elder martial brother, will the director laugh at us or even scold us when you go back?"

"Ridicule?" Hou Tianliang sipped his mouth. "That's not true. Although the director is a picky person, he is not a very picky person to a considerable extent!"

Qiu Tianyang looks a little depressed! "I really hope the director can pick on it!"

"There is progress!" Hou Tianliang really didn't preach deliberately, but felt Qiu Tianyang's difference from this discourse! Then some exclamation said, "you can recognize the problems so quickly! It shows that you have made great progress!"

"The difference is too far!" from Qiu Tianyang's words, we can obviously feel his unwillingness!

"Elder martial brother, I still don't quite understand. Really, how much older is the director than us? Why can the director think so much! He has a clear understanding of things!"

Hou Tianliang, sitting on the seat, was slightly distracted. After a while, he sighed and said, "I have considered this problem. In my opinion, there is a very important point. The director came out of blood and fire! Even came to the end! In this process, the director did not blindly fight bravely and ruthlessly! But constantly summarized himself!"

"The director's successful benchmark seems to make people a little desperate, and even some can't see it!"

Hou Tianliang couldn't help laughing, "Did you really not see the director's information, or did you ignore it? On this issue, you really can't say so. From the current point of time, the director's youth can never be described by the word success. Even at a considerable time, it is an extraordinary failure! Even during his service, it is accompanied by considerable failure! Even the most important It can only be at the cost of leaving! "

"Elder martial brother, can you really say that?" Qiu Tianyang glanced over!

"Everyone has some taboos about this. There are quite a few reasons, and the director is now in such a position, and not many people will talk about it! But if you want to understand the director, there is no way to avoid it! Of course, whether it is to be seen as a lesson and experience or as a joke is completely different It's personal! I hope you're not watching it as a joke! "

"Give me courage, I dare not!" Qiu Tianyang cried out!

"The director doesn't mean that he hasn't failed! If the failures he has experienced were placed on others, it would be hard to imagine what kind of pain he had at the beginning! If it were me, if I had experienced at that age, I would have begun to doubt my life!"

Because they are on the way back, they are also at leisure. Of course, they are not talking about Ding Yu's gossip, but learn a considerable lesson from it, which plays a great role in Qiu Tianyang!

"I feel fine!" Qiu Tianyang looked a little proud. "If it were me, I would deal with it better! There is absolutely no problem!"

"Wrong! It's impossible! You think from the perspective of a spectator of history! This is an extremely easy mistake!" Hou Tianliang said impolitely, "You need to think from the perspective of the director! Put yourself into this role, not from the perspective of examination! In this process, you need to get rid of all objective and subjective conditions!"

Qiu Tianyang looked at Hou Tianliang suspiciously, "substitute into the role? I seem to have been brought into the role!"

"No! You still deal with quite a lot of things from the perspective of latecomers, even with so many years of experience! So you think that if you are the director, you can deal with quite a lot of things, but this is simply impossible, just like reading history books! Quite often, we will unconsciously stand in the perspective of latecomers Consider the problem! But there are too many disadvantages! "

"Can you do it? Is this a little difficult?"

"An interesting thing! The director often says that we are all human beings, not gods! Under the current situation, even if you are placed in the position of manager, can you do a good job? What you haven't seen! Both you and I are the same! Because we basically don't know so much about the contents. Of course, if you give me We may get quite better for a while, but it's just a considerable improvement! What do you think? "

Qiu Tianyang thought for a while, "This is not a difficult thing, but there are some things that can't be done. My original teacher once told me something. I think I did a good job, but today's things let me have a new understanding, but let me replace it and cut it with me. This is a bit exaggerated! It's even too exaggerated!"

"You found a bright spot!"

"Highlights?" Qiu Tianyang was stunned. "What highlights are there?"

"Transposition thinking! At the same time, everyone feels that they can do transposition thinking of action, but in fact, this is an illusion! If you want to really do transposition thinking, you don't mean simple imitation! It's easy to understand the equivalent information, and it's rare how to bring it into it! At the same time, you can do considerable cutting. If you can do this step, it's really very important Great! "

Looking at Qiu Tianyang who was a little curious, Hou Tianliang couldn't help shaking his head. "Don't look at me, I can't do this now! Although I've been working hard all the time! But this aspect really needs to have considerable talent, and also needs the day after tomorrow's efforts. It's not as simple as shouting! How can it be!"

Back to the farm, Ding Yu is not there! He and Bruno are drinking coffee outside! Bruno's invitation, Sanchez is already on the way back! What will happen? It's still unknown!

The reason why Bruno invited Ding Yu is also very simple. It is definitely not as simple as talking about the past and connecting feelings! To be exact, it is really related to the affairs of the intelligence department!

This is also why we found a cafe, but in Ding Yu's office or villa! In fact, we all know what's behind it!

"Bruno, is the White House overreacting?" Ding Yu took a sip of coffee and showed an expression of admiration. "Ouch, it's very good. Where did it come from? It's not like South America. The sunshine in South America is quite different, and the so-called taste is also quite different!"

"Ding! Leave us a secret! There is not much of this thing at home! That is, I know you like it, so I prepared some. I may only have tens of kilograms in a year!"

"It's easy to say! It's too much to keep such a good thing by yourself!"

While talking, Ding Yu heard a sound nearby. Bruno said hello to Ding Yu and left! Ding Yu was not ready to stop too much, but before he got up, he saw someone coming towards him quickly!

"Oh, Ding Sheng, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"Lao Luo!" Ding Yu stretched out his hand and shook hands with the people who came quickly. Looking at his dress, he was also so funny. "Why is this? How long has it been since I haven't seen you? Why have you suddenly become a social person? If you don't say hello, I doubt whether you recognize the wrong person!"

Looking at Luo Qi's dress, Ding Yu really felt a little surprised! "I said," what time is it now! You won't still wear a mink coat! And the gold chain on your neck, aren't you afraid of something wrong with your cervical spine? "

"Frighten the children!" Luo Qi also glanced at his mouth. "Yingzi brought an object back! He didn't say hello. He wasn't obedient at the beginning, and now he's even more obedient! I really want to slap him back!"

"You are really good enough! What a happy thing to be the father-in-law. Are you so fooling around?"

"Dingsheng, do you want anything at home? Even if it's to arrange work, it's not a big deal. It's not a boast! Even if it's no good, it's difficult to give my industry to others in the future! OK? I don't know whether they are dead hearted! If we were poor, you wouldn't come back if you didn't come back! Let's say We don't insist, do we? Now? We have to toss around outside! "

When talking, I was also angry. I waved my hand and greeted my hand to the nearby table! I saw a pair of young people very reluctant!

"Mr. Ding, yingzi of our family, we are my son-in-law who hasn't been to the door yet. What's his name?"

"Dad!" Luo Ying cried with great dissatisfaction!

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "Lao Luo, go back and clean up! It's not decent! Don't pretend to be like social people! It's not! It's not like it, let everyone see it! I'm afraid it's not as simple as inviting a dinner! By the way, where's your sister-in-law? I don't care about you!"

"She dares!" but when she speaks, her voice should be as low as possible!

Ding Yu glanced at the couple and nodded! "I look like a good match. It's not a bad thing for young people to go out and roam around! Clean up!"

After saying hello to Luo Qi! Ding Yu left! Did not make any stop! Luo Qi looked at his daughter and future son-in-law and snorted! After thinking about it, I pulled the big gold chain off my neck! Don't say, hanging around your neck is really too heavy!

How long has this been? There is some pain in his neck, and Luo Qi also has some doubts! That's not what's on TV! It looks very imposing, but I didn't feel that it was really such a thing until I hung it up! Say an ugly word, hang it around your neck, like a dog chain!

"Dad, why don't you bring it? Is it very imposing?"

Luo Qi snorted, "tell your mother I won't go back at noon! And you! Go! Take a bath together! Don't tell me what messy things you have on your body. If you have these things on your body, make a noise in advance! Don't say I'm unkind!"

"No! What I don't like? I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, leaving two scars!"

Luo Qi snorted and threw the big gold chain inside his hand to his daughter, "hurry home! Forget it! I'll take you back! I'll go back and change my clothes! Madder, it's a day! It's really hot to wear this!"

Looking at her father's appearance, Luo Ying was really happy. She stabbed her boyfriend and was told that the accounts had been closed when she checked out! After getting on the bus, Luo Qi couldn't help patting his thigh. "It's all your fault for the noise! How can Ding Sheng check out? It's a shame to throw it to grandma's house at once!"

"Dad! Who is this Dingsheng?"

"Let you go home and you won't go home! It's been many years!" Luo Qi couldn't help humming. "Now I think of getting married, I know I'm back! I'm NIMA's, how did I give birth to such a thing as you?" after yelling and scolding for two words, Luo Qi explained, "since Dingsheng has seen you! I don't know what to say!"

But then Luo Qi seemed to think of something, "speaking of it, you should know! Do you remember the teacher Zhao in your primary school?"

"Zhao Shuying, Miss Zhao! He's Ding Yu! Why don't you have any impression! I seem to have heard my mother mention it. I heard that the farm is his!"

"Hey! Speaking of this, Ding Sheng is not a mortal!" speaking of this, Luo Qi's interest came! "Your father and I have some industries. We have a little face here. But it also depends on the following ratio. I want to compare it with Ding Sheng! It's a dragon. I'm NIMA's, not even a loach!"

"What a joke! What I said is the truth!" looking at his daughter's eyebrows, Luo Qi glared at him with dissatisfaction! "I'm just a rough man! That's what I am! But I can't catch up with you. You caught up with me at a good time and read books. We are thick old hats. At first, we knew what to do. Ding Sheng didn't dislike us and showed us the way out! At least your father and I know each other now! Let you come back and take over the shift. I really don't know what's good outside !”

"We think it's good!"

"Don't be ridiculous! No matter how good it is outside, it's good to have a home inside! I won't go upstairs! You give me that dress down! And Xiao Sun, you stay with me!"

Because he met Ding Yu, Luo Qi's mood naturally improved. He also had some special ideas about his son-in-law! I took a bath. It's not bad. I'm very clean. There's not so much mess! At least from this point, more serious!

Speaking of it? From the perspective of diploma, this son-in-law is a perfect match for his daughter. Both of them are graduate students! But what about the occupation? What kind of atmosphere do you study? I'm angry when I listen. I don't know what I think! At this point, I am really helpless!

What can I say? When I was admitted to college, I almost broke off my relationship with my family! I didn't have a few days to come back in a year, and then I ran away! If it weren't for this marriage! I'm afraid I can't even see the shadow! There's really no one! People who don't know think they have no children at home!

When Ding Yu came back, he happened to meet Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang! Then we entered the office together!


"How dusty!" Ding Yu snorted and smiled, "not really! I'm back so soon! The speed is OK!"

Obviously, Ding Yu is joking on purpose. Hou Tianliang is OK and not embarrassed at all. Qiu Tianyang's experience is a little less, and his face has turned red!

"Director, you already know!"

"I see! I just went to have coffee with Bruno! I also met Lao Luo. It's like a social person! It's a little outrageous!" Ding Yu said very easily! Qiu Tianyang doesn't understand why Ding Yu mentioned the following sentence. Obviously, it's a little different from the whole thing!

But Hou Tianliang understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words, so he couldn't help laughing!

"Director! It seems that coffee should be very good!"

In this regard, Ding Yu has some toothache! "Don't think about it! I haven't got it yet? When did I get it? I can leave some for you, but I don't know how many people can stay. There are really many people who like coffee at home!" Ding Yu couldn't help sighing! "But it's OK!"

For the scenes, Qiu Tianyang didn't understand the mystery no matter what he thought! But neither the director nor senior brother has any meaning to give advice. I'm afraid if you want to solve this puzzle, you have to rely on yourself!

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