Whether it is true or false is not so important!

"Haven't you seen Qiu Tianyang? It seems that he has awakened a lot in the past two days?" obviously, Ding Yu asked on purpose!

Hou Tianliang couldn't help nodding to Ding Yu, "Not bad! I'm also worried about whether the ups and downs will have an impact on him in other aspects? However, from the current situation, everything is OK! It's just that the foundation is slightly weak, and the control of the overall situation is not as good as expected! There is not so much experience, so there are some things that I can't understand and see flowers in the fog!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "your requirement is a little strict!"

"Hey, director, you don't know. Can you do it if you don't ask for strictness? I won't tell you how many pairs of eyes stare at it first! I'm worried about the danger alone. I can't hold it at that time! If you can't grow rapidly, I'm afraid even the bone frame will not be left at that time. That's certain!"

When he said this, Hou Tianliang couldn't see too many expressions on his face, but he was very serious in his heart!

Ding Yu glanced at Hou Tianliang and didn't say much. The two walked into the office one by one. Instead, Ding Yu looked at Meng Xi hiding in the office and frowned slightly. He had a little fun playing with Xiaoyu!

"No? Muncy, why are you here? I remember your brother and sister. Are they on holiday today?"

"Go wild! I don't like it very much!" Meng Xi said simply and comprehensively!

Ding Yu's mouth twitched! "Where's your sister Xiaoyu?" looking at Meng Xi sitting on the carpet and the Xiaoyu dot in front of him, Ding Yu didn't have any dislike. He sat down and even touched two Xiaoyu dots! Xiaoyu dots looked at Ding Yu foolishly, but it grew a lot! Maybe the food at home is really good!

"I seem to be with my classmates, but I didn't ask about the details!" Meng Xi was a little impatient! Of course, is it more important? Or was he bullied by Xiaoyu! So he was a little anxious!

"What are you going to eat at noon? How about going to grandma's side? There's no need for the canteen!"

"It's good to have meat!" Mengxi widened her eyes and looked at Ding Yu. Mengxi was not so interested in other things, but meat? It's another thing! Although she already knew the balance of nutrition, she still felt that meat was more delicious, and there was no reason to say!

"Try it at noon, but if you are interested, we can play for a while! How about catching fish?"

Hou Tianliang, who followed behind him, held his mouth slightly. Is it really suitable to catch fish in such weather? How do you feel that the director's words are malicious? However, Hou Tianliang just rubbed his nose. The specific situation still depends on Meng Xi's choice. He'd better not say more!

"Catch fish?" Mengxi blinked his eyes, which he had never encountered before! "Is it fishing? It's the same as in TV! Net fishing?"

"It's a little early, but now the river has melted! Take you to have a look!" then Ding Yu touched a light rain spot, "and look at a light rain spot. It's not suitable to enter the water now!"

After saying hello to Hou Tianliang, they entered the office together!

"What? What happened to you?"

"The specific situation is not so clear!" the expression on Hou Tianliang's face was a little embarrassed, but fortunately Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate to the end, "but look at the current situation, there are a little more big fish caught this time, and considerable counter-measures have been started in the White House! I heard that they opened their mouth this time!"

In this regard, Ding Yu humed with a smile, "it seems that this time they not only want to decorate their own house, but also make a lot of money! It's very interesting! It's also more in line with their personality! But it seems that they threw a little more good things in the past, otherwise they wouldn't be so many big fish!"

"Director, why don't you inquire! I'm stunned. I really haven't inquired about too many things!"

This is definitely not a lie, but it must be quite hidden. Even Ding Yu knows quite a lot of news. Although the time is short, Ding Yu can still do it if he wants to know one or two of them!

After all, Ding Yu keeps quite calm at this time. He just sits on the mountain and watches the tiger fight. No matter what happens to you two tigers! It has nothing to do with me! I don't bother to care. Anyway, I'm happy to watch you make trouble!

This is Ding Yu's most real thoughts and opinions! Other people are satisfied or dissatisfied, for Ding Yu! It doesn't matter! It has nothing to do with me!

In fact, Goode and white house are not serious. They don't have any opinions and ideas! They really do! They even make a considerable test! But what about the test? Sanchez has seen Goode! And even made a considerable report. It's obvious that Ding Yu is completely clear about his attitude now!

Good and white house, you don't have to worry! No use! I said no interest is no interest! But it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, but you must control the bottom line! Otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind!

To a certain extent, Ding Yu's doing so is provocative! But so what? Can Goodall and white house really do something? Don't play such a joke!

Gude and Baifang are constantly trying to test Ding Yu's bottom line, but they dare not let them take the lead. Even many people are quite resistant to it! The past experience with Ding Yu made them lose too much! Coupled with this white house, many people's hearts have begun to bleed!

Don't look at some people shouting more powerful! But everyone knows, I don't know how empty it is in my heart! Even Ding Yu doesn't need to talk, even if he shows some attitude! Then a group of people will fall!

It is true that the board of directors has caused considerable losses this time, but how to say this loss? It has something to do with Ding Yu, and it doesn't have much to do with Ding Yu. Ding Yu stirs up everyone's greed, but does Ding Yu really tell us what to do? Or are you involved? It seems that things really can't be said like this!

Ding Yu is honest now. I don't know how many people are relieved, and still greatly relieved! It's really better without Ding Yu's trouble!

Goodall expressed great sincerity for Sanchez's return and even took the initiative to invite him to his home! Placed in the past, there may be some unimaginable, but now? It's not that important!

Obviously, Goodall's doing so is also a manifestation of his attitude!

Sanchez didn't come alone! And brought his wife! As for whether this lady is a serious lady, it is not so important. Is it the core? The lady wants to see Sanchez. She needs to know about Thornton! Otherwise, Sanchez would never rashly bring 'madam' here!

He sent Thornton to Ding Yu's and came back! Then Thornton didn't even have a few phones! Don't mention anything else, and your husband doesn't allow himself to disturb Thornton too much!

Sanchez explained Thornton's situation in detail. At this time, Mrs. Sanchez didn't carry her identity because she was also a mother! His son is at Ding Yu's place. He met Ding Yu, but how to describe it? It is a little exaggerated to say that there are contradictions between each other, but it is said that the relationship is friendly! I don't believe it!

So we can only get a good understanding through the people around Thornton! Fortunately, Ding Yu is not too embarrassed!

In fact, there is another reason for this, that is, Goodall has quite a warning about it! No matter who the family is or what the status is, it is absolutely not allowed to interfere with Thornton's affairs, or even any interference!

Is this a little too much? Goodall didn't explain this! But at a time like this, no one really dares to make such a test. Even Goodall's wife and Thornton's mother are very calm!

The reason is really simple! Goodall was really killed this time. The board of directors was overwhelmed! Even a little difficult to care about! Who is the person with the other side? Ding Yu! Like a big evil star!

No matter which aspect it is, it can't be provoked!

Under such circumstances, it's really very quiet. Why does the lady ask Sanchez! But it's a pity that the time of meeting each other is a little short! Because Goodall still needs to meet Sanchez!

But in the process, Goodall didn't ask about his son! I thanked Sanchez and Bruno. I didn't go too deep. As for setier, Goodall didn't even mention it! This makes Sanchez feel a little disappointed!

Since Mr. good has no interest in this aspect, Sanchez will not mention other aspects. They are all Millennium foxes, so don't play those messy tricks!

After waiting for Sanchez to leave, the lady also found Goodall with an unhappy face!

"Why don't you leave more time? I haven't been able to understand quite a lot of things! Sanchez hasn't mentioned the relevant situation well! I haven't figured out why I'm so eager?"

Facing his wife's question, Goodall shook his head! "The time is not right! Sanchez and Bruno have a good relationship with Ding Yu! Quite a lot of things are involved! Everyone knows that Sanchez came back this time for Ding Yu, which has nothing to do with other aspects!"

"Is there anyone else who is not honest?" the lady's face was angry!

"It's not their honesty. The people who should be cleaned up have been cleaning up one after another, but we can't rush. If we really want to clean up everyone, the whole family will almost collapse! Now Ding Yu has never made any action! It's a little unexpected, and some are expected!"

"He really makes people feel difficult to understand! Under such circumstances, the Lord who can bear it, and Thornton is still with Ding Yu, but what we see now is really incomprehensible!"

In this regard, Goodall smiled, and the tacit understanding between himself and Ding Yu was not understood by others! Even can't understand!

Because both of them are standing at the top of the pyramid and have a good grasp of the overall form! So I know what should be done and what can't be touched!

The fight with Ding Yu across the air can clearly feel that Ding Yu has remained quite sober from beginning to end! At his age, I wonder how he came out of it? Is that why he entered the door? But this is too exaggerated!

But those bastards of setier really need to clean up well, and they can't even be light enough to spare them! You should know that Ding Yu has other thoughts! This is definitely a rare opportunity for Thornton! Even a unique opportunity! But setier, if they don't help! I still have the idea of blocking! This is a little intolerable!

You know, it's definitely not an easy thing to get Ding Yu's recognition and guidance, or even a very difficult thing. Ding Yu can be said to be very picky. People doubt how many people can make him see it!

There are several people here who have received Ding Yu's guidance, but Thornton still knows how much thought he has spent! Old Leo, they can make such a decision! I really admire them. The relationship between them and Ding Yu can also be said to be very bad, but there is no ambiguity when it's time to start!

But even so, several children did not fully enter Ding Yu's eyes. Fortunately, they also gave an investigation period, but that's it! What about the follow-up? I don't know, I don't know. Goodall inquired, but he didn't find any useful information! Obviously, old Leo, they also attach great importance to their children!

This is also the reason why Goodall is extremely dissatisfied with setier! The longer the delay, the greater the impact on Thornton! But now at this time, I can't spare this hand at all!

Even if there is no greater dissatisfaction! At this time, I can only bear it. Bruno and Sanchez can't disclose anything. It doesn't matter whether they will have other opinions and ideas!

As for your son? It seems that Ding Yu taught him very well and didn't fall into it!

This is particularly satisfactory to Goode, who is worthy of being his own son, but Goode is also very clear that most of the reasons are due to Ding Yu's guidance. Of course, there are also some reasons. Ding Yu deliberately reads his own jokes!

In this regard, Goodall is really so angry, even so dull! What can I do? It's definitely impossible to deal with setier. The time is inappropriate and will affect the overall plan! Under such circumstances, it's hard to let yourself deal with your son!

If you say your son's performance is very unbearable and you still have some say, but your son's performance is very good! Even beyond their imagination, under such circumstances! If you deal with your son by yourself, you will really regret if it has caused other effects!

Even at this time, Goodall feels so much pressure on his son! He is a little young, and he has been tortured for two years! I am also a father!

But I have no way to explain to Thornton! I expected them to wake up! But look at what it means now! Basically, don't think about it. They have all walked into the tip of the ox horn! Dead end!

Fortunately, Bruno and Sanchez are really doing very well! Even quite calm, no wonder the relationship between them and Ding Yu is very good! This is definitely not so simple as luck!

"Do you understand? Anyway, Ding Yu doesn't have any intention to fight now! When it's time to be radical, people don't understand why he is so impulsive. When it's time to be conservative, it makes people feel that he is steady!"

Even when he finished speaking, Goodall couldn't help shaking his head! If Ding Yu is the acme of any kind, it's easier to deal with! But Ding Yu doesn't play cards according to common sense, which is so difficult to deal with!

More precisely, I don't know where to start!

Why has everyone taken a more radical approach all the time! Or most of them are based on force!

At least do so, there may be some hope! Who knows that bullet was really kissed by God? If you really touch Ding Yu! Then everyone will revel!

But so far, the bullet kissed by God still hasn't come! I don't know which one it will be. Who knows? Just launch it anyway! Maybe the blind cat really met the dead mouse, didn't it?

Although we have not been able to prove its effectiveness, at least we will not give up hope. As for other methods, after countless attempts, we are very helpless! But the vast majority of people have given up!

As for those who didn't give up? What kind of thoughts do they have? This question? It's really something to be discussed! Maybe it's true hatred for Ding Yu. Of course, there are quite a few reasons? There is no way to cancel such a department!

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