Ding Yu went to grandma's house with Meng Xi. At noon, Ding Yu didn't eat much. He was used to it at home! However, Ding Yu deliberately told Meng Xi to go to the river!

Because it is absolutely impossible to enter the water at this time. The water is still relatively cold. Mengxi can't stand it!

Mengxi squatted on the bank and looked at the clear river. He was a little moved, because he had never touched it before!

"The water is cold!"

"It's not so suitable now, but it's one of the children's interests, and it's still a very interesting thing!" Ding Yu explained in detail to Meng Xi! "When I was your age, let alone now! Even in winter, I would run to the river to catch fish. It was shivering with cold! But I enjoyed it very much!"

Mengxi doesn't have much desire to try! However, there is still considerable intention in the eyes!

"After I went to junior high school, due to the use of pesticides and the closure of mountains for afforestation, the river was cut off and dried up. Later, the arrival of the farm made everyone have a considerable awareness and understanding, so the river reappeared. Originally, there were only small fish in the river, but now there are Squilla! Small crab and so on, Everyone's awareness of protection has come up! "

Ding Yu did a lot of counseling for Mengxi, and these made Mengxi have a clearer understanding!

Even Ding Yu caught two small feathers under the stone, dug a small pit and threw the two fish in. Meng Xi didn't dislike it at all. He took the initiative to catch them and measured them for a long time!

"Teacher, can you keep it?"

"When I was a child, I often took it home. Your aunt Ding Ding liked it very much, but the smell of soil was very strong and could not support it. At that time, I didn't quite understand the reason. Later, I learned that it was basically impossible to support it!"

Mengxi was very curious about this. Ding Yu gave him a detailed explanation. For the sake of oxygen, space and environment, Mengxi's mouth couldn't help opening! These are things I haven't heard of before!

"Teacher, what did you do after catching fish when you were a child? Did you eat it?"

"It's too small, there's no meat, and when I was young, I didn't have so many spices at home. I basically fed chickens and ducks! At that time, there were more fish in the river. Anyway, we were for fun. The chickens and ducks at home grew very plump, and even laid eggs more diligently! Now I want to come, it was poor and happy at that time!"

But even Ding Yu and Meng Xi have been as careful as possible! However, they were still contaminated with some water stains, which made Zhao Shuying and even the old lady angry. They criticized Ding Yu and even took the initiative to hold Meng Xi in their arms! It hurts!

It's like what Ding Yu did is heinous! Ding Lin didn't take it too seriously! In Ding Lin's view, that is, the time is a little inappropriate! As for other aspects, it's no big deal. Ding Yu and Ding Ding often did this when they were young! Even in winter!

But Ding Lin was very clever and didn't say anything! At this time, let your eldest son bear the anger!

When Ding Yu left with Mengxi, Mengxi felt very happy, and Ding Yu? There are some grins! There's no way! Grandma, the little old lady, doesn't know that so much energy comes from there. It really doesn't make sense. If she catches herself, she will scold and be merciless at all! I almost didn't come down this step!

After coming back, Mengxi showed no interest in the fish tank at home! At most, it's just a little sigh about the straw jar landscaping! There are a lot of light rain and shrimps in the straw jar, but if these are thrown into the river, I'm afraid they will only be eaten. What's the use of keeping them?

When Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang came together, they were puzzled at Meng Xi's dull look!

But looking at Mengxi, he didn't mean to disturb him!

"Director, we have got the exact news that the price of the White House is sky high!"

"Really?" Ding Yu disapproved. "It seems that it's no big deal! It seems that there have been considerable discussions before. Even if the conditions are extremely harsh, the guys who fell into the pit dare not refuse! It's all doomed! The White House has paid a considerable price for this!"

"Director, the situation is quite different!" Hou Tianliang patiently explained, "if it is to simply repair the White House, even if it is to decorate the White House, it is no big deal, but it is obvious that the situation is quite different now! Other conditions have been opened in the White House, including the sale of some materials!"

Not to mention, the news really made Ding Yu lose his mind. For a long time, Ding Yu suddenly regained his mind! "It won't be selling the junk in the house! It must have a good match!"

"Although the specific agreement has not been published, it is definitely a overlord clause. What has been published is only a small part of it! There is still a large part behind it that has not been published, which is not enough, that is to hide it from the eyes of the public!"

"It's quite normal. If they don't do it like this, it's not normal!" after all, there are considerable internal losses! So we need to find other supplements from the outside! There is nothing difficult to understand!

What's more, now the White House has caught a group of big fish. Under such circumstances, let alone Goode! Even if God is in front of them, it's useless. These guys have green eyes!

"So? What's the purpose of you coming to me?" Ding Yu didn't have any emotion. He was very calm. He even looked at Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang standing there. They just informed themselves quite a lot of news? Some are too wasteful!

Even if they don't report, they will get considerable news, that is, sooner or later! So they come to find themselves, must have other purposes, this is certain! The problem is that Ding Yu is a little confused about their purpose!

But then Ding Yu seems to think of something. Is it difficult that China is also quite interested in it! However, for the conduct of White House and the things they sell, even if they smash or burn their own things, they will never give them to domestic ones! This is certain!

Just like some domestic things, even if they are rotten in their own hands, they will never give white houses!

Since it is not a problem in this aspect, it involves another aspect. It is obvious that there are some small jealousies for white houses in China! Clean up the house and junk, empty the warehouse! It should mean this! Ding Yu showed his teeth slightly. Why? Because I am not so familiar with it!

Even on the farm, what they control is only the general direction. As for specific transactions, they are handled by the farm itself! Basically, I won't do too much interference. It's OK to have a certain understanding! I'm not a generalist! Not everything!

"Director, mainly the way of White House has had a considerable impact on the market!"

Hou Tianliang has said that! How can Ding Yu not understand? But Ding Yu nodded his head and waved his hand to Hou Tianliang. Some things really need to be considered! It's not a hot head that promises everything!

After all, their positions are quite different, so the things they consider are quite different, and they may need to consider more! Until the evening, Ding Yu's head was in such a mess! I haven't figured it out! Or I always feel worse!

When I came back, I happened to meet the light rain and came back carelessly. My hair has been scattered! And the sweat all over my head, I don't know what to do! It's not as steady as usual. When you see Ding Yu, you can still live with reserve. When you see Mengxi, you can't control yourself anymore!

After dinner, Ding Yu returned to his study and sat on the seat. Ding Yu slowly coiled the beads inside and did considerable thinking and consideration! Things are not as simple as saying!

And doing so is equivalent to grabbing food for the White House! In their current state, let alone themselves! Even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu comes! It won't play much role! If you come forward at this time, you will definitely add fuel to the fire! There is no doubt about it!

So this road is absolutely impassable!

If one road doesn't work, you need to change another way! But how does this road go? It's useless to rely on yourself alone. Even if the country behind you comes forward, it doesn't have much effect!

The White House is more restrained, and it is also more silent in his previous time! Everyone kept quite calm, but if they stood up at this time, it would be like lighting up their anger! I won't be able to carry it then! All the pressure will come towards you in an instant!

At that time, white house and good will definitely unite and attack themselves! Don't say that he is now dealing with the problem of the farm and is preparing to integrate the consortium. Even if there are no these problems, white house and Goode will unite to attack themselves. Even if he can bear it, the loss will be extremely heavy!

Even so many years of efforts have been paid!

So now if you get involved, no matter what the reason is! It will never end well! But the news from Hou Tianliang embarrassed Ding Yu! Obviously, there is a considerable demand in China. Even Ding Yu has some doubts. Does his third uncle also have plans in this regard?

It's just due to other reasons, so it's hard to call yourself!

Speaking of my third uncle, hey! Ding Yu's head suddenly could not help but be smart, just like a flash of light in the fog! Things seem to have a clue all of a sudden! I don't know if the third uncle is interested or has any plans in this regard! After all, I haven't been quite confirmed!

But one person is absolutely interested in such things! Even looking around!

No exaggeration! He may have been salivating for a long time! But because there is no way to get involved!

This also gives Ding Yu a very good idea! It's not appropriate to rush into it. Even if China gets involved, it will definitely be hostile to the White House, and even take other measures! Because the White House will not allow others to rob their interests!

But what if you make this cake bigger? Under such circumstances, will White House and the board of directors be interested? In this regard, Ding Yu really thought about it!

Then Ding Yu picked up the phone and dialed the phone number! It wasn't long before the phone was connected!

"Director Ding, Hello!" is a younger voice!

"You too! Is the third uncle there? I have something to do!"

"Please wait a moment! The meeting will take some time!"

"I see! Please!" Ding Yu looked at the time on his watch. Now there is still a meeting at this time! Sitting in the third uncle's position seems not as easy as imagined. Everyone just saw the scenery, but didn't see the efforts and hard work behind it!

It took almost half an hour for Ding Yu's landline to ring!

"Hello! Boss! I heard you called me?" the third uncle's voice was a little low! Even a little tired!

"Third uncle, it's already so late? Have you eaten yet? I already had dinner a long time ago!"

"I've eaten the meal! But there are some things in the follow-up! But if you call voluntarily, it's so rare!"

Yes! Listen to what the third uncle said. Ding Yu has understood! "Hou Tianliang talked to me about some problems! I thought about it carefully! However, I still think it would be better to consult with my third uncle!"

"You have a train of thought so soon!" obviously, there are some middle-aged people who didn't think of it!

"It doesn't mean that I have a train of thought! When I first learned this news, I also had a bag at one end, which was a little noisy! I need to deal with the farm and the consortium. There's no time at all. The important thing is that the farm and the consortium can't suffer such an impact, so I want to find my third uncle. You think of a way! The idea comes with it!"

"What do you mean?" the middle-aged man was a little confused by Ding Yu's words! From Ding Yu's words, you can obviously feel that Ding Yu seems to have some other thoughts. From his words, you don't hear any tension, or even give yourself a feeling, as if you have a plan!

"Now the White House has red eyes! It's absolutely inappropriate to rush into it. They should have quite a plan for this time! They should even be quite prepared! Even for me, they should be well prepared!"

"So what's your personal opinion?"

"Uncle, what do you think if you make this cake a little bigger?"

"Make the cake a little bigger?" the middle-aged man couldn't help thinking. After a long time, he said slowly, "I remember your relationship with the great emperor seems to be very good!"

Obviously, his third uncle has begun to consider this issue! Even some decisions have been made!

"Uncle, let me talk to Bruno! Sanchez has just gone back! He should not have the intention to come back. It's more convenient! It's true that there are some contradictions between them, but now that white house is willing to stand up! Let him stand up! What do you mean?"

"I need to discuss with you, but it's really a very good note. It's really hard for you to think of it!"

"I'm really at a loss. I've come to the door! Third uncle, can I not do such a difficult action in the future? It's a little exaggerated!" Ding Yu also said bitterly, "I feel that I'm about to lose my hair! The White House and the board of directors behind them look at others with red eyes and look at me, it's just angry in their eyes!"

"I heard you had a good relationship with Bruno and Sanchez!"

"It's a good relationship with them, but it's enough for a long time! They can talk to each other. The problem is that I'm very big about the farm now! Together with the consortium, I can see that there are quite problems. I really can't bear it! Will you spare me?"

The middle-aged man also laughed. Ding Yu has said things so clearly and clearly! You can't act like you don't know anything, can you? After all, the domestic side is also under considerable pressure! It's mainly the White House. It's too much!

So at that time, everyone mentioned Ding Yu. It is true that he was not as popular as he thought, but this guy has quite a way! At least in dealing with the enemy, it is absolutely easy to use!

How long is this? You know, everyone is still in a meeting in the evening! Now Ding Yu mentioned quite a way! And don't say this way, it's really interesting!

It must be inappropriate for Ding Yu to stand up! If China stands up, there are some inappropriate!

But if the hairy bear joins in, the situation is quite different! What's more, it doesn't mean to talk to the White House! But to make this cake bigger! At that time, everyone will benefit together!

Will the White House agree? This question? I believe they will make the right choice! After all, they are not fools. Isn't it good to make this cake bigger?

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