Put down the phone and Ding Yu looked at the time! Then I called Bruno!

"Did you sleep?"

"No! It's soaking outside! I feel it's really comfortable to have a cigar and a glass of wine in such weather. I really doubt how you Chinese think of this? Especially the master in Yangzhou, it's impeccable. After washing, wipe it with a hot towel and lie on the bed with a bath towel. It's called freedom! All fatigue is complete The whole thing has dissipated! "

"I see what you mean! Send me a position! I happen to have something to do with you!"

When Ding Yu found the place, Bruno was still soaking in the pool! It's really doubtful whether he can correct it after he goes back. But think carefully. With Bruno's conduct, it may be quite possible to build a more comfortable bathroom in his back garden!

Don't have too much doubt!

Obviously, Bruno also knows that Ding Yu will never come to him for nothing, and it will never be because of Thornton. If it is because of Thornton, at this time, no matter how comfortable you are, you need to see Ding Yu!

Too familiar with each other! Ding Yu walked into the pool. The temperature was a little hot! But it's okay!

Looking at the muscles on Ding Yu's body, Bruno is very envious. It's not a dead muscle from exercise! It looks very symmetrical. It may not be as good as those bodybuilders from the visual experience, but are those bodybuilders enough to punch Ding Yu?

You should know that Ding Yu came out of the sea of blood when he was dead. He even suffered a lot of injuries, but the problem is that he can't find any traces from Ding Yu's body now. It's so strange! It even makes people wonder what kind of ways and means Ding Yu used?

"Ding, you know what? Seeing your muscles, I feel very envious. If you just rely on exercise, it won't work. Exercise can shape your shape very well, but that's it!"

Bruno's words obviously have other meanings!

Ding Yu let out a sound and let his body immerse in the water! "It's OK! It's rare how to maintain it, which is related to the absorption of nutrition! It's a very important link! There's also the problem of internal exercise! This is what all humans have been striving for, but so far, there's not much effect! I don't believe you don't have research in this area!"

Bruno made a ha ha. Research is one thing, but what kind of result is another thing!

At this point, the efforts and efforts put into it are a lot! The investment is massive, but in the current situation, the effect is not obvious! Maybe you can't even reach the so-called fur!

More precisely, they are afraid of death. Under the banner of exploring for mankind, what unexpected surprises will there be in the process? Who knows?

But one thing is worth affirming, that is, Ding Yu has obviously broken through some boundaries!

"But are you so leisurely?" obviously, Bruno expressed considerable doubt about Ding Yu's arrival! "You should be in the villa at this time! Running here is not in line with your style!"

"I was called to the door earlier! I was helpless, so I had no choice but to come to you! Otherwise what?"

"There's nothing wrong with my ears?" Bruno looked at Ding Yu suspiciously! "You can't solve anything. Come to me! I doubt it! Ding! We are good friends. Such a joke is meaningless! Don't you think so?"

Bruno has a very bad feeling at this time! What kind of person Ding Yu is, he really knows too well! Even he felt that there were some difficulties. It was obvious that things were absolutely ordinary difficulties, so he first took the preventive injection and saved himself. At that time, he was not prepared enough! I can't get down this step!

"I think you must have heard a lot about the White House, and even you have a share in it!"

Just finished, Bruno looked at Ding Yu with a bitter face! "I knew it would not be easy for you to find me! But as an old friend, Ding, I would advise you not to get involved! If you get involved! Then all the goals will be placed on you! This is certain!"

"I know!" Ding Yu said with certainty! The attitude on the face is beyond doubt!

"If you know, you shouldn't say this, Ding. Do you know how many people are staring at you! Even me, I can't hide such things!" Bruno's expression was so eager, "Even if Thornton can walk now! But this is not enough to solve all the problems! Even if Mr. Goodall knows this thing at that time, he can't control it at all! Too many people and forces are involved!"

Looking at Bruno's excited look, Ding Yu nodded! "I know! But the problem is that White House's behavior this time has attracted many people's opinions! Everyone has different thoughts! Now it's not as simple as public anger! I know you have set up a big cage! Caught a lot of big fish!"

"What do you mean?" Bruno frowned at Ding Yu! But he didn't find any answer from Ding Yu's face!

"More than one force called me! I made quite a mention to them! I'm definitely not suitable at this time, or even can't get involved! Because once I act! Then all forces will pay attention to me!"

"That's for sure! And there's no doubt about it! Even if Mr. good comes forward at that time! It won't have any effect! It can't stop everyone's greed at all! But you already understand! Why?"

Ding Yu, who was asked, also smiled, "too much pressure! I can't carry it!"

"If you can't carry it, you have to carry it. You don't know what the farm is like! If you want to make trouble for yourself, there's no problem! But I don't want to get involved!" Bruno muttered!

"This matter really needs your help!"

"Come on! It's not as simple as a pit! It's a bottomless pit! No matter who threw it in, there's no way! I really can't think of how to struggle at that time! It's true that I have some small contributions, but it's useless!"

"The problem now is that the White House has provoked public anger! Everyone wants to push me out! Both domestic and foreign! Under such circumstances, I am also very embarrassed!"

That's what he said, but Bruno noticed that the expression on Ding Yu's face didn't change much! So Bruno's subconscious is an inspiration in his heart! "Ding! We are very good old friends! Tell us your thoughts and plans! But before that, I need to remind you! It's a big deal! No one knows what changes will happen! I need to judge the situation, so don't take me as a raft!"

"Bruno, do you think I'm a solitary eater?"

Bruno shook his head slightly. Bruno has a considerable say on this issue. Ding Yu is really not a sole eater! Treat your friends especially friendly! Huh? What do you mean by that? Bruno couldn't help touching the sweat on his forehead! "Ding! What's your plan? Tell me!"

"The White House is making trouble! How many curses have they borne? This problem is not so important now! They want to decorate the house and even want to take this opportunity to make a lot of money. It doesn't matter! But if they really provoke public anger, it will also have an impact on other aspects, because they have considerable power and are watching eagerly!"

"So?" Bruno narrowed his eyes slightly! Ding Yu's words are quite confusing! So Bruno really wants to listen! What exactly is Ding Yu fighting? Pay attention!

"In that case, why not make this cake bigger?"

"Bigger?" Bruno's frightened whole person got out of the water! What a big splash it brought back. I really didn't expect Ding Yu to pay such attention! Bruno's scalp is really numb now!

Then Bruno sat down again and looked at Ding Yu with divine eyes! "Ding, how did you come up with this idea? Madder, we seem to have quite misunderstood you! I didn't expect you to come up with such attention!"

"I was also forced, okay?" Ding Yu also expressed his dissatisfaction! "People from all walks of life came here and expressed their opinions on the White House! Domestic people don't have to say, the emperor! Although the queen didn't mention anything, Charlie called me! Together, I also feel numb!"

This word makes Bruno's eyes shine!

"With you and the great emperor, this matter has been quite controllable!" Bruno is very sensitive to it! "What about you? Ding! Do you want to get involved?"

"Let me go!" Ding Yu couldn't help humming and laughing. "If there's any residue at that time, leave some for me, even if there's none! I don't make any demands! Under such circumstances! Do you think I can be better at that time if I have any changes? The great thing is to contact the center, that's all!"

Bruno listened carefully. From Bruno's point of view, whether the White House agrees or disagrees is not as important as expected! Even some are not worth mentioning! Isn't white house still responsible for the board of directors?

As for those guys on the board of directors, they have considerable opinions and ideas about Ding Yu, but it doesn't mean that they have any opinions and ideas about interests! And what's happening now? White house caught a lot of big fish! But what do you say? It really provoked public anger! Look at the White House, even the board of directors behind it, have considerable opinions and ideas!

Deal with things! Too stiff! Too rough!

"Ding, I can't say this alone! But I can discuss it!"

Ding Yu spread out his hands. "Whether to discuss or not has nothing to do with me. I can't eat meat alone in the White House, and then everyone else is watching. Isn't it? As for the contradiction between each other, after eating this meal, we can say again! At least we have enough to eat and drink! We have strength! Isn't it?"

"I need time! I'll give you specific information before tomorrow night!"

After washing, both of them didn't stay too much. Ding Yu returned home. It was a little late! Ding Yu also read for a while before going to rest! But the next day, in the morning, Bruno came to have breakfast! Looking at him, it seems that he didn't have a good rest last night!

"As for you? It's not like there's no place to eat!"

When talking, Ding Yu glanced at Meng Xi sitting next to him. Why must he have breakfast with himself? If he is with his father and mother, even with the strong pressure of light rain, it doesn't have much effect! He is very picky about vegetables and doesn't even like fruits!

It was only when Ding Yu was in front of him that he ate fruits and vegetables like balsam pear. Without Ding Yu, he began endless torture! There's really no way at home!

"I have a place to eat, but you don't know! Last night, the phone was one after another! There was no pause!" Bruno deliberately raised his shoulder. "You know, no one can refuse such a thing!"

"It seems that we have reached an agreement on the terms!"

"Completely consistent, there are still some gaps, but everyone knows that they are just striving for more interests for themselves! But I believe it won't take too long. Mr. Goode hasn't spoken yet, but judging from the current situation, he should be watching!" Bruno gave Ding Yu a look and think about it yourself!

Ding Yu smiled and naturally understood what Bruno said! Goodall now has considerable control over the whole board of directors, even more than ever before!

The reason for not making a sound now is also very simple! Just sit and watch other people's performances. Smart people naturally know how to choose and shout people? It also represents its original intention. It is likely to be inspired by Goodall. Analyze the specific situation in detail, but from the understanding, it is obvious that the board of directors shows great interest in this!

In that case, there are too many things to do!

Ding Yu picked some vegetable salad for Mengxi. Bruno looked at Mengxi's eating and felt very interesting! There are not so many picky children like him! Thornton is not picky about food, but because of himself? There is a considerable problem!

After Muncy ate, he left! Bruno left after eating and drinking!

Ding Yu looked at the time and then called his third uncle. At least he should talk to him!

"Third uncle, have you eaten yet!"

"Yes! We've all started to prepare!"

"I mentioned it to Bruno last night and had a lot of communication! He almost didn't sleep all night last night! On the whole, he had a lot of discussion! Before tonight, there should be a lot of opinions. Judging from the current situation, there won't be much opposition to everyone's demands, but there may be further discussion Talk! "

"I talked to the great emperor on the phone, and they talked very well!"

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief! Now that things are preliminary and have achieved considerable results, there is basically no need to intervene too much in the next things!

In fact, Ding Yu really doesn't want to interfere in this aspect, but what can he do? When he was relieved, looking at Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang who came in, Ding Yu really felt that he didn't fight together!

That is, Ding Yu is in a good mood. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen!

"Ouch, two busy people, are you finished?" Ding Yu ridiculed!

You come here by yourself, even if you don't help! I can understand, but you turn your elbows out! This is not too simple! In this process, how much does he bear? Fortunately, he is a more civilized person, so he didn't scold!

You have a bad temper! I'm afraid it's light to scold the two of them! It's quite possible to slap both!

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang are both cautious. When they see Ding Yu, they look like a little daughter-in-law!

Do they really know nothing? How is that possible? But there is no way to know! What can they do about the things explained above? Can only be to harden their own scalp to make a considerable mention with Ding Yu!

Can Ding Yu solve this matter! I do not know! No one can tell!

However, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang have always been very nervous in their hearts! The reason is very simple. They made Twenty-five children again and even threw the director in!

Now they have got quite some news! So come and find Ding Yu at this time! It's an apology! What if not? As if nothing had happened!

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