"Director!" Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang looked at Ding Yu with a ashamed face! Even some dare not go to see Ding Yu!

Ding Yu snorted! "See Muncy?"

"There seem to be two squirrels on the farm! Mengxi went to play with the squirrels?"

Huh? Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "Squirrel? Did he play with the squirrel?" Ding Yu really felt an accident! Because Xiaoyu point is to deal with Xiaoyu, Ding Yu really doesn't know that xiaomengxi is so interested in small animals!

Nodding his head, Ding Yu looked at them with suspicious eyes!

"The two busy people are finished! I'm busy here, so I don't have much time to entertain you two! Otherwise, you two please!"

"Director! We know we're wrong!" Hou Tianliang said with his own chest, but what he said is how low spirited and low spirited. If something can't be done, it will never come to a good end if it annoys the director. This is certain! The director's caution is famous!

Now hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang can be said to have bitter self-knowledge! But not how! So I can only look at Ding Yu and hope to get Ding Yu's understanding! If you can't get Ding Yu's understanding, it's really bad!

"Get ready to go into the mountain these two days! Take Meng Xi to the mountain to have a look!"

Ding Yu said calmly! Qiu Tianyang didn't understand the meaning of the words, but Hou Tianliang did! Pulled Qiu Tianyang's sleeve! "Director, I'll prepare now!"

Hou Tianliang breathed out when he came out of the room!

"Elder martial brother, what is this saying?"

"Then you will know!" Hou Tianliang shook his head, "But it's hard to get into the mountain! Although the living conditions are much better now, due to the protection of the mountains and forests, the mountains are basically artificial roads, or roads that have been simply repaired. Driving must be no longer possible! There are helicopters, but they can't be used except under special circumstances! It depends on walking and horses!"

"Elder martial brother, don't lie to me. It's already a modern society!" Qiu Tianyang looked incredulous!

"The farm's protection of the ecological environment can be said to be very harsh, and the common people have a very clear understanding of it! No kidding! They also realize that green mountains and green waters are golden mountains and silver Seas! So they can be said to be particularly concerned about it! If you drive in! Before you get to the bottom of the mountain, there may be one at last There will be no screws left! Don't underestimate them! "

"I can't ride a horse!"

"You still ride a horse! You think beautifully!" Hou Tianliang looked up and down at Qiu Tianyang. "Don't talk about you! Even the director can't ride a horse. At most, Meng Xi has the possibility of this. After all, he is young. In the mountains, horses are more important than people at a considerable time! Don't think too much!"

"Can you bring such a young child into the mountain? It's so humid in the mountain, and I think Mengxi's body is in quite good condition. Is it really suitable? If summer and autumn are understandable, but now it's just spring!"

Hou Tianliang shook his head. "I don't know if you think too much or if you are really so stupid. Will the director stay on the farm at this time? Many things will be found on his head! We have caused so much trouble to the director!"

When Hou Tianliang said this, Qiu Tianyang suddenly realized! Obviously, the director was more or less unhappy about such things. If it weren't for the sake of the two of them, the director would never get involved in these things! So now the director took the initiative to break away!

In the afternoon, the family began to make considerable preparations, especially Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang. They were just busy, because the security guards were familiar with this. They often trained in the mountain, but this time there were more Xiansheng and Mengxi!

As for Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang, they really haven't been ignored by these security guards! It has nothing to do with whether they despise each other! They are two natures at all!

"Elder martial brother, I have some doubts. What will happen to us next!"

"There aren't too many problems!" Hou Tianliang was not so nervous. "You really think Mr. is a tiger. It's hard not to eat people, isn't it? It's not like this! It's mainly because we need this excuse! This is the most important reason! So you don't need to think so much!"

"But there are still some problems in my heart! I always feel that the director looks at us and there is a problem!"

"Didn't distinguish the primary and secondary contradictions!" Hou Tianliang patiently explained to Qiu Tianyang, "This time, the matter is explained from the above. We are just a transmission tool! No matter what the result of the matter is, it doesn't have such a big relationship with us! But the director can't have no opinions and ideas! If so, what will happen in the future?"

"I always feel something wrong in here!" Qiu Tianyang knocked on his head! There are quite a few things in it that people can't understand!

"Take your time to understand! It's not so easy to stay with the director! There are still many things you need to experience!" although Qiu Tianyang has made considerable progress and made rapid progress, he wants to keep up with the rhythm of the director! This is still slightly exaggerated. The gap between them is really a little big!

At least from the current situation! That's true!

At night, Bruno came to Ding Yu again. Looking at Mengxi dressed there, Bruno couldn't help but feel a little trance. What's the situation? Try on new clothes for Muncie? There seems to be no such need!

"What do you mean?" he asked if he didn't understand! And Bruno has considerable doubts about this. Ding Yu will never do such a thing in front of him for no reason. There must be something hidden behind it!

"Take him into the mountain tomorrow! Enjoy the scenery in the mountains!"

"What?" Bruno felt his voice rise suddenly, totally out of control!

Ding Yu took a look at Bruno, as for such a fuss? There's no such need, okay?

"Take him into the mountain tomorrow!"

"My head is not working well! Or there is something wrong with my ears!" Bruno said eagerly. "Are you kidding me on purpose? Bullshit!"

Ding Yu is watching Bruno, seeing that Bruno has some hair! "I wanted to invite you, but I want to come carefully! It's quite inappropriate for you to leave now, not to mention that Sanchez is not here! If there's any problem, it'll be in trouble!"

"As for you?" Bruno understood Ding Yu's meaning at this time. "You've never been a timid person!"

"This has nothing to do with boldness. Everyone knows this! Now I don't know how many people's eyes are focused on me! If I don't have to, I'll never get involved! Why is this? I have to cause such trouble for myself! On the contrary, it's you. Stay honest!"

Bruno's mouth twitches! If Sanchez is here, he still has some possibility of activity space, but he can't go into the mountain with Ding Yu! Absolutely not! It's hard to say whether they will make other moths at this time! This is what worries me most!

I'll stay here and watch. No matter what opinions and ideas they have, they can't get around their own! But if you say you're not here, setier will really take Thornton away! I won't be able to come back if I want to!

Even then there will be some unclear! Those who understand will know that this is for Thornton's future health and safety! What about people who don't understand? Will they understand that Ding Yu is deliberately threatening?

It's hard to say whether these guys like setier will make such a moth! Just their virtue? Hard to say!

Even after Thornton was able to get out of bed, they had expressed some opinions and ideas! Even in their opinion, Thornton now stays with Ding Yu and can't go back! That's why!

Even if I explain the real reason to them now, they won't have any understanding. Anyway, they are single-minded! What can Bruno do about it? Can only be staring, such a thing really can't ask Ding Yu!

How to ask Ding Yu? If such a thing really happens, Bruno can ensure that Ding Yu will definitely ignore it unless Mr. Goode calls in person! Even if it's my wife calling, it won't work!

But the question is, will Mr. good make this call? When he thought of this, Bruno couldn't help sighing. Such a thing is really something to be discussed, so he shouldn't give Mr. good trouble at this time!

"It seems that I really need to stay here honestly!" Bruno sighed and sat down. Looking at Mengxi's dress, he also began to be picky about Ding Yu!

Before coming, I was very interested, but after seeing Ding Yu, I almost lost any interest. After all, Ding Yu went out with Meng Xi! What about yourself? You can only stay here honestly! The difference is a little big!

"What a pity! You can't hunt here! If you have a chance, go to me, but I have a considerable collection!"

"Our country's requirements for this aspect are a little strict. To be exact, there are some big differences in their concepts. There are a lot of animals in the mountains, but large ferocious animals in the north are basically RARE! At least there are few here! So you don't have to have other expectations!"

Looking at Mengxi dressed neatly, it's like a little bear! It's easier to put it on him, but let him solve it himself. There are some difficulties. To a considerable extent, it's not as harmonious as expected!

The next day, Ding Yu set out with Meng Xi and them! At the beginning, I still took a car, but when I came to the foot of the mountain, I needed to rearrange it. Quite a lot of things were placed on the horses!

However, some members of the forest protection team greet Ding Yu kindly. Their work is hard, but their salary is impeccable! Many people even retired! Of course, they came to the farm and brought their families! But life is definitely much better than expected!

Of course, due to the discipline of the farm, the requirements may be a little strict, but everyone strictly abides by them! Even a little intentional inheritance!

"Teacher!" sitting on the horse, Mengxi was a little afraid! Pulling the saddle bridge, fortunately Ding Yu was beside him, and the horses were very gentle, so Meng Xi's tension began to eliminate after walking for a period of time! However, people are still a little small, sitting on the saddle, with considerable disharmony!

But it is obviously inappropriate to let him off the horse! Because his physical condition is not as good as expected. After all, he has only been at home for a short time. Now I expect him to be the same as the children at home! It's pure nonsense!

"Elder martial brother, do you feel that the director dotes on Meng Xi!"

Qiu Tianyang, who followed him, seemed to feel a little strange, so he couldn't help saying two more words! After all, there are not many things on your body! Quite a lot of things are placed on the horse! As for why you have to carry some things on your body, it is mainly to prevent other accidents! For final support!

Hou Tianliang had some funny things in mind. He only got there now. When he got there, Qiu Tianyang knew how powerful it was! I don't know if he can carry it then!

"The director has always been like this to the children at home! It can be said that there are no exceptions! But the methods of education are quite different. Some aspects are particularly strict, even so harsh. Sometimes there are so many people at home who can't see it. I've seen uncle Ding and aunt Ding scold the director more than once! It's ruthless That one! "

It's not gossip, but Ding Yu's attitude. Quite a place, Ding Yu is definitely not stingy, but on the issue of education, it's also one thing! Even if Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying go out, they can't!

When passing a hill, Mengxi immediately shouted. Ding Yu looked at it and laughed! "There's nothing to make a fuss about. It's just wild boars! At this time, they should come out to find food!"

In this way, Ding Yu still held Meng Xi down and even took the initiative to add up the telescope for him. Even if he could lift the telescope, it would shake very badly at that time! It's not conducive to observation, so it's better to put up a telescope, which is more convenient and comfortable, so that he can follow and observe very well!

"Teacher, and the little boar, so small?" Meng Xi looked very carefully with a telescope! "Teacher, is there a big tiger in the mountain?"

Ding Yu's mouth slightly cracked, "At least we don't have it here! In the Far East, I can take you to have a look when I have time! There are bears here. At least there were traces of bears in the past, but there are too few! As for other large animals, there are basically no! This is also due to the protection of the country and the love of all the people over the years, the ecological environment has been greatly improved Balance, animals and plants are gradually more! It's good to see pheasants and rabbits in previous years! "

"I've seen the animal world! It's OK!"

After observing for some time, Meng Xi reluctantly put down his hand. Ding Yu put away his telescope! Walking into the mountain, he saw more small animals, such as rabbits, pheasants, birds, etc. but this season? They are basically out looking for food, so they are so thin as a whole!

At noon, we didn't get a place to rest, because the overall speed was very slow! We are used to security, but for Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang, it's true that they have received considerable training, but the focus is quite different, so now they obviously feel different!

However, Ding Yu took Meng Xi out to see it, so they found a place to rest! It should be built deliberately by the forest ranger, and even can see considerable tool traces!

Meng Xi, who was a little tired, was even put in his sleeping bag by Ding Yu for a nap for an hour! During this time, in addition to the considerable security guard, other personnel wanted to do what? Ding Yu didn't know where to get a book, but actually read it seriously! It was a foul!

Waiting until it was getting dark, they came to the place to rest in the evening. It was still in the afternoon. As a result, there was no discomfort in the security. Hou Tianliang was fine, but for Qiu Tianyang, the whole person was almost paralyzed at the end of the day! It was not as simple as fatigue!

Ding Yu took Mengxi to the watchtower! Ding Yu holds Meng Xi, otherwise he is his height? I can't see anything!

"Wow!" Muncie exclaimed! "Teacher, look at all the scenery around here!"

"It is mainly used for fire prevention. If there are other situations, it can send out quite an alarm at the first time! At the same time, it plays a quite observational role! Look around! Everything is right now!"

"I didn't expect such modern equipment here!"

"With these equipment, it is for better observation and protection!"

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