The facilities on the watchtower are very complete, and even the forest rangers nearby introduced Ding Yu and Meng Xi! After all, Ding Yu doesn't know much about the operation here to a certain extent!

Let Ding Yu see that there are not many problems, but let him explain it in depth. It's useless! Nothing!

"Lao Zhao! The living conditions are still so hard!"

"Mr. Ding, you're deliberately kidding me!" Lao Zhao said with a look of dissatisfaction. "It's hard to live like this? We've also been to other places and seen the construction and layout of other places. Compared with our farm, it's very different. It's only in terms of labor, living conditions and materials! It's not comparable at all!"

"Generally speaking, to a considerable extent, there are still many standards that fail to meet the standards. Of course, there are considerable reasons. We can't interfere too much, because too much interference will affect the look of the mountains and forests!"

"We all know this!" Lao Zhao was very happy. "I looked at these rest places little by little! The watchtower and signal tower were built! I even got on a helicopter twice. At least we are VIP! Unique!"

Ding Yu also smiled at such a slightly "Sao Bao" remark, and did not mean to reserve his identity! "But quite often, helicopters are used for scientific research and rescue! Other times, helicopters are rarely used, which really has a certain impact on the ecology of mountains and forests!"

"Looking at the recovery of these mountains and forests, I still have a sense of achievement!"

"That's natural, Mr. Ding. It's no exaggeration to say that I've followed our scientific research team to other places. They really don't do well in environmental protection! Unlike us, they have clear signs for trees and so on! They have considerable protection and can even do all kinds of prevention and treatment! They simply don't realize the benefits brought by these, sincere However, these benefits come a little slowly! But they are of unparalleled importance to future generations! "

"Are there any other difficulties?" Ding Yu said with a smile! "What about me? After all, I'm sitting in the office! I know something about the following situation, but it's impossible to say that there are no details! There's still quite a difference!"

Ding Yu's words are more practical. It's not easy for Ding Yu to come down once! It is also unrealistic for Ding Yu to run down every day! Even impossible!

"There are still some practical difficulties! However, the farm has a special treatment method, and we will summarize quite a few opinions! They can also give timely feedback! Now they are very comfortable and comfortable, and many people join in! But many are reluctant to enter the mountains and forests. More often, these bastards go to the farm to work!"

When I am with Ding Yu, I really don't have much pressure, so this chat is very natural!

When he came down from the watchtower, Mengxi was a little more than enough! However, due to the cold mountain forest at night, it's not good to have other activities! Maybe at home, I'm preparing other things now, but here! Everyone is ready to rest! As for Ding Yu? There are not so many concerns! And going to rest so early is a waste of time for Ding Yu!

As for Muncy? He had rested very early! One day, except for a period of rest at noon, there is no leisure left. It is very tiring for him! So I went to bed early after eating! And Ding Yu sat on the side of the heater!

Waiting for dawn to come, Ding Yucai looked up!

"Director! Haven't you rested yet?"

"Hmm!" Ding Yu answered softly and pointed to his position. It is true that spring has already begun! But the mountain is quite different from the city! At this time, there is still some cold. Fortunately, this aspect was fully considered when the farm was built!

The protection problem was done very well! keep warm! Dehumidification and so on! Otherwise, it is easy to get infected with some diseases!

"What? Can't sleep?"

"It's OK! I didn't expect that you would walk so fast, director. You even brought Mengxi out!"

Ding Yu looked up! "There's no need to repeat these polite words again! I can't interfere with the white house now. This time, it's very subtle! If I don't leave now, who knows what things those guys will make up!"

"Director, they seem to agree very happily!" obviously, Hou Tianliang's news is also very well-informed!

"Everyone knows that expanding the market will bring them greater benefits, but it is also for this reason that they will have a greater sense of disgust for me. At this time, doing the right thing will not give them any thanks, or even make them hate and do the wrong thing, which is even more unspoken! They will win over Everyone is attacking me, so it's best not to do anything! "

Since Hou Tianliang wants to mention this matter, Ding Yu will tell the whole story! Hou Tianliang really doesn't understand? In Ding Yu's opinion, he didn't see it and didn't understand it. He just wanted to say it through his mouth!

"Director, it seems that we have brought you a lot of trouble!"

Ding Yu humed and smiled. Such a thing still needs you to say! But Ding Yu really doesn't have to investigate this time too much. There's not much need! And now it's over! Also to investigate, it seems that he is too small!

More importantly, I don't want to have any involvement and contact with this matter now!

If something happens at this time, it's the glass heart of those guys in the White House. They are not as simple as breaking the ground! It's really hard to predict what will happen at that time!

This is also the reason why Ding Yu took Mengxi into the mountain! I'm in the mountain anyway! The signal is very bad! To be exact, I don't want to have too much contact with the outside world, so the outside world can't contact me. It's so simple!

Yes, of course! It's a little intentional, but so what? At least it's a good excuse!

"Director, we don't know everything about the White House, and we know a little about the board behind it! The news is too limited!"

Ding Yu shook his head. "The board of directors behind them? Their structure is complex. It's a little inappropriate to say that they are a whole. We can only say that they are a whole structured! As for the reasons for being structured, there are many! Religion! Blood! Or other aspects! Several of them are especially special!"

"It must be very important for the director to pay so much attention to you!"

"Not attention, but taboo!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "I especially have some taboos about them! Even at a considerable time, there are some who are reluctant to face them! It's very difficult not to say! Even in a considerable aspect, there are some paranoia! I don't like dealing with them very much, of course! They don't like dealing with me! Between each other! Ha ha!"

Ding Yu's words stopped right away! He didn't reveal everything! But for Hou Tianliang, what he heard was not so simple as shock! Listening to the director's words, there are still many things not exposed in the board of directors! This is really not so interesting and simple!

"Director! It seems that we need to stay in the mountain for some time!"

Ding Yu sighed slightly and even took the initiative to add two firewood to the campfire! "Who knows? Now entering the mountain is a clear signal to the other side! This time I don't want to get involved, and I'm not willing to get involved, but I'm forced to be helpless! So there's no way!"

"But even so! I didn't mean to violate the interests! I even took the initiative to expand the interests! Do you think I'm deliberately selling them well and trying to get myself out of office?"

Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu bitterly. Director, what do you say? How can I deal with it? But soon Hou Tianliang fell into thinking. The director will never joke with himself for no reason!

I don't deny that the director is under considerable pressure now, but what is the character of the director? His doing so is definitely not as simple as showing weakness. There must be other implications behind this!

"Director, no matter what the meaning of what you do, the question is can those guys understand what you mean?"

"This question is very good. Qiu Tianyang can't ask such a question!" Ding Yu praised. "This is the difference between Qiu Tianyang and you! I really doubt how your intelligence department trains personnel. I can understand that there are some weak chickens in action, but in mind, it should be Superman!"

"Director!" Hou Tianliang really looks like he can't laugh or cry! "Can this be the same? How old is he? Even if he has participated in several actions, how to say? His experience is not as rich as expected!"

"Barely make do with it. You have to worry more about it yourself!"

Don't be too thorough. There's no need to make Hou Tianliang unable to come down this step! It's not that Ding Yu is dissatisfied with Qiu Tianyang. It's really not the reason in this regard!

The next morning, Ding Yu still got up early, but he didn't mean to go out for activities. The same is true with security. The humidity outside is too big. If it's not special, he didn't go out in the morning, let alone long-term contamination. Even if it's a short-term contamination, it also has a negative impact on the body, especially the joints When the impact of!

Waiting for the sun to rise, Ding Yu and his party began to move!

But it had no effect on Mengxi, because his body was wrapped tightly! However, he staggered when walking, because his clothes were too heavy, but there were not many places for him to move!

"Teacher, why is the place where the water is taken so far away?" Mengxi complained! However, this complaint is not aimed at Ding Yu, but feels that there is no reason!

"There are many animals in the mountains and forests! Placing the water intake place around the house has greatly increased the danger! What's more, animals are very vigilant towards people! For their sake, the water intake place is very far away. Even if the water is retrieved, it can't be drunk and used! Further treatment is needed!"

Ding Yu patiently explained to Mengxi without any impatience! Of course, I took advantage of this time to take Mengxi for a little activity! However, Mengxi is still very happy about eating, because there are not so many vegetables as expected, but mainly meat!

This really can't say that Ding Yu is stingy, but there are really not many ways. The daily work of the forest rangers is quite different from that of other staff on the farm! In the mountains, you may not come out in ten days and a half months! Because the mountain forest is very big, there are dehydrated vegetables, but not many people like the taste!

It's better to bring some fruits, which will last longer, supplement vitamins and other nutrients, and bring vegetables directly! I'm afraid the vegetables don't look like before they get there! And it's unrealistic to send vegetables up and down every day!

After cleaning up, all the people started on the road again. Mengxi still rode, and others walked! Walking in the mountains and forests! "Teacher, the more you go inside, the more you can see green! It's not summer yet!"

"The temperature is quite different! Some valleys are airtight on all sides and maintain a considerable temperature all the year round, so even in winter, you can even see evergreen trees created by nature, but such places are not as many as you think, and the conditions are relatively harsh! It takes at least 100 years, and your eyes are very good!"

"Moreover, the trees growing here are generally better than those in the city! Because falling leaves return to their roots, unlike those in the city, will affect the appearance of the city. The leaves in the mountain forest will rot in autumn and winter, and then give back the nutrition to the trees! The trees will start growing again in spring and autumn!"

"It's amazing!" Meng Xi exclaimed. He had considerable experience on the farm, but those experiences were quite different from those in the mountains and forests! Then Muncy made quite a discovery! "Teacher, I found that some trees have considerable signs! Can these be made little by little?"

"Yes! It's almost a result of the efforts of all farm employees! There will be considerable updates every year, but I don't know much about them! At least I don't have a special understanding! Fire! Rain, including the occurrence of mountains, will cause considerable changes!"

"And fire?"

"Of course! For example, in autumn, although we have fire prevention measures and even the forest protection team members have very good quality, we can't stand nature. There are unpredictable means, fires caused by thunder, etc. almost every year! It will cause damage to mountains and forests! And these are irresistible reasons!"

Then Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand and even took out a computer! Get some information from it!

"You are also interested. There is a scene nearby. There was a lightning strike last winter. Go and have a look!"

After walking for almost an hour, the party came to the scene. Ding Yu took Mengxi to the front!

"See that tree? It was struck by lightning!"

Mengxi blinked his eyes. "Teacher, it doesn't seem to have withered! But it doesn't seem to have happened recently!"

"It happened last year, but only this tree survived around! In the north? There are such legends. Lightning wood. I believe in Taoism, so I pay some attention to it. However, I have sent it to the mountain. I don't have much use if I keep it! Give it to those people on the mountain!"


"Yes! It is said that lightning wood can ward off evil spirits! Of course, there are some legends in it. Of course, it is also people's expectation of a better life and a prospect of good luck and peace!"

Ding Yu is also a Taoist, so at a considerable time, what he said is more obscure. Ding Yu did not force the children in the family to be the same as himself! What kind of belief they have is their own business! indifferent!

Even if they are interested in Buddhism, Ding Yu will not really leave home! Everyone has their own different choices! It is precisely because of this that the world is colorful. Why be cautious?

Mengxi was very curious and touched the tree with his hand. He didn't feel much! So a little disappointed!

"Teacher, there is no feeling of crispness!"

Ding Yu shook his head slightly. "Look around, other trees have withered! Because of lightning and fire, but only this tree is still growing there! It is very extraordinary!"

After walking around, Mengxi asked a lot of questions, and Ding Yu answered them quite well! Although it's a considerable delay, it's no big deal! Anyway, Ding Yu has no other plans to come out this time. It's best not to show up now. What's the situation outside? What does it have to do with yourself?

Not to mention, there are really different reactions to Ding Yu's entering the mountain outside! When the White House and the board of directors knew the news, there were some gnashing of teeth. When Goodall knew the situation, he also scolded in a low voice, but then he couldn't help laughing!

In Gude's opinion, Ding Yu's unique cunning is really very unusual! To a certain extent, the next step was only carried out at the initiative of Ding Yu, but the problem is that Ding Yu has run away now!

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