Ding Yu's entry into the mountain means that he has no interest in this matter. Even the previous things are forced to be a helpless choice! Now we've made this cake bigger, so do you want to go down this step?

Down this step, it means that everyone can talk and discuss! After all, this cake has been made big! So do you want to try the taste of this cake? Anyway, it must be enough to decorate their own white house, and even make the whole board of directors earn a lot!

Of course, you can not give this face, it doesn't matter! But we also need to bear the consequences of not giving face!

Now all forces have been involved! White House wants to decorate its own house. It's no big deal. It doesn't matter! But if you eat alone, this is a little too overbearing! No one is a vegetarian, is he? If you don't make us feel better! Then we will never make your white house better!

What's more, if it's not clear, can't it be hidden? You can still make trouble and dig a hole for you! Even do better than expected! As long as your white house and the board behind it can bear it!

Originally, there was Ding Yu. Now? Ding Yu ran away! You say what to do!

Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want to get involved in this matter, and he is still the one who makes up his mind. Before the matter is solved, Ding Yu is not going to come out of the mountain! This is NIMA's. for this, Goodall also has some headaches!

From the current comprehensive situation, the White House must cooperate with all aspects, eat this cake together, and cooperation is win-win. If it is fighting alone, it is obvious that it is too bullying, and all aspects of dissatisfaction have been revealed on its face!

Although there is some suffocation, this matter still needs to be promoted quickly, and we also need to see if someone on the board of directors will really make trouble. If someone really doesn't have such a view of the overall situation, then I'm sorry!

In fact, there's nothing to be ashamed of! It's just killing people with a knife. It's no big deal. There are considerable problems in the cleaning process of the board of directors and the White House! Even more serious problems! Admittedly, some problems have been quite solved, but some problems have been shelved! There is no way!

Because the problem needs to be sorted out and its severity alleviated, we can't grasp the eyebrows and beard at once. If we really kill everyone! Whether we can do it or not is a question. The board of directors is really fragmented! I'll be happy then! What can happen? Quite often, we still need to focus on the overall situation!

Speaking of this, Goode remembered Ding Yu's farm. Ding Yu's position in the farm is absolutely superior, but is it true that all problems are one size fits all for the cleaning of the farm? Not at all!

If Ding Yu doesn't want to solve the problem, he is willing to hang these things! Absolutely not! The more such a major event, the more it needs to be handled with caution! What can be published is basically qualitative things, or things without too many conditions, which are not published, which is really worth pondering!

On Ding Yu's side, he won't pay attention to the ideas of the board of directors and white house. As for how Goode considers it, does it have anything to do with Ding Yu? Anyway, this step has been given! It doesn't matter whether you are willing or not!

If the board of directors and white house really don't want to come down this step, Ding Yu will feel so happy! Even a little celebration! But will these guys lose their wits? It's impossible to think about it!

Although Ding Yu despised them, he absolutely didn't mean to underestimate them! Even in quite a place, take a high look at them!

"Teacher, isn't the mountain a little desolate! After walking for a long time, I can't see a person! I can't even hear too many voices! There is wind and grass!" Meng Xi, sitting on the horseback, whispered to Ding Yu!

Because if the sound is put a little, it may cause the effect heard by everyone around. For Mengxi, it's not very interesting! It's not that there are no other people in the team. Mengxi's character is a little introverted, so he can't let go all the time!

"If you listen carefully, you can find the colorful nature, such as the sound of the wind! It is a sound blowing on stones, a sound blowing on branches, a sound blowing on grass, and the sound made by various animals. For human beings, this sound belongs to low frequency or ultra-low frequency! But it is still difficult to distinguish it carefully It can be distinguished. It may be clearer at night! "

"Teacher, why is it clearer at night?"

"Touch! Smell! Hearing, etc. are structured together, collectively referred to as feeling! During the day, our eyes are affected by the sun, which greatly interferes with our other feelings! It's like hearing, because your subconscious mind has been affected by your vision! In this case, hearing is avoided!"

"That's the truth!" Mengxi immediately understood such a simple truth, and then closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes. "Teacher, I feel I heard a lot of different voices. It's very messy! Is that why these uncles and uncles wear glasses?"

"Yes and no!"

Ding Yu explained very carefully, "It's better to observe with eyes, because some people and animals are more sensitive. When they notice, they will have a subconscious reaction, just like me. If someone looks at me, my body will have a subconscious reaction, but if the person observing me wears glasses, it's not so easy to be detected! In addition, once they notice, they can avoid other problems Interference, such as flash bombs, you will have some contact in the future! "

"Of course, it can also avoid the illusion brought to you by the subconscious! It can greatly enhance your hearing!"

"It's a little complicated! But it seems very interesting! These are not in the textbook!"

Meng Xi had almost no contact with the outside world since he was sensible. That is, when he came to Ding Yu, he began to have a considerable understanding of the outside world. It is true that he has a considerable mastery due to his talent, but these mastery is just articles on paper. It is still difficult to apply them to practice!

But from another point of view, it is a layer of window paper. If it is pierced, it will be all in one way! I believe it won't take too long. Ding Yu still believes in his apprentice!

In the evening, everyone came to the place where they stayed. The security checked it again and renovated it in a small range. However, due to the long-term residence, it would be good to repair the environment a little!

The rules of the farm, whether formulated or implemented, are quite reliable, so we can't see too many problems. Moreover, most forest rangers are retired, and they are still branded and colored!

Ding Yu took Meng Xi to a place a little farther away. "Now the sunshine is not so obvious! That is to say, your vision has begun to deteriorate at this time. When it gets darker, your hearing begins to occupy the dominant position! These are the self-regulation of the human body!"

"Teacher, this subconscious condition is beyond our control, isn't it?"

"I can't say that. To a certain extent, we can regulate ourselves. But what about this kind of self-regulation? A little carelessness can easily lead to problems! I can give you an example. For example, when you have a problem with your body, severe pain will lead to coma. This is not a subconscious reaction, but a self-control of the body I protect you! "

"Another example is watching magic! Magic is the art of deception! It uses your vision and hearing to make you have a subconscious response!" in order to deepen Mengxi's response, Ding Yu even covered up Mengxi!

The coin in his hand disappeared without a trace in an instant. It disappeared out of thin air. Meng Xi was surprised to see it, because he had paid attention to observing, but he didn't see anything!

"Seeing and listening!" Ding Yu demonstrated to Mengxi again. This time, the speed was extremely slow. The coins did not disappear out of thin air! Instead, he used the illusion of his eyes to make the coins disappear in his cuffs!

"Teacher, no!" Mengxi weighed the coin in his hand. "There is no double-sided tape or other things on it. How can it be pasted on his hand?"

"For the control of the body, to be exact, the control of his own muscles!" Ding Yu made the coin stand upright in the palm of his hand. Even Mengxi's forced blowing had no effect. The coin still stood there! It was like being welded on Ding Yu's hand!

When Meng Xi came back from the outside, the excitement on his face and even the fatigue on his body had disappeared! But Ding Yu absolutely didn't want to get used to him. He came to the inner room, took off his clothes, wiped his body, and even massaged him for a period of time!

Admittedly, he doesn't feel much about these fatigue now, but in terms of his physical condition, if he doesn't give him some means, he doesn't even have to go out. In two days, there will be a situation!

Physically too weak, that's the result! If Ding Yu didn't take him into the mountain, ha ha! It's hard to say what the end and result would be. Moreover, Meng Xi has no comparability with the children at home, at least now. As for the coming situation, it's hard to say!

After dinner, everyone had a rest except those who needed to be on duty! Of course, except Ding Yu, the two days did not have any impact on Ding Yu, and even dissipated Ding Yu's gloomy mood! It had no impact on security. Ordinary training and exercise are more exaggerated than this. Now it's like sightseeing!

Hou Tianliang, especially Qiu Tianyang, is a little unfriendly!

Although the whole team didn't travel fast because of taking Mengxi, the whole process was based on their own foot plate. Unlike Mengxi, they can ride on a horse! And it's still a mountain road, not a big road! Stumbling is a common thing, at least for Qiu Tianyang!

Two days has made him a little miserable!

Everyone knows how this happened, so Qiu Tianyang dare not have any complaints, and Qiu Tianyang is smart now. He is always thrown into the pit and has considerable experience! Practice shows true knowledge. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this statement! Only personal contact! Just know how powerful it is!

Even in the process of marching, Qiu Tianyang was reflecting on this problem. Is it true that senior brother Hou Tianliang suffered too much! That's why it's like this! Otherwise, it's really hard for me to explain why!

"Oh, I haven't slept yet!"

Qiu Tianyang shook his head. Two people in a separate room belong to getting on and off the bed! At this point, the farm is still quite humanized! Although the room is a little small, such a life is absolutely the greatest respect for personal privacy. Moreover, sleeping in a big bunk can't be tolerated by anyone!

Qiu Tianyang put his arm behind his head! "Elder martial brother, I have been reflecting these two days. At the beginning, I thought the director was punishing us, but after reflecting for two days, I think the director would never be so careful! The purpose behind it should be to wake me up quickly!"

Hou Tianliang went to bed with a smile. When he lay down, he was also comfortable and shouted! "Don't say, I haven't seen anything these two days, but I'm still tired! How are you? There's no blister on the soles of your feet?"

"Elder martial brother, I don't deny that I'm a little bad, but I haven't reached such a level, but I feel that there are still some fouls in the farm's dress! Even some exaggerations, it's not a matter of money!"

Hou Tianliang, who was lying on the bed, said, "yes! This is no longer a matter of money! And no matter how rich you are, you can't find such a way! Light, warm, moisture-proof and other functions! Let alone these, the important thing is that there are basically no sales channels outside!"

"That's why there are some exaggerations and fouls! But it's normal to think about it. After all, the director's safety is the most important. Speaking of this, I have some feelings. Will there be any other problems in the mountain? Will it be more dangerous for the director to do so?"

"If you can mention this question, you have thought a lot. If you put it in the past, it is difficult to judge, but this time? The situation is quite different! So you are not so worried. What we see is just in front of us, but what we don't see?" that's all. Hou Tianliang didn't point out!

But Qiu Tianyang immediately understood that it was obvious that the director was definitely not walking alone in the mountains and forests! The protection personnel are definitely more than these security guards in front of us, and even there are invisible personnel in the dark. Maybe there are other considerations! But think about it, it seems to be common sense!

"But since you think about this aspect, it shows that you really use your brain!"

"Elder martial brother, it's inconvenient for me to ask if you were also badly hurt by the director in those years?"

"Sleep!" madder, which pot doesn't open, Hou Tianliang snorted angrily! However, due to lying on the upper bunk, Qiu Tianyang couldn't see the specific situation. Hou Tianliang also remembered his situation in those years! It's also a runny nose and a tear! This is the reason why you are 'angry'!

It seems that I came here like this in those years! Even Hou Tianliang doesn't know how he came here. Now he feels a little incredible when he wants to come! That is, the director doesn't dislike himself, otherwise he doesn't know where to blow the wind! forget it! No! Just rest early!

But it's a pity that the next day, we can't go! It's drizzling outside! It's too dangerous to travel on the mountain at this time! Of course, this is not the main reason. The real reason is that there is Mengxi in the team. His body is absolutely not suitable for continuing under such circumstances!

Ding Yu takes Mengxi to feed the horses and do some cleaning work at the same time. Mengxi has no dislike. He has seen it when he was on the farm! Even Mengxi took the initiative to start. In this process, no one helped! Ding Yu will never allow anyone else to come and help!

In the process, Ding Yu explained to Meng Xi carefully! Mengxi nodded uncontrollably! The smile on his face has never dispersed! Why, this is different from reading! Reading time is strictly limited by their own teachers! I don't mean I can read it if I want to!

However, the situation of participating in work is quite different. Although teachers will have quite strict requirements, they can well increase their knowledge and even verify with some knowledge. It's really interesting!

Anyway, Muncy is very happy now! And this carefree happiness seems to be infected with the whole team!

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