The mountain forest after the rain is a little cold, but the air is particularly comfortable!

Mengxi also explained the reason to Ding Yu! It's not that Mengxi deliberately shows off himself. He got these things on TV! But I have never had this experience in the past!

But today everything is presented in front of Mengxi, and Mengxi is a little unable to control his emotions! If it's not because of your body! Mengxi is thinking about whether to strip off himself and wantonly in the mountains and forests!

For Meng Xi's performance, Ding Yu was very happy. After coming home, although there was a great change in his mood, he was too introverted! Want to change it! It's really not as easy as imagined! I didn't expect to take him into the mountain this time. There was such a surprise!

At noon, the sun is high in the sky! Ding Yu didn't mean to travel! But stay where you are!

Because there are not many things, Ding Yu deliberately guided the security, just a few simple actions! Given Qiu Tianyang's feeling, did these security personnel come to make up for it?

"Elder martial brother, are they all right? Why are their bodies so uncoordinated? I looked at their movements! I didn't think there was any problem! Why did they suddenly become like this?"

Hou Tianliang looked at Qiu Tianyang, but then he woke up! This matter is really difficult for Qiu Tianyang, but although I know the truth, I have to say I really understand it! There's also some bullshit!

"Just look carefully! Although I can't understand it! It's always good to look!"

"Elder martial brother, you can't understand it. Don't lie to me!"

"What's so strange about this? If you can't understand it, you can't understand it!" Hou Tianliang gave Qiu Tianyang a strange look! "Supervisor Jin, he has considerable talent in this aspect! But I haven't seen him for a long time!"

Director Kim? Qiu Tianyang has heard of this man and read some information about Jin, but he has never had any contact with Jin! I knew he was the director's security supervisor, but he disappeared for so long! It's strange that I haven't heard anything!

"Director Jin has a very high talent, which is recognized! Compared with director Jin, other security guards around the director are quite different! As for the director guiding them, it is to let them have better control. This is not universal, because everyone's situation is quite different!"

Qiu Tianyang took off his hat and scratched his hair! Because I basically didn't understand, but one thing is certain!

"So I don't have much expectation!"

"I don't know!" Hou Tianliang really doesn't have any say in this, "It's true that I have learned a lot from these security guards, but I really don't have any talent in this aspect. Even I have verified this problem with the director! In the director's words, it's not easy for me to hold the fire stick well! So I have no hope in this aspect!"

Whether this metaphor is appropriate or not is another matter, but it is exaggerated enough!

"Elder martial brother, how can you verify whether you have this talent?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say! But it's just to ask the director for confirmation!" he said, but Hou Tianliang still looked at Hou Tianliang with skeptical eyes, "but personally, you'd better not have expectations in this regard, so don't have too much hope. It may be better!"

Mengxi is sitting on the pony bar, holding his chin and looking at it! Although he can't understand it, he knows the truth, because the teacher has guided himself! But it's really not an ordinary effort to control! Even if he is exhausted sometimes, it won't have much effect!

However, their physical coordination has been greatly improved. Now they won't stumble and fall at any time. As for being on the mountain, it's also because they wear a little more and can't move. If they are at home, the situation must be quite different!

The whole afternoon was spent leisurely! After dinner, Muncy read books for a while, and then went to rest!

Hou Tianliang came to Ding Yu's side with Qiu Tianyang!

"Director! Tianyang seems very interested in afternoon activities!"

Ding Yu raised his eyelids, looked at them, and then fell down again! "You can master the skills! Great! You can be more refined in skills. You can exercise in strength. As for other aspects, it's not appropriate now. When you're old, take a rest and barely practice!"

Qiu Tianyang was a little disappointed, while Hou Tianliang showed a positive expression! "Director! I think many people can practice!"

Ding Yu put down the books in his hand and poured himself a cup of hot water! At the same time, he poured a cup of hot water for Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang. He didn't mean to ask them to help! You don't need to be so particular about what you do!

"There are two ways to practice Kung Fu, one is from the inside out, the other is from the outside in! The final essence is the same, but few people can practice Kung Fu thoroughly! Of course, there are few people who stand up. After all, the Jianghu is big! There are people who hide dragons and crouching tigers everywhere! Don't underestimate others!"

"Director, what you said is a little too concise! I can't understand it!"

"From the outside to the inside? It's the so-called outside Kung Fu, what hard Qigong! Iron sand palm, etc.! Specifically, exercise muscles! Skin, and then gradually exercise your own organs! From the inside to the outside Kung Fu? It's what Yi Jin Jing and so on! Specifically, practice one breath from the inside to exercise your own organs! Root bone, and then gradually exercise your skin from the inside to the outside Skin and so on! But if you really mention it, no matter which way! If you can't practice to the point of mastery and force it, it will be very painful in the future, and even extremely miserable when you die! "

"Why?" both expressed considerable curiosity!

"Natural death is the best result, but the problem is that the internal organs, essence, Qi and spirit have been quite tempered. In common words, the human body is like a machine. Although it has reached its service life, the problem is that there are still quite a few parts that can work very well and can't stop at all! At that time, it doesn't mean that you can stop if you want to stop! More straight The metaphor of view is like driving at high speed! Is it necessarily useful if you step on the brake? The brake is broken, but it doesn't mean that the car can't continue to run, and even the car is still running at high speed! "

Imagine that scene. No matter Hou Tianliang or Qiu Tianyang, they all shivered! Really, if so! It's not that simple! It's just a little scary!

"What's more, your body is not suitable to practice advanced Kung Fu! Because the more advanced Kung Fu, the higher the requirements for your body! Poor culture and rich martial arts, of course, I don't lack such conditions, but this is just the beginning! First of all, two important issues! Blood gas and blood! The flexibility and ductility of your blood vessels can't determine your lower limit, but you can let me Your upper limit is limited! This is a very fundamental problem! "

Ding Yu slowly stretched out his hand! It gives people the feeling that Ding Yu's hands are slender and slender! Of course, they won't be piano players. They haven't seen piano players. Their hands look better from a distance. If they are closer! It's like destroying the existence of Three Outlooks! It will never be like Ding Yu's hand. The first feeling is tenderness!

Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, the hands playing the piano must be very beautiful, but it is definitely a layman! Really, if you see it, you will feel that you will never let your baby play the piano in the future. It's too bad! It's all cocoons!

I didn't see Ding Yu's other actions, but Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang obviously felt that Ding Yu's hand had changed obviously. Just now it was like a warm jade, but the next moment it was like a bright sharp knife! It's a little seeping. I feel that my heart is so cold!

"The control of muscles and bones is relatively simple. It's good after considerable exercise! It won't even cause too much damage. There are some contusions and strains, but in terms of blood vessels? It's difficult to ensure this! If the flexibility of blood vessels is not enough, or the ductility of blood vessels is not enough! They will burst directly!"

"As for the context? Generally speaking, it's your tendon! After considerable exercise, you can stretch it! Ordinary people can do it! But for a martial artist, it's not enough, far from enough!"

"I understand! Some defects can be changed if we don't want to change them. Director, is there one with such talent, that is, through the day after tomorrow!"

"Yes!" Ding Yu nodded, "but it doesn't mean anything to you Qiu Tianyang! What's the nature and significance of your work? If you have that time, you might as well enrich your head! It's more in line with the meaning of your work! Of course, if you retire in the future! Exercise your body and maintain your energy and spirit, this is still OK!"

Qiu Tianyang now understands why the director will guide the security from time to time! For these security people, these will become their capital, become their solid foundation, and can lay their own foundation! Let your inside information be more profound! The nature is different, so the way to treat the problem is naturally different!

But this is also completely let Qiu Tianyang's mind in this regard!

When Ding Yu got up in the morning, he prepared some drinks for everyone. Meng Xi almost drank it by pinching his nose. The smell was not so strong, but what about the taste? It's hard to describe, even a little overwhelming! Mengxi quickly filled himself with some warm water! Otherwise, it's really uncomfortable!

For others, the taste may be quite different, but after these things are eaten, there is a warm feeling in the stomach! Even the whole person has changed considerably! Of course, there may be more spiritual effects! After all, Ding Yu is not a God, and what he configures is not a fairy medicine!

For a week, Ding Yu didn't mean to go out of the mountain. They just wandered in the mountain!

The outside world has considerable opinions and ideas about Ding Yu's stroll, but on the surface, it's really hard to make other references, and even don't know what kind of references to make!

You know, Ding Yu doesn't care about the farm! What else do you want?

Even some people are thinking, how wonderful it would be if Ding Yu didn't come out all his life! Although such a thing can't happen at all, it's no big deal to think about it! isn't it?

But Ding Yu can really bear it. It's been a week! He didn't move! There is no sign of coming out of the mountain! It's unrealistic to say that Ding Yu doesn't know any news!

Don't mention that communication is so developed now. Even if it was placed in ancient times, there won't be too many problems. Are those people on the farm puppets? Just put it there and don't move? Ding Yu just expresses his attitude, which doesn't mean Ding Yu wants to be isolated from the world!

If Ding Yu really wants to be isolated from the world, he didn't say anything! Even if Ding Yu has great conditions, everyone will think about it! But the question is, will Ding Yu do that? Or don't have such a beautiful dream!

What's more, in a week's time, preliminary agreements have been reached! There will be some quarrels in the process! There will even be a nasty situation, but the problem is not so big! This cake is bigger than expected!

All aspects have received considerable benefits. Under such circumstances, it will not be too much! After all, we are still in the cooperation period! What about the follow-up? Exactly what happens when this cake is divided? This problem needs to be discussed! Maybe better, maybe worse!

On and off, this has been the main tone for a long time! Nothing great!

But even so, Ding Yu still didn't mean to come out of the mountain. He seemed very satisfied with the life of such idle clouds and wild cranes, and even enjoyed it!

But Ding Yu himself also knew that the previous agreement between them had not been reached, so he was unscrupulous and dissolute. There was no problem. The agreement had been reached! I'm still hiding in the mountain. It's a little outrageous! Even in the eyes of many people, what they do is deliberately playing with their temper!

Is there any so-called little temper under Ding Yu's heart? Really! This time things found their own head! It's a little too much! Even some bullies have solved quite a lot of problems themselves! But this does not mean that you really have no temper at all! Clay figurines still have three points of anger!

Anyway, I'm fine now! As for the farm, loose is not a bad thing! As for the consortium, I have talked to sun Yingnan! Sasha and everyone else passed the ditch! They are the executors of such things. They don't say they can do what they want. They can't do things like this!

Talk to them, get their consent, and indicate the reason and reason for doing so! And the result did not disappoint Ding Yu! There is no problem with the existence of consortia. In fact, it is very clear in everyone's heart!

But in the past, there were really not many ways. After all, there were so many constraints. Even if you want to make some action, you need to think and weigh back and forth, and the consortium is quite different from the farm!

The farm is in China! And the consortium? Alone, there is so much attention! This time, Ding Yu mentioned the solution of the problems related to the consortium! It's very good news for everyone. It can really be described as a long drought and showers! If you miss this chance! Will there be a chance next time? Hard to say!

And even if we wait for the next opportunity, what will the consortium look like then? Who dares to make this promise?

So it's better to take advantage of this opportunity to rectify the consortium! It will certainly cause considerable losses in the process! But such a loss is worth it, because it will create a better tomorrow and future for the consortium!

To be exact, this is about everyone in the consortium. We can't let outsiders dig their own corner and lose their own interests! After unifying this goal, the next thing is a little simpler!

In other words, although Ding Yu hasn't come out of the mountain yet, quite a lot of things have begun to move forward step by step! But now there are almost no people who are aware of this problem!

Because Ding Yu didn't make a fuss, everyone knows, but I think it should be fast! After you go out, things should be announced. After all, the best time has come!

Now all forces have united together, and everyone has been attracted by the cake!

And the White House and the board of directors are the most hostile to Ding Yu! They have this idea, but do they still have this time now? Do you still have this energy?

To some extent, Ding Yu really hopes they can make some moves! It's best to even make quite a noise! But for their shrewdness, they will judge the situation!

What should we do in case of irrationality? Specific problems, specific analysis! Now it's a little too difficult for Ding Yu to come up with specific solutions and methods at this time!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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