Qiu Tianyang was depressed at once! Yes! Many people stare at themselves and senior brother Hou Tianhou, but more people stare at the director! It can be said that there are all aspects! Even quite often, there are very obvious actions and emotions!

It's definitely not that simple!

"Elder martial brother, can you understand the meaning?" Qiu Tianyang said with some worry!

"Ha ha!" Hou Tianliang couldn't help laughing. "This time, it still needs to be explained. Quite often, you and I have gone a little too far! But we obviously can't carry the black pot. Even if we take the initiative to carry it back to ourselves, it's impossible. At least the director can't get through it!"


"So this time things must be explained!" Hou Tianliang said calmly. "It's already too much for us to stay with the director, but our intelligence department has found the director again and again! Does the director really have no temper? How can it be!"

Hou Tianliang has explained things very clearly and thoroughly! Qiu Tianyang finally understood at this time! But also rubbed his head! "Move around! In such a big space, it's not as simple as testing people! Is it a little too difficult!"

"This is not difficult. To a certain extent, this will test your skills!" Hou Tianliang showed great patience! "Doing things has always been like this! The more such things are, the more it tests a person's comprehensive quality and accomplishment! See how you deal with it! More vividly, we need to act as a bridge now!"

"Bridge?" Qiu Tianyang muttered to himself!

"Yes! It's a channel for mutual communication, but when necessary, we should also do something else! Between the director and us, I mean the relationship between the director and the intelligence department is a little complicated! It can't be summarized in one sentence or two! So our bridge and lubricant appear at the right time!"

"This ability can't be learned in a day or two!" Qiu Tianyang sighed. "Elder martial brother, is there any other good way! At least I can kill it. I feel that my temper is still so impatient!"

"Method?" Hou Tianliang thought for a while. "If you are interested, you can learn from the director. The director is more interested in string and walnut! You don't need any valuable things. There is no such need. The things in the director's hand are very ordinary, even ordinary goods! You can try!"

"But please don't play with these things in front of the director?"

"I'm not stupid, and I won't delay my work. It's extremely inappropriate to play with these things during work!"

"I don't mean that. I'm worried that you will have some inferiority complex!" Hou Tianliang said with a bad smile, "The housekeeper once gave me two bracelets. Sometimes when I need to meditate, I will dish one. It should be said that the bracelet given to me by the housekeeper is definitely much better than the director's bracelet. The director is not picky in this regard, but due to his own reasons, the things the director offers are quite different from those we offer, which can be shaped by heaven and earth Rong! "

Because there are no other things right now. To be exact, the two people are waiting for the above response, so now they have leisure time to discuss! Otherwise, they really think they have nothing else?

"I've seen the director's hand string! The speed is not fast, and there are no cocoons on the director's hand! This is very strange, just those gods in our action department? The skin on their hands is impenetrable, and it looks so exaggerated! It's like a wild boar's skin!"

Even Qiu Tianyang held out his hand, "when we compare our hand with others, it's a bit like a scholar! That is, holding a pen! As for the guy style, we'd better forget it compared with them!"

"On this issue? It's really not so easy to argue!" Hou Tianliang's eyebrows touched slightly. "Have you seen those security hands? They also have a thick layer on their hands, which is also a little exaggerated! But really compared, they are not comparable with the Lord!"

"So, elder martial brother! Is the director an immortal?"

This joke is a little big, "it's hard to say!" Hou Tianliang also joked, "from our point of view, the host is definitely an immortal. We can only say that our position is so low! So we can't see it comprehensively! But obviously, the director doesn't see it like this! I can't tell what the problem is!"

After Qiu Tianyang's report, the intelligence department also had some excitement! Of course, they can interpret it. The news delivered by Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang is not so difficult to understand!

However, the intelligence management department is also embarrassed and helpless. Why? In fact, the intelligence management department itself knows that Ding Yu is very angry this time! And to a great extent, the anger is caused by the intelligence management department! Now Ding Yu doesn't mean to make trouble directly, but it also makes the intelligence management department very difficult!

It seems a little uncertain to say that all things are the responsibility of the intelligence department! But to say that the intelligence department occupies a considerable part of the responsibility, there is not much problem! And Ding Yu's attitude is also very obvious, that is, he blames quite a few people on the head of the intelligence department!

I don't care how messy it is. In my opinion, it's all made by your intelligence department, so you come to put out the fire now! If you can't put out the fire! ha-ha!

Facing the threat that Ding Yu didn't face directly, the intelligence department really felt that there were some difficulties. Obviously, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang couldn't carry the black pot! So finding their heads at this time will not play any role at all!

So now we can find someone to carry the black pot, but the problem is who is more suitable to let Ding Yu's anger dissipate!

This really makes the intelligence department have some difficulties. Why do you say so? If it's someone else, it may be over! But the question is, what about Ding Yu? People who don't rub sand in their eyes! And now it's obvious that he did it on purpose! If it doesn't accord with his wishes, who knows what kind of trouble will follow? Hard to say!

Su Quan frowned and said nothing. It's another matter whether it's serious or not! However, I can see the meaning my nephew wants to express. Obviously, my nephew is going to start a consortium! And it's still the kind of cruel hand! Not everyone can do this!

Just started on the farm, and even the farm hasn't stopped. Start on the consortium now!

From the perspective of timing, it is absolutely impeccable! Now everything has been attracted by the White House! What's more, everyone has sat on a table! And the advocate of this table? Is his nephew!

Now my nephew is free! Directly to their own consortia, other forces do not mean that they are not interested in consortia. The problem is whether they should also be involved. This is a problem!

It's not even an exaggeration to say that the intelligence department is also quite interested in Ding Yu's consortium!

However, the effect of this aspect is not obvious. Why? Because not many people can say how big the consortium is, and the consortium is not fixed. There are subsidiaries, branches, or controlled companies, etc. even the personnel inside the consortium are not clear!

The senior management of the consortium is one by one. Who is not the most smart person? If not, how can they sit in such a position? And the consortium controlled by Ding Yu? For a considerable number of colleagues, they are also in a state of understanding and openness. Even within the consortium, they have left a special office!

It's no exaggeration to say that except that the consortium doesn't give wages, everything else is in line with the staff of the consortium. It's a great place to fish in troubled waters. As for invading the interior of the consortium, you don't have to think about it! It's impossible!

Anyway, there have been no rumors about this for so many years!

On the bright side, what about your nephew? What I want is face. I want to find someone to resist. In fact, what's the inside story? Let the intelligence department not intervene this time. It's so simple! As for the focus of debate now? It's also on this point! Everyone has quite a small 99 in their heart, but they behave differently!

As for how to reply to his nephew, and his nephew, have you started to do it now? All need to be considered. After all, my nephew! Mind or more! If he is a little careless, he may fall into the pit, and he can be sure that he will definitely fill a few handfuls of soil into the pit at that time!

Don't think he is very honest. If you really look at him like this, you may die in the end and don't know how to die! Su Quan still has a good understanding of his nephew!

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang could only wait foolishly. Even the next day, they didn't get the exact news, while Ding Yu leisurely took Meng Xi on a trip. He didn't mean to turn back at all!

You know, there was no detour along the way. Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang couldn't get any news, so they followed Ding Yu. What else? Can they interfere with Ding Yu's decision? There's no need to make such a joke! It's not embarrassing enough!

There has been no result for the intelligence department, but Ding Yu doesn't mean to care! It doesn't matter. The intelligence department deliberately doesn't know anything, or is it grinding time? It's their own business. They don't need to be so eager! There is no such need!

But for one thing, we really need to hurry up! Because Mengxi's body really can't hold on! Have already started sneezing! So the next day, Ding Yu and others also detoured. Of course, they didn't turn back, but came out of the mountain from another place. The speed of travel was a little faster. Compared with the past, it was definitely a different kind!

After coming out of the mountain, Ding Yu also declined the arrangement of the farm staff. There was no need! Took Mengxi to find a good place to take a bath!

However, there are a little more people following, and they simply wrapped up a field! Ding Yu also deliberately configured some drugs. After adjusting the temperature, he was soaked in the water pool, but Meng Xi was a little special, because he was a child after all, and his skin was delicate! Can't stand such a high temperature!

The masters in the field are really so eye opening! Because of the people who just booked the show? My God! The smell on my body when I first came in! Can smoke people! But these people are also very strange. The clothes they took off were put in the package and didn't stay in the box! Someone specially sent it outside, which makes people a little confused!

But what is more enviable is that except for a child, the figure of others, if the old women under the building really see it! It's not as simple as drooling! Basically six or eight abs!

But the boss obviously got the notice and soon took the waiter with the tray and the drinks in it! street food Tea and even cigarettes are well prepared! I can see that all the teachers and masters inside have such silly eyes! Obviously, this time also realized that these people inside are not mortals! Otherwise, can the boss do so?

For two hours, the security guards were soaking in the pool, and the temperature remained constant! Only in this way can we stimulate the effect to the greatest extent! Of course, Mengxi can't soak for so long. Even during the process, he slept outside for a while, and then came in again to wash it!

But the spirit is much better! As for whether the stomach is filled with new oil and water, this is another matter!

When he came out again, although he didn't wear the same clothes as a little bear on the mountain, he still had a cloak on his body. When he came home, I'm afraid he didn't even know how to untie his cloak. Now he's very familiar with it! I don't know whether I'm too lazy to move or very casual. It's hard to say!

Sitting on the back train, Mengxi was a little quiet! I've been soaking in the bathroom for a while, but what do you say? It is impossible to completely eliminate fatigue! At least for Mengxi, his identity needs a week to recover slowly!

But it's not all good! This time, it can make Mengxi's body have considerable mediation, which can be regarded as laying a small foundation! On the way back, although due to the previous bath, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang were not relaxed and depressed!

In the bath, I've had a good rest! Not all fatigue is eliminated, but young people recover very quickly! They still haven't got any news, and they don't know how to consider it! But now at this time, two people can only wait, otherwise what? To question?

No such confidence! After all, they are just sesame sized people! For this, whether Hou Tianliang or Qiu Tianyang, they have a very clear understanding! Don't take yourself as a thing. They are not as important as they think!

But until they got off the bus, they didn't get any news, so they could only look at each other!

But it's not easy for Ding Yu! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were directly blocked at the gate of the railway station. It's right to educate children, but you took Meng Xi to the mountain and it took a long time. What's the matter? What do you want to do? Is it against God! Is there any royal law?

The two old people didn't give Ding Yu any good face. They didn't even say that their face was not a face! The nose is not a whole meal of the nose!

What can Ding Yu do? Honestly, Meng Xi was also held in his arms by Ding Lin at this time. He just said two words, but it was of no use! Just lie down!

Fortunately, after Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying had a vent, their emotions dissipated a lot! But when you get home, the real storm is coming! Even during this period, Ding Yu had to listen honestly. It's not good to have other actions. As for the response? It's even more impossible. It's wrong to say anything at this time!

In an hour, Ding Yu came with tea. The anger of the two people dissipated slowly, but even so, Ding Yu didn't argue. Now it's meaningless to argue with his father and mother!

Quite a lot of things have been done by yourself! It can be said that the benefits have been taken by yourself! What else do you want? And Ding Yu also knows that it's a bit taboo to do so. To a certain extent, he also needs to consider it from the perspective of his parents! What they think is wrong!

No way, who let himself be caught first!

When Ding Yu came out from his parents, he was relieved. It was OK. He just scolded. At least he didn't start. He still felt very good about it! If you really start, you have no choice!

However, when seeing Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang, Ding Yu's mind that had changed for the better suddenly dissipated! Even if there is something, you need to look at the time and time, right?

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