Can Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang not know that Ding Yu is in a bad mood now?

They were lucky to witness what happened at the station! At that time, the director was called miserable! After coming back, he was taken to the villa. What happened in it is unknown now, but it took more than an hour! Even if I guess, I generally know what happened!

Of course, this is not what Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang are concerned about! They are at a loss now, because after they came out of the mountain, they have reported the relevant situation, but so far, they still haven't received any response! Something's wrong!

Hou Tianliang is a little confused about what the top thinks, but since he can't figure out what the top thinks, first find out the director's attitude! There was a considerable situation in the province at that time. I didn't know when I asked! It was even worse at that time! So it's better to prepare yourself in advance, so it's more appropriate!

As for Qiu Tianyang? He's full of bags by this time! I didn't expect that things would deteriorate to such a degree! Is it true that director Ding Yuding is not regarded as a thing? Or what? Such a joke can't be opened casually. It's really easy to have big problems at that time!

So now even if they know that Ding Yu will not be in a good mood, they still come to block Ding Yu! As for useful or useless, no one knows, but when I saw Ding Yu, the tension in my heart was really eliminated!

"Director! Are you going back to rest?"

Ding Yu stopped his steps and looked at them up and down. He said angrily! "What's the matter? Do you want to tell me what happened in there just now?"

"Director, we know you're in a bad mood!"

"Since you know, you still come here!" Ding Yu looked at them angrily. "If you two feel your body bones itch, I'll help you relax! I'm still good at relaxing tendons and promoting blood circulation!"

"Director!" what else can we do at this time?

But Ding Yu snorted angrily, "I'm very upset now, so get out of here! Don't look for trouble!"

Waving, Ding Yu left! Hang Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang there!

However, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang were not too disappointed. They had done everything! As for whether it has achieved the so-called effect, this is another matter! At least when asked, two people can also explain!

"Elder martial brother, I feel something is wrong!" Qiu Tianyang said uncontrollably on the way back!

"Isn't something wrong? It has nothing to do with us. At least we can't interfere with the things and problems here! Just keep a good attitude at this time!"

In fact, Hou Tianliang has quite a feeling in his heart! It's about the director! There must be other considerations! Things are not as simple as saying! But the question is, will the Director give so much time?

Or maybe they want to see what the director will do, and then make some arrangements, but will it be in time?

The next morning, Mengxi came to exercise with Ding Yu!

I've been waiting for the morning exercise to be over! Meng Xicai smiled and looked at Ding Yu. "Teacher, Grandpa and grandma took sister Xiaoyu and me to dinner! They are not at home! They are outside! Grandpa and grandma said, you can eat too much without your share!"

Ah? Eat out? Ding Yu really doesn't understand! "OK! They should still be very angry, but how are you? Did you rest well last night?"

"I'm a little too energetic! I feel so comfortable at home when I come back!" Meng Xi blinked her eyes and said, "but I don't know what to say about the knowledge in books. I have a different understanding!"

"Sometimes the book is too abstract, but what is concise is the essence. After the actual operation, the combination of the two is the most appropriate. At least in my opinion, it is like this. Go to dinner! I don't know what the two of them are taking you to eat! It sounds like a holiday today!"

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying went out with their children! To be exact, I went to have breakfast! As for why he didn't take Ding Yu with him, on the one hand, he was still angry, on the other hand? Don't joke about your son's appetite! There's not enough for him!

Of course, Ding Yu doesn't have breakfast alone. Bruno is with Ding Yu! Eating with Ding Yu can really eat a lot of things. Sometimes I can't stand my appetite. Everything else is OK!

"You've been out for almost a month, and you've gone with me to see Thornton. You don't know what to do!"

"There's no way! Yesterday was not a good time. After all, he just came out of the mountain and the cold still hasn't been eliminated. It's not a good thing for Thornton to see him at that time! How is he?"

"OK! You can clearly see that there is meat!"

"When I have time today, I'll go and have a look to see if I can get out of bed. If I can, I'll use instruments to help him get out of bed alone without the help of others. It's good for his recovery to let him be independent!"

After saying this, Ding Yu deliberately glanced at Bruno, "what? Listen to what you mean, it seems that there are other things in here! It seems that you are not so easy!"

Bruno couldn't help sighing, but that's it! "It would be easier if things were as easy as you said! But everything is OK. At least there are not many problems in the general direction!"

Obviously, Bruno also encountered quite a difficult problem here, otherwise he would not run to Ding Yu to make complaints about it. It's just because of some reasons, it's not easy to say things too obvious!

"All right! I'll go and have a look in the morning! That's all right! I said Bruno, aren't you too much? I just got home yesterday!"

"Heard!" Bruno was so excited when he said this, "I heard that when you were at the station yesterday, your experience was so miserable! Many people have known the news, and I didn't mean to target you! I also heard the news!"

But then Bruno sighed again!

"Speaking of it, I really have some envy! I can't remember the impression of my parents! Our family! Say there is family affection! Also, but how to describe this family affection? There are too many interests hidden in it! I don't want to mention it sometimes! So I envy you when I see your situation yesterday!"

Ding Yu nodded with a smile. "My parents don't have anything to be picky about me. Although my mother is a teacher, she is completely different from at home. It's not that she is irritable. She can only say that she is a little anxious. She may have spent too much patience in school. She is a group of children!"

"This makes people feel quite different!" Bruno smiled!

"It's OK! My mother's temper is a little impatient, but it's definitely not the kind of grumpy. To be exact, it's very straightforward. As for my father? He may have been a doctor all his life. He pays attention to spring breeze and rain at quite a time. They can integrate well with each other. In fact, at quite a time, I think I'm quite like my mother!"

Ah? Bruno looked at Ding Yu suspiciously and gave himself a feeling. How can Ding Yu's words have a little intentional meaning? Ding Yu's temper is not as good as expected, but he has a very good self-cultivation at a considerable time. He said he was impatient. There is so much nonsense!

At least I don't believe it!

"Don't believe it!" Ding Yu poured Bruno a cup of coffee. "I'm very impulsive to do things, at least in the past. As for now? I haven't done it for a long time! It may also be because of this aspect, so I think a little more!"

"All the talk is nonsense!" I thought Ding Yu could say something different! As a result, I didn't expect it to be like this. Bruno gritted his teeth and even was dissatisfied with Ding Yu!

"Who knows? I'll see Bruno later. My parents took their two children to breakfast in the morning! I don't know what's going on?" Ding Yu was a little depressed!

Bruno pointed to Ding Yu and laughed endlessly! "I really know about this. Even I've seen it in the past! An old store, but the store has been repaired again. Its main business is breakfast. Of course, it's a place to drink tea and chat. There are some old people. They feel very leisurely and comfortable!"

"There is such a place!" Ding Yu shook his head, "I really don't know!"

"The fried shrimp dumplings there are very good. I've tried! Other things are also very delicious! Clean! Elegant. When some old people are free, they chat and sit and drink tea. I feel very good! It's a very flavor place!" then he looked at Ding Yu, "but it's not suitable for you! If you go there, they don't have to do anything else. It's enough to cook for you!"

"You're just killing me!"

Bruno left after dinner! Ding Yu didn't mean to go to the farm, but his parents didn't mean to come back, and his two children didn't come back! After Ding Yu handled some official business, he wandered to Thornton! I happened to meet Hou Tianliang on the road!

Ding Yu didn't speak. Hou Tianliang consciously followed Ding Yu's side!

However, it's a pity that Hou Tianliang didn't enter the room. He was even stopped a few doors away from the room. This is because he gave Ding Yu face. If he didn't give this face, he might have been thrown out with a discount on his legs! Whatever your status? It's hard to work here!

Looking at Thornton lying on the bed, Ding Yu looked at the layout of the room!

"Ouch, the environment is good! It's redecorated?" Ding Yu looked at it affectably! "OK! Can you sit down now? I see the study outside. The layout is OK!"

Thornton took a deep breath! Staring at Ding Yu! It took a while to make a sound, but I obviously heard the complaint in the sound! "I heard that Mr. Ding is on a trip! Should I say welcome to Mr. Ding?"

"It's all right!" Ding Yu found his own position and sat down! But look at Thornton sitting on the bed! I looked at the layout in your study. The sofa is not suitable. You can lie on the bed now, but if you do it, you can't sit on the sofa. You must sit on a chair

"I see!" Thornton didn't ask, because he knew very well that Ding Yu would explain the reason to him!

"Your current physical condition! You need to take care of yourself slowly. Even for a considerable period of time, I will let your body adjust autonomously instead of using drugs. Can you understand?"

"How much can you understand!" Thornton pointed to his head. It was obvious that he was not an idiot. How could he not understand such a thing?

"Wood should be dry, not wet, and don't use ironware. With such a wood chair, one is that your bones are still affected. Whether you admit it or not, it already exists! The other is? For the sake of the five elements, it's useless to explain too much to you, and you can't understand it!"

This remark made Thornton so angry, even so angry! What's that? What do you mean you don't understand! Of course, the words may be the truth, but don't say it so directly. You make yourself look like an idiot! I can't get down this step! This is really annoying!

And it's gone for almost a month! It's too much for you to tell me this as soon as you meet!

"Mr. Ding, I've been reading recently! I've read a lot of books! It's not like some people know to travel around!"

"Just say you are envious!" Ding Yu stabbed him directly and ignored whether Thornton was a child or not. It was still a very interesting thing to quarrel with him!

Hum! Thornton couldn't help turning his head!

"You can't. although Mengxi is the same as you! His health is not so good! He even has a considerable deficit, but the situation is different! If I take you into the mountain, I don't dare to do other things! I need to protect you as a baby, and I can't protect you!"

"Mr. Ding, in that case, why take Thornton into the mountain? I don't want to understand! I won't say the external reasons! I want to know what the inside story is, that is, what the inside story about Mengxi is? According to my understanding of Mr. Ding, you won't do useless things! So I doubt it very much!"

"You know what? Too smart people really make people feel a little annoying, especially like you!" Ding Yu said sarcastically! "In fact, to put it bluntly, it's no big deal! Mengxi's situation is different from yours! When he was a child, he was trapped at home! It's true that he went out earlier and had a certain understanding of the world and society, but he lacked a considerable understanding of nature and environment!"

Having said this, Ding Yu also gave a disdainful stare, "and at this point, you have a natural advantage over Mencius! It's true that you have lost two years, but due to your family, you have a considerable understanding of nature and even a considerable perception! There is a big gap between you!"

Thornton's eyebrows beat twice. Obviously, there are still some arrogant and charming under Thornton's heart. At this point, he and Mengxi are really people of the same kind! But there are quite different expressions between them!

"Let me check it for you!"

However, this examination is quite different from the previous examination. Ding Yu not only touched his pulse this time, but even checked Thornton's bones! It can be said to be all-round!

"It's OK. At least from my personal point of view, it's barely OK! There's no big problem! It's obvious that the medical care you invite in your family is still of a considerable standard, and you pass the test on this point!"

"Mr. Ding, you seem a little disappointed!"

"It's not a disappointment! At least it can't show my level!" Ding Yu cleaned his hands. He didn't know whether it was intentional or professional habits. Anyway, it made Thornton feel a little uncomfortable!

"Mr. Ding, you don't seem so satisfied with my physical condition!"

"In fact, it can also be said in reverse!" Ding Yu sat down disapprovingly. "From the current situation, you have recovered very well! Of course, my credit, even others can't erase it. Under such circumstances, shouldn't I be a little proud? I think so!"

"Well, Mr. Ding, there is no way to deny this fact. You are really very powerful!"

Thornton even put out the thumbs of his hands, but you can see from his expression how reluctant he is! But this is a fact, and it is still an undeniable fact, so what can we do? After all, such a thing, even if it is your own way, no matter how thick skinned, it also needs to be recognized!

Ding Yu nodded with satisfaction! "You should get out of bed after getting ready these two days! In the past, taking you to collect gas on February 2 was just a special way. Don't think you really don't have any problems! As for now? You can get out of bed a little bit, but say a little in advance, with the help of some instruments and equipment, and one thing, you can't have any help from outsiders You! You need to stand by yourself! ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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