"Myself!" Thornton pointed to his nose. "Mr. Ding, is this a joke? Although I'm recovering well, are you sure you're not kidding on purpose?"

"No!" Ding Yu shook his head. "You must stand on your own, or even take considerable actions, because doing so is not only to better exercise your body, but also to better exercise your spirit! Don't think you're too bad now, you're too far away!"

"Mr. Ding, I can understand exercising my body, but exercising my spirit. What's this saying?"

"To be exact, it's to better stimulate you! Your potential has been exhausted! The pain on your body has consumed almost everything. Now the small flame of your body is burning, but how to say? No one knows when it will go out. It's hard to say. At least I don't dare to make this guarantee!"

Ding Yu said very seriously, "Under such circumstances, it is necessary to re stabilize your foundation, solidify your details, and establish some of your beliefs so that you can make your heart glow! All this depends on yourself! Of course, if you stay outside, there is no big deal! It doesn't matter! I just make some personal suggestions!"

The more insipid Ding Yu said, the more he aroused Thornton's curiosity! Even determined, he must not let Ding Yu look down on himself! How can he admit defeat in front of him? It's impossible!

When Ding Yu came out of the room, he gave a look to the security guard not far away. It wasn't long before saitil came to Ding Yu's side. He even deliberately nodded with Hou Tianliang and smiled apologetically!

As for Hou Tianliang's understanding, it's another matter. It's not so important! But Ding Yu must have this posture at present! He's not a fool. He really doesn't understand the world!

"Mr. Ding, what's up?"

Ding Yu slightly raised his eyelids. It was obvious from this speech that saitil was so powerful! He even pinched it in front of his face. Is this to test himself?

You take it in front of Bruno and Sanchez. It doesn't matter. Anyway, you have Thornton's amulet and even Goodall behind you, but you take it in front of yourself? What's the matter? You forget about hollian so quickly! Don't you teach enough lessons!

"Saitil, you look very happy!" Ding Yu patted saitil's arm. Saitil was slightly stunned, but then his face was suddenly changed and even pale! "I asked you to come here to tell you to prepare two sets of seats for Thornton, the pure wooden one, and do a little! There are these two days, forget it! Three days!"

Ding Yu smiled at setier, "you need at least three days, which should be OK! Anyway, it also needs considerable preparation time! Prepare some equipment for him. He only needs to start his own exercise. Others are not allowed to have any help. At the same time, ask a better physiotherapist to give him considerable massage and adjustment! Do you understand?"

"Mr. Ding?!" satyr's body trembled a little!

"Don't worry! It's no big deal!" Ding Yu patted saitil's cheek instead of his arm this time. It wasn't so hard, but it was definitely an abnormal face beating behavior! But saitil didn't dare to make any action. Hou Tianliang next to him was stunned! The director was too domineering!

"How you deal with things is your own problem, but when you talk on this one third of an acre, think about it! Don't think too much of yourself! Otherwise, I need to give you flowers at this time next year! Although I don't often do such things, it's no big deal to do it!"

"Yes, Mr. Ding! I see!"

Satyr dare not have any dissatisfaction on his face, and even looks like he has been taught! At the same time, satyr also has some remorse in his heart! He was a little presumptuous when he spoke just now, but who could have thought that Ding Yu turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, leaving no room for himself!

But I really have no place to reason about this! I don't even know how to reason! It's no use crying to master Thornton. It's even worse to find Mr. Goodall, so I can only bear it now!

As for what will happen in future? It's a matter of the future. At this time, deal with the things in front of the you first!

When Ding Yu left, satyr took a deep breath and then moved slightly! Before going to the bathroom, he made considerable arrangements, but there was no response after waiting for half an hour. This makes satyr feel very confused. What's the situation?

What happened to hollian last time, so setier did a lot of preparatory work, but it was useless. He was ready with diapers! But? Everything seemed to be in vain! Setier was puzzled about what it meant? Did Ding Yu warn himself?

Just when setier hesitated, suddenly, an inexplicable feeling came from his body. It was a very inexplicable feeling. His toes seemed to hurt a little! What's the situation? Some surprised satyr even stamped his feet twice. It's ok if he didn't stamp his feet. As soon as he stamped his feet, satyr almost shouted at his own voice!

His toes seem to be crushed suddenly! Then I got it and baked it on the fire! The comfort created on the soul has paralyzed setier on the ground! Don't want to know, it must be Ding Yu's way, otherwise it would never be like this!

Although setier is trying his best to bear it, he can hold it there. Setier has begun to roll on the ground! Even at a certain time, setier was thinking, can he still insist? If you really can't, just give yourself a guy! This is simply not the limit that people can tolerate!

But at the next moment, setier was suddenly stunned! Why? Because all the feelings dissipated!

The one without a trace! As if nothing had happened! Some unbelieving satyr even pinched his toes twice without any reaction! Were you dreaming just now?

Setier sitting on the ground can be said to have a suspicious face! The situation is very wrong, but I can't find anything wrong! The pain just made me almost out of my body, but now I don't have any reaction! How is that possible?

Lost some time, setier still woke up and made considerable arrangements first! Have arranged master Thornton's affairs first! As for other things? You can wait a little! It's like hollian! He also followed Ding Yu's way before, but he didn't find any problems and problems after checking!

After arranging a lot of affairs, setier went to the doctor to do a lot of examination for himself. The results were no different. He didn't find any problems in his body. Of course, some old problems still exist, but they will never cause any impact in other aspects! In other words, the cause of toe pain has not been found at all!

This makes setier very angry, but at the same time, it seems an abnormal taboo to Ding Yu's unpredictable means!

If you can't find the reason, it means that there is no way and method to solve the problem. It takes three days! After a while, I felt like I was going to see God! If you say it again, do you want to live!

It's okay not to talk. It's really what you want! The next moment, setier felt his scalp numb again! Then there was another hellish experience!

When he woke up again, setier looked at the time on his watch. He came once in almost six hours! Four times a day! And it takes three days! The heart of setier now! There is even an impulse to find Ding Yu to duel!

It's just careless words and a little impulse! Are you going to use such an inhumane way? Are you human?

Even at this moment, setier had some wronged people who wanted to cry! Tanima is bullying! You rely on your own superb means and this is your territory. You are so arbitrary and domineering. Setier never thought that he would hate a person so much! Even if it's peeling and cramping, I don't understand my hate!

At night, setier didn't dare to rest, because he was not sure whether he would wake up when he went to bed again at night! Hard to say! At least I dare not make this guarantee!

Although he was sure that Ding Yu didn't dare to give himself a black hand, he couldn't bear it!

Now everything has happened! Can you let yourself go to Ding Yu to shake his tail and beg for mercy at this time! Even if he is dead, he will never do so! Isn't it three days? What can happen?

This time in the middle of the night, setier can bear it! But then he fell on the bed! I really can't hold on! Three times a day! At least three times today! Let your energy and spirit be exhausted! Now I don't even have a trace of strength! Now I want to have a good rest! As for what tomorrow will be like, let's talk about it tomorrow!

But the next morning, setier was awakened by pain. Even in his sleep, he was chewed by the devil! But my consciousness is still awake! But this pain always exists! When he woke up the next moment, setier realized what had happened!

But this soberness disappears at the next moment! Consciousness is still there, only pain, but there is no meaning to make yourself unconscious. Obviously, Ding Yu's bastard's control of the situation is ingenious to Haodian!

Although setier tried his best to hide, such a thing doesn't mean that he can hide it if he wants to hide it!

Hollian looked at setier and wanted to stop! Although I don't know much, from the situation, I should be different from myself! I have no face to see people! As for setier, everyone heard his low voice roaring. As for other aspects, there was not much performance and situation!

"Did he do it to you?"

Setier was silent for a little time and nodded slightly! Looked at the talking hollian! "I checked it yesterday! It's the sudden pain in my little toe! Even at that moment! I want to chop it off, but I know it's useless! In five minutes, I'm rolling in hell!"

"Listen to people more than once!"

"Almost every six hours! It's the kind of pain that involves your soul and will never make you faint! I think everyone has hit their little toes, but compared with that kind of pain, I think my pain is ten times stronger! A hundred times stronger!"

Hollian didn't ask why this happened. It doesn't matter at all! "How long can you insist?" hollian is still worried about this!

"Three days!"! "But there is no need for other actions! Ding Yu is too overbearing! And unscrupulous! We are not his opponent here! After all, his identity is quite different!"

"It won't be like this!" when hollian said this, he didn't gnash his teeth, but compared with the humiliation Ding Yu gave him, the more understatement such things say, the more they represent hollian's attitude! There is no chance now, but it will never die in the future!

It's just a pity that they still don't realize it at this time! They have nothing in the future! As for things like looking for Ding Yu for revenge, I may have a chance to cry when I go to see God!

But from the current situation, will Goodall give them a chance to see God? I'm afraid I won't even give them the chance to see Satan! Because what they have done has seriously offended everyone!

Bruno has heard about what happened to setier! As far as his understanding is concerned, although Ding Yu is a bit of a vindictive, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't have any tolerance and self-restraint!

Quite a time, he is a relatively peaceful person! And I haven't heard anything about Thornton! Or what happened when you didn't notice? So Ding Yu was very angry and directly found setier! But even so, Ding Yu will at least mention it to himself!

But the day has passed! As if nothing had happened! This makes people feel very strange! What exactly happened?

"Can I ask what happened?" at noon, Bruno deliberately brought Ding Yu a cup of coffee. Anyway, for Ding Yu, lunch can be eaten or regarded as nothing has happened! indifferent!

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you! Are you so obsessed?" Ding Yu looked at Bruno with disdain! "And it has nothing to do with Thornton. If it has anything to do with Thornton, you may not be the first to know, but I will definitely tell you everything!"

"If you say so, I'll be even more curious! I either doubt you or I can't understand. Setier is really floating?" Ding Yu's words have revealed too many things!

Ding Yu also showed a puzzled expression on his face! "I just feel a little incomprehensible! Even quite skeptical! What do you think of them? Why can't they correctly understand their position? I always feel that they are indispensable! We should know that everyone rotates the same when the earth leaves!"

"Even without you and me, it's the same. It's great. It'll be a little chaotic, but that's it!"

"It's hard to say!" Bruno shook his head, even helpless. "From the point of view, it's a very good opportunity for them to come here! Even the best time to prove their value, but they seem to be what you said! They don't know their position! They feel that they are an unshakable cornerstone!"

Bruno is very emotional about this! "But the question is, are they really the cornerstone? At least I don't see it now!"

"Look at them now, they should not wake up! Even if they are given a considerable opportunity, they will not wake up! I don't know if they don't want to wake up. If they are a little smarter, they won't be warned twice! Even if they smell the smell, they should smell something wrong!"

"I don't know, I don't know! Maybe they really don't want to wake up. At least they are still in a dream. How many times can they have a dream in life? It's true that there is an abyss ahead, but so what? Just have fun in time and be natural and unrestrained in time!"

"Maybe! I hope they won't cry!" Ding Yu took the coffee in her hand and motioned to Bruno. Bruno smiled and raised the coffee cup in her hand!

Both of them now have some unspoken intentions! Setier and hollian, they are now! There is really no room for maneuver! Even if they want to turn back, they can't turn back! The brake broke earlier! And now? I've lost my steering wheel!

When a road goes dark, when the car is destroyed and people are killed, and when it is really over!

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