In three days, no one knows what kind of suffering saitir has endured, and saitir will not leave his weak side to others! At least not your subordinates! It's impossible for Thornton to see! However, while hating Ding Yu, he also has a deep fear!

I don't know what kind of means and methods Ding Yu uses! That is, I just photographed myself twice, but I couldn't survive or die! Setier is really scared! But at the same time of fear, other ideas came out of my heart! You can't give Ding Yu what you want, but it doesn't mean that others can't give Ding Yu what you want!

In these three days, satyr moved countless thoughts, but these thoughts have been pressed in his heart by satyr, and there is no meaning to express!

On the one hand, I really don't want the outside world to know. On the other hand, I don't have any power and capital in Ding Yu's three-thirds of an acre. Under such circumstances, I have to fight with Ding Yu and whether I can go out at that time. I'm afraid it's all two things. Don't underestimate Ding Yu!

He dared to warn hollian and himself, and even completely ignored Goodall. It doesn't mean there's no reason!

Is it a little too slap in the face, Mr. good? This question? No one will point it out, because master Thornton is still in Ding Yu's hand at this time! This is the key!

To a certain extent, this is also where I am constrained! But saitil also understands that if he really leaves here, does Master Thornton need himself, and how much role can he play? It's really hard to say!

When placed in the past, I would never think about these problems! But now I have to think about this problem. It's also the pain of these three days. I understand a lot of things!

In the eyes of Bruno and Sanchez, they let Thornton stay here because Ding Yu can cure Thornton, and Ding Yu is still unique. What will master Thornton do without Ding Yu? Hard to say!

As for other aspects, they don't care at all!

At the beginning, I thought about how to leave with master Thornton! Now, it seems that things are not so simple! Only stay here is the most appropriate! It is also the most appropriate!

As for Ding Yu? Think of this question? Setier feels a little toothache! I really don't want to mention this person, but I can't avoid this person! But what do you say? He is an extremely hateful man! But similarly, he is not a person willing to meddle! Even avoided for quite a while!

For Ding Yu, it doesn't matter what saitil thinks. Even Ding Yu didn't do it at all! Without affecting Thornton, Goodall would act as if nothing had happened! It's not convenient to deal with it now, which doesn't mean that Gude can't deal with it!

When Ding Yu came to see Thornton again, the layout in the room was completely changed!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. "The speed is very fast! It seems that it came by air! Such a large desktop is so rare!"

"There are few trees in the house these years! We still take good care of the environment!" Thornton deliberately glanced at Ding Yu, "these are all from a tree!" when he said this, Thornton had some small pride, even some small complacency! "There are better ones in the family!"

This saying is so childish!

In the face of provocative eyes, Ding Yu smiled! "I believe that the details of a family are displayed inadvertently! There is really no comparability at this point!"

Facing Ding Yu's indifference, Thornton suddenly felt very tasteless. He was not afraid that Ding Yu would argue with himself. What he was afraid of was that Ding Yu would not argue with himself. At that time, he would feel that everything had no meaning!

"I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I know that when I was born, many trees were planted at home, and even now I still have considerable growth! I'm about to forget! But I've become a forest! Mr. Ding, do you have any perception in this regard?"

Ding Yu smiled and didn't answer this question!

Then Ding Yu called two doctors and nurses in! Admittedly, Ding Yu can do such things alone, but Ding Yu will not be specialized in beauty. There is no such need. He doesn't want these guys to come to find himself all the time! They don't dislike trouble, but they will definitely be impatient with it!

Soon Thornton stood on the ground before the help of two doctors! Not far from the door stood Bruno and setier! The two people didn't want to come here on purpose, but when Ding Yu informed the medical staff, they deliberately shouted and let them witness it in person! It's a gift!

Then Ding Yu waved his hand to the doctor! And Ding Yu doesn't know where to take out a timer!

To be exact, it was a pocket watch that looked a little simple. Ding Yu sat a little farther away! Look at Thornton standing there against the auxiliary instrument! A look of indifference! With another free hand, he lifted it slightly into the air, and Thornton's mouth twitched slightly!

There was a little excitement on his face, but when he looked at Ding Yu, his eyes obviously felt a little resentment! And all this was seen in the eyes of Bruno and setier!

"Five minutes! Start!" Thornton moved slowly, but it was very staggering. He could even feel his discomfort obviously. Even in less than two minutes, the sweat on Thornton's forehead had come out. It was too hard for him!

Some could not bear Bruno slightly bit his teeth, and setier obviously noticed this! It can be clearly felt that Bruno is very concerned about Thornton, but there are not many complaints about Ding Yu!

At this time, saitil really dare not instruct Ding Yu, because the lessons given earlier have left a very deep shadow in his heart. I'm afraid this shadow can't be eliminated in a moment!

Five minutes, for Thornton, although it was not sweat, it didn't seem to get there! The two doctors and nurses who stood by and watched all the time looked at Bruno and setier, but neither of them had any response. Although the expressions on their faces were very complex, they also knew that they were not the masters at this time!

But Ding Yu, who is sitting there like Mount Tai! He seems to be a fine man, completely blind to Thornton's situation! After a three minute break, Thornton started a new round of exercise again, several times back and forth, and even in the end, Thornton had some collapse!

Next to the medical staff have so many words to stop, from their point of view, such adaptive training is obviously inappropriate! Too much is not enough!

"Mr. Bruno, you can't go on like this!" setier really couldn't see it! "It's too harsh. For master Thornton, it's just exercise! Master Thornton's body has just improved. Such a large amount of exercise now is absolutely not good for his future!"

I can feel it. Setier's mood is very urgent. Bruno is also watching the situation in the room. It took a long time to suppress the excitement in his heart! "I looked very uncomfortable and even wanted to rush in to stop it, but I was very sober at the same time. I knew that Ding would never do such a thing for nothing. It must be quite reasonable! Moreover, we are not doctors! Our way of looking at problems is quite different from Ding Yu!"

"That can't be so!"

Setier has so many feet to jump!

At this time, Ding Yu put away the pocket watch in his hand and put it in his pocket! "OK! Barely!"

I feel that there are already some Thornton who can't open his eyes and stubbornly looks at Ding Yu! Although I didn't speak, that attitude is enough to explain all the problems! That's it? I didn't take it as a thing!

"Today's exercise is here, but it can also be said that it is just the beginning! First eliminate the sweat on your body, and don't take off your clothes because of the heat! Don't take a bath because of the contamination on your body, let alone contact the air conditioner! Your current situation is not suitable at all!"

"I understand!" Thornton muttered impatiently about Ding Yu's wordiness! For myself, the contamination on my body is really so uncomfortable, even very uncomfortable, but I dare not listen, because it is easy to cause other situations. Think about the scene of lying in bed. Although I am not as comfortable as walking on February 2, it is already a happy thing for me to be able to stand and walk now!

After waiting for almost half an hour, Ding Yu even took a book and read it. After reading it, he motioned to the nearby doctors and nurses to "throw" Thornton on the massage bed!

Ding Yu started and gave Thornton a massage. I don't know how it happened. On Ding Yu's forehead, you can see quite a lot of sweat, which is a very strange thing!

"Let him sleep for an hour, and then wake him up! He won't have any other exercise in these two days! Let him control his anxiety. I'll come over two days later, but you should pay attention to giving him considerable massage, mainly in terms of muscles and bones. What you did before is very good!"

After coming out of the room, Ding Yu ignored Bruno and setier, waved his hand, and then prepared to leave. Setier didn't dare to make any moves, but Bruno wouldn't pay so much attention!

I almost hugged Ding Yu's neck! It can be seen that the relationship between the two people is really unusual!

Other people only envy, otherwise what? Anyone who dares to start is to have a try. Even without Ding Yu, others will kick you to one side!

"Ding, you always need to explain to us! We've seen a big deal. It's called tension!"

Ding Yu snorted, "it's like I explained that you can understand! It's just casting pearls before swine, so it's meaningless to say nothing! I won't waste this tongue! Just let him raise it well! There are no too many problems! Although the consumption was a little big just now, the overall performance was very good!"

"And watch him. Don't let him be too impulsive. Just come step by step! I'm ready to go back and have a rest! I'm a little tired today. Such things really need less! I almost didn't resist!"

I don't know whether what Ding Yu said is true or false, but seeing him sweating, it seems that it shouldn't be empty! But is what you see real? Don't see anything. Ding Yu likes to keep his hand in everything he does!

In fact, Ding Yu really doesn't have much consumption, but it's a little troublesome. After all, Thornton's body is a little different! The children at home are not pierced by needles! Can't be watered through, but it has a very good inside information, but is Thornton's body? It's like a honeycomb! Basically holes!

This is also the reason why I have so much trouble! If you want to plug these holes, you can't rely on external force! Treat the symptoms but not the root cause, so we still need to adopt other ways and methods! It may be hard for Thornton, but if he can hold on, life may be another scene for him!

As for whether he himself can stick to it? This problem has nothing to do with Ding Yu!

On the one hand, because Thornton is not a child at home, on the other hand? Ding Yu doesn't like the means of coercion! Although Ding Yu will do it quite often, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu's behavior style is like this!

When he got home, Ding Yu saw his parents. Their anger finally dissipated these days! It's really not easy! Ding Yu can also be said to have worked hard. At least now he has some good faces!

"It's almost may day! How do you arrange it?"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes and shook his head slightly. "Stay at home! The situation on my side is so complicated! It doesn't mean I can do whatever I want!" Ding Yu explained, "it's really inconvenient, otherwise I wouldn't stay at home for so long!"

"We are going to take Xiaoyu and Mengxi out for a stroll!"

"Good thing!" Ding Yu has no objection to it! "What can I do?"

"I wanted to take your grandmother with me, but your grandmother has no interest in this aspect at all! I can't say anything about her! So we can only travel together! We can stay at home and get in your way!"

Yes! I haven't finished two sentences yet! Once I took myself with me! What can Ding Yu say about this! Or don't mention anything! It's no use mentioning it. Don't say it! There are even so many to suffer!

"I asked someone to arrange it, mainly to take care of it! It's more convenient!"

"OK! It's settled!" Zhao Shuying has been popular all the time! The old couple are very worried about Ding Yu and his children, but when it's their turn, they don't have this problem. They really don't know who to reason with!

It's hard not to let Ding Yu argue. Forget it! I don't have this idea! But after dinner, Ding Yu was able to leave with Meng Xi! As for xiaoyudian, they are with Ding Yu's dog. Their relationship seems good. At least they don't mean to bite each other!

"What about you? Aren't you going home to have a look?"

"No! Although it's not a video call every day, there's always a connection! I'm very good here!"

Mengxi's words are a little too firm!

"What about your brother and sister? Won't they go back?"

"I've been so happy that I don't want to leave home! I heard that I'm going to take advantage of this holiday to exercise myself! Go deep into the front line of labor!" Meng Xi was a little dissatisfied with this!

Ding Yu felt so funny after listening to it, "From my personal point of view, you don't have too many problems if you get in touch with more! The time of May Day is so short that you won't go back if you don't go back! But you still need to go back during the winter vacation! After all, you have a lot of worries in your home! Don't say it doesn't mean they really don't care about anything. I'm also a father. I have this Feelings in terms of! "

"Teacher, can you understand that you also want your senior brothers and sisters?"

"It can be said that I am a little worried! Everyone is the same! Basically, there is not much difference. At least in my personal understanding, all parents are basically the same! My parents are the same, your father is the same, and so is me. When you become a father in the future, you will be the same, but everyone The way of expression is quite different! "

"I don't understand, but I wrote it down! When I go back, I will explain it to my parents in detail!"

Ding Yu touched his head! "I went to see Thornton earlier. He's in a good condition today and has begun to get out of bed! He's a little shaky, but his competitive heart is strong. If there's nothing to do every two days, we can go and have a look together!"

"Teacher, are you intentional?" Meng Xi tilted her head and looked at Ding Yu. Would it be bad? For other children, there may be some psychological burden, but for Meng Xi! Not at all!

"Maybe so!" Ding Yu said yes, not yes!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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