Back to Ding Yu, Meng Xi won't be like Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! It's not to say how constrained it is. It has nothing to do with this! Grandpa and grandma can be a little presumptuous, such as reading more books! Listen to the class, eat less vegetables and so on! Will not have any impact!

But here in Ding Yu, nothing is possible! However, it is not true that Ding Yu is strict. In many ways, Meng Xi can feel that his teacher is too arrogant! Completely beyond imagination!

Relatively speaking, although Mengxi can't fully understand her teacher, she still likes to be with Ding Yu, especially after the last trip to the mountain! We know each other better! I don't know when it will be next time! I wish I could stay longer next time!

Not to mention, I'm looking forward to such a thing!

After entering the villa, Muncy was just like usual! Ding Yu is almost the same! On this point, Shifu and I have an endless tacit understanding!

After two days, Ding Yu took Mengxi with him to see Thornton!

When he first saw Ding Yu, Thornton was very happy! When he saw Mengxi flashing from Ding Yu's back, Thornton's mouth obviously began to twitch! He even looked at Mengxi provocatively! But I didn't get any response! This made Thornton quite unhappy! Can't you give me a response? Really think of me as wood?

Previously, Ding Yu took Meng Xi into the mountain for almost a month! The specific content itself is not so clear, but it's only a month! When Thornton heard the news, he felt that he was already sour!

Too eccentric! Too much! What's good about taking Muncy! Anyway, up to now, I don't feel how powerful Mengxi is. I see how much he is not pleasing to the eye! Great is a higher IQ, that's all. It's not a big thing!

But Mengxi turned a little blind to Thornton's reaction! I can't see too many instruments in the room, but there seem to be a lot more books! After reading the books, Muncy felt very interested, because there were many books in it, including Chinese, English and even German!

However, let yourself have a look at the Chinese ones. There are not many problems, but the English ones and the German ones are not enough. I have learned some, but how to say? At this point, the teacher's requirements are a little strict!

But there's a saying. My body seems to be too good. Now I can jump! But even so, there has been no relaxation in the family's self-care, which makes Mengxi a little depressed, so Mengxi also looks at Ding Yu with sad eyes!

teacher! Do you see that everyone is the same child? Look at his room and then my room!

Is the difference between them too big?

Ding Yu smiled at Mengxi. When Thornton saw all this, he felt that his head had begun to smoke! You two are enough! Flirting with me, okay? And this seems to be my residence!

But for Ding Yu, it's no big deal!

After Ding Yu sat down, he motioned to Mengxi and asked Mengxi to sit next to him. Mengxi didn't show any interest in Thornton. Instead, he was quite curious about the books and computers on the desk. Although such behavior seemed a little impolite, no one took it as a thing!

However, before getting out of bed, Ding Yu checked Thornton, and then Thornton stood on the ground again with the help of medical staff! At least it looks much safer than the first time!

It's not much different from the first time. At most, it's a little more flexible! It seems that Mengxi, who has nothing to do, has found Thornton's situation, which is quite different. Ding Yu holds his chin in one hand and a pocket watch in the other hand. He doesn't know what he is thinking. Anyway, people can't understand it!

After watching it for some time, Muncy found that Thornton's situation was really a little different! The sweat on his forehead has come out, and even he can hear his breathing voice, a little big!

Mengxi blinked his eyes, looked at Thornton, then looked at his teacher, and then sat down in his position! It's a pity. If there were a little dried meat at this time, it might be better! I don't know why? Anyway, I have a special appetite now!

While Thornton was resting on the auxiliary instrument, Ding Yu took a look at Meng Xi next to him, then called the medical staff and said something in a low voice. The medical staff's eyes widened in an instant! I don't believe it. Look at Ding Yu!

But without much hesitation, he walked quickly towards the door! Bruno and others, who stood outside and observed through the window, were also the doctors and nurses who looked out puzzled. When the doctors and nurses explained the situation, setier felt that his nose was about to be crooked! It's really so outrageous! This is the time to do it!

Bruno soon made quite arrangements for me, and soon dried meat! Snacks and drinks were pushed in by the dining car! It was placed in front of Mengxi. Mengxi looked at Ding Yu and his eyes couldn't help shining. When Thornton saw all this, his nose was already smoking!

It's better for you to exercise here than your teachers and disciples! What do you think you are when you have leisure to eat and drink there? Monkey fooled? At this moment, Thornton is like a puffer fish!

It's no exaggeration to say that if the sealing is better, maybe Thornton can float now! After all, no one who has encountered such a thing can have no influence at all! And Thornton is still a child!

"A little too much!" Bruno, standing outside, whispered!

That's what I said, but neither Bruno nor setier meant to go in and make it clear, because Bruno knew that Ding Yu would never do such a thing for no reason, and setier didn't dare at all! I was just offended by words before, so I was miserable!

It's hard to imagine what would happen if you said that your behavior and actions offended Ding Yu!

Thornton was oppressed, but he could only suffer! Mengxi was biting the dried meat and looking happy, as if he had never eaten meat in his life! Together with Ding Yu, he tried two pieces! The taste is still very good!

After eating, he even wiped his hands with wet towels and towels in turns! Thornton took a deep breath. He wanted to work hard, but the taste was too fragrant! Let Thornton suddenly seem at a loss!

Bruno looked at Thornton attentively. The changes on his face were really interesting! If it's not inconvenient, maybe at this time, they have rushed to Ding Yu and questioned loudly, or eat with Mengxi!

When the exercise is over! Thornton lay bored on the massage bed and looked at the ceiling with his eyes open. Now he really didn't have any other thoughts! But there was still a creaking sound in the room. It was obvious that Mengxi was still eating dried meat. Why didn't he die?

When Thornton's sweat stains were eliminated, Ding Yu examined him here and massaged him again for a period of time. However, when Thornton fell asleep, Ding Yu didn't leave, but took a look at Mengxi!

Muncy also thinks he eats a little too much! And my stomach is a little swollen!

As for Bruno and Sanchez outside, they still don't mean to leave. As for the situation of Ding Yu, they don't know very well. The problem about treatment is not that they don't want to be involved, but that there is no effect and no effect!

After waiting for Thornton to wake up, Ding Yu coughed slightly. Thornton opened his eyes, looked at Ding Yu and Mengxi, closed his eyes, and then opened them again! I can't believe it! Why didn't Ding Yu leave? It's a strange thing!

He motioned to the medical staff to make Thornton more comfortable! Half lying there, Thornton looked at Ding Yu, his eyes were a little sharp, and he could even see a little light!

"How do you feel?" Ding Yu asked casually!

"Not bad! Mr. lauding's concern!" Thornton seemed to say casually! "But it would have been better if no one else had bothered!" Thornton glanced at Muncie, who was still sitting there!

But it's a pity, although Thornton's words have been obvious! But I didn't get any response!

Muncie's reaction to the crowd was like he didn't understand anything! But do you really don't understand such things? It's impossible! But that's why it's worth pondering!

Ding Yu nodded affectably! "It seems that it still has a considerable impact! Next time, I will pay attention. I hope that the next time Mengxi eats, there will not be too much noise!"

As soon as you say this, don't say it's Thornton! Even Bruno and setier outside feel that they can't accept it! This is the time! You should still say that. You don't put Thornton in your eyes at all! What's more, he accused Thornton in turn. Thornton is not angry at this time! I feel that this child has exceeded my imagination!

"In addition, what other feelings do you have?" Ding Yu still emphasized, giving people the feeling that there was so much intentional! But out of our understanding of Ding Yu, we always feel that there are other problems and situations behind this! Now this anger has come up! There's no problem burning it, but you can't fry the pot, can you?

Thornton took a breath! "Everything else is OK! But sometimes I feel a little uncontrollable! There are some impulses to vent!"

Looking at Thornton's small eyes, Ding Yu nodded! "Understandable! Through these two exercises, you can obviously feel that you have made a considerable change! This change will affect your mood! However, it should be noted that this is not the time for you to be presumptuous! There is a significant improvement, this is for sure! But I hope you can stick to it!"

"Mr. Ding, what does this mean?" it is obvious that Thornton's words are an expression of uncontrollable emotion!

"If you can control it, it will be a great thing. Although you are young, you should also learn to control it! This is very good for your recovery!"

Ding Yu simply explained why he didn't explain too much. If Bruno was alone, there weren't too many problems, but now there are setier and others outside! Ding Yu doesn't have so much need!

Thornton's mouth twitched slightly, which obviously recognized the considerable problem, but he didn't mean to look at the past! This is a little tacit understanding between myself and Mr. Ding Yuding. Don't think such a thing has been destroyed! Not worth it!

Ding Yu stretched out his hand and took Meng Xi. It was a little uncoordinated, but the two people just walked out! Bruno looked at Ding Yu and smiled, while setier subconsciously stood aside!

There's no way! The ancestor really can't afford it! If possible, I don't want to come, but what can I do? Can you stop by yourself? But the closer he is to Ding Yu, the more nervous he feels!

Obviously, this is the same problem as hollian, nervous! Hollian has never appeared in front of Ding Yu since something happened! Of course he didn't leave! But can hollian not show up, but can he not show up?

But what's good? I'm not like hollian! Hollian is really disgraced! Not many people mention it now, but what will happen in the future? It's really hard to say! After all, that's a scandal!

And yourself? At most, it hurts a little, and it hasn't been revealed in front of everyone. Naturally, there are some big differences!

Ding Yu leaves with Meng Xi! There is no meaning to speak, and it is not easy for everyone to ask about this, let alone how to ask?

To be more precise, only Bruno is qualified to ask, but judging from Bruno's appearance, he obviously has no interest in this aspect. As for others, if you really ask, it's not as simple as offending Ding Yu!

So we can only watch Ding Yu leave! Look a little complicated!

Mengxi looked up at his teacher! "Teacher, I always feel that you are a little intentional. It seems that Thornton is a little grumpy! His mood changes a little fast!"

"Wow!" Ding Yu cried out in surprise! "I didn't expect you to have such observation. It's good!"

"Teacher, such a trick is very boring!"

Looking at Meng Xi's serious appearance, Ding Yu felt so funny! "It's really intentional, even irritating Thornton. Of course, it doesn't exaggerate. It also means something else!"

After waiting to go home, Ding Yucai explained to Meng Xi! "To be exact, show it to others!"

"Show it to others! Teacher, I don't understand so much!"

Sitting down, Ding Yu didn't know where he took out a string of hands and rubbed them slowly in his hands!

"There are too many problems involved! It's not impossible to tell you exactly, but are you sure you want to know?"

Meng Xi, who was asked, was slightly stunned, and then directly shook his head, "I don't want to hear it, at least I don't want to hear it now! Such things will distract my attention and don't have much interest. If I listen to it as a story, it's OK. Don't want anything else! Teacher, do you think so?"

Ding Yu laughed and even ordered Mengxi with his hand! "You're the same as Thornton! You've been too smart for quite some time!"

"Teacher, I think it's much worse. Why do you see through everything?"

"It's different! When I was your age, I didn't understand shit! I wanted to play! But there are many limited places! This can't blame my family and parents. It has nothing to do with them! Because they have been able to take out the best things!"

"Teacher, are you intentional?" Meng Xi's little face showed some dissatisfaction!

"Not really!" Ding Yu said earnestly. "You've seen grandpa and grandma. How do you feel?"

"Very good! Grandpa is very kind and grandma is a little serious sometimes! But she loves us very much! Hee hee!"

"You! Ha ha!" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "Your grandpa is a doctor and grandma is a teacher, but here? It used to be a small county. You can't see any high-rise buildings or famous mountains and rivers. The only advantage is that it may be close to the sea, but the county is too small!"

"Teacher, I feel very good here!"

"Great changes! Now it is full of vitality, but really speaking, my role can be said to be very small. I can't say it has no role at all, but it's too little! It's mainly the recognition of all my parents and villagers. This is the most critical, but there is a considerable premise. They are very convinced of your grandparents!"

"I can feel this. When sister Xiaoyu and I have breakfast with grandpa and grandma, we feel very different. The taste of things is very different from that at home, but the atmosphere is very different when we eat together! But sister Xiaoyu is a little noisy!"

Ding Yu laughed, and there was no one who was careful! Now I still want to complain! Let yourself, who is a teacher, don't know how to deal with it!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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