On May Day, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying went out with their children! There are some intentional meanings!

And farms everywhere also ushered in a very large passenger flow! Over the years, everyone has expressed a very strong interest in the farm! Even a little dependence!

All aspects of the Department are also very cooperative, because the farm brings extraordinary benefits to everyone!

More importantly, due to the relationship between the farm! The environment has been greatly improved! But it's not that there's no problem at all! The farm is a little careless in some aspects. It doesn't mean that the development of the farm is so slow. It can only be said that the farm is too low-key! Low key people are about to ignore their existence!

That is, when the Chinese New Year and the festival come, we really feel the existence of the farm, because the welfare of the farm is really good! Even good is a little too much! But the same, now the conditions for entering the farm can be so harsh! It's not as simple as before!

Of course, if you do odd jobs, it's another matter! And the more this season, the more people do odd jobs! Along with some work study programs, I don't know if the farm really doesn't care about the so-called profits, and the salary is too high!

However, with high wages and high consumption, the water in the city flows, which is all-round! Brought very good results!

It's Voldemort like the farm. He doesn't know when he will stand up and show up in front of everyone! You know, on the current scale of the farm, wasn't your last city good? Even if the farm is not listed, what about the following subsidiaries? It's not without!

Many enterprises cooperating with farms have been listed! But what about the farm? It's really old Voldemort. He grows vegetables every day! Breeding means nothing at all! Of course, it doesn't mean to take charge of everything. This really makes people unable to understand! But I can't understand it. At the same time, I have some admiration!

Why do you say so? The farm obviously wants long-term development. If it is not prepared for long-term development, who will do so! How much money was thrown into it! It can be described without counting! It's true that there are some exaggerations!

In everyone's hesitation and confusion, when the holiday comes, Ding Yu is still the old God. Go to the hospital! Work on the farm and read at home! Everything outside seems to have nothing to do with Ding Yu! Even he seems to be an outsider!

You don't have any doubt? It's impossible! White House and the board of directors have paid considerable attention to Ding Yu, but the attention is useless! Because after Ding Yu came out of the mountain, he ignored other things!

At the beginning, he came forward. At least he made this cake bigger. It's not right. To be exact, he drew such a cake! Now after a long time of negotiation, we can see a considerable effect, but even so, Ding Yu still doesn't mean to get involved!

Even now some profits have been put in the bag! Don't say time is too short! It has nothing to do with this! Time is short. What's the matter? Is it sooner or later to make money? Everyone has come to an end! Let's make this cake together! Who outside dares to say no?

If anyone dares to stab at this time, it's not as simple as beating! Even if it is destroyed, it is quite possible! After all, this time the White House and the board behind it! Hairy bears and so on are all involved!

Don't look at everyone's daily life. It's very unpleasant to look at each other! Even in private! You can often see a pinch of hair missing from your head! There's a scar on my face, but now? Eat this cake first! Eat and drink! Then talk about other things!

At least at this time, everyone's interests are the same!

However, if there is no Ding Yu, can we do it together now? Things to be discussed, and even if they are done together, the time will be delayed very late, and even things will be very complicated at that time! It will never be like this!

Ding Yu is not involved in this time, but he can't leave any benefits to Ding Yu! Whether he is interested is one thing, but whether everyone has this attitude is another thing!

Although there is no final agreement on this matter, everyone feels that we should give Ding Yu a face. At least everyone still owes Ding Yu a favor! But when this favor has not been repaid! Things suddenly changed again!

It's not that there is something wrong with this cake, but that Ding Yu has a considerable problem unilaterally. More specifically, Ding Yu's consortium has a considerable problem! And it's still the kind of positive exposure!

Is Ding Yu really unscrupulous? Or is he doing it on purpose now? Fight your own consortium! What on earth does he want to do to his Consortium at such a delicate moment? Break your arms and close yourself?

Everyone expressed considerable doubt about this, and there was no attitude to show in the White House! Ding Yu's sudden self explosion. What does he want to do? Since you can't understand, then honestly step back and look at the situation. Now there's no need to rush forward at this time!

We don't even have the so-called temptation. Why not! Because we really don't understand what Ding Yu is doing! And Ding Yu impressed everyone too deeply!

However, Ding Yu's operation made the intelligence department start to lose their teeth! After Ding Yu came back from the mountain, the intelligence department didn't give Ding Yu an explanation. Everyone just wanted to watch and see what Ding Yu would do, and then follow the trend, but when I thought of Ding Yu, I was so grumpy!

But is it really good to do so? At such a sensitive moment, and doing so will cause considerable losses to consortia and farms, which is certain! We all know that you Ding Yu have a considerable family background, but it seems that you don't need it?

And are you really not afraid of the consortium being overturned now? All along, everyone has expressed considerable interest in Ding Yu's consortium! It's just because of some reasons, it's not easy to do it directly!

It's not easy to do it and can't do it. They are two completely different problems! Is Ding Yu so sure? Or does he really have something to rely on? At this time, everyone owes Ding Yu quite a favor. It's true! It doesn't mean that looking at such a big piece of fat, you can give up too easily!

Now the silence is just measuring whether it is appropriate or inappropriate to do so, that's all!

For Ding Yu's willfulness, the intelligence department really has some to wax! I don't deny that the previous work done by the intelligence department is not appropriate, but do you Ding Yu need to do so? Can't we sit down and have a good discussion? Really want to make trouble out of the current situation, really good?

But in this case, there is really no way to question Ding Yu! Why should I question Ding Yu? Ding Yu doesn't mean that he didn't give the opportunity, and even gave considerable consideration to it, but some people take it for granted!

Now even regret is no use! There's no turning back when you open the bow! Ding Yu's consortium has started cleaning up. In this case, stop! How possible! Besides, why? Right?

Ding Yu didn't show any attitude towards this matter, and even gave the outside world a feeling that he was very relaxed. He didn't take it as a thing at all! So everyone is more and more confused! What exactly does Ding Yu want to do!

After Bruno knew the news, he sat silently for a little time, and then smiled. He didn't mean to find Ding Yu at all! Finding Ding Yu doesn't have any effect, and even causes other problems!

If I go to see Ding Yu, it won't even take me two minutes. The news may spread all over the world. At that time, if someone calls and asks, whether I say it or not!

From the perspective of friends, I can't mention other aspects, but from the perspective of interests, I really need to make a considerable explanation!

A dilemma, not to mention what is your current task? To take care of Thornton! This is the most important thing. As for other things? What does it have to do with yourself? Bruno scoffed at this!

Since it has nothing to do with yourself, why take the initiative to come to the door at this time! Find yourself such discomfort and trouble? What's the matter? I really think I can do anything! Right?

But Ding Yu didn't make any movement, which made setier puzzled about it. Is the relationship between Ding Yu and Bruno very good? Both are too fat to wear a pair of trousers! What is the situation now? How can people feel a little incomprehensible!

It's definitely a lie to say there's no fishiness in it! But what is involved? Setier is a little confused!

Who knows if the two of them talked about this issue before, but it seems quite unreasonable to guess so. Anyway, both of them are giants and have extraordinary influence!

Can Ding Yu take the lead in telling Bruno about such a thing? This is equivalent to burying a bomb on your own back road! Even if two people are excellent friends, they can't do so! And Ding Yu won't be so stupid! isn't it?

So there's a problem!

If the two have not discussed, why doesn't Bruno go to Ding Yu now?

It can also be seen from this that there is a big gap between setier and Bruno. Bruno can figure out everything at the first time and make a decision quickly. What about setier? Even things have not been considered and understood, let alone any decision!

However, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang can only harden their scalp to see Ding Yu at this time, but they also know the same. What can they do even if they see Ding Yu at this time? Ask? How? Is it an inquiry? Or questioning?

If you ask! Why did the director tell them? What's more, I already reminded you earlier! But the intelligence department didn't do it again! As for the so-called questioning? Are you kidding? Even if two people float to the atmosphere, they don't have such courage! So when the two came to see Ding Yu, they were very upset!

Ding Yu didn't shut out or even face each other coldly. Of course, he won't show his harmony! It's impossible! What it looks like in normal times, what it looks like now!

But the more Ding Yu is like this, the more it makes Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang feel that there is no bottom in their hearts!

It is true that someone has put high pressure on Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang, but the effect is not so obvious. At least Hou Tianliang doesn't have too much pressure, which surprised Qiu Tianyang! My nerves are very nervous. I think about it when I sleep at night, but what about elder martial brother? Like someone who's okay!

"Elder martial brother, you're really not nervous at all! Things are very noisy!"

Hou Tianliang stood on his shoulder and said unconsciously! "Who says there is no pressure, there must be pressure, but such things are urgent! We can't compare this pressure with who. Compared with the director, we're not worth mentioning at all. You say the director really doesn't have any pressure, impossible things!"

"I don't know! But if it's me, I'm afraid I don't know how to deal with myself now! It's not as simple as pressure! It's just like losing my head! If you're happy, it's no big deal, but such a thing is more painful than pulling meat with a file!"

When he spoke, Qiu Tianyang showed anxiety on his face!

"So now! Let's not make trouble for the director! If we really make trouble for the director, it's hard to say what the result will be. After all, there are enough things between us during this period!"

There is an obvious warning element in this discourse!

"But elder martial brother, we didn't consider our feelings when we put so much pressure on us!"

Hou Tianliang looked at Qiu Tianyang with disdain! "You're just a tool man. How do you feel! At this time, there's no need to regard yourself as a human being! Just as an insulator! Don't get involved in anything! Because there's really no such need! If you really get involved, I'll burn paper for you today tomorrow!"

Don't mention it. After all, Qiu Tianyang's nervous mood dissipated a lot! Of course, there is a lot more vigilance!

"Elder martial brother! I have already felt hoodwinked! Under such great pressure, you can carry it!"

"Shit!" Hou Tianliang scolded! "I really thought I could do anything, didn't I?" then Hou Tianliang sighed, "It mainly depends on who I compare with. What can I do when we are together? Instill more pressure on you and make you even despair. Stop it! Not to mention the director! The director hasn't made any mention, and we don't need any gossip!"


Looking at Ding Yu coming, the two immediately stood up and felt a little restrained, while Ding Yu looked up and down, just like that! There was not much meaning to ask!

Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang didn't respond to Ding Yu. Then they honestly followed Ding Yu and waited for Ding Yu to come to Thornton. The two talents stopped their steps. Now there's no need to follow in at this time!

Saitil showed great interest in Ding Yu's visit! Even a little excited! But what saitil didn't expect was that Bruno didn't mean to show up! Just let his security guard come and have a look!

But the meaning of security is to bring your ears, not your eyes and mouth!

That's interesting! Is it on purpose?

Ding Yu came here to see Thornton or to see Bruno, so he came to master Thornton! Use master Thornton as a raft! I just hope Bruno can come too! There are some possibilities to explain in this way!

However, it's a pity that Ding Yu came here this time to have a look! He sat on the chair and looked at Meng Xi calmly! He is much more flexible than before!

"OK!" when Thornton finished his exercise, Ding Yu said a little calmly!

Thornton didn't go to bed, but sat on the chair with a straight waist! It's obvious that he can withstand considerable pressure now! More practically, meat has begun to hang on his body!

"Thank you, Mr. Ding! Your health is getting better day by day!"

Ding Yu gave Thornton a playful look. "Listen to what you mean, it's preparation! Isn't it?"

Thornton didn't speak, but looked at Ding Yu with stubborn eyes! But Ding Yu shook his head! "It's not appropriate now! You're still a little far away! Take your time! And such a temptation doesn't mean much! Your means! It's still a little poor! Sometimes it seems a little poor, but there's still a long distance!"

"I think there are no physical problems!"

"What's the difference between 99% and 100%?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically! "It seems that there is not much difference, one percent, that is, 0.01! But if it is so short, it can't! How fast and powerful the bullet is! If it is short, it will cause serious injury, but it won't die!"

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