"Mr. Ding, is this metaphor too direct!" Thornton shrunk his body slightly, because the metaphor gave him a bad feeling!

"Direct or not, it should be clear in your heart!" Ding Yu said coldly!

This makes Thornton feel very uncomfortable. After all, his body has adjusted very well during this period, and he can even start eating other things! This was unimaginable in the past. It basically appeared in a dream!

But even so, Mr. Ding Yuding still didn't mean to let himself out! Always close yourself! This makes Thornton feel very uncomfortable! Even some can't understand!

But even if you can't understand, let Thornton directly refute Ding Yu! Thornton has never really been able to do such a thing! To some extent, Thornton still has a little fear of Ding Yu! And this fear really can't dissipate in a moment!

Of course, Thornton's fear, and setier's fear of Ding Yu, are two things of different nature! Can not be compared! Thornton's fear is more like a child's fear of a strict father!

"Mr. Ding, you need some time, don't you?" Thornton muttered reluctantly! Of course, there are some intentions to deliberately test Ding Yu!

For Thornton's careful thinking, Ding Yu can be said to know, so he smiled and even moved his body! "Do you understand what it is? Someone should have explained it to you!"

"It involves a lot! It can be explained by Taoism, Buddhism or even Confucianism!"

Thornton looked at Ding Yu very depressed! The little eyes looked pitifully, "Mr. Ding, I'm just a child. Are you really so strict with a child? Can Mengxi do this? I doubt it!"

Thornton won't have much doubt whether the other children of the Ding family can do this! Because Thornton himself knows that he has no comparability with Ding Yu's children. At least at this time, there is no comparability, so he can only drag Mengxi in! Although Xiaoyu is there, she is different from the children of the Ding family!

Talent and ability are too different! It's not that you deliberately despise Xiaoyu. If you really look at it from the perspective of education, Xiaoyu is very good. Even if you are a wife in the future, it's not a bad thing!

It's no exaggeration to say that it may even be better than your mother! In fact, many people have made quite a mention of this, together with Mr. Bruno! Definitely not a joke!

Xiaoyu doesn't mean that she is not valued. She is just limited in her ability, but it doesn't mean that she hasn't received the Ding family's education. If you look at it, although she is not at the top of the pyramid, she is absolutely outstanding and impeccable compared with ordinary people!

"Mengxi's situation is similar to yours!" Ding Yu said thoughtfully, "but from the point of view of his state of mind, he can't let go, which is far from Xiaoyu!"

Ah? I just thought of Xiaoyu in my heart? Now Mr. Ding mentioned it. Thornton couldn't help looking at Ding Yu, and then restrained his eyes. Mr. Ding, are you so direct, really good?

"Because she is a girl, her mind is more delicate? Is that why?"

"This statement is wrong and fundamentally negates some problems!"

Ding Yu was not polite, but he was a little strict!

"Mr. Ding, why can Xiaoyu do this, but Mengxi can't? As far as I know, Xiaoyu seems a little indulgent in your family. She can not participate in morning exercises, can be casual, and even study very freely. I know that her ability may be a little poor! But this should not be the main reason !”

"It seems that you have a thorough understanding of your family!"

Ding Yu smiled disapprovingly, "OK! Let me tell you! Xiaoyu is a sensible child. You mentioned her, which shows that your family may have a considerable understanding of her situation, and even know more things than expected!"

"Yes! Mr. Ding, I'm sorry, but these materials are beyond my control!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "It's all right! Everyone knows about Xiaoyu and her brother, and even quite a few people have done a lot of analysis. Of course, this is more to understand Wang An. After all, he is my big apprentice, and I have been so eye-catching! The children at home will certainly attract the attention of all parties. This is not what I want to hide Yes, at least not for a short time. For your families, these children at home are like bright lights! Am I right! "

Thornton helplessly raised his shoulder, not to mention pretending to be like a little adult! "I'm the same! It's really no exaggeration to describe what can't be done with the attention of the world! Sometimes I'm very upset. Can I take my eyes away from me? It's so annoying!"

"It's impossible!" Ding Yu snorted, "Xiaoyu's talent is not good. There are many differences in this point. If you insist on it, there will not be too many problems from now on, but it will definitely destroy her in the future. If virtue does not match, there will be disaster! In fact, what you say is the same thing. If you don't have this ability, you will be placed in that position. It's not just a target. It can be at any time May be sent to the guillotine or the altar! "

"So the family adopted another way to cultivate Xiaoyu! She is a person. It is beyond doubt to set up the concept and viewpoint of striving for her and let her grow up healthily! So she soon passed the link of being distracted. She can even be described as jumping over, but you can't!"

"It's very depressing. I want to pass this pass, but I don't know how to spend it, but some people underestimate it!" Thornton wants to curse at this time! But Thornton also knows that such things really can't blame others, but he can only complain about himself!

"Sometimes, God is fair. In your words, God is still fair!"

"Mr. Ding, when you said this, did you believe it yourself?"

"Do I believe it's important?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically, "as long as you believe it! After all, your family has a considerable relationship with God. Note that I don't mean to ridicule! I just want to express some opinions and ideas! So there should be no misunderstanding in other aspects!"

"Mr. Ding, you really seem to have some leisure today!" Thornton seemed to suddenly realize, "although Mengxi and Xiaoyu have left! But you are not so?"

"Feel it?" Ding Yu smiled. "There are really quite a lot of things! But everyone's interpretation is different! It's good to tell you. At least you're relatively quiet here and give me good senses! So I'll find you this place to have a rest!"

Looking at the slightly relaxed Ding Yu, Thornton's mouth is so crooked. I don't know whether it's angry or how!

"Mr. Ding, what have you done? And I suddenly remembered that I didn't seem to see Mr. Bruno just now. This is slightly abnormal. And you didn't give me a massage today! These things all illustrate quite a problem!"

"It's not a big thing! I started cleaning up the consortium earlier!"

"I'm f!" Thornton looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. The voice was so loud that it even attracted the security guard at the door. Thornton pressed the button. When the door opened, he snorted dissatisfied, "what's the matter?"

The security guard standing at the door looked at Ding Yu and Thornton in the room! "Sorry, the previous voice was a little loud!"

Thornton snorted coldly, "get out!" the voice was indisputable! The security guard closed the door again with a little tension! But setier, standing not far from the door, looked inside and found nothing else!

After the door was closed, Thornton looked at Ding Yu incredulously. "Mr. Ding, you are a little noisy. Although I don't know much about the situation, as far as I know, you have been watched by many people. What do you want to do?"

"The farm is not big enough to attract other people's attention! So now we need to make a big news. What do you think of this big news?"

Thornton couldn't help looking at his hand. After looking at it for a long time, he sighed!

"Mr. Ding, I'm my father's son!"

"I know! What you said is nonsense!" Ding Yu couldn't help humming, "and do you think your father doesn't know this? And I know exactly what your father is like! What you said is nonsense!"

"What's the use of mentioning such a thing to me?" Thornton scratched his head! There were too many things involved! And he couldn't understand it!

Ding Yu suddenly ran over. He thought he would mention to himself that he was confused, and even the conversation between them began here. There was considerable extension, but there were not too many problems in the theme line, but he said that unconsciously, the track deviated!

That is to say, Thornton was completely led astray by Ding Yu! When Thornton felt something, he couldn't turn back!

"Yes, if my father didn't know anything, I would have some doubts now!" but then Thornton looked at Ding Yu with a bad look! "Mr. Ding, do you have to make such a big situation? And now that things have come out, I'm afraid it's difficult for anyone to stand up?"

"Now is the best time! From the foundation of the consortium to now, there has been some movement! But it has always been thunder and rain. It's not easy to have such an opportunity now! Give it a try! It's not a great event!"

Thornton was so hung up that he didn't come up. What he said was as simple as buying vegetables, but is that really the case? I really feel a little chilly now!

"Mr. Ding, I suddenly feel a little bad! You don't want me to make a deal?"

"Do you think you are worth the price?" Ding Yu smiled and looked at Thornton strangely!

Thornton looked at Ding Yu's expression and couldn't help shivering. Even his body couldn't help leaning against the back of the chair! I feel a little dependent. I feel more comfortable!

"Mr. Ding, I don't think I'm worth the price! Although it's hard to say! But I'm sure you understand! But I'm a little confused. From the perspective of Mr. Ding, I should consider this very clearly and clearly!"

"That's a little interesting!" Ding Yu said with praise. "At least you have a considerable positioning for yourself! Not good! Not bad! You play a very important role, but you can't play too many roles at the critical time! To a certain extent, you can be regarded as chicken ribs!"

"Mr. Ding, is your metaphor a little vulgar?" obviously, Thornton still knows what chicken ribs mean! Otherwise, I wouldn't be so angry!

"Just tell the truth!" Ding Yu showed disdain. "Speaking of it, some people think you should leave! And I left you. In their opinion, it's just deliberate coercion!"

"Just a bunch of fools!" Thornton sighed pretendedly, but looking at Ding Yu's expression, he knew that he had already been seen through! This makes me feel a little depressed! "Mr. Ding, I am one of the parties to the matter, and I am also a very important party. I have a considerable say in this!"

Although it's uncomfortable to be led by Ding Yu's nose, so what? Such a thing still needs to be explained clearly! But Thornton also knew that Ding Yu did it on purpose! But I have no way!

"Mr. Ding, my father knows this very well!"

Um! Ding Yu's eyes couldn't help but brighten, "good! You made a considerable response at the first time, and even made a considerable response! You performed very well. At least from this point of view, you have made considerable progress!"

Can we not grow? You've been playing for so long! Even a dog will make considerable progress! What's more, I'm still alone! A living person!

"But I still can't understand. You're playing with fire and easy to burn yourself!"

"I suddenly want to ask a question. Of course, you can choose not to answer. It doesn't matter. Your family doesn't say now. It's not necessary to mention things now. You haven't seen it clearly, but I know absolutely no less than you. I want to know. Has your family really not been cleaned up in history?"

Thornton's mouth twitched! The black history of the family? I have no contact, especially comprehensive! After all, my age is there! But say you don't know anything, so don't say it! Don't say it's Mr. Ding Yuding! Even a fool won't believe it!

In the process of history, there are a lot of family cleaning work, at least they know a lot! But it's not so easy to be revealed! There are still some powerful families! Of course, some things have been exposed, which is also due to the identity of the parties. It is really some exaggeration!

Like some king or something! They all have family blood, but their performance in some aspects is too disappointing! If it's a branch, it's no big deal, and the family won't pay too much attention! But you turn around and deal with the family! This thing is worth talking about!

Of course, this is just one of them! There are many messy things. To a certain extent, it is the existence of black history, and with these, it is the cleaning of the family! If it is not cleaned, there will be many troublesome things, and it is easy to have a considerable impact on the inheritance of the family!

"OK! Since you don't want to answer, forget it!" Ding Yu didn't mean to get to the bottom of it! "But I can talk about the consortium! The development of the consortium is relatively healthy, but some lesions have begun to highlight! This can not be ignored! If it is really ignored, it is prone to big problems!"

"Mr. Ding, are you too cautious?"

"If you feel your body suddenly uncomfortable! What would you do?"

"See a doctor, of course!" Thornton looked at Ding Yu with some dissatisfaction. "I'm just a child! What can I do?"

"Yes! You are a child, and for me personally, the consortium is only a child to a certain extent!"

"So now that the child has a problem, do you think I should turn a blind eye?"

"Your metaphor makes me don't know what to say for a moment!" Thornton really had some words! "But it sounds reasonable! If there is a problem with the child, although I am also a child, I think it is better to treat it early! It is not good to extend other problems! It's like me. If it wasn't for the guidance of the emperor, I would like to see God now!"

"Do you believe that?"

"Shouldn't I believe it?" Thornton's mood changed a little! It was mainly dragged by Ding Yu for such a long time! He also has a little temper!

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