"What should be said has been said almost! What do you think!"

Thornton took a deep breath. "I was going to talk to Mr. Ding about how and when to go out, but now you have completely taken me away from the original track. What can I say now? I don't want to say anything! I don't want to mention anything!"

In this regard, Thornton is really depressed, and there is no place to reason!

Who do you want to complain to? Setier can't! I am quite defensive against him. I don't deny that his knowledge is very profound, but the views he transmits to himself are too narrow! And Thornton even had a feeling, this guy! There may be other plans in my heart!

To a certain extent, he exists like a pig teammate. If he is really allowed to do something, he may suddenly pull his crotch, but if he helps, he is definitely one of the good players. Not many people can even compare with him! This is my evaluation of him!

Of course, hollian should be the same type, there is not much difference between each other!

Is it accurate? I don't know! Thornton is not so concerned about this!

"Mr. Ding, I didn't see Mr. Bruno because you have a tacit understanding with each other! Is that so?"

If you don't want to be caught by Ding Yu, you can only take the initiative to change!

Ding Yu pursed his mouth and then nodded, "we are all smart people. I didn't mention it to him in advance, but dealing with the farm has made some people feel it! But some people are sure that I don't dare to do it to the consortium! Some people have felt something wrong!"

"Mr. Ding, my head is a little confused. At least I feel very confused about it. I know the operation of some families and some companies, but I'm too young to see some things clearly, and I haven't operated some affairs independently. I can't compare with the children of the Ding family in this regard!"

The children of the Ding family, except Meng Xi, have had experience in manipulation, even in individual manipulation. It doesn't matter whether they succeed or fail. The important thing is that they have started to get started, and the gap between them has been widened all at once!

If it's normal, I'm one of them now, but it's two years! I was delayed a little too long! So Thornton also showed his weakness impolitely!

At least when Ding Yu mentions these things in front of him, he will not be ridiculed, although he will often be angry and smoke! But what kind of things, Ding Yu's mouth is very poisonous, but it doesn't mean that he will be like this all the time!

Now I am open-minded to ask him for advice! Even put their posture very low!

And I can be sure! I can get a satisfactory answer! Don't always choke hard. Use your mind flexibly when necessary!

"Some people are convinced that I dare not take any action because at this time, I am very concerned! Any action may cause a storm like attack!"

"Then you still do this! If this hole is not blocked, it will collapse at that time!"

"Quite a hole must be left at a certain time. How do you know that this hole is not a preset flood discharge outlet?" Ding Yu asked rhetorically. "Anyway, so far, there is really no movement! This actually makes me so disappointed!"

Thornton couldn't understand what kind of brain circuit it was!

"Mr. Ding, if someone does something now, will it cause internal and external troubles? Even a child can understand such things! Don't lie!"

In this regard, Thornton didn't believe it on his face. In this way, it's good to cheat other people's children. For himself, it doesn't have much effect!

"If it's a gentle breeze and drizzle, can you see which seedling has a problem?" Ding Yu asked, "if you don't give you a good taste, you'll be carefree every day. Can you have a goal? Maybe! But you're just one of them! Behind you? But there are countless people!"

"Mr. Ding, if you say so, it makes my scalp feel numb. There seem to be a lot of people behind you!"

"That's why I need to have a look! When it's warm and rainy, it's all good for you and me! I can't see why! But under the crazy rainstorm, there will be problems, and there will be quite some problems! If you can carry it, it's better. If you can't carry it, you'll be sorry!" Ding Yu slightly stood up on his shoulder!

Will there be so-called accidental injuries in this process? Do such things need to be considered?

There may be some consideration, but it's definitely not now! What I want now is how to withstand the crazy rainstorm in front of me! Even in this process, something is revealed!

"Some cruel, learned!"

"Learn shit!" Ding Yu scolded impolitely! Thornton was so angry that he had to press the button directly! Let the security guards outside come in and educate Ding Yu! "Let you listen, just listen. If you really think there's anything useful in it, it's a little too nonsense! You! It's better to learn something useful! As for these? There's no need to pay attention to them! They will even become your burden!"

"Mr. Ding, I feel I have performed very well!"

"Originally, you thought you had reached the top! It was even 1% worse! But I looked at you! It might be 99% worse!" Ding Yu couldn't help sighing! "If the children in the family are like you, I really have some headaches! Even if it's a bottle of dissatisfaction! Half a bottle bangs! It can at least prove that there is water in your stomach, but the problem is that you can't even pour it out now, and you feel like it's about to overflow! Hey! I said Thornton, where did you come from?"

In this regard, Ding Yu seems to have a toothache!

"Mr. Ding, is my performance so bad?" Thornton himself denied himself!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. "From my personal observation, you have some water now! But you can't even get half a bottle of water, but now you have the illusion that I want to overflow! I doubt it very much!"

"In other words, I'm just standing still, isn't it?"

"You feel that you have no problem! You even feel that you can subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger!" Alas! Ding Yu couldn't help sighing, "you not only didn't surrender your mind, but also were affected by it! Can you understand what I said?"

Thornton took a look at Ding Yu and then took a deep breath! "In other words, I don't know the cover!"

"From my observation, it's like this! I don't know whether it's your own illusion or others imposed on you, but it gives me a personal feeling! Your personal proportion may be greater!" Ding Yu snorted slightly, "young man, you seem a little floating! It's only been landing for a few days? Just so floating?"

"Mr. Ding, this is the so-called idea?"

"You can explain whatever you want. More intuitively, there is a distance between ideal and reality. Don't regard ideal as reality, and don't understand reality as ideal! You can work towards ideal, but don't be confused by the so-called illusion! At the same time, you need to bear a certain price!"

"There is a big gap between reality and ideal! Is that so?"

"It's smart to understand that having ideals is a good thing, but it's also a painful thing! In this process, it's full of incomprehension! Setbacks! Even all kinds of problems, but even so, no one knows whether it can succeed in the end. At least from the perspective of probability, it's unlikely to succeed!"

"Mr. Ding, shouldn't you give me some chicken soup now?"

"Chicken soup, a better thing, may make up for the body! But at a considerable time, everyone only drinks poisonous chicken soup! As for you?" Ding Yu smiled. "You already have considerable immune ability, so it's not necessary! And it's too much in the way, don't you think so?"

Yes! Everything you said made sense. Now, Thornton couldn't help humming! "So all the beauty is illusory! This NIMA is also a bit tricky! Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"It's another matter whether it's a bit deceptive, but judging from the current situation! It's good that you can recognize this problem! I hope you can really understand the problem! You know I don't have so much time to fool around with you! My time is very precious!"

"Can you understand that your charge is very expensive?" Thornton suddenly joked!

"It's hard to say!" Ding Yu changed his posture. "If from the doctor's point of view, my charge is really a little low! Even low, it makes people feel angry! But it gives me a very good personal feeling! At least it has proved quite a thing!"

"That is, the ideal has been realized! Although this process is full of countless problems, it finally blooms and bears fruit!"

"Maybe! After all, their ideas are different! There is no need to force anything!"

"Mr. Ding, I would like to take the liberty to ask, according to your personal judgment, what will happen to the consortium next?"

"What? Are you curious?" looking at Thornton, Ding Yu pondered for some time. "I can also mention it to you personally, but it's good to just mention it to you personally! Can you understand what I mean?"

"Mr. Ding, you are deliberately embarrassing me!" Thornton was a little proud!

"Not really!" Ding Yu certainly understood what Thornton meant. "Your father won't mention anything else with you! Because he also understood very well that doing so is deliberately difficult for you! But I still said that both of us are smart people! Both of us are made by heart, but you mentioned it voluntarily! It's another thing!"

"Is there such a coquettish operation? It's a little eye opener!"

"What's more exaggerated than this? Do you want to see it?" Ding Yu snorted, and then continued to say! "Since there is no, I'll tell you something more practical!" Ding Yu put a piece of mobile phone size on the table!

It was always on before, but now it's just taken out in front of Thornton!

"I don't know if your father mentioned this to you! Generally speaking, your family should be regarded as an aristocrat! After all, it has been inherited for several times! There is even the so-called divine blood on your body. Of course, don't regard this as a provocation. In the eyes of your great patriarchs, what you learn is management!"


"Generally speaking, it's like this, such as kings, emperors, etc.! But it may be a little high-end at a considerable time! How's the country? It doesn't have much to do with you. Anyway, you live very natural and unrestrained! This highlights the importance of management, but it's also very simple to manage others at a considerable time! But managing yourself is so important Some difficulties! "

"Mr. Ding, I feel that there are too many ambiguities in this remark. It's not what you said wrong. What I want to say is that there can be a lot of ideas derived from it!" it shows that Thornton is really thinking hard!

"In other words, asking others is a very simple thing, and asking yourself is a very difficult thing!"

"Mr. Ding, I feel a little toothache after listening to you!" Thornton said impolitely. "You know, your usual work, rest and habits are really unacceptable! If you change to someone else, you may go crazy. In your position, I really can't understand people like you!"

"What can't you understand?"

"For quite some time, whether it's my father, people in my family, or people of the same kind! I don't mean that I haven't seen people with self-discipline, even some people with self-discipline in my family! But when they are released, I even have some doubts about whether they are human? And their extreme personality, on this point?"

Thornton couldn't help looking at Ding Yu! Ding Yu also looked at Thornton!

"To a certain extent, people have two sides. I am like this, and so is your father! Even God has two sides. Of course, is the other side of him a devil? Something to be discussed!"

"This metaphor is not so good!"

"So do you think I am an angel or a devil?" Ding Yu said with some ponder!

Hiss! Thornton felt his teeth hurt even more! Because he is really hard to evaluate, what kind of person is Ding Yu! At least it's not what you can evaluate. If it's your father, you need to weigh it carefully!

"Mr. Ding, I think you want to joke with me on purpose?"

"Really?" Ding Yu asked back, "Since you don't want to answer, forget it! It doesn't mean that you must answer such a question. From my personal point of view, I certainly hope I'm an angel! It's true that I'm not interested in this, but people? I always hope I'm a good man, but from the point of view of my enemy, I'm a more terrible monster than the devil!"

Thornton smiled reluctantly!

"So say it! The combination of devil and angel is the two sides of man. Everyone is like this! You are the same, but no one goes to read what the side behind you is like!"

"It's too cruel!" Thornton looked at Ding Yu carefully! Because Ding Yu said so, it's a bad feeling to stay for himself! Even unconsciously, he has fallen into this trap!

Ding Yu looked at Thornton's expression and changes, and then stretched out his hand. "This is my hand. I can intuitively see what my hand looks like! But I can't see what it looks like behind my neck! Of course, with the help of some instruments, I can see it, but can it be as easy as seeing my hand?"

"Mr. Ding, is this asking me?"

"You can think about it. It's very easy to see your front, but looking at your back, not many people are willing to do it. Even if you can do it, few of 10000 people will make such a choice!"

"Mr. Ding, your words make me feel a little scared! However, I am also a little curious, but I am very worried about whether my curiosity will be swallowed up by fear in the future!"

"Being able to say such a question shows that you have a considerable depth of thinking!" Ding Yu smiled. "Obviously, this should be what you have realized in the past two years when you lie in bed! In ordinary times, not many people pay attention to this! Or everyone ignores it!"

"That's why I say you are so terrible!"

"There's nothing terrible. I've experienced the feeling between life and death, not only spiritual, but also physical! Physical disappointment is easy to understand! I've been on the battlefield too many times! Even I don't know if I'll open my eyes again! But spiritual death didn't feel too much at that time! For example He said that he could not go to college at the beginning, and later failed in his feelings! Later, when I think about it, NIMA's terrible! Even some fear! "

Thornton looked at Ding Yu with a strange expression! Even there are some differences!

"Mr. Ding, are you looking straight at these? On this point, I thought carefully and really have quite a feeling! I won't deny that I have read your information in detail. Your performance in these aspects seems to be so generous!"

"Magnanimous? Maybe! But more often it's a relief, of course! As for what I think in my heart, I won't tell you now! You still lack some qualifications!"

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