Looking at Thornton who still wants to talk, Ding Yu waved his hand!

"To make a final summary, what is the subject I talked to you about today? What can you understand?" did not let Thornton answer! Ding Yu continued, "this question? You can think about it. I don't need you to answer it now. It doesn't make any sense to answer it now!"

With that, Ding Yu got up and left! Thornton sat there with a little silence! Even when setier came back in, Thornton didn't react much! This is quite unexpected for setier!

"Master Thornton?!"

The disturbed Thornton was stunned, looked at setier standing beside him, and blinked his eyes slightly! It took a long time to speak slowly! "Mr. setier!"

"Sorry, I think you seem a little distracted!"

Thornton has some troubles! "I don't know what Mr. Ding came to see me today. I even deliberately mentioned some things in the conversation, and even deliberately mentioned Mr. Bruno, but I didn't get any response from him! This is very strange! Even people can't think of it!"

Ah? I didn't mention Bruno too much, so what's the purpose of Ding Yu here? All of a sudden, setier had some doubts! How does Ding Yu do it? Is he in the old cloth maze?

"Master Thornton!"

"But there are also strange things. I asked Mr. Ding for some opinions and ideas, but he directly rejected it! He even told me some truth!" Thornton looked at setier. "My exercise is very good now! Even the whole body has recovered quite well!"

This makes setier frown! Even has quite discontent, oneself understood master Thornton's situation, even found many experts to confirm this! It's no big deal to let master Thornton leave at this time!

I had this idea before. Admittedly, I have made considerable changes now, but Ding Yu showed his meaning! Still let oneself have quite unhappy, although he does so, it is very beneficial to himself!

But for the better or for the worse, Ding Yu's behavior has proved quite a thing! From this point of view alone, it shows a considerable problem! "Master Thornton! We don't have any way now. This is Mr. Ding Yuding's territory!"

"Yes!" Thornton smiled, which was obvious from the laughter! Thornton is deliberately pressing his emotions! It took a while for Thornton to breathe out! "Although a little dissatisfied! Even a little depressed, I benefited a lot from what Mr. Ding said! Even I had some doubts!"

"Master Thornton!" satyr looked around! Obviously worried!

"It's no big deal. Even in front of Mr. Ding Yuding, I mentioned it like this! It doesn't matter. He can make me suffer at most, but if he really lets him do it to me, he won't!"

Setier thought for a moment, and then nodded! Ding Yu may delay on this issue, but he will never delay anything! From Thornton's current performance and expert observation! There really is no problem!

Ding Yu, this guy! From the doctor's point of view, there are really no problems, but from other angles, there are too many problems! This may also be because the angle of standing between each other is so different!

Hou Tianliang couldn't help looking at his watch when he saw Ding Yu coming out of it! The time is a little so long!

I really don't know what the director did! This aspect does not mean that you can understand if you want to understand! I can't even find out. Are you kidding?

Even if I don't understand other measures, I also understand the stakes!

Even if it is Qiu Tianyang next to him, he won't have any questions! Why is that? Is there any other reason to mention? No need at all!

"Director!" Hou Tianliang shouted softly! Ding Yu looked up! Well, he gave a sound, and then walked slowly in the direction of the farm! The speed is not slow, like a person who has nothing to do! Qiu Tianyang, who followed behind, looked at the two men and scratched his head gently! Even my heart couldn't help sighing!

The means between the director and senior brother are a little too high! You can't control yourself! So watch yourself! As for expressing opinions, there is really no need!

When Ding Yu entered the office, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang didn't follow in, but went to the next room!

"Elder martial brother, this is really amazing! There is no movement from the director, and there is no movement from above! Is there something too quiet between each other!"

Hou Tianliang looked at Qiu Tianyang and watched it for some time! Then he made two cups of tea, handed one to Qiu Tianyang, slowly sat in his own position, and then slowly said!

"We seemed a little anxious before! Even too eager!"

"Elder martial brother, what do you mean? I don't understand!"

"The director's attitude has explained everything!" Hou Tianliang shook his head and blew a mouthful of hot tea! "I haven't figured out this problem before! Even now, I still dare not say that I have completely understood the problem! But I have a considerable guess! I just don't know whether it's right or wrong!"

Qiu Tianyang has such silly eyes, what and what! After listening for a long time, I still haven't heard clearly what the problem is! But looking at the elder martial brother, he seems very sure!

"Elder martial brother, do you mean that the director and the above have reached an agreement? Can I understand it like this?"

"There is quite a mistake. From my personal point of view, is it the director who mentioned quite a request? It's hard to agree or refuse! It can only be without any answer!"

Ah? Qiu Tianyang showed his teeth slightly! How does this explanation feel like a fantasy?

"It's not that I didn't understand it, but it's a little incredible! What does the director mean? And what does it mean? Now it's all thrown over! But it seems that our pressure is not so great!"

"Involving the consortium!" Hou Tianliang ordered! Whether it's a consortium or a farm, neither he nor Qiu Tianyang can get involved! "However, in the evening, you can find the director to have dinner together. It happens that the director is a little lonely!"

"Have dinner with the director? Elder martial brother, is that good?"

Hou Tianliang smiled and didn't explain anything else! No other explanation is needed!

At night, Hou Tianliang followed Ding Yu with Qiu Tianyang. It was a bit intentional! Ding Yu even looked back at the two people, especially focusing on Hou Tianliang, because Qiu Tianyang can't do such a thing!

Qiu Tianyang looked at Ding Yu's eyes, and his heart trembled. He even felt that he had no way to resist! It can be said to be fear or worry! Anyway, the fluctuation in the heart is a little so big!

Originally, I was going to the canteen. Since the two of them have this meaning, let's go home and have dinner together!

There are still not many problems in preparing food at home, but there are a few staff! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying left with their children! Even if you want to find someone, you can't find it, so what can you do?

Soon things were placed on the table, and Ding Yu, who had finished washing, sat on the chair!

Without much politeness, Ding Yu took the lead in moving chopsticks, while Qiu Tianyang took a look at Hou Tianliang, senior brother! What should we do now! In Qiu Tianyang's heart, it must be impossible not to move chopsticks, but eating with the director, especially at this time? I'm almost flatulent!

However, looking at the appetite of elder martial brother Hou Tianliang, Qiu Tianyang also felt that there was not much need! What will happen? Eating your stomach first is the most serious thing. If you can't even eat your stomach, is it useful to pull others?

After dinner, Ding Yu put down the chopsticks in his hand! Then they came to their study together!

"What's the matter? Do you have something to say?"

"Director, I suddenly seem to have a little insight!" Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu carefully and said after obtaining Ding Yu's consent! "The above attitude towards this matter is silent, and the same is true of you, director. You are a little too indifferent!"

Hearing Hou Tianliang's words, Ding Yu laughed, took a deep look at Hou Tianliang, and then turned to Qiu Tianyang! "How are you? Do you understand anything?"

"Director, is this a tacit understanding?" an ambiguous answer!

"A little witty!" Ding Yu said! I didn't give any positive answer! Then he looked at Hou Tianliang, "since you have a guess, let's listen to it! When the time comes, I will be blamed by your intelligence department for the loss of talents like you! That's the real injustice!"

"Director!" Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu carefully and said this to himself! "Director, you know me and Tianyang! Both of us are so timid! We all know the previous things wrong!"

"Yes!" Qiu Tianyang is also on the snake beating stick! It doesn't matter whether Ding Yu is willing to listen or not. The important thing is to have this position now, otherwise it will be over!

For the two people's statement, Ding Yu said well again, and Qiu Tianyang couldn't help looking at Hou Tianliang!

Hou Tianliang, who knows something about Ding Yu, continues to say! "In fact, there is a mutual tacit understanding between each other. Tianyang said this! There will be no other actions at this time!"

"Continue!" Ding Yu even raised his arm. As for whether what Hou Tianliang said is right or wrong, it is not as important as expected at this time!

"Director, you're worried that the intelligence department will be caught up if it makes a rash move at that time!"

"This guess is a little bold!" Ding Yu couldn't deny smiling, "but since you have this meaning, then go on along with this idea! Anyway, I didn't block your mouth!"

"Director! Just looking at the farm, there has been a great involvement. Many people are already deeply involved! And the involvement of the consortium may be even greater! Even immeasurable!"

Looking at Hou Tianliang who was slightly excited, Ding Yu gave him a glass of water! Let him be a little calm, as for? I'm not in a hurry. What's your hurry? Ding Yu's action also made Hou Tianliang understand!

"Director, I'm still a little too impulsive!"

Looking at the two people in silence, Ding Yu nodded! "All right! Let's eat! Go back and have a rest!"

There was no intention to get up at all. Qiu Tianyang was a little confused. Fortunately, Hou Tianliang pulled it. Otherwise, he didn't know what had happened! But the words were endless. Even when the elder martial brother had to express some opinions and opinions, he was blocked! What happened?

After that, Qiu Tianyang looked at his senior brother in a daze, but he always returned to the place where they stayed! Hou Tianliang took a long breath!

"Elder martial brother, what happened? I can't understand it!"

"I can't stop you from eating! That's what the director means!" Hou Tianliang said unhappily! "Do you understand at once! Don't tell me you can't even think of this!"

Ah?! "No! Elder martial brother, the director means to shut us up! Because what you said is right?"

"Stupid!" Hou Tianliang scolded! "I should say something about you! You have lost the most basic judgment now! Don't be biased by things! We are weak and stand in a relatively low position, but it doesn't mean we can't see any road, you! Now we even deviate from the direction!"

"What do you mean? No, elder martial brother, what are you talking about?" Qiu Tianyang almost jumped! Because it's not clear, it's too vague and obscure! The noisy self can now be said to be a fog!

"Calm down, it's not a big deal. There's no need to exaggerate too much!"

"Elder martial brother, aren't you nervous at all?" Qiu Tianyang looked at his elder martial brother suspiciously!

"I was a little excited! I was even a little unable to myself, but the director ordered me to calm down after I understood! So I hope you don't look like a monkey now, can you?"

Qiu Tianyang took a deep breath, but still scratched his hair! "This metaphor is a little exaggerated, and even not liked by people. OK! I admit that I am a monkey now, even a monkey with some powerful jumping feet, but I just don't understand. The mutual riddles between you and the director are like a mallet!"

"Now you think you're being treated like a mallet. Why can so many people follow you, even the whole thing, without any delay!" Hou Tianliang said with an indisputable hatred, "Your participation in the whole process is to give you a chance to watch! At the same time, it also allows you to drive your own horsepower to think! Do you really think that everyone is like you and has such a chance! I don't know how many people are looking forward to it and can't go!"

"Elder martial brother, I remember asking you about it. It seems that you were like this at the beginning!"

"Yes! It's the same. Sometimes it feels like everything is under control, but it actually gives you too many illusions!" Hou Tianliang sat down and looked at Qiu Tianyang. Qiu Tianyang also sat down slowly!

"Elder martial brother, I still feel that I can't calm down! I've experienced a lot of things! I feel that the whole person has become restless! I can't control it if I want to control it. If I can't calm down, I feel that there is always a fire burning in my heart! It's not pouring a bucket of cold water that can solve all problems!"

"Get angry? Everyone can. Clay figurines still have three points of anger! But being able to control their anger is the real skill. Especially in our business, what we need is calm! Calm all the time! Of course, I haven't done this! Don't look at the hype I'm talking about now, but I'm a lot worse!"

"Elder martial brother, you're joking with me on purpose. I know I'm not good enough!"

Listening to Qiu Tianyang's accusing tone, Hou Tianliang also smiled. Let alone, he was somewhat similar to Ding Yu!

"What you have done is very good! At least compared with me, you are very good! But there is no way. I had quite a long time at the beginning, but you can't! Because the situation you have to face is more dangerous and complex! Even the one beyond imagination!"

Qiu Tianyang really couldn't laugh or cry! "Elder martial brother! Do you think highly of me for such a big test? But don't you overestimate me? Elder martial brother! Even if the director wants to joke with me! I don't know how to joke with me! I can't afford such a joke!"

Such a thing has a slightly big blow to Qiu Tianyang, but Hou Tianliang is very open about it! At that time, I was quite different from Qiu Tianyang. At that time, I might not catch up with one tenth of Qiu Tianyang now, although my experience was quite different!

Things are different now! The conditions are naturally different!

Therefore, Qiu Tianyang faces a greater test, even to a certain extent, the big one! It's no exaggeration to say that if the nerve is a little fragile, it may be crushed to death!

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