In the morning, Ding Yu got up to exercise. It's no different from the past, but I can't see the children today. At most, the security guard is next to Ding Yu!

As for Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang, they came earlier!

Both of them were a little calm. Qiu Tianyang could still see some fluctuations in his eyes, but the beating was not so active. It was obvious that Qiu Tianyang began to grow after receiving a considerable lesson!

After waiting for exercise, he had breakfast with Ding Yu. Ding Yu didn't let Hou Tianliang leave, but motioned to him for a while! "What's the matter? He figured it out?"

"Director, I can't say I want to understand! After considerable tempering, there are still a little more impurities on my body. Without tempering, it seems that there is no problem, but in fact? The situation may be more serious than expected! I can't enjoy such an opportunity in other places!"

"What about you? You've also been tempered once. It seems that you're much more capable than before!"

In this regard, Hou Tianliang smiled, "director, I still can't live calmly, even a little impatient! Things are a little too big for me, and the levels involved are too wide! Even people can't bear it! I'm just a hairy boy, at least relative to you!"

"OK! You two need to stay!" Ding Yu said casually!

"Director?" Hou Tianliang was frightened when he heard this!

Ding Yu waved his hand and knew that Hou Tianliang had misunderstood! "It's not to drive him away. He needs to be a little calm at this time! Give him a quiet environment. It's too weak! Don't say I have one hand! Even the security guard at home can let him have two hands. What about the people in the intelligence department? Let him stop for a week!"

"Yes! Director! I'll inform him!" Hou Tianliang's heart suddenly relaxed!

"Tell me a fart!" said Ding Yu unhappily. "I've been here for so long and always wipe his ass. what's the matter? You're addicted to being a nanny! Aren't you? Get out of here! Don't get in the way here!"

A scolding, but Hou Tianliang was not unhappy. Of course, he noticed that Qiu Tianyang was gone when he came out! Qiu Tianyang was very confused at this time. The security guard was like carrying a chicken! Even if you want to resist, you can't resist. Are you kidding? Do you really think these security guards are vegetarian?

They all eat under Ding Yu's hands, and they are still very close to each other! Absolutely strong, just take one out, and basically it can sweep a piece of existence! No boasting!

Qiu Tianyang, who was sitting on the car, had already understood it! If the director doesn't agree and the senior brother doesn't agree, will the security guard do so? As for whether the intelligence department will agree, is it still important at this time?

The intelligence department even knew quite a lot of things at the first time. At the beginning, they felt very surprised, even so strange, because someone reported that Qiu Tianyang had been arrested! When I heard this word, I almost fried the pot on the spot!

What's the situation? Why don't Qiu Tianyang take it away? Did he do anything? Or it provoked Ding Yu!

The possibility is not so great. After all, Qiu Tianyang is not a child. He does things with a sense of propriety, not to mention the existence of Hou Tianliang. Even if Hou Tianliang can't hold down, Ding Yu is still there!

Although he is so careful, he still maintains a good tacit understanding with each other! Even if Qiu Tianyang really has any problems, Ding Yu will certainly communicate with the intelligence department even if he does not communicate with Hou Tianliang. He will never take Qiu Tianyang away for no reason!

There must be something wrong with it!

Hou Tianliang was so stupid when he received the call. When he understood, he also knew what had happened, and then explained it!

"There's nothing too big. It's mainly that the pressure on the director Qiu Tianyang is a little big during this period, and Tianyang needs time to digest all this slowly. However, if Tianyang is really thrown to other places, there may be other things! The director is worried about this, so he found a place for training! In this way, it will be beneficial to Qiu Tianyang Endless benefits! "

Then Hou Tianliang said, "who's the message? How can you lose it!"

As soon as this word was said, the people on the phone also gave a sigh of relief! "Did I say that? At the beginning, everyone was nervous. After all, the consortium was a little noisy. Now everyone is not sure! They don't know what happened! So they are very worried!"

In this way, Hou Tianliang almost understood what the inside story was!

Hou Tianliang has no intention to investigate! "My old leader! It's not easy for the director to mention this. It's mainly because he is staring at the director in all aspects! The pressure on the director can be said to be unprecedented. It's hard to take care of me and Tianyang at this time! But it's mainly me. The director has just communicated with me, and I haven't waited to return A: Tianyang was taken away! As you know, what the director does is always popular! Sometimes even if I fly, I can't catch up with this rhythm! How considerate you are! "

"You boy! No wonder Ding Yu values you so much, not for no reason! I know this!"

Put down the phone, the intelligence department is finally relieved! Seeing the sun through the clouds, we made a false alarm. In fact, there is nothing too big! Ding Yu is very measured in doing things over there! The speed was a little so fast that Hou Tianliang didn't have time to make any response at that time!

But this is also very in line with Ding Yu's style!

Hou Tianliang was relieved when he put down the phone. Obviously, the intelligence department overreacted to this matter a little! They are not generally concerned about the director, but obviously the intelligence department also knows that the director's mood does not seem to have too many problems, but it will never be as calm as on the surface!

Don't play such a joke! It's both farm and consortium. More importantly, the director can only be trapped in this three-thirds of an acre. Isn't the Director looking at the handling of some powerful relationships?

It can be said that everything is in the eyes, but how to deal with it, how to correctly guide the direction, and how to avoid considerable losses as much as possible are all considered by the director!

Hou Tianliang can read quite reports and documents, but he is not allowed to take them out of the office! On what they see, they all pay attention to making their heads so big. It's too complicated!

If you say you'll handle these things yourself, my God! Hou Tianliang didn't dare to imagine what the result would be like at that time. It must not be as simple as a mess! There will be absolutely no chicken feathers!

The director handled it in an orderly and orderly manner. He didn't see any panic. So far, he has shown a strange calm, which really surprised people. Why? What the hell happened here?

Qiu Tianyang was taken away! Hou Tianliang followed Ding Yu honestly!

When I went to see Thornton in the evening! Hou Tianliang came in with him this time! Admittedly, I haven't been able to enter the room yet! But this time it's not standing outside! In this regard, Hou Tianliang was a little surprised, but he didn't ask anything and stood on one side slightly calmly!

"Good evening, Mr. Ding! Have you eaten?"

Ding Yu smiled! Look at Thornton who is watching Sun Tzu's art of war! "It seems that you still have considerable expectations and yearning for life, but familiar people can say that we are as familiar as you think?"

Obviously, Ding Yu's words are a bit sinister! Angry Thornton was a little itchy again! You're an adult, haggling with me! okay?

"Mr. Ding, you are a little too annoying!"

"Yeah? I didn't say I like you very much! So you hate me? This is a very normal thing! We don't have any feelings for each other, so what you said seems unreasonable!"

Thornton took a deep breath! "Mr. Ding, I'm reading Sun Tzu's art of war. I used to read the translated version, but now I'm reading the popular version! Maybe I can read the original version in two days!"

"It's good to read it!"

Looking at Ding Yu's disapproval, Thornton didn't quite understand! "Mr. Ding, I'm sure you've read it and used it, but it gives me a personal feeling that you don't seem to admire it so much!"

"Wrong!" Ding Yu waved his hand seriously! "Speaking of it, I admire it very much, even worship it, but it's of no use to you personally. At least it's not very useful at this time! But now that you've seen this book, I can give you some advice!"

"Although I can't understand it, at least I don't value it all, but I don't believe you really read the book!"

"I'm kidding, such a book is worth reading for a lifetime!" Ding Yu looked at Thornton for a while, "Basically, I can say that I read everyday, and I read all kinds of books which are slightly tasteless. At least for many people, they are all like this. But these books are all concentrated. But it is too difficult to explore and break! As for books of art of war, I have read a lot! I have read many other works in other aspects, but I cannot do without two words."

"Decision!" Ding Yu said two words lightly! "At least it gives me a personal feeling. No matter how well you study the art of war, you will know when you go to the battlefield! The role is not so big. When you go to the battlefield for the first time, if it's better, it's a cavity of blood. If it's not better, it's like a quail, and your head is basically blank!"

"Mr. Ding, although I have some hopes! But I won't go to the battlefield! Even if I want to, I can't!"

"Shopping malls enter the battlefield! Even to a certain extent, it is more cruel than the battlefield. Of course, the same is true in personnel communication! Everyone compliments you, just to give your family face! Because if you don't give face, you can't carry it! Even in the process, it will give you face, so that you can't find any problems! But what will happen? This Question? It's really another matter. Don't think too well! "

Thornton had some excited little faces, a little indifference down!

"Mr. Ding, make a decision? It seems very simple!"

"Is it easy?" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "It seems very simple to say, yes or no, this is the so-called decision! But all the situations seem to rush towards you like a storm. Even when you have no time to avoid and dodge, you can only let the rain beat on your face, and you will know that things are definitely not as simple as saying! They are staring at you to make a decision!"

Ding Yu waved his arm. "If you don't talk about the battle, it's like sailing on the sea! Suddenly there's a storm, and all the crew's focus is on you! You need to make a decision according to the situation! Move forward! Retreat! Turn around, and even at a considerable time, there's no time to make any explanation!"

"So it's important to make a decision!" Thornton muttered to himself!

"Quite a time, you don't have time to explain!" Ding Yu pointed to his head! "Even at a considerable time, people don't understand your explanation! Because the next second may be swallowed up by the storm! At that time, you can only deal with it and give orders! Then let everyone cooperate with you! There is another problem involved. Why do you believe you! Just because you are the captain, can you understand the meaning of the word captain?"


"Yes! It means making the so-called final decision, but you also need to pay the final price for your decision! In this process, there will be injuries, maybe minor injuries, maybe serious injuries, and even considerable disability. All these depend on your own decision! You have too many things on your shoulders! So you will be like this Where can I choose? "

"I can understand the injury, but seriously injured, even disabled?" Thornton frowned!

"Do you think it's a family affair? Don't talk about the distant things your family has experienced! Even now, I don't believe you really don't know anything, even if it's cheating? You don't need to take such a reason, so you can judge whether your family has been slightly injured, seriously injured or even disabled by your father's actions ?”

Hiss! Thornton's eyes looking at Ding Yu are already wrong! But he still controls his emotions!

"There have been considerable changes in the board of directors, and even some people will never see them again! In my personal judgment, it is between serious injury and disability! Generally speaking, it is like this!"

"You don't know what the actual situation is like, and I don't know. Even your father's side? I can't say it all clearly! But it's certain that it's definitely injured! And it's more than seriously injured, and the body is quite weak, but what we're talking about now is not this problem! Let's go back to what we just said Topic, do you think your father's decision as the head is right or wrong? "

It's a little too difficult for Thornton! It's not that Thornton doesn't evaluate his father and has different educational methods, so Thornton doesn't have many opportunities in this aspect. What makes him feel confused is that some problems he thinks are wrong, but from the result, it doesn't seem to be so! So he has some contradictions!

"Mr. Ding, is this the so-called decision?"

"As I told you just now, yes or no is like zero and one! It's also like on and off! Looking at the affairs of the board of directors this time, it's definitely not just pressing the switch once! The rest depends on God's will! It's not like this at all. It's a series of on and off, making countless decisions in the process of yes or no! It's impossible to make no mistakes at all Yes, but the most critical context and nodes can never be wrong! "

"How can I understand this!" Thornton was very modest!

Ding Yu thought for a while! "There are many blood vessels in the human body, and one of them is blocked! The problem may not be as big as expected, but some of them can't have problems, such as the heart! Such as the head! If there are problems with these vessels, they will be really dead!"

"How can you make no mistakes? Even if God comes, it's impossible?"

Thornton is going to hold his head! Because such a thing is impossible for him!

"From my personal point of view, your father is very decisive in quite things, right or wrong, right or wrong! Open and close! Close and close! He has been popular without any hesitation, and he has no scruples in making key decisions! What do you think your father relies on? Luck?"

"It's not luck, but such a decision makes me feel too shocked now!"

"In the process of your father's action, he used considerable tactics, or the art of war, which is very flexible. This is very important! But now is not the time for you to learn these. Can you understand what I say?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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