Thornton was silent for a long time, then slowly raised his head! Look a little shaky! Show some carelessness! Even from the point of view of attention, they dare not look at Ding Yu too much!

"Mr. Ding, if you confront my father head-on, who will win?"

"This is a stupid question! Nothing is more stupid than this!" Ding Yu looked at Thornton suspiciously. He really didn't know whether his head was out of line! How dare you ask such a thing! "If it's one-on-one! There's no problem with your father's two legs and one hand. Relatively speaking, your father may be very powerful, but personally, it's just like a weak chicken!"

Thornton's expression was a little angry and snorted!

There is no way to deny this! Although I have fully seen the power of Ding Yu, I feel the magic of Ding Yu! And feel a lot! Ding Yu is a strange man, and his father can only say that he is a little more powerful than ordinary people! There is not much to compare with each other!

I'm afraid that's why Mr. Ding Yuding said he was stupid!

"So there is a stalemate between you and my father!"

"It's normal! The forces behind your family are too strong! With the White House, there's nothing you can do about your family and the forces behind it? Even the vast majority of people in the White House can be regarded as puppets pushed by you. Under such circumstances, it's hard to imagine how deep the disputes behind them are!"

In order to imagine more, Ding Yu even made exaggerated packing and expression!

Thornton felt a little funny about this!

"Mr. Ding, are you self mocking? Everyone has nothing to do with you. For so many years, there has been no good way to find out your details!"

Ding Yu smiled playfully! "Sometimes it's very necessary to find an opponent for you! Otherwise, no matter how powerful the empire is, it will destroy itself! This is inevitable! It's also the law of historical development, but if you have a powerful opponent, the situation is another matter! Of course, this is the case at this stage! As for whether it will change in the future It's too early to mention it now! "

Obviously, Ding Yu has reservations when he says this!

"It sounds so annoying!"

"Your father and I both understand what the situation is like! We maintain a considerable tacit understanding with each other. In fact, both of us, as brains, are still sober at this time! As for how long we will be sober, this problem? We really don't know! This depends on God's meaning!"

"That's a bit of a mess!" Thornton was very dissatisfied with this performance!

"What's the matter? Don't be deceived by the appearance of movies and books! It's better to be more realistic! The inheritance of books is the most important education! At least in China! The inheritance of books has never been broken! Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no problems! There are always quite defects!"

"Mr. Ding, I have some doubts now. Are you human?"

"Really?" Ding Yu didn't show any dissatisfaction. He didn't mean to be angry at all! "Is there any difference between me and you? If only from the perspective of structure, everyone is the same!" Ding Yu pointed to his head again, "but the situation here is quite different!"

Ding Yu put his arm on the armrest, held his chin and looked at Thornton with pitiful eyes!

"But really speaking, you seem a little pathetic!"

"Mr. Ding, why do I suddenly feel a little too much?" Thornton looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. "I feel that you tell me this? It seems that you mean something else! Is it because you are too lonely?"

Ding Yu raised his eyelids, "lonely?" ha ha smiled, "it's you! I seem to have been in such a situation for so many years, and there are no too many changes! But there seem to be a lot more dogs at home!"

The word made Thornton a little angry! The corners of the mouth have begun to twitch involuntarily!

"There are many dogs at home, but the breeds are very general, but really speaking, it seems that there is the blood of your big bear!"

oh Ding Yu blinked his eyes! Some little unexpected feeling! "I really don't know this, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me at home! It's basically managed by the children at home! Direct? It seems that only one was sent out in those years!"

Thornton nodded! "Very good! But it's not easy to adjust! I heard that Mr. Ding also has one!"

"I'm just fooling around! It's mainly used to deal with little four eyes. It doesn't deal with me!"

It's not easy to deal with dogs, so are you human? It's still a dog!

Ding Yu can't understand what Thornton means! But Ding Yu didn't mean to be angry! I can't make it! Why? Right? It's like fooling around with him! Anyway, I'm really a little idle at this time!

"Mr. Ding, you have many similarities with my father. Many times, my father is also a relatively calm person! He loves his family very well! But education is a little special, but all families generally follow this way, and there are not many differences!"

"In other words, my side looks very different. That's what I mean!"

"Anyway, they are quite different from others, even some people can't understand them. I looked at my situation and integrated the situation of your children. They seem to be quite different from each other!"

"You want to ask why? The reason is actually very simple! You already have your own world outlook! Values and consciousness! These concepts have been developed by your family very early! I can change it, but what's the significance of changing it?"

Looking at Ding Yu, he looks a little lazy! Thornton restrained the expression on his face!

"Mr. Ding, if it were someone else, I'm afraid I can't control my own!"

"Test? The word is actually annoying! To go deeper, is the world really white and black? There must be a middle zone. Sometimes testing others is actually testing yourself!" Ding Yu looked at Thornton carefully! "You haven't passed your own level at all. Do you really think you can do it!"

"Mr. Ding, that's enough!" Thornton was a little angry! Obviously, Ding Yu broke his heart! "What a nuisance!"

"Hate? It's still early from the so-called hate!"

What does Thornton think of Ding Yu now? How does he feel uncomfortable! I learned a lot from Ding Yu, but his way is really annoying! It's like sitting on a volcano under your ass! There's no security at all!

But Ding Yu also asked himself to be calm like water! fuck! Under such circumstances, how can you be as calm as water! Who do you think I am? Even God can't do this!

"Give me three minutes!" Thornton closed his eyes and tried to calm down! Of course, if so, to a certain extent, Thornton began to admit counseling in front of Ding Yu!

There is nothing difficult to understand! It's just that Thornton's proud character makes him speak out directly in front of Ding Yu. It's more or less difficult!

After three minutes, Thornton opened his eyes again! Looking at Ding Yu with both eyes! I can't see much doubt in my eyes! "Mr. Ding's visit today is so intentional, but it seems so casual! People can't grasp the context. I've been taught a lot! But I haven't figured out what the meaning is! Please ask Mr. Ding to solve my doubts!"

"It's OK. At last, there's no stupidity!" Ding Yu seemed to sigh! "I even had some despair just now! I thought you would never have any understanding. Fortunately, you finally responded!" Ding Yu seemed a little relieved about this!

But the more so, the more irritated Thornton was! Admittedly, I had been calm before! But looking at Ding Yu in front of him, Thornton really wanted to find something to smash Ding Yu's face open!

Otherwise, it's really too hard to get rid of hate! How can there be such a person? It's not as simple as being meticulous! Even the one that makes people hate to the bone! Can he live to this day? Definitely touched the skirt of the goddess of luck!

"Mr. Ding, your behavior will make people have considerable doubts! Even with me, I have considerable doubts. How can you become friends with Mr. Bruno? As far as I know, Mr. Bruno is still very picky!"

"Birds of a feather flock together! It may be better if you say so directly!" Ding Yu said directly about Thornton's implication. Speaking of it, he didn't mean to leave him any face! "Obviously, it's not as dirty as you think. We can find something in common with each other, or simply say it's a hobby!"

"It seems that this hobby is a little special!" Thornton said sarcastically!

"Are you making trouble for nothing? It doesn't matter!" Ding Yu raised his slightly idle hand! "Anyway, for me personally, I can't cause any damage and injury to my reputation! Similarly, I won't lose a piece of meat! As for making me angry and angry! Others may be possible, just forget it!"

Thornton scolded secretly in his heart! But I didn't mean to continue talking! If you choke with Ding Yu, you'll suffer!

"But since you mentioned Bruno, I didn't come here this time to force you and let him appear. At least there's no need at this time! If I really need it! Your meat is a little thin! It won't arouse any interest! HMM! That's about it!"

Looking at Ding Yu nodding, Thornton nodded in agreement, and even hung a little smile on his face. What else could he do? I have no way now!

"Will you come this time? I'll give you some so-called lessons. At the same time, through you, setier will feel a little nervous and even a little guess! Similarly, it will also send a signal to the outside world!"

Thornton had a bad feeling in his heart! "Send a signal to the outside world! Mr. Ding, you still need to send a signal at this time? Why do you have to pass me? Because of the consortium?"

"Naturally, do I have anything else to do now?"

"Shameless!" Thornton really couldn't help it! Directly scolded, but for Ding Yu! Is your behavior shameless? Maybe from Thornton's point of view, it's a little contaminated, but from his own point of view, the more shameless thing he hasn't done! So there is no need to make such a fuss!

"Mr. Ding, you didn't think about my personal feelings!"

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?" Ding Yu looked a little curious! "Tell you! To a certain extent, you should be grateful! Don't be too curious. It's not good for you personally! So don't extend this time too much! You're not as important as you think!"

"So, I'm great. I'm just a chess piece!" Thornton's voice had changed! It can be seen how powerful the Qi is!

"Chess pieces?" Ding Yu humed and smiled! "Do you think you are a chess piece? At least the chess piece has a considerable role, and you? Now you are just a patient. Anyway, I don't see much role!"

What a nuisance! Although Thornton tried his best to control his emotions, how could it be!

Even in that moment, Thornton couldn't help thinking of his parents! Father! Mother, did you all see it? Ding Yu is bullying himself! If you were here, how could this happen!

But then Thornton woke up! Don't cry like a child! No one will come with candy to deceive themselves! I must be strong! Although I know Ding Yu did it on purpose!

Another point, if their parents know the situation here, their greatest possibility is to be happy! I don't want to admit this, but the fact is the fact! It's like knowing that Ding Yu deliberately angered himself, but so what? Is it difficult for you to have any way at this time?

I'm like a trained dog! Maybe at the beginning, I can control the direction! But without two minutes, he will be taken by Ding Yu to the wrong direction, and he is still willing!

This is still that Ding Yu didn't put the rope around his neck. If Ding Yu really put the rope around his neck, it's hard to imagine!

Even if you die, you will never bear such humiliation!

"I see! At least treating me is a good excuse!" Thornton took a deep breath! "And there will be no accusations from all sides! You don't need to bear any responsibility! Can I say that you are thoughtful?"

"A little praise! It's not as good as expected! Anyway, I checked you just now and didn't see too many problems! I said a few nonsense and wasted some time!" even in order to cooperate, Ding Yu deliberately looked at his watch! "Speaking of it, it seems that the delay is really a little too much!"

"Well, yes! Mr. Ding, it's my problem. I don't realize the problems and conditions!"

For Ding Yu's shameless and cheeky, Thornton has a new understanding! Scold in front of Ding Yu! It's no big deal. I haven't done it myself! The price may be a little more serious! It's a little unbearable! That's it!

I was teased by Ding Yu countless times. I can't be powerful. I don't know!

Showing your teeth with Ding Yu will never end well! This is certain! He doesn't care whether he is a child or a patient! For him, it is whether he can achieve the so-called effect! Played a role, achieved the effect! That's enough!

Moreover, there is really no need to show your teeth with Ding Yu for such a thing!

"It's almost time! That's all for today! If the water is full, it will overflow. There's enough water for you today! If there's more, I'm afraid you'll swing out!" Ding Yu smiled unkindly and then stood up!

"Don't send Mr. Ding away!"

It's not that Thornton doesn't want to get up, but that he really can't get up! My strength has been exhausted! Ding Yu smiled and turned to leave. When he came out, he looked at setier waiting at the door and looked at him! No words!

Saitil honestly sent Ding Yu away, turned around and came to the outside of the room!

After getting Thornton's permission, he came in and looked at Thornton sitting there! Setier's expression was so unexpected, because Thornton was sitting there. The expression on his face looked so calm!

"Master Thornton!"

Thornton stretched out his hand. With the help of setier, Thornton washed back to the bed and lay there. Until this time, setier found that the cushion seemed to be bitten by a dog! What is this?

"Master Thornton?"

Thornton opened his eyes and looked at satyr. "It's no big deal. He was taught a good lesson, that's all! It's right to rely on others and learn a lesson!" when talking, Thornton's performance was very ordinary, but satyr had noticed! The veins on Thornton's little arm have burst!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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