"Director! It seems a little long!"

"Why? People outside can't sit still?" Ding Yu immediately realized Hou Tianliang's intention to talk to himself! "These guys! Their care is really not generally strict! But that's it! Just give him considerable treatment! Don't ask more about these things! First, it has nothing to do with you and the intelligence department; second, it's easy to get into trouble in other aspects because you know too much!"

"Director! How dare they do it here?"

"Lend them a courage!" Ding Yu said very domineering, "but they don't dare to do it here. That doesn't mean they don't dare to do it in other aspects. There are things in the intelligence department. They are complex. Don't fall into the pit and can't get out at that time, it will be a big trouble!"

"I see! I haven't gone in all the time. I should be cautious next time. Fortunately, I don't have much communication with them. They are not the same people! They don't have so many friends!"

Ding Yu smiled, "they guys! Hey! Forget it! Stop talking!" it's not necessary to mention these to Hou Tianliang! "Speaking of it, the intelligence department seems to have some calming down these days!"

"I don't know. I just stay with the director. As for other things, I don't have much to ask!"

May day is a big test for the farm. The flow of people is very large! It is true that the farm has considerable processing experience, but for the farm staff, it is definitely overloaded!

However, it coincided with the time period of farm rectification, and all the staff seemed to be wound up! After all, jobs like farms don't just mean looking for them! How possible! Salary, welfare and treatment are extraordinary! Even if it's not for yourself, you need to consider one or two for your family, don't you?

What's more, the farm doesn't have any squeezing behavior. It doesn't mean to draw big cakes for you. It's never like this! You can earn as much money as you can. At this point, the performance of the farm can be said to be incisive and incisive!

It can also be seen from this that after considerable rectification, the appearance of the farm has changed considerably! Even many people who came to play felt the change of the farm! More meticulous and considerate! At the same time, it is also closer to life!

The most intuitive feeling for everyone is! There are even fewer charges than those who want to go first, but the quality of service is higher! Nothing feels more comfortable than this! Even you can add some so-called feedback! There will be quite a reply in a week, and even a special gift!

Whether the gift is valuable or not is not as important to you as you think. The important thing is to let you feel the honesty and maintenance of the farm to customers!

Of course, it's very cheap to visit the farm, but the things produced by the farm are really not cheap, and there are even considerable restrictions on the domestic side! To a certain extent, the vast majority of farm production is exported. Of course, there are also domestic sales, and the domestic sales are still in short supply!

But so what? The main tone of the farm has really not changed much! There are even rumors that the farm has considerable production, which is not circulating at all! But the question is, who can ask the farm about such a thing? It's no use asking!

Because the development of farms is not a separate kind! It's all-round! And the route taken by the farm is quite different! This is also the reason why Tiansheng is so targeted at Ding Yu, but it has no effect!

Now the heavenly saints can be said to be half dead. With the White House supporting them, they are about to lose their support! Under such circumstances, the heavenly saint can only be strong! Fortunately, the farm has no intention of directly killing the heavenly saint!

Obviously, Ding Yu has other considerations. Keeping such an opponent is not a bad thing for the farm, and even has considerable benefits! At least in general!

Ding Yu doesn't know if it's better to remove the heavenly saint? Now the heavenly saint is like a dog skin plaster pasted there! It's no big deal to solve it. Even many people on the farm have opinions and ideas in this regard!

Because in the view of the vast majority of people on the farm, Tiansheng is a toad. Now it is impossible for Tiansheng to bite people. He even has to guard against being trampled to death by the farm, but he absolutely responds to people!

But when these opinions were fed back to Ding Yu, Ding Yu suppressed them! Even without any attitude, there are quite smart people on the farm!

Since Ding Yu doesn't have any opinions to show, everyone is great, which makes Tiansheng a little uncomfortable, that's all! There is really no intention of slapping the heavenly saint to death!

But for Tiansheng, this behavior of the farm really makes them too uncomfortable! Even breathing is not so smooth! People don't say that they have no power to shoot them to death. The problem is that the farm is deliberately teasing Tiansheng!

If you can't catch your breath, the farm will loosen the reins on your neck and even deliver you two mouthfuls of oxygen, but if you jump too much, you will tighten the reins on the holy man's neck!

Even the heavenly saints themselves feel the problem, but they really don't have any way. Why?

Tiansheng was originally supported by the outside world! What's more, in the past, the market was a little bigger, but now even the White House is too busy for itself. To a certain extent, it lacks external support. What should we do under such circumstances? Now we don't need to tighten the rope. Tiansheng himself wants to strangle himself!

But the problem is that there is no intention to take over such a huge lump on the farm! This makes people feel very distressed! Now we can only take one step at a time! What if not?

The farm's behavior also makes some domestic forces supporting Tiansheng feel very dissatisfied! We all hope that Tiansheng will leave quickly. We can't get the farm. We won't play anymore! Are you ready? The farm is great, you Ding Yu is great, we recognize it!

But the problem is that the farm also has a lot of excuses! Now the farm is undergoing internal rectification! There are so many things in all aspects! There is no way to pay attention to the outside world! It's not easy to handle internal affairs well!

It's very simple, but the inside story makes others have no way to refute. They can only yell and scold secretly from the bottom of their heart! Obviously, the farm did it on purpose! Is the farm really powerless?

It's not a problem at all, okay?

No one is a fool. Now the heavenly saint is half dead! Isn't it because of the farm? But quite a lot of things really can't be brought to the surface. If they are brought to the surface, the farm can afford to lose, but can we afford such a loss? It's impossible!

But now that the heavenly saint is half dead, anyone who is a little smarter knows that the heavenly saint is absolutely hopeless! This is not the only problem. There are some headaches for everyone. In addition, no one can take over Tiansheng!

In those days, in order to fight against the farm, to be exact, it was to respond to the farm. In fact, the scale of Tiansheng was not small! Although compared with the current farm, the scope of Tiansheng is not large, but the foundation is still relatively thick!

This also creates that if you want to deal with heavenly saints now, there are too many subsequent troubles! And there are countless kinds! This gives everyone a different headache! What you throw in is real gold and silver! It's not dirt!

But the problem is that Tiansheng won't deal with it! We can't take out these real gold and silver! Of course, if we really take any tough measures, it's not that we can't, but we really don't know what risks there will be!

It may be better, but there is also a considerable possibility that it will be very bad, even greater!

You should know that when we invested in Tiansheng, a lot of money was borrowed. In the past, it was better. At least there were external forces at the bottom, but now the external forces have no time to separate themselves. All the pressure is passed on to their own heads. This pressure is a little big!

Especially in terms of funds, it's almost necessary to throw in what you earned before! Although everyone is happy when making money, it's really time to lose money. Even if the previous relationship is good, it's useless! All the contradictions broke out! Let many people behind are not generally tired!

Now we can only watch hard. As for bankruptcy, such things can not be brought to the surface for the time being. If they are really brought to the surface, there are too many implications behind them! I can't hold it down!

When Ding Yu received Taixi's call, he was so surprised!

"Your daughter fought!"

Ah? Ding Yu even couldn't help shouting, "did you fight? When did it happen? But it's not a big deal in terms of her character! Sooner or later, did the other party have any other problems? This girl! Don't start lightly!"

Ding Yu still knows something about his daughter! His temper is a little hot, and he is unique in the family! Quite often, he is more favored than Ding Chang! But although some small temper, but to say eccentric? It's really not like this!

"I say you don't worry about your daughter at all?" Tae hee was a little angry, even a little angry! How on earth did you become a father?

"There's no need to be so angry. I know something about Ding Yun. You don't need to worry too much. They will encounter more things in the future! Although fighting is a little bad, it's quite normal! I don't agree, but I also need to distinguish what's the reason, don't you?"

"What you said is simple!" Taixi said with hate! "How old is this girl? She has already started fighting! What if other people know this?"

Ding Yu laughed, and this behavior seriously provoked Taixi! There are some mistakes in the tone of speaking! If it weren't for the wrong time, she might be on the plane now!

"I already know! I'll mention it to her when I have time. There's no need to make a fuss. Just let her handle it by herself!" Ding Yu comforted. "After all, she's not a child! She has her own concept. We are her parents, which is true, but we can't follow her all her life!"

"At such a young age, I don't know what will happen in the future!" Taixi was still very angry!

"But I don't know about it. How did you know?"

However, before Ding Yu finished his words, Taixi gave himself a sentence. The meeting will begin soon! Very happy to hang up the phone, let Ding Yu feel a little toothache!

Ding Yu can imagine what is involved behind this. The problem is his daughter. What would happen if he knew the situation here? In this regard, Ding Yu really dare not make this guarantee! Because it's hard to say what will happen! Even Ding Yu doesn't know the situation. Taixi knows it! Some headaches!

"Director?" Hou Tianliang, who walked into the office, looked at Ding Yu and shouted subconsciously!

Ding Yu glanced! Hum! "Something?"

"Nothing, but director, how do you look?"

Looking at Hou Tianliang who was a little embarrassed, Ding Yu said, "just now Taixi called me and said that Ding Yun had a fight! I should say something good!" Ding Yu really had some trouble about this!

Taixi wants to transform Ding Yun into a lady with all her heart and perseverance, but what is Ding Yu's attitude towards this aspect? It is quite laissez faire. It can't be said whether it is good or bad!

But now the contradiction has appeared! So we must do a considerable solution! This also makes Ding Yu feel so difficult. One side is the child's mother and the other is the child, so how to make this choice?

Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu with a wry smile. Now he knows why the director just had such an expression!

"Director? Ding Yun fought! Shall I ask?"

"Shit!" Ding Yu glared at him! "I hope she can suffer some losses! That's better! But the security didn't report any situation. On the one hand, I probably didn't want me to know. On the other hand, I probably didn't suffer any losses! It doesn't matter! Just look at the follow-up treatment!"

Obviously Ding Yu didn't mean to hold on! There are even some deliberate indulgence! Hou Tianliang couldn't help nodding his head! The director obviously doesn't want other aspects to get involved in this matter!

It's normal to think about it. This is what happens at home! The director doesn't want to make trouble!

"Director! The May Day holiday will be over in two days!"

Ding Yu plans to Hou Tianliang impolitely! "If you have something to say directly, don't be so messy!"

"Director, mainly someone from the intelligence department came to intercede! But as far as I know, I seem to have entrusted a lot of relationships!"

Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang suspiciously! "Who! No! What I'm talking about is who you're trying to bury! You've come up with such attention! Now come to me for love, don't say anything first! So many eyes are staring at me! Then run to me for love during this time! Your head is broken?"

"Anyway, he promised me great conditions, and of course, there were many threats!" Hou Tianliang even stood up on his shoulder and didn't care to reveal his details! "I don't know what's involved! I also don't understand some! So I can only come and report to the director!"

"Ha ha, that's interesting!" then Ding Yu put his eyes on Ding Yu, "what's the matter? Anyway, you don't have anything else. In that case, move!"

"Director, you look down on me!" Hou Tianliang scratched his head. "People can threaten me. Obviously, I'm no different from ants in people's eyes!"

"Let's deal with it by ourselves!" Ding Yu waved his hand! "Anyway, I'm busy now. I don't have any time at all! So go and have a look! People can't come! We don't even know whether they are human or ghost!"

That doesn't sound like a good word!

In this regard, Hou Tianliang has considerable doubts, and he can clearly feel that the director doesn't care about it! He also told the director that he had mixed the people of the intelligence department, and the director was also careless!

Is Ding Yun really involved? Hou Tianliang really wouldn't look at it like this!

There is no denying that the director attaches great importance to the children at home! But it is absolutely impossible to lose the sense of propriety because the children at home fight!

But the director is so understated, and even directly handed over the matter to himself. From the perspective of Hou Tianliang, it is definitely not difficult for him! Because of something you can't do! Since it's not difficult for yourself, it's quite said!

In other words, the director gave himself a chance! Someone threatened himself, and he is still by the director's side now!

Think about it, Hou Tianliang nodded at Ding Yu!

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