After coming out of the room, Hou Tianliang first went to the security and explained quite a lot! Then I contacted the intelligence department, that is, my mother's family! To be exact, tell me your current identity! The director's attitude towards this matter is slightly ambiguous! This is the general situation!

Will the intelligence department generally understand this matter? This is not what Hou Tianliang can interfere with!

In fact, the intelligence department really has some other considerations about this matter, but what the intelligence department didn't expect is that Ding Yu handed over the matter to Hou Tianliang, which makes people feel like some claws! Because Ding Yu doesn't play cards according to common sense! Is it really good to do it like this?

The problem now is not how to appease Hou Tianliang. Hou Tianliang doesn't need to appease. This is not as important as expected. What matters is Ding Yu's attitude. Does he care? Or don't care at all?

This is really too suspicious!

Ding Yu began to attack the consortium. So far, no news has come out. This is really suspicious! Is Ding Yu too powerful? Or are there other situations, such as heavy lifting and gently putting down, Ding Yu is acting at all!

In addition, there are other explanations!

Just look at the situation on the farm! Ding Yu's handling of the farm can cause a lot of noise in China! Even caused quite a stir! So how can a consortium bigger than a farm not move at all? This is not normal, okay?

Even if there is no movement at home, there will not be no movement at all in the world!

Or has Ding Yu reached any so-called agreement with white house? In this regard, the intelligence department is really very concerned. Everyone knows that the relationship between director Ding Yuding and white house is a little subtle!

There may be no so-called agreement between them, but there may be some little tacit understanding between them!

After all, there is a patient in Ding Yu. For some people, it is not a secret!

Anyway, there are all kinds of things to say now. It's difficult to decide the situation. Although Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang are with Ding Yu, can they get the real situation? It's impossible!

It's not that the intelligence department must dig through Ding Yu's details. For so many years, the intelligence department has been paying attention to Ding Yu, but the exposed things are too limited!

Does Ding Yu really know nothing about the intelligence department? Not so! Ding Yu also has his own news channel. Of course, he is not his uncle! Relatively speaking, my uncle! A little bit rigid! At least in Ding Yu's impression, it is absolutely so!

Some principled issues are involved, and there is absolutely nothing to discuss!

Su Quan also has a good understanding of Ding Yu. He can talk about a lot of things! As long as you don't touch Ding Yu's bottom line, there are basically not many problems! He is not so interested in money, beauty and so on! Although not a particularly pure person! But to a considerable extent, it is still very good!

Just because their positions are quite different, there are some contradictions to a considerable extent, and these contradictions? Some are deliberately made. Are there others? It can only be said that the coordination between each other is not as good as expected! Moreover, some people don't like Ding Yu very much!

For this, even Su Quan doesn't have many ways! It's not even easy to get involved. It's true that Su Quan has written down this account in his heart, but he can calculate it slowly in the future, but he can't take out this account book. If he really takes it out, there will be a big problem at that time, which is certain!

So now someone got involved and even deliberately warned Hou Tianliang about it. Su Quan didn't show any opinions and ideas, as if he didn't know anything!

You can do whatever you want! It doesn't matter. Ding Yu is my nephew! But the relationship between me and Ding Yu is not as friendly as expected! So it doesn't matter! As long as it doesn't have a considerable impact on the overall situation!

What is the impact on the overall situation? Ding Yu doesn't need support at a considerable time, but if such a situation occurs, the intelligence department must stop! Even need to support Ding Yu in turn! May not be able to support on the surface, but other aspects of support can still be done!

If you can't even do such a thing, then the intelligence department really doesn't have much need to exist! For so many years, Ding Yu's help to the intelligence department, although stumbling, can definitely be said to be the one that spared no effort!

In this case, it is common sense to give Ding Yu some help in turn!

As for whether Hou Tianliang can investigate the inside story! Do you need to worry about this problem? There's no need at all, okay? Do you really think Ding Yu is an idiot? Or did you not put Ding Yu in your eyes at all!

Ding Yu asked Hou Tianliang to investigate. He can only say that he doesn't want to tear this cheek now, that's all! If Ding Yu really means something else! He won't let Hou Tianliang investigate! Even the whole thing is over! Hou Tianliang has a considerable possibility that he will be covered in the drum!

And there is another problem that needs attention! Qiu Tianyang was just sent away by Ding Yu! The place to send is not particularly confidential! But there is a very obvious problem, that is, Ding Yu's cultivation of Qiu Tianyang!

From this point alone, Ding Yu really has nothing to be picky about!

Whether Hou Tianliang or Qiu Tianyang, they stay with Ding Yu. It doesn't mean that they must exercise some skills. These things can be exercised in other places, or even better! The important thing is to stay with Ding Yu and see the world!

Training a special intelligence management personnel is too simple for the intelligence management department! Pinch it in your hand! It's not worth mentioning! However, it is not as simple as imagined to cultivate a person with a view to the overall situation and considerable ability at the same time!

More importantly, there are considerable opportunities to show! It's even more difficult! Ding Yu is definitely the most suitable place, but it is not as easy to be valued by Ding Yu! The casual man was sent to Ding Yu. He may not take a look at it!

Ding Yu doesn't care if Hou Tianliang takes a long time to investigate some things!

Ding Yu doesn't care much about what his daughter makes trouble. He doesn't even have any intention to ask. Of course, if Ding Yu asks, he believes he will get quite a lot of news soon, but he hopes to see the follow-up treatment. He mainly wants to see what his daughter will do. This is very important!

This is related to whether you need to make considerable adjustments! If the daughter handles it better, she may further let go! If she doesn't handle well, then she needs to consider whether she needs to make considerable adjustments!

As for whether Ding Yun will confess to himself, is such a thing important? Ding Yu really didn't pay much attention to it! Ding Yun is not young! Not everything needs to be reported to herself. She is no longer a child!

I can't always tie them to my belt!

But speaking of this, Ding Yu thought about it. He also took out his mobile phone, made two calls, asked about the situation, and then called Xiaogang!

"Uncle?" Xiao Gang felt very strange when he received the call. Uncle called! There must be quite something. If there is no quite thing, I always call my uncle!

"Is it convenient?" Ding Yu's voice continued as before!

"I have nothing to do. I just came back from outside!"

"Going to junior high school soon! What are your plans and plans?"

For this matter, Xiao Gang was a little stunned. He didn't expect that his uncle would mention such a thing to himself! "Grandpa and Grandma had a discussion on this before. They really hope I can go back to study! It may be a little more convenient to study in the capital, but in my personal opinion, I'm still used to such a life, and there won't be too much interference!"

In a word, I explained several aspects very clearly, and even explained my pressure and expectations very clearly!

Young, but the ability of thinking is very outstanding! Ding Yu said yes!

"What's my personal tendency? It's to leave you behind, but if you continue to stay in place to go to school, it's more or less inappropriate. Your classmates and so on are not suitable for you! To be exact, they have begun to restrict your progress! This will cause considerable confusion to you!"

"OK! There are still a lot of friends, but it may be because they are too young, so they are like elephants! Like-minded friends like deer are not very many, but they can understand. After all, they are all peers!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! There is even a sigh! Really grow up!

"OK! Tell me what I think! My personal opinion? Come to junior high school!"

Ah? Wang Xiaogang suddenly couldn't help exclaiming. It's not that he hasn't been to uncle. He really has, but what do you say? I really know a lot about the situation there. Even at this moment, Wang Xiaogang thought a lot!

"Uncle, am I suitable? Will it be quite abrupt?"

When saying this, Wang Xiaogang was very cautious and careful!

"The children in the family have left! Together with Wei Lai, who acts as the flag bearer behind, they will go to high school! Under such circumstances, the reserve force needs to be further strengthened and consolidated. It just needs to let you know! It saves you from being half familiar with them! It's not so convenient!"

Xiao Gang was so confused for a while! "Uncle, I don't understand. The news came too suddenly!"

Anyway, there is nothing else, so Ding Yu has free time! "It's no big deal to tell you! Since you've already asked! Then I'll mention it to you! You don't have any preparation!"

"These children in the family are a generation. Their generation has performed very well. They have accumulated a lot of reserve forces around them. These reserve forces will promote them to move forward. Next? They need a leader! It is true that the performance of these children is still good, but how to say? It's a little worse. How about you? Do you have this letter Heart? "

Wang Xiaogang bit his lips! "Uncle, the surprise is too big! But I want to try!"

"It's only three or five months from the beginning of school! Let me tell you in advance! I hope you have made this preparation! But this matter doesn't need to be announced for the time being! I don't want to make a fuss!"

Although Wang Xiaogang won't reveal anything, Ding Yu still told him a few words!

"Yes! Uncle, I know!"

Wang Xiaogang also knows that if this matter is spread at this time, it will certainly have a considerable impact, which is certain! But put yourself in such a position! There is really a little pressure!

The brothers and sisters in the family led a generation in only two years! Of course, Wang Xiaogang knows about Wei Lai and even has considerable contact! But the contact is not so deep!

Now uncle let himself top this position, definitely not let himself go through a show! To some extent, the elder brothers and sisters in the family spent two years, and they themselves spent almost two years! I have to say, it's really a big challenge!

After the May Day holiday, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came back with their children. Ding Yu personally went to the station to meet them. If they were the children at home, Ding Yu wouldn't do so, but Dad and mom came back! I have to pick it up, otherwise I will never have my own good life, which is certain!

I brought a lot of things back! I don't know where Dad and mom came from, but as far as I know, they say they go out to play these days, but they are basically on the road! I just went to see the children at home. None of them left!

If there wasn't a plane at home, it would be hard enough for the old couple to come down this trip!

"Dad! Mom! You are too!" Ding Yu said with some complaints. After all, the old couple's fatigue has been shown on their faces! "It's not that they don't know their family, not to mention how long they've been out. If you really miss them, just let them come back! Why?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Zhao Shuying slapped her! What Ding Yu still wanted to say was patted back by a slap. I have to! This is a taboo! Looking at Mengxi and Xiaoyu, they are a little excited, but at the same time, I'm afraid they are also quite affected!

He picked up and sent people back. Ding Yu had a little hard work here! I gave the old couple a massage, but also made a considerable mediation for the two small ones. I took them to the hot spring in the evening! okay? The two children fell asleep when they were young. They didn't even wake up when they came home!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, who woke up the next morning, didn't feel tired or even refreshed. Obviously, they also knew that it must be the means of the eldest son. In addition to the eldest son, they couldn't find any other reason!

As for Mengxi and Xiaoyu, they are also very energetic. They can't see any fatigue. They are completely different from yesterday! After breakfast, Ding Yu leaves with Meng Xi. As for Xiaoyu, he doesn't mean to follow Ding Yu at all!

Even when Mengxi left, he deliberately made a face at Mengxi! Muncie's mouth swelled immediately! It's really not ordinary anger, but there are not many ways! Along the way, she was bullied by sister Xiaoyu many times, and she carried her grandpa and grandma behind her back, which made her hate very much!

But even with the help of light rain, Mengxi still doesn't have much to do! It's true that some can't beat! So what can happen? So I can only bear it!

For Xiaoyu's small action, Ding Yu certainly saw it! Looking at Xiaoyu smiling at herself, Ding Yu also shakes her head. Xiaoyu's character is very good now. It's not bullying Meng Xi, but a sister's love for her brother!

Indeed, this love, sometimes a little too much, that's all!

In fact, Xiaoyu also has other brothers, which Ding Yu knows, even Wang an knows, but at the beginning, the family hurt them a little! Indeed, after Ding Yu's training, they have more correct values! Consciousness and world outlook, but also because they are too sensible! So there are a little conservative feelings!

At this point, Ding Yu really can't restrain anything. It's not easy for Wang An and Xiaoyu's brother and sister to come to this point!

Ding Yu doesn't want to affect them because of this reason. As for how to get along in the future, this problem depends on their own! Even if you are their master, it's really not good to interfere in other aspects!

What's more, I'm a little vague in dealing with this problem, so don't say who!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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