But before Ding Yu came into the office, the phone on his body suddenly rang!

The expression on Ding Yu's face has changed considerably! The phone on my body is only used for internal contact. Very few people know it, and even if others know it, they haven't been able to call in!


Hearing Jin's voice, I seem to be quite tired. This is quite different from what I know about Jin!

"Your voice is a little wrong? Your recent work is very busy?" according to Ding Yu, your recent work may be busy, but it shouldn't be so. It's hard not to know what happened!

"There's a problem on my side! There's no way to solve it. I don't want this to affect my husband's plan. I really can't get away from it!"

Listen to Kim! Ding Yu is a little distracted! "It's not like I know you! Tell me!"

"What I just learned recently is that things are a little troublesome. I just learned that I have two daughters!"

"I'll go!" Ding Yu exclaimed, "good guy! When did it happen! Kim, it's a very happy thing! But I don't know when it happened. You can keep it a secret!"

This is a bit intentional! But it definitely doesn't mean to run on gold!

"I also just learned the news! It's from Merlin!"

Ding Yu looked through the information in his head, "the specific situation is not so well understood, but since you called, it shows that you have made a decision! What do I need to do?"

"Sir, will this time affect you?"

"What impact can it cause? It's a situation of confrontation with each other, and even deliberately step back! Everyone is very vigilant now! In the past, it may not be as convenient as imagined, but now? It's another matter! The White House is staring at you?"

"It should be that they have been looking for my news all the time. I also got to know about Meilin by chance. She is a little feminist! I learned that I had two daughters, but their situation is very general! Even a little bad!"

"Leave the rest to me! I'll deal with it!" Ding Yu didn't make any guarantee to Jin, so there was no such need! If I make any guarantee to Jin now, it will appear so hypocritical!

"Sir, if you can't do anything, forget it! Anyway, the White House won't give the two children!"

"I see! I'll contact you then!"

After hanging up Jin's phone, Ding Yu felt very interesting! I didn't expect Kim to have children! And still two daughters, listen to the situation should be a pair of twins! I just don't know it's a small cotton padded jacket? Or black cotton?

Back to his office, Ding Yu thought and called Bruno! When Bruno received Ding Yu's call, his expression suddenly changed to be a little surprised!

These two days, I have always avoided meeting with Ding Yu! Because of the consortium, I don't want to embarrass Ding Yu. Similarly, Ding Yu doesn't want to embarrass himself, so it's true that it's in this small county! But everyone tried to avoid it, but now Ding Yu suddenly called. Something's wrong!

If it's really because of the consortium, Ding Yu won't call so easily. Just find other ways! Even God doesn't know it! After all, this is Ding Yu's territory!

"It's not easy to receive your call. Even I have some doubts about whether it's true! And people don't understand it!"

Ding Yu smiled, "there's something to look for you, but there's no need to meet! At this time, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring!" to the point, Ding Yu directly revealed a considerable situation. This time, there are other things to look for Bruno, and it has nothing to do with the consortium!

"Can't you? What else can't you solve?"

Bruno revealed considerable curiosity!

"I can solve it myself, even I can let others solve it! But now I don't want to touch other people's sharp nerves!" Ding Yu said truthfully! However, there is a considerable implication in the words!

Bruno thought for a moment, "Ding, as a good friend, can I know the details?"

"Of course! In fact, it's no big deal. It's mainly about Kim. I just learned that he has a pair of daughters. I just learned the news, but life is not so good! The reasons for this are not as clear as I thought! But Kim called. What can I do?"

Ah? Bruno couldn't help laughing. He even laughed a little wantonly. He had a false alarm in his heart. He thought it was a great event! It turned out that it was involved in this aspect! Hi!

I have understood more or less now! Why did Ding Yu call himself! It doesn't mean that Ding Yu himself can't handle this matter! But obviously, if we deal with this matter at this time, will there be other trouble? It's really hard to say!

The mood between each other finally calmed down! Not many people are willing to fight again at this time! Both Ding Yu and Goode hope to digest quietly and make considerable preparations for the next possible war!

It's up to you! As a middleman, I can deal with things well!

Even bring Kim's daughter, it's possible to bring their mother! It doesn't matter! At least this kind of thing has not been placed in Bruno's eyes!

Maybe gold is very important to white house! It is also very important to Ding Yu, but Jin is not so important to the board of directors, and he is not as important as he imagined!

Selling a favor to Ding Yu, or even a favor to Jin, can relieve the tension between each other at the same time. Such things should not only be done, but also be done more!

At least doing such a thing now has considerable benefits!

"Ding, how long will it take?"

"There's no time limit. It's most important to ensure the safety of personnel. I hope they can have a good mood! I don't want anything unpleasant! I heard that some people in the White House are quite interested in it! I didn't know it before! But Kim is always my person! I also need to be responsible for his family !”

"Give me two boxes of cigars, and prepare me some vodka, and..."

"Bruno, don't go too far!" said Ding Yu angrily. "There's no such robbery! If you can't, I can find Sanchez, and I believe he's willing to do such a thing! There are two boxes of cigars, and there aren't so many things in stock. You're a lion talking! It's really hard for you!"

"There are only ten boxes of cigars in a box. I'm not alone. You know, I need to tell a lot of people in this process! These are human feelings!" Bruno was so proud of it! It's not easy to have such an opportunity. What are you waiting for if you don't blackmail Ding Yu?

Will there be such a chance in the future? Who knows? Now the opportunity to take the initiative to come to the door, if you give up, you are really sorry for yourself! More importantly, Ding Yu's good things are really not available at ordinary times!

It's not that Ding Yu is really stingy. It has nothing to do with this. The main thing is that the output is so large. What can he do? Quite often, after smoking Ding Yu's cigars, other cigars can only be regarded as seasoning products to a certain extent!

I've tried it in other places, but what comes out is lack of considerable taste. It's hard to say what's the reason? In ethereal words, it is lack of considerable details!

"Bruno, our friendship shouldn't be like this! A box of cigars? It's a little exaggerated! Three boxes!"

"Ding! I need to take a lot of responsibility for such things! After all, Jin is your supervisor and represents your inheritance to a certain extent. Of course, if you put it on your and my identity, you may not feel any big deal, but if you put it on other people, the situation is quite different! I don't exaggerate! Six boxes!"

"You're a good guy! OK! Six boxes!" Bruno said. The quantity is really stuck with Ding Yu. It's not small, but it's not so much. At least it's what he can bear. Moreover, Bruno has made a great concession. If he is too fussy, it's a little outrageous!

"It won't take more than three days. They will never lose a hair! You can rest assured! If there is any problem, you can come to me!" Bruno said a little, "but I heard that Mengxi and his party have come back!"

"I see!" Ding Yu gave a dull, um, and then hung up the phone. He could not understand Bruno's meaning. Mengxi came back! In other words, I can take the time to see Thornton! That's what he wants to say!


"It's all right! You may have two more sisters!" Ding Yu raised his shoulder!

"Two sisters?" Meng Xi looked at Ding Yu with strange eyes!

"Jin's two children should come in two days! I didn't know about this before, but Jin made such a fuss. I really didn't expect it!" Ding Yu smiled, "but do you want to visit your friends? He seems to be looking forward to you!"

"Thornton?" Meng Xi tilted his head and looked at Ding Yu. "Teacher, is it really good to stimulate him so much?"

Ding Yu deliberately raised his shoulder. "His performance is very good now. He was a little anxious in the past, but his state is relatively good! Although you don't have as much contact with him as you think, they have considerable commonalities, so you need to give him some pressure! Let him be a little vigilant!"

"Teacher, are you sure he won't explode?" Mengxi made an exaggerated expression!

"Don't underestimate him. His current performance is to a great extent artificial! It can confuse the vast majority of people! But now the pressure on him is not particularly great. Even in my personal opinion, it still makes him a little too relaxed! Life should not be like this, at least for him!"

In this regard, Mengxi widened his eyes! "Teacher, I have some bad hunches!" but then I looked at Ding Yu with pitiful eyes! Of course Ding Yu knows what Mengxi means! Is a ha ha smile!

"Speaking of it, you are quite different from him! His inside information has been exhausted! But your vision is still there, and you? There was no inside information at the beginning! It is pure damage to your whole person! Although both of you have learned to walk now! But now your ways of absorbing nutrients are quite different! Don't focus on the present!"

Mengxi puffed his mouth, and then touched xiaoyudian's big head with his hand. Xiaoyudian's growth speed was a little faster! Now Mengxi can't move any more! From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with the original choice!

"Teacher! I see! I hope Thornton's mallet can bear it!"

When hearing this word, Ding Yu smiled, and even some light flashed in his eyes! "It seems that there is a considerable awakening. It should not be your eldest martial brother, let alone Tong Tong. Ding Yun and Ding Chang are one of them. Ding Chang is not as likely as expected!"

"Teacher, you always say that you are too clever! Not very good!"

Ding Yu smiled disapprovingly, since Meng Xi had said so! Ding Yu naturally won't ask in the end, because everything is quite obvious! It's not good to continue to force Muncy! It will hurt him! He's still a little younger! It can be said that things such as feelings are particularly sensitive!

Even if Ding Yu comforted, the effect was not as obvious as expected! Can you say that his parents are wrong? It seems that you can't say that! They just don't know what's going on!

Bruno made several phone calls. Ding Yu has mentioned the specific situation to himself! I still need to mention it to Mr. good, although Mr. good doesn't care about such things! But it's about Ding Yu! Report to Mr. good, there are not too many problems!

Of course, Bruno can't directly tell Goodall, but mentioned that Ding Yu didn't want to deepen the contradiction between each other, and even is willing to communicate at this time! Ding Yu showed quite an attitude about the two children of Jin!

The matter itself is not as important as imagined. The important thing is to see Ding Yu's attitude through this matter!

He reorganized the consortium, the time is too clever, and now the children's business! It really makes people have quite an idea!

Is it true that Ding Yu did so? Or did he deliberately set a trap!

The board of directors will certainly not be convenient. After all, this thing is not as important as expected. Is it a white house? Do you need to do it? If the house is sold, what will happen?

Goodall really needs to think about it!

How big is the consortium? From the exposed situation, it is not as big as expected. At least there are not many problems with the skeleton. In other words, compared with the situation of white house, it is not worth mentioning at all!

But even so, Ding Yu still rectified the consortium, and the means can be said to be very cruel!

As for the reasons why Ding Yu did so, in Goodall's view, there are only two. One is to re integrate the consortium while the forces in all aspects don't have much energy. Can the consortium get on the road again, the other? Is deliberately to test!

The board of directors and Baifang are very alert to Ding Yu, but on the contrary, is it true that Ding Yu is not alert to Baifang and the board of directors? It's impossible!

Both sides have maintained considerable vigilance and caution. They are very careful in the process, and even have some worries!

Therefore, Ding Yu suddenly threw out this matter now. He really needs to think about it! However, the thinking time was not particularly long. Goodall nodded and agreed!

Gold is very important to Ding Yu! There is no doubt about that! But at this time, can we accept the resumption of war for the sake of gold? What will happen? Who knows?

There is also the cleaning of the White House by the board of directors, which has not been completed yet! Some of the problems inside the White House have not been solved yet. If we really make trouble for them, can we solve them at that time? If it cannot be solved, what will happen in the future?

From this point of view, white house is an internal problem. If the internal problems can not be solved well, do you still want to solve the external problems? This is a little bit of bullshit!

It was the original time that the board of directors was too indulgent in talking to the house! The board of directors gives White House considerable rights, so that white house really has some forgetfulness! I don't even know who gave them their rights!

For so many years, the board of directors slowly delegated power to white house, mainly because White House's performance is very good!

But now the White House has to bite the board of directors and even make other things, which makes people a little unable to accept! Since there is no way to accept it! Then wash it, wash it, and make it cleaner!

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