Ding Yu takes Mengxi to see Thornton! Thornton expressed considerable doubt about the arrival of the teachers and disciples!

Even looking at the eyes of two people, there is something wrong!

Fortunately, now he doesn't know what the weasel represents when he enters the house. Otherwise! ha-ha!

"Mr. Ding?"

"Nothing!" Ding Yu leisurely sat on the seat, and then let Mengxi sit on his seat. As for Thornton? It doesn't matter, as if this is Ding Yu's own home! Not at all!

And Ding Yu's behavior is a serious violation of Thornton! Isn't it too bad to treat yourself as a thing! There is Mengxi. When he sees himself, he feels fire in his heart! Especially the last time he exercised, he was like a hamster! I chewed and chewed there for a long time, but I couldn't calm down!

How about Ding Yu bringing him here again today? Want to come again? Do you mean this? Just want to see your own jokes?

"Mr. Ding, you seem to be in a good mood! Is there anything to be happy about?"

"There are some happy things, but more? It should be a worry! I called Bruno earlier. In order to repay this favor, I brought Mengxi to see how you are!"

Huh? Called Mr. Bruno? Thornton felt a little puzzled because of the consortium? However, I haven't heard the news in this regard, and I don't have so much energy to pay attention to these things during this time!

If it wasn't for the consortium, why did you call Mr. Bruno! Even took the initiative to come to yourself? There are too many explanations here!

The only thing I can figure out is that this matter must be very important to Mr. Ding Yuding! So Thornton couldn't help blinking his eyes, and even couldn't help looking at Mengxi next to him!

"Mr. Ding? Is it convenient for me to know?"

"It's not impossible. It doesn't hurt if you know. Jin has caused quite a lot of things. He has a pair of daughters, and I just know the news! I've never heard of this news in the past. Since it's what he said, I believe it must be true! In that case, we need to invite them over!"

"Invite them over?" Thornton puffed his mouth as if he understood something! "I haven't heard of this in the past. I'm very interested in director Jin! I even asked my family to inquire about quite a lot of news, but very few! It's almost inaudible!"

"It's quite normal. If he has a lot of news, there are some abnormal, even I have some doubts! Is there any other situation and situation in it? Of course, it doesn't rule out that someone knows a lot, but due to some reasons, he can only hide!"

"Can only hide?" Thornton guessed for a while and nodded slightly. "If I were you, I might do the same! Because doing so has considerable benefits, at least it can prevent the leakage of information! The role of a gold supervisor alone is still very limited!"

Thornton looked at Ding Yu with some meaning!

The most important person is Ding Yu! He is the core person and the soul!

"But Mr. Ding, I've heard such a rumor that supervisor Jin can represent your existence!"

Ding Yu looked at Thornton who raised the question. His eyes had been shaking on Mengxi's body. There were some intentional meanings! Even in Ding Yu's opinion, he wants to bully people!

But obviously his abacus is wrong! Muncie will be interested in it! More importantly, mention these now? Mengxi has not been able to understand. What if Mengxi can understand?

Thornton looked at Mengxi. Anyway, this guy was like a wood and didn't give himself any reaction. The more Mengxi was like this, it made Thornton so upset! I can't even help myself!

"Jin has some talent in the inheritance of martial arts!" Ding Yu glanced at Thornton. "Why? You are very interested in it. I have read some of your materials, and you seem to be quite interested in it!"

Isn't that nonsense? Just for your record! Who dares to say that there is no interest in this. After all, in addition to Jin, many people in the security have made great changes. This change is really attractive!

Don't say Thornton! Many people have expressed considerable interest in this, but interest has no effect!

"Very interested!" Thornton said directly, and even raised his arm! "Mr. Ding, I was very interested in Kung Fu since I was a child, especially those kung fu movies! I have seen them all! I have even consulted many martial arts masters. Many of them are experts and their forms of expression are quite different!"

"What's the difference from what you understand?"

"It's hard to say what the difference is. I've seen the indistinguishable fighting! But it's indistinguishable, but it still has considerable protection, which is also within the scope allowed by the rules!"

Ding Yu nodded! "It's a modern society! The development of society has decided! Some things have been eliminated! Because the casting time of a bullet may be less than a day, but Kung Fu! It takes a lifetime! And the things of a lifetime may not see the end!"

"Since you can't see the end, why go on!"

"People always die! Sooner or later!" Ding Yu looked at Thornton disdainfully. "What are you eating now? It's too wasteful! That's a truth!"

Ding Yu took him back and didn't leave any kindness, which made Thornton feel a little aggrieved. This is completely a change of concept! "Mr. Ding, the so-called endless means that progress is slow and even people can't feel where progress is!"

Ding Yu said with satisfaction, "it seems that you have endless curiosity about it!"

"Can you not be curious?" Thornton said in some silence! "The main reason is that the effect is too obvious! When I was able to walk independently on February 2, I already felt the problem! This is something that other people have never realized! It's too exaggerated!"

"It's all right! I didn't expect you to have such an understanding. It's not easy! You want to practice to this step, but it's not enough now, and whether this road is suitable for you? It's not so clear now. Although you have very good conditions, it's not enough!"

"Am I also gifted?" Thornton's eyes widened! Looking at Ding Yu with expectation! I have very good conditions. What kind of conditions are they that Mr. Ding can't help mentioning a good word?

"It's not a talent! Your talent conditions can only be said to be very general! There is no comparability even with Muncy! It's mainly that you spent two years! These two years can be said to be your most valuable experience! If you can understand it well, it may have a great effect on your life! This is an existence that can't be compared by others!"

And Thornton looked at Muncy again!

"Mr. Ding, that is to say, Mengxi is the same, isn't it?"

"Everyone has different experiences! Summarizing these experiences and experiences will be of great help to life! Otherwise, it will have no meaning! It will not have any effect!"

"Mr. Ding, director Jin also walked into the door. Can I understand it like this?"

In this regard, Ding Yu did not immediately answer! But thought for a moment! Then he said slowly! "You must say so. It's hard for me to refute too much. Compared with the vast majority of people, he did walk into the door! But he is still wandering at the door! He needs time to precipitate slowly. I don't know how far he can go in the future!"

Obviously, Ding Yu said so, but also made a considerable affirmation!

"I understand on the whole! It's quite a problem for Mr. Ding to say so!" Thornton looked at Ding Yu with eager eyes! "I really hope to have such a chance!"

Ding Yu laughed! "You're OK! You're welcome at all! You really don't regard yourself as an outsider! At this point, the children in the family can't really compare with you!"

And for Ding Yu's ridicule, Thornton was great. He touched his little face and didn't take it to heart at all!

Thick skinned people can eat full! What's more, the person sitting opposite him is Ding Yu! What's so strange about losing face in front of him! Even how many people are eager to have such an opportunity, beg but not!

"Mr. Ding, will Mengxi have such a chance in the future?"

Ding Yu touched Mengxi's head with his hand! A smile! "I don't know. To be exact, the way of the three of us is quite different from others! Other children in the family don't have such experience. You have such experience and think a little more. Of course, the situation between me and you is quite different from that of Mengxi!"

"It seems so! Mr. Ding and I have seen death and even talked!"

"You're going to see God. I'm going to see the Lord of hell. It's a step away! I've had quite a feeling. Meng Xi can be better, but what he calls better? He won't go to see the Lord of hell so soon, but it's hard to imagine in the long run!"

Thornton thought that if he became a fool, it would be hard to imagine what it would be like!

If there is such a situation, it would be better to finish it all at once, which may be better!

More importantly, it is not that Mengxi has any problems, but that there are considerable problems in his family! Even if you look like an outsider now, you feel a little chilly! Too exaggerated!

To be valued by Mr. Ding Yuding is simply the existence of none in ten thousand, but such a person? It should wither in such a moment! But look back and think about yourself! Own home situation! Family wealth, wait! Isn't it that you almost have to see God? Some problems can't be avoided if you want to avoid them!

"The topic seems a little too heavy!"

"Because you've been floating too much in the past two days!" Ding Yu said this to Thornton, but his eyes were on Mengxi!

I almost told Thornton face to face! Look at Mengxi. Whether he goes into the mountain or travels, do you see him jump when he comes back? Not at all! Even as usual, you! Learn more!

In this regard, Thornton is very gas blocked!

"Mr. Ding, you definitely did it on purpose!" Sandu said angrily!

"Yes! I did it on purpose. What can you do?" when Ding Yu said this, he was a little arrogant and placed it on others. He would never dare to say such a thing in front of Thornton. Otherwise, at this time next year, the grass on the grave should be more than three feet high! But for Ding Yu, he didn't do it at all!

Thornton almost got up and waved his fist at Ding Yu! How hateful! How can there be such a hateful person?

I'm really going to be nobody! But consider Ding Yu's force value? Let's forget it! If it's Mengxi, I have some trouble dealing with him now, not to mention Ding Yu on the ceiling!

"OK! I'll bear it!" Thornton's small face was like a steamed stuffed bun. He even stared at Mengxi for some time, but it was useless. Mengxi's eyes were a little distracted. It was obvious that he was deliberately emptying himself. Who knows what was thinking in his head, but one thing can be sure that it had absolutely nothing to do with Thornton!

"What do you say? You have the same character as Mengxi, and you have some pride!"

"He?" Thornton couldn't help looking at Mengxi. He had the same character as himself. No wonder he looked so annoying!

"It's just that your performance is a little extroverted, while his performance is a little introverted. There's no good or bad. Everyone has his own unique way of understanding! Everyone sees the world differently!"

It can't always be a fire. You still need to give him some water to moisten it! Otherwise, if you really burn yourself, it will cause many problems in other aspects, which is not good! Fortunately, Ding Yu's control of the scale can be said to be very good!

Mengxi seems to have returned to his soul at this time! A slightly disgusted look at Thornton!

"Teacher! Aojiao, I can understand!"

In a word, Ding Yu broke the defense directly! And Thornton has stood up! I can't stand Muncy's humiliation at all! This is NIMA's, the big bully is not enough, now come out a small one! What a bully! What is this?

Ding Yu watched Thornton's performance, if interested, and Thornton stood up, waved his arm twice, and then sat down again! "Hum!" judging from his performance, most of them are intentional!

And not only Ding Yu, but also Meng Xi nearby, despised it! Obviously, he's like a puffer fish now! I blew myself up! But that's it! As for the others? There is no meaning at all! It won't have any effect at all!

Thornton did not show much disappointment when he sat down, but when he looked at Mengxi, his eyes had been so playful! I'm a lot older than Muncy! But I have to say! The apprentice chosen by Mr. Ding Yuding is really extraordinary!

Think about it, if it's really ordinary people, will Mr. Ding bring him to see himself? It's impossible! You know, among the children of the Ding family, Mengxi already exists at the bottom!

But even so, it can also become the existence of rolling yourself. At least there are not many problems rolling yourself at this time! It is conceivable that other children will be evil to what extent!

His family is extraordinary! It's true! As for their own support is endless. Although they say they have wasted two years, they will not be pulled down so far by the children of the Ding family! They don't differ much in age from themselves!

Why can they be so good? And yourself? What's the difference?

Their education is similar, and they even want to be better. But even so, they still can't catch up with the children of the Ding family. Even without two years of waste time, can they be compared with the children of the Ding family now? Maybe in some aspects, there are many more children than the Ding family, but from a comprehensive point of view, their weaknesses are too prominent!

"Mr. Ding! I still don't quite understand!" Thornton's eyes recovered, and even Mengxi sitting next to him couldn't help looking at the past, because Thornton had a very obvious change! "I never thought clearly. Why are there so many differences between each other?"

"Many reasons!"

"Because you walked into that door!"

"It has something to do with this! To say, it has an absolute relationship! It's not quite right! The road has come step by step! Compared with your peers, you are too much ahead! Because they don't know so much at your age. In their world, playing, candy and so on are the main subjects! But you have realized the society and the world In fact, I don't advocate such growth. Even I have had this communication with my children in the education of my family. I hope they can wake up later! "

Mengxi's perception of this is not so profound, but Thornton has a very deep perception, even touch!

"I haven't mentioned such a thing at home for a long time!" behind the words, the things revealed are very heavy!

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