"You have to pay a price to do anything. No one can succeed casually! You are more than most children of the same age, even among over aged children. But you also pay a lot. Without childlike fun and too much childlike innocence, many of them are gone! It's a pity to have no childhood One thing! "

Mengxi heard this and raised his hand!

"I had a childhood. I was not very good at home, but there were also good times. But I had considerable experience with the teacher! I feel very good! There is no regret to say so!"

Ding Yu shook his head, sighed, and then looked at Thornton!

Thornton also looked at Ding Yu! "I don't have any childhood! There are not many things worth remembering. I've been to amusement parks and cartoons, but I dare not reveal too much! Cartoons are better!"

I can feel it. What Thornton said is the truth! And these sincere words, I'm afraid no one else knows. Thornton may never mention them even to his father!

"Some people say it's sharpening, but in my opinion, it's a kind of devastation! But to a considerable extent, it's an unsolvable problem. Thornton and Muncy don't have any experience in this, but you're different! What do you say?"

Thornton didn't answer immediately, but looked at Ding Yu! There is some confusion in the eyes, and there is considerable doubt and uncertainty!

"Mr. Ding, do you say the same to the children at home?"

Ding Yu nodded! "I've talked to them many times about this topic! Born in such a family! In the words of ordinary people, it's a good baby! But from our own point of view, what should we pay? Unimaginable! Because we want to deprive many ordinary people of what they have! That's why sometimes we get angry for no reason! Go crazy, and even can't feel our own feelings Moreover, because this does not mean that you can exercise restraint if you want to exercise restraint! "

Thornton nodded! "I haven't experienced many things experienced by children! One is that I don't have time, the other is that I'm absolutely not allowed! I doubt for a long time what freedom is!"

"So the problem is very complicated!" Ding Yu also showed a little distressed look! "If you don't instill a lot of indoctrination into the children in the family! It is to let the children indulge in children's fun! It will cause considerable problems, which has been proved by too many historical lessons! But giving a lot of pressure will make the children wake up prematurely and lose children's fun. Even when the pressure is too high, it will lead to other unexpected situations! The balance is too difficult To control! "

"Mr. Ding, do you still think about these problems at ordinary times?"

"What do you think?" Ding Yu suddenly smiled! "When I'm idle, I always like to think about some messy things. Of course, when I'm tired of reading, I'll outline other things! People! It's meaningless to live just for myself!"

"It seems a little tired!" Thornton said so, not deliberately agreeing with Ding Yu!

Ding Yu pointed to himself! "I want to relax! Is it possible? You want to relax too! Is it possible?"

"I'm quite relaxed now!" Thornton muttered! "However, this kind of relaxation is completely different from that in the past! In the past, there were too many things hidden behind, as if there were countless people chasing you! Just want to pull you down! With breathing, you can't have more than one second! Forced! Passive! Everything is so involuntary! Even people feel suffocated!"

"I want to relax! Three days and five days are a little possible, but beyond this time! What will wait for me? I don't know! It may be the collapse of farms and consortia, even if it is not devastating, it may also cause irreversible consequences! It's hard to imagine! It's not how important I am!"

"Can understand!" Thornton took a provocative look at Mengxi! Because these things Mengxi certainly does not understand, but for himself, it is a common thing! "Mr. Ding, you are the soul of the whole consortium! No one can lose you without you! At least at this stage! If there are considerable problems and conditions and the blow to the farm is too great, maybe the consortium and the farm have considerable reserves and may survive! But they can only lick their wounds alone in the dark!"

"A little exaggerated, but not so excessive!" Ding Yu looked at Thornton unkindly! "I said, boy, if there is really a considerable situation, I'm afraid you are in the front?"

Thornton's eyebrows beat slightly against Ding Yu's threat! The turning point is a little fast, so that I don't have much preparation! But is it really good for you to say so now? Don't you take yourself too much as a thing, and don't take me too much as a thing at the same time! Not like you! It's too much!

"Don't worry, although I won't avenge you immediately, I'll write down this friendship!"

Thornton had a little resentment when he said this!

"So I need to say thank you, don't I?"

"You're welcome!"

"You're really not polite!" Ding Yu said angrily. "It's better than too much! Everything is like this. Speaking, can you understand what I mean? How's my Chinese learning recently?"

"Mr. Ding, can I swear?" Thornton said angrily, "f..." a burst of rude words! "Mr. Ding, I think this is really unfair! Even some exaggerations! If you don't learn, you don't know where the strength and difference are! Even if I can speak Chinese! But in terms of reading and writing, I'm like a fool! There are some people who can't touch their heads! Too exaggerated, too much!"

"OK!" Muncy added!

"Nonsense!" Thornton choked! He looked at Muncy without showing weakness! "Of course English is simple! Can it be the same? It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk!"

"They say children have no waist!" Mengxi blinked her eyes. "Grandma said! I didn't say it!"

This made Thornton speechless in an instant! After looking at Ding Yu, he didn't mean to continue talking, but when he looked at Meng Xi, his eyes were already so wrong! If someone else said anything, he had to say something back, but when it came to grandma, even Thornton was very speechless!

"Traditional culture needs to be viewed dialectically! We can't start from a single point of view! The changes of Chinese characters have also undergone thousands of years of evolution! In the middle process, countless people have worked hard! Only today's achievements have been made! Even in this process, countless people have gone one after another!"

Thornton's little face is a little twitchy! "Do you know Mr. Ding?"

"Dare not say so!" Ding Yu was very cautious! Even some pious! This is something Thornton has never found before! "Standing on the shoulders of giants, we can naturally see high! Looking far, but we have surpassed our predecessors and ancients! I think it's sad! It's lamentable!"

"Mr. Ding, you always seem to be quite cautious! Shouldn't you be fearless?"

"Be a man? You always need to be in awe!" Ding Yu looked at Thornton thoughtfully! "This sentence is applicable to you, but I hope you can remember it! It's not a bad thing!"

"I've heard this sentence, but I don't understand it so much. Even you said it more than once!"

"The children of my educators often use such words! We look at the world on the shoulders of the pioneers! Are we really better than the pioneers? It's not true! It's just that due to the development of science and technology and the training of countless people, we can walk smoothly today!"

"It's hard to imagine what kind of psychology those former pioneers were when they walked through these thorns! So we need to treat them with awe! If it was us, we wouldn't be able to go there. Because with the former pioneers, we can see today's colorful world! So we need awe at a considerable time And a modest heart to look at everything! Of course, sometimes the truth doesn't make sense! "

"Doesn't make sense?" Thornton was stunned! Immediately responded! "Yes! Sometimes the truth doesn't make sense!" then Thornton looked at his hand! "Mr. Ding, I seem to understand what you mean!"

"Understand a piece of shit!" Ding Yu said with some disdain!

"Can you tell me why many people like to be reasonable? It's like me. Sometimes I'm a very reasonable person! What's the reason? Even quite often, everyone is willing to listen to me!"

Mengxi blinked her eyes, not very clear, and Thornton's expression was a little confused!

"Teacher, it's because of the fist!"

Thornton suddenly saw Ding Yu! It seems that this is really the truth! Previously, Ding Yu would not extend these things for no reason! Then Thornton couldn't help biting his teeth, and even glanced at Mengxi! Little nose slightly cocked up! Some disdain, hummed with an inaudible voice!

It's no big deal. I'm just a little careless! Otherwise, Mengxi will never be ahead!

Ding Yu saw everything in his eyes, but he didn't mean to blame the child! But continue to say! "Many people envy my current achievements, such as luxury cars, villas, luxury houses, airplanes, yachts, etc.! Thornton, as a vested interest, what do you think!"

"I saw a movie before, how big the ass is and how big the underpants are! What I said is very vulgar, but it reveals quite a truth!" Thornton meant something! Even revealed some little tyranny!

"What a great ability to do what a big thing! Without that accumulation, even if you sit in this position, what can you do?" Ding Yu lamented quite a lot about it! "Just like you! If you sit in your own position in the future, think more! There's no harm!"

"Mr. Ding, it's no problem to think more! But I already have a fist!" Thornton raised his hands, all clenched into fists! Declaring his force to Ding Yu!

And Ding Yu is noncommittal! "Big fists have the advantage of big fists! I broke thousands of methods with one force. I did it in the beginning, but walking, I don't think this way can get to the end! So I took another way! Even now I hide my fists!"

"Mr. Ding, is it hiding instead of using it?"

Mengxi is also very curious about this, but he has had quite a lot of experience!

"This road? It's very difficult! Even in the future, it may be difficult for you to reach. I set up a sign in the back. On the one hand, I hope to see the latecomers. On the other hand, what's the road ahead? I'm a little confused now!"

The words shocked both Thornton and Mengxi, and even looked at Ding Yu with disbelief!

"Teacher, what I saw should not be fake! Even the film doesn't have so much exaggeration!"

Thornton looked thoughtfully at Muncie and revealed a little more from it!

Ding Yu responded and nodded his head! "What you saw at the beginning is not fake! But how to proceed and how to go! It's a little confused! I've told you something now! You can understand it if you haven't seen it, because you haven't even seen the mountain!"

"Mr. Ding, can you feel confused? Isn't this incredible!"

"There is nothing incredible! If these are placed on the predecessors, they may have quite different results. Each era is just to illuminate the next era! It is also to enable the latecomers to have better exploration! This is progress! This is development, although this is just my family's words!"

Ding Yu's tone is very respectful and awe!

"Some accidents, but there are considerable expectations!"

Ding Yu waved his hand slightly! "You haven't reached any step yet, so you look forward to it now, but when you really get to this step, you will find that there is some bleak!" Ding Yu sighed heavily! "When a person stands on the top of the mountain, it will be lonely and cold! That taste is very disappointed!"

Having said that, Ding Yu looked at Mengxi and Thornton! Whispered! "Will you become better friends in the future? It depends on fate! But I really hope you can become quite opponents!"

Both of them looked at each other! But then they looked at Ding Yu together!

"At least from the current situation, it's a good thing for you to become opponents! Both of you have considerable weaknesses and commonalities! You can look a little farther! This will be of endless benefits to you and even the whole life!"

"Sir! Are you against my father?"

Ding Yu smiled gently and showed a little joy, "To a certain extent! But it's not particularly complete! They are really opponents in some directions! Even at a considerable time, they appreciate each other! This is actually a very interesting thing! Of course, how your father views this matter is another matter! But from my personal point of view, it should be almost the same One! "

"Mr. Ding, if you say so, you seem very sure!"

"Out of my understanding of myself, out of my understanding of my opponent! From my personal point of view, it is no exaggeration to say that your father is a great guy. Although I have considerable opinions on him, even we are still on the opposite side of each other, this does not hinder my appreciation of him!"

"I believe my father should be very happy!" Thornton even stood up, bowed to Ding Yu, and even made a deliberate gesture!

Meng Xi was puzzled about this and couldn't help looking at Ding Yu!

Ding Yu explained with a smile! "Their family has a long history and has its own unique heritage, such as the family emblem! This is the label that their blood adheres to, and also represents the glory of the whole family! As for its origin? There are two different opinions. One is that they wore lock armor and hood on the battlefield! They can't tell who is who! So they used it in a different way Yes! Of course, there is another way! "

As for the other statement, Ding Yu didn't explain, but looked at Thornton!

Meng Xi also looked at Thornton along Ding Yu's eyes. Thornton pursed his mouth! Ding Yu smiled! Touched Meng Xi's head! "If you have this opportunity and power in the future, check it yourself. If you can find it, it's your ability. If you can't find it, it's a matter of luck! There's no need to be too entangled!"

Thornton looked at Ding Yu and said stuffy after a long time!

"Sir, you have committed a crime! At least in the historical records, there is not much news about this!"

Ding Yu held his chin with his free hand! Very frankly! "Secrets? Everyone has them! But if you really say it, you can't say it's a secret! But to be exact, I found it by chance! A very interesting book, and even I spent a lot of money on it! I have to say that sometimes your ideas are too beautiful! You have left a lot of conjectures for future generations, which is very interesting Interesting! "

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