Ding Yu taught Thornton and Mengxi a good lesson!

But sitting a little away from Ding Yu, Thornton is very clear! This time, he was more or less infected with Mengxi's luck. Without Mengxi, Ding Yu might teach himself a lesson, but he would never tell so much as he imagined!

This makes Thornton's heart very dissatisfied!

But what if you don't accept it? To some extent, it has a considerable relationship with your identity!

Mr. Ding Yuding can mention so much to himself at this time! It's already very face saving! Even this face is not for himself or the family behind him, but because of Mr. Bruno! If his family really stood up, Ding Yu would not pay any attention!

This is NIMA's! Thornton really wants to swear! There is no such bully!

But for Ding Yu? Are you kidding? Don't say it's yourself! What if it's your own father? Two people are opponents! Even from the opposite angle! And they dare not have too many changes between each other! You should know that Ding Yu is still weak!

If Ding Yu was not weak, what would it be like!

What's more, what will the Ding children look like when they grow up! The distance between myself and the children of the Ding family is not so simple! Even Mengxi is crushing his own existence in quite a way. He just came to Ding Yu!

But the pressure is great! To a certain extent, the power is also very large!

Thornton's inner pride will never allow him to give up like this. What can even the children of the Ding family do? What if the man in front is Muncy? What if Ding Yu is behind them? I will never stop my steps! This is certain! Swear by the honor of your family!

"Mr. Ding, I can't hide anything about this matter. I believe there will be successive investigations!"

Ding Yu is dismissive of this! "Where do you start? And at this time, do you think it's appropriate from the perspective of time? It's too impulsive! But if you have time, you can read books! This is very good. After all, there are many hidden things in books! Many people, even me, like to play some so-called tricks in them sometimes , as for whether you can find it? "

In this regard, Ding Yu gave a helpless expression! Everything depends on yourself!

Don't you give yourself a hint? Isn't it a little too much! How do you find out? I know at most now! Ding Yu knows a lot about the family, even beyond imagination! Do you want to go down this road! At that moment, Thornton even had quite a feeling! Ding Yu seems to have some intention!

It's like a thorn! If I don't pay attention to it, I always feel a little awkward in my heart, but if I really do something, will it affect the overall situation! And even if it doesn't affect the overall situation? Will there be any other problems?

For a moment, Thornton even felt a little headache!

When Ding Yu left with Mengxi and saitil came in, it was strange to see Thornton. Every time Ding Yu came here, Thornton's condition would not be particularly good! But this time it's a little special!

Thornton looked at setier who came in and looked at him with his eyes. Setier felt that there were so many hairs in his heart! What's the situation? This is why master Thornton's eyes are full of doubt when he looks at himself!

What did Ding Yu mention to Thornton just now? Even mentioned himself! But the problem is that I didn't do anything! Admittedly, there is the so-called careful thinking in his heart, but has nothing to do with Ding Yu? What's more, Ding Yu mentioned these? Is it good for him?

Or what does Ding Yu want to do? So deliberately let master Thornton focus on himself? However, there are many unexplainable places to explain!

Thornton looked at setier and then shook his head slightly! "You're not! Invite Mr. Bruno for you and ask him if he has time. I need to ask him something about the family!"

"Master Thornton, can I ask what it's about?" setier was very simple!

Thornton looked at setier again, his eyes a little sharp! "Do you know about the family emblem?"

"Family emblem?" what and what? Setier felt a little puzzled! Even a little confused! How can you suddenly talk about this matter? It seems that there is no reason! What is involved in this?

With puzzlement, setier called Bruno. Bruno was very puzzled and came over! Even before this, I met setier! "Thornton is confused?"

"Mr. Bruno!" although there is some dissatisfaction with Bruno, we still need to maintain considerable respect and awe in front of Bruno! After all, Ding Yu has taught him a lesson! Giants like them are sometimes very careful! Although master Thornton is in his own hands now, it's always right to be careful!

Um! Bruno nodded his head! Thornton personally invited himself over. It was obvious that he had encountered quite a lot of things! I don't need to inquire too much with setier. There's no need!

But what exactly did Ding Yu mention to Thornton? It made Thornton lose his mind! This has never happened before! And is Ding Yu taking revenge? This question? Bruno really felt so helpless! After all, Ding Yu is so careful!

I've got Ding Yu's army on my side! And Ding Yu in turn received the matter through Thornton! Just give yourself a note!

Of course it's not a back stab. It's like a child's mischief! Whether it's yourself or Ding Yu? I'm afraid it won't be treated as a thing! So Bruno didn't show too much anxiety! It's really not necessary!

When he came to the room, Thornton still sat on the chair, and the whole person was a little calm!

"Mr. Bruno!" although Bruno expressed understanding, Thornton stood up! Expressed respect and respect for Bruno's arrival! After all, the grace of saving lives! Any courtesy will not be excessive!

But Bruno didn't have any intention to handle it. He personally helped Thornton sit down, and then sat down next to him. Of course, when he sat down, he also motioned to setier! I didn't mean to be serious with setier. It's demeaning on such an occasion!

When they're all seated! Thornton said suspiciously! "Mr. Bruno, I don't doubt you! If I doubt you, there's no reason to say! I don't doubt Mr. setier either! Because he can't understand! But this matter makes me very confused! Of course, this matter can't be announced to the public! At least not now! Because I'm not so sure now! What's the news from Where? What a surprise! "

"Master Thornton! What on earth is it? It makes you so confused!"

"The family emblem! From what we have learned, we can find that the tradition of the family emblem is inherited from the middle ages!"

Setier thought about it for a while! "I know some! But specifically, I don't know so much!" then my eyes turned to Bruno!

Bruno looked at Thornton with a strange expression! "It's not so strange that Ding Yu knows about this! There should be other problems!"

"It's normal that he has a good understanding of the family badge and even the system! But he knows the origin of the badge! He even has an unusual understanding!"

"It's impossible!" I haven't waited for Bruno to speak! Setier cried! Because setier didn't dare to say that he knew a lot about it, Bruno nodded slightly! "I've seen some! But to understand? No one dares to say so! No one will say so!"

Obviously, Bruno is making some affirmation! Even Bruno's current identity will not do such things. After all, these involve the ultimate secret! If Bruno reveals it, it may even destroy the family! At that time, no one can say clearly, it will have no effect!

"Yes! I believe even Mr. Bruno doesn't know as much as he imagined! Because it's a family secret! I don't know where Mr. Ding Yuding knew it! Although it's modern society! But these things have become stale! Who will find out?"

Bruno and setier looked at each other, because they both felt that things were too difficult!

"You know, although I am the most legitimate existence in the family! Even if it is me, I just heard about it! But Mr. Ding Yuding can say it well! This makes me feel a little chilly! Of course, Mr. Ding told me this, not to warn me! I understand this very well!"

"Not a warning?" setier had considerable doubt about it! Not a warning, not a threat, what is it?

Thornton gave him a calm look! "It's mainly because of Mengxi, but Mr. Ding doesn't mean to tell Mengxi about such a thing! This makes me very anxious! Even my thoughts have begun to be confused! Mr. Ding is definitely an asshole! In quite a way, he has gone too far! Bullying!"

For Thornton's sudden break, Bruno and setier looked at each other! There were even some helpless. Fortunately, Thornton didn't lose control for a very long time and soon recovered!

"I'm sorry! It's mainly that I accepted a little too many things before! Mr. Ding is too disrespectful sometimes!"

Bruno feels a little interesting, while setier's eyebrows are wrinkled. Obviously, what they think is not on this channel at all! As for who is right and who is wrong, is that true? should be regarded as a different matter!

"As far as I know, Ding Yu is not an aimless person!" Bruno sighed! "Although I have been his good friend for so many years, I have really grasped his context. It's a bit of nonsense, and even I don't believe it! But the questions in this make me and setier unable to answer!"

Looking at the satyr who was going to speak, Bruno winked at him!

Even if you want to die, you can't take this way! The problem inside is really too big! The big one is boundless! With myself, I can't make it clear! Not to mention setier! It's true that he is knowledgeable, but the secrets involved are not yours!

Setier was a little puzzled, but what could make Mr. Bruno so cautious?

"Mr. Bruno! Impolite, I'm going to be convenient!"

With the help of setier, Thornton came to the bathroom with him! "Master Thornton, you doubt Mr. Bruno!"

"No! I don't doubt him, because there is no reason! Of course, I don't doubt you, but I can't mention it face to face. Just now, my mind was a little confused! This time, it's too strange! In the whole family, even I can't touch too much!"

Thornton nodded to setier! How can you and Bruno know something I don't even know?

"Mr. Bruno, don't you know?"

"He can never know!" Thornton came out with setier at this time, obviously with some intentional meaning! And Thornton believes that Bruno can certainly see through the intention! As for setier? To some extent, it's too far from Bruno! They are not at the same level!

"That's strange! The time is a little inappropriate now! But I'll contact my father!" Thornton looked at satyr! "This matter is over for the time being! It's limited to the three of us! I'll mention it to Mr. Bruno!"

"I see!" setier nodded solemnly at Thornton!

"Contact home. If my father has time, I want to talk to him!"

Setier was very happy, because it was obvious that master Thornton looked at himself so differently!

After returning from the bathroom, Thornton was alone, holding the auxiliary tools. He still walked a little shaky and staggered, but he refused Bruno's help and even gave him a vague smile!

"Mr. Bruno, Mr. Ding has instilled a little more into me this time!"

Obviously, Ding Yu would never have done this without Mr. Bruno. Thornton knows this very well, but it's not easy to express his gratitude directly now!

"Hi!" Bruno, who sat down, couldn't help sighing! "Ding Yu, this guy! No one can see what's on his mind! It's a headache to be an opponent with him. It's a happy thing to be a friend with him, of course! Sometimes it's not very pleasant! This guy is too careful!"

"I feel it when I hear you say that! Sometimes I'm too careful!"

"But it's OK! Sitting in his position and considering problems at a considerable time, we always need to start from our own interests! It's not a simple thing to balance considerable interests! So it's a little impressive!"

"Mr. Bruno, it's hard to imagine that you can become friends with him! After all, you two have quite different personalities, which is also puzzling!"

"It's not so puzzling. I like making friends. Similarly, Ding Yu is so proud! It's not that he despises others! It's really not the same thing! It's mainly because he is a little different! It's better to be honest with him!"

Bruno's words are not aimless, but mean something!

"Mr. Bruno, sometimes when talking to Mr. Ding, it's difficult to find out what he meant. It's very difficult to understand! More importantly, every sentence has a deep meaning! My head is not enough! What you instill into me is like filling a duck! My mother!"

Bruno smiled at Thornton's complaint!

"He doesn't have such an attitude towards the children at home, but you are quite different from the children of the Ding family. On the one hand, your identity is quite different. On the other hand, your current situation is quite different!"

Speaking of this point, it's OK! As for the others, there is really no need!

"Mr. Bruno, I'd like to ask, how do you usually talk to Mr. Ding?"

Bruno couldn't help shaking his head! "Don't talk about things! We can generally guess what the other party is thinking! Yes! No! Or ambiguous! After it is determined, the rest has nothing to do with us?"

Ah? Thornton exclaimed, but then he reacted again! "Some children's play, but it seems to say the essence!"

"There will be quarrels between Ding Yu and me sometimes, because this guy is too stingy. There are a lot of good things, but it may also be due to his many friends, so I can only come to the door and grab it! Otherwise, without my share! This is something I can't tolerate!"

"I haven't heard any rumors about this! But it's a very interesting thing!"

"Ding Yu doesn't really care about these things. In fact, no one cares so much in this position, but things are really good things. Unfortunately, they are produced too little! Even if the whole earth is included, there is not too much! This is something that modern science and technology can't solve! It's also a helpless thing! There is almost a considerable gap!"

In this regard, Bruno really has a considerable regret!

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