At night, setier came in again and nodded to Thornton and Bruno sitting there!

Bruno stood up, smiled at Thornton and left the room, while setier closed the door!

Everything seems so natural and natural!

"Why? Do you have something you don't understand?" Bruno asked casually, looking at setier behind him!

"Yes! Quite puzzled!" it is obvious that setier can still reach a considerable consensus with Bruno in some aspects! After all, this time something serious! Setier felt it even if he was dull!

Bruno took him a long way before he stopped his steps! "There are some things you shouldn't ask. It won't do you any good, and it won't do me any good. Moreover, there are too many things involved. Don't show any curiosity!"

This warning is very strong!

"Why does Mr. Ding Yuding know?" setier looked at Bruno and expressed some doubt!

In this regard, Bruno also felt a little headache! Even showed a puzzled look!

"You asked me this question! Even I don't know how to answer it!"

Setier almost stumbled! Looking at Bruno with an uncertain look, you are a giant. Although you know that you like to joke at ordinary times, is it a little inappropriate to joke at this time!

Although the relationship between us is quite tangled, I won't even deny it! But now it's urgent! You can't be too serious! isn't it?

"Mr. Bruno, this joke is not very funny!" setier's expression was a little serious!

Bruno, this is shaking his head! "This is not a joke. Even I don't know some of them! So how do you let me mention it now?"

"How is this possible?" Bruno's expression was a little shocked! How could you not know? Don't play with me!

"You think it's impossible, but for me! I can't make such a thing to perfunctory you! That's the reality! So don't be too surprised! If you really mention it, these are the secrets of the family, and each family has its own secrets! And these secrets, to a certain extent, are not publicized to others!"

"But Ding Yu knows! It's incredible!"

"The specific reason depends on Thornton! It's not something you and I can solve. Even you and I don't want to touch!" Bruno took a deep look at setier! "I already told you!"

This is already the most serious warning! As for whether setier can listen, this is not what Bruno should care about! Maybe you can hear it! Maybe as a breeze, who knows? But it doesn't seem to have much to do with yourself!

But in my heart, Bruno really has some doubts! Where did Ding Yu know about this? This is incredible!

Thornton listened to his father's voice on the phone and was silent for a little time! "Father, are you and your mother well? Everything is well at home?"

Good was stunned! "Wait a minute, I'll wash my face!" obviously, Goodall realized some problems! I didn't expect my son to make such progress! How dare you say such words! He was also like this when he was young, but due to his illness, two years was so abandoned!

If it is stagnant, it may be better, but it has been abandoned for two years! Almost let the child's life whine! It even had a considerable impact on Thornton! I'm afraid any father can't stand it!

Now Thornton is back! After the telephone connection, he asked himself and his mother, but what was the hidden meaning of the words? Just ask if the line is safe! Both aspects have been taken into account! not bad It's really very good! Leave him with Ding Yu! On the one hand, we can give consideration to his safety. On the other hand, Ding Yu still has a considerable effect on his guidance!

Although he and Ding Yu are on the opposite side! But I really appreciate Ding Yu!

Even on the issue of his son, I owe Bruno a very big favor. Of course, Ding Yu? The same is true. It's just that it's not easy to make this expression because of some aspects!

After the phone was connected again, Goodall restrained his excitement! At the same time, there is also some curiosity about why his son called! I haven't done that before! There is a considerable reason for this is due to myself! Of course, Thornton is not so convenient!

"I hear you're getting better?" said Goodall of course! Even slightly plain, sitting in his position, quite often will not vent their feelings, even if the person opposite is their own son! Even his life was almost reimbursed! But I must be stable now!

"Not bad! Thanks to the escort of Mr. Bruno and Mr. setier and Mr. Ding's treatment, considerable results have been achieved, which makes you and your mother worried!"

There's something wrong with that! Goodall was acutely aware of the problem! In terms of the situation, he is close to Bruno, which should be! But obviously, the son mentioned Bruno and setier separately! From here, we can feel the intimacy between each other!

I can know the problem because I have a considerable understanding and analysis, so how did my son realize it! Even mentioned this in front of his own face because setier was too strong? Or because of Ding Yu? As far as he knows, Bruno seems to be taboo about it!

Quite often, he meant to avoid it on purpose! Absolutely smart!

"Now that you have stayed with Ding Yu, you can ask for advice if you have a chance!" Goodall said separately! "But setier's knowledge is still very profound!"

Thornton, um! "I've learned a lot and gained a lot of knowledge. It's Mr. Ding's side? It's a little too much!"

"Oh?" Goodall is really not interested in this! "I haven't had any positive contact with Ding Yu, but from my personal point of view, he is still very capable and an extraordinary person! Even in my eyes, there is a little admiration! What a pity!"

"He also said such things. He said that you appreciate your father very much, but the two people stand from different angles!" Thornton said truthfully. "But there are not many references in this aspect! Now it seems that my father has a good heart with him! But he behaves very excessively at a considerable time! Even many times, I can't control my emotions!"

"Can't control your emotions?" Goodall was stunned, but then he laughed! "It's a very interesting thing. I remember when you were at home, even if you were ill! You can keep your mood well! There's no problem. It seems that Ding Yu is really a little too much!"

"I heard he went there with his little apprentice!"

"That guy is hard to describe. I haven't seen any other Ding children!" Thornton said angrily! "Now I can understand why Mr. Ding is doing so. The gap between them is a little big, so Mengxi can practice his hands well. It's not enough. This guy is a little different from ordinary people! It's hard to do!"

"It's not easy for you to say such words, but looking at Ding Yu for so many years, there are few people who can be valued by him! Quite often, he is very picky!"

"Sometimes it's too difficult to instill something into me! He didn't think about it at all. I'm a patient and I'm a child!" Thornton complained! "Even most of the things inside need to think! Need to think! And he still has one day, every day, which makes people very angry!"

Combined with what he knows, Goodall has been able to make a considerable analysis on the whole!

Obviously, Ding Yu treats his son differently! But a large part of them would like to? Or because of Bruno, otherwise even if his son's qualification is good, what can he do? Ding Yu just doesn't have to look at you! It's also a helpless thing! Not to mention the relationship between each other, there are already considerable problems!

"Speaking of it, what's the matter with me?" Goodall asked seemingly indifferently!

"Father! Family affairs may spread?" Thornton asked cautiously! "When I was sitting with Mr. Ding and Muncy today, I talked about two things! He mentioned the family emblem, but he didn't make a specific disclosure! I was very skeptical about it, even my mood was difficult to settle, and I was a little excited for a moment! But Mr. Bruno and Mr. setier could not know, even I knew a little! I was very skeptical about it!"

oh Um! Goodall was silent too! After a little time, I sighed! "There are always powerful people, but it's no big deal. It's quite normal! There's no need to be too strange!"

Ah? Thornton even couldn't help shouting. How could his father do this?

"Father, it's a family secret. Even I don't know it. Why does Mr. Ding know it? Is it within the family?"

Goodall smiled, "it's not a problem within the family! I've heard of it! I didn't expect it to be read through for so many years. I can see that Mr. Ding has been involved in a wide range! You can read it when you have time, but I don't know what you can see!"

Ah? Thornton is a little silly! "Father! Do you really have this book? How can this be possible? How can the family let such a Book spread?"

"Many people have read it, but not many people can understand it!" Goodall snorted! "Even within the family, not many people can understand it. I heard about it when I was a child! If you don't mention it, I'll forget it! There's no need to pay attention to it! Because those who understand it will understand it! Those who can't understand it! Even if they turn the book into pieces, it won't have any effect!"

That's a bit of a blow!

"Mr. Ding seems to say the same, but not to me, but to his apprentice! I thought he was deliberately mocking me at that time! Now it seems that I think a little more!"

"I will tell your mother. Since I can stay with Ding Yu, your mother and I are very relieved!"

"Yes! Father and mother also pay attention to their bodies!" Thornton felt a little choked when he put down the phone! The reason naturally lies in Ding Yu. Now Thornton finally understands this matter! Ding Yu did it on purpose!

When Bruno and setier come back in! Thornton nodded at the two men!

"That's it! Don't spread it!"

Bruno and setier nodded their heads! "Mr. Bruno, I'm giving you trouble!"

Bruno smiled, without much other expression, and then turned and left! After seeing Bruno off, setier turned back and looked at Thornton who was still sitting there! I asked tentatively! "Master Thornton? It has nothing to do with Mr. Bruno!"

Thornton looked up and shook his head slightly! "It has nothing to do with Mr. Bruno. He can't get involved in this matter! Even within the family, no one can get involved, but my father doesn't care so much about it! There's no need to investigate the specific situation! That's all!"

"I still don't understand. Mr. Bruno doesn't know, so how does Mr. Ding Yuding know? This explanation is different!"

Thornton looked at setier. He had mentioned it just now! That's all for you! I'm still tireless. What's the matter? Is that what you mean by never giving up until you reach your goal?

However, Thornton didn't mean to turn his face with setier, and even went down the slope, "father mentioned it to me! There's no precedent for this matter, but he wasn't so surprised by what his father said!"

Thornton also showed a worried look! "Based on Mr. Ding Yuding's words, I feel that there are too many explanations between each other! It is obvious that Mr. Ding has the meaning of deliberately warning, even not just to warn me, while his father's attitude towards this matter is a little tasteless!"

"Tasteless? How is this possible? From Mr. Bruno's attitude, I can see that he is very cautious! Even a little worried!"

Thornton has seen and understood the thought of setier very clearly. There may have been some burden in his heart, but now? Thornton really doesn't have any psychological burden!

But in this matter, I really need to consider my father's attitude. I've had quite a test when I talk to my father! Father seems to have other ideas about it! This idea is now elusive!

My father didn't mean to object to Mr. Ding Yuding's affairs, even there was some joy, and some encouragement was revealed between the lines! I also mentioned Mr. Bruno and Mr. setier, but I didn't have any feelings!

This is very strange! So I still need to have a look! Anyway, it's still early, not to mention it won't have any impact on yourself in other aspects. After all, this is Mr. Ding Yuding's territory. If you say you have a considerable problem here! This joke is a little too big!

So at this time, try to fool setier! Since he shows such interest, he can't let him down!

"Mr. Bruno obviously doesn't want to get involved in this!" Thornton mentioned it if he meant something! "But I can understand that he is quite different from Mr. Ding in this regard!"

"But how on earth did Mr. Ding know? It's too strange! It can't be without reason! If such a thing can't be investigated clearly?" setier didn't say much about the rest, but just looked at Thornton!

Thornton also looked at setier and shook his head after a while! "No! It's not right now! It's not right!" although Thornton's age is relatively young, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand everything! What's more, with Ding Yu's advice and his historical background, he can well control the situation!

In fact, this is also deeply infected by Ding Yu! Quite often, Ding Yu will grasp the context of the main body. As for the details, there is no need to care too much!

So now Thornton is learning to be like a model. I just need to keep a good subject! We can't investigate this time! Can not be divorced from the overall situation! Otherwise, the father's side will be unreasonable first, and his side is still on Ding Yu's land!

Investigate in front of Ding Yu. It's not as simple as giving or not giving Ding Yu face!

It's just deliberately slapping Ding Yu in the face! Needless to say, we all know what the consequences will be!

As for saitir, he can still understand, but saitir can say that he is particularly satisfied with Thornton's attitude! Judging from the current situation, Thornton is obviously dissatisfied with Ding Yu, and even has a considerable taboo! Have shown considerable dependence on themselves!

However, Mr. hegood expressed indifference to this! Even if master Thornton has considerable opinions and ideas, now he can only be pressed in his own heart without any expression. For setier, there are too many opportunities worth writing! It depends on how to operate in the future!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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