Wang Yang's conversation with his brother can't be said to be very pleasant, because his brother's speech is so profound that he has to turn his mind all the time so that he can understand the problems and the situation. This teaching method is really the first time for me.

I am very clear, if it is not because of their own identity, the brother sitting in front of him would never speak like this. Although the way of speaking makes people feel that they are not able to accept, but they have realized a lot of things. This is true.

Ding Yu took a look at his arrangement, and then he also looked at Wang Yang and said, "after three o'clock in the afternoon, I have nothing to do. You come to pick me up. There are so many problems with the dress on your body. I just want to introduce a person to you. He is also here in the capital these two days."

In the afternoon, Ding Yu led Wang Yang to the courtyard. However, Ding Yu really met his acquaintances here. It turned out to be her sister Ding Ding. She was standing there communicating with an old guy. They were talking about something in a low voice. Wang Yang was also slightly stunned. He did not expect that he would meet Ding Ding Ding here.

Ding Ding stares at her elder brother, but she soon realizes that her elder brother will not come to find trouble for herself. Then she also takes a look at the young man behind her brother and nods his head, which is a greeting. Wang Yang is the same.

"Dinner together in the evening?" Taking advantage of her spare time, Ding Yu also inquired and said that, anyway, she was free today, Ding Ding Ding directly shook her head, "come on, the most boring thing to eat with you, I have already made an appointment with other people in the evening." After saying that, he also looked at the time above his hand, "no more, I'll go first!"

Looking at Ding Ding Ding, who is leaving in a storm, Ding Yu also smiles, and then reaches out his hand, "Hello, Pete." Ding Yu did not have the identity and position of the reason for a slight slight slight, performance is very polite, "Ding Ding this girl, come to trouble you again!"

"Mr. Ding, this is my pleasure!"

Peter's attitude made him feel very satisfied, and then Ding Yu also let Wang Yang behind him give way. "Wang Yang, just entered the society, may show his hands and feet in the mall. His identity is relatively special. I hope to be able to show a little introverted and low-key, and don't be too ostentatious. But are you young? It needs a little bit of energy! "

Listening to Ding Yu's discussion, Peter understood it. Then he asked Wang Yang to take off his shoes and stand on a platform. Peter also took out his little book and recorded some things on it. What about Porter's Chinese? Can only understand a few words, so many need to communicate in English.

What about Wang Yang's English? It seems to be good, but the actual communication is another thing. He has no way to measure carefully like his own brother, and then he says to Ding Yu, "Mr. Ding, I can recommend Ellen to him. In terms of temperament, he is more suitable!"

"You are a professional, but I need to show his temperament and character perfectly. There is no room for discussion about this point!" Ding Yu's attitude is also a little bit tough, "give him a little explanation of the aspects that need to be paid attention to, and give him a repair. It makes people feel messy! It's not very decent! "

Listen to brother's words, Wang Yang also looked at his dress, did not feel what problem! It's good, but why does my elder brother make such a judgment? What's more, the look in the eyes of this foreigner is similar to that of seeing dog excrement to a certain extent. At least he feels like this.

You should know that the clothes on your body are really very expensive, at least for yourself, it costs a lot of money, but? Whether it's your elder brother or the foreigner in front of you, you seem to have some disdain for it. You can't tell where the superiority comes from! Let oneself feel very helpless!

After waiting for about two hours, Wang Yang came out with a new look. Ding Yu, sitting there, also looked at him and nodded his head slightly. The rest of the work was done by his assistant.

Wang Yang looked at his clothes and clothes, and then looked at his brother. He felt that it was very good, but it was really a piece of money and goods. He didn't ask how much he had on his whole set, but it would never be too cheap, just like the watch on his hand.

"Brother, why do you want this?" Although I like this kind of dress up very much, the problem is that I don't feel how much meaning there is in it. Is it really necessary to spend this money? From their own feelings, the family for such things, did not see is an attitude of acceptance, even certain.

"The road you take is slightly different. What you need to pay attention to is the first impression that others have on you, which is particularly important. At least I think so. As for what people in the family think, the answer I give you is that you don't pay any attention to it. As for whether you understand it or not, it has nothing to do with me!"In the evening, Ding Yu didn't mean to have dinner together. Ding Yu stayed at the courtyard and had dinner with the children. Wang Yang left Wang Yang alone. Wang Yang complained about this. After looking at the time, he took his car and went back to his grandfather and grandmother.

On the way back, I was also thinking about what my brother's last words meant? What does it mean not to care about what the family thinks and how to understand this problem?

It's impossible not to care about the thoughts of the family. But the problem is that my brother said something like this again. It seems that the words are not much like the meaning of bewitching yourself. What are the deep reasons for this? Although the contact time with his brother is not long, Wang Yang still feels great pressure.

This is essentially different from Ding Ding Ding. Ding Ding can say that what she takes over is ready-made things, and she doesn't need to be responsible for anyone else. What's more, what about the things on her hands? Basically, it's all real estate. Just wait for the appreciation.

But what about the things you take over? If you want to appreciate, then you need to fight hard and wait for dividends? It can only be used to ensure the normal use of the family. It will have some effect, but it will never be as big as you imagine. It is not like sitting and eating and waiting for death to put yourself in the home.

If you really want to die in this position, you may be replaced by someone in a short time. This is absolutely certain. You will never let yourself stay there for the sake of your own identity. Interests are the most important, and other things are not the key.

When he thought of this, Wang Yang also stepped on the brake, and the car stopped motionless. Fortunately, there were no cars in front of and behind, so there was no so-called traffic accident. However, Wang Yang seems to have grasped some things at this time. What elder brother said is too profound. He can't understand all of them for a moment, but he can only slowly understand them I understand.

"There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests! Is that what I mean Holding the steering wheel, Wang Yang murmured, "that is to say, as long as it can bring benefits, then it is not any problem to dress up. It doesn't matter if you show too much in other aspects. Is that right?"

When he returned to his grandfather's and grandmother's residence, Wang Yang also thought about this problem. At least, he thought about it. When he got home, there were other people. Wang Hui was waiting for a small dish to serve. Looking at the man who came in suddenly, he was stunned. It took him a long time to wake up and stand in front of him Man is his nephew.

"Oh, boy, it's very spiritual! It's just like a different person! "

After putting the dishes away, he also looked at Wang Yang's ears carefully, and then he held Wang Yang's ear with a flash of thunder. "Are you stupid, or something wrong? Dressing up to see your grandfather and grandmother, do you think you don't need to be beaten when you are old?"

While talking, the old man and the old lady also came out. They were stunned to see Wang Hui tugging at Wang Yang's ear. However, after seeing Wang Yang's dress up, they also watched for a period of time, which was beyond Wang Hui's expectation. The father and mother did not say anything, and their attitude made people feel a little different.

During the meal, Wang Hui also paid attention to her father and mother, and then to her nephew. What about some problems and conditions in the family? Let me feel a little confused, the husband before and after the back of a big black pot, but this problem is solved by the father and mother.

At that time, I was very suspicious that I couldn't take out the money at home. Since I couldn't take out the money, where did the money come from? Looking at the performance of my nephew today, it seemed that it was very unusual. I still had this insight. Wang Yang's dress would not be too cheap.

Was that money from Wang Yang earlier? Although Wang Hui said that she was not very interested in this, she grew up in such a family and had some judgments about some things. If Wang Yang did this, the affected people would be his second brother, and the relationship would be very big.

The old man can't be unclear, so this person will definitely not be Wang Yang, but if it is not Wang Yang, then what is the meaning of his dress now? Wang Hui's meal can be said to have no mind, all of his thoughts were attracted by his nephew in the past.

After a period of time after eating, Yuan Chenglin also rushed to come. He should have had a meal. Otherwise, the family would definitely wait for him. He didn't care about that moment and a half. "Chenglin comes with me, Wang Yang, you come in too!"

Yuan Chenglin looked at his wife with some puzzlement, and then put it on Wang Yang's body. After looking at it, he was also a little surprised. This dress was really a little special, but from the outside, it was quite right. The whole person looked at him with great spirit and dignity.When I saw Wang Yang's watch, the corner of Yuan Chenglin's mouth twitched slightly, which was a little too luxurious! The reason why I am more familiar with this is that my father left him a watch in his lifetime, which is the same brand as this one.

That watch is one of the few relics of my father, so it means a lot to me, and I have some understanding of this aspect. Therefore, seeing Wang Yang's watch, Yuan Chenglin obviously felt a little shocked. If it is not a fake, then the value is really expensive!

"Sit down!" The old man also took the lead to sit down, while Wang Yang did it after his grandparents and uncles sat down. Wang Pu took a look at Wang Yang and nodded his head. Originally, he was submissive at home. Today's performance is pretty good, at least it looks like a little bit.

"Your brother's request? Today's dress is a little special, but it's very spiritual

"Well, I went to see him in the morning and was well educated by him. Then in the afternoon, I was like this and told me some truth and experience, but I haven't figured it out yet!"

Listening to the conversation between Yeh and sun, Yuan Chenglin also felt puzzled. What to do with what! Who is the brother in the mouth of Wang Yang? But then yuan Chenglin's head was buzzing, and the whole person even stood up involuntarily. He and Wang Changlin were young, and they were really brothers.

Wang Pu looked at his son-in-law's appearance, but also put his hand, let him calm down for a while, this age is not small, "Dad, the boss found? Do you know When he spoke, Yuan Changlin was also a little excited, rarely able to see him like this, it is obvious that he is also very concerned about this nephew!

"Yes, it's a big matter, so I haven't been able to tell you all the time. The sophomore has already known about it before. Their father and son have met each other, and they get along well." In fact, when he said this, Wang Pu also felt a little awkward. The so-called getting along well was just one of his own words.

"It's really wonderful. I finally found it!" Yuan Chenglin's face was so red that there was no way to describe the relationship between himself and his second brother. Originally, the relationship between the elders was quite good, but later his father and mother didn't survive. His father-in-law gave a hand at that time.

It's also interesting to say that his name is yuan Chenglin, and his second brother is Wang Changlin, both of them are Lin. at that time, the old people of the two families almost fought for such a name. But then yuan Chenglin seemed to think of something, "Dad, did this child solve my problems before?"

"Well, it's basically the child who solves them, but it involves some other problems. What about Ding Yu's family problems and situations? It's not like that? "

Ding Yu? When he heard the name, Yuan Chenglin was also slightly stunned. He didn't have the surname of Wang, but his surname was Ding. He took a look at his mother-in-law. The old lady also laughed and nodded her head to confirm yuan Chenglin's idea. There was nothing to hide. What should be done is what to do.

"I seem to have some impression of this name!" Yuan Changlin seems to have heard the name somewhere.

"At the beginning, I had a fight with Xia Yang and Zhong Yun." Hearing what Yue said, Yuan Changlin immediately remembered, "no wonder I'm so familiar, but I've just heard some news about it. As for other news, I haven't heard much about it!"

"It's not a low-key, but it's because of this that it's more difficult to deal with. What's the child's consideration of some problems? It is also different from ordinary people. There are other considerations in the family, so I also talked with him about some conditions. After all, we can't walk on one leg at home! "

Yuan Changlin took a look at Wang Yang, and he understood more or less, "Dad, what kind of work does Ding Yu do now?"

"It's a doctor!" Wang Pu also said slowly, "what kind of forces are behind him? I am not very clear about this problem, because his main forces are basically abroad, and have certain relations and cooperation with the military, but I don't know much about what kind of forces they are. The situation is so big that the above is like this!"

Yuan Chenglin's mouth also slightly twitched two times, "Dad, who raised him?"

"It was raised by a very ordinary family. However, when I was growing up, I suffered some setbacks and fluctuations. In addition, I stayed in the army for a little longer, so I developed a strong character. I talked with your mother and her several times, but the results were not so ideal. He also had his own consideration!"

Yuan Chenglin already understood that he had talked with Ding Yu at home, but he didn't get a good result, so he took another road. But according to his own understanding, father-in-law and mother-in-law should not behave so carefully! They are all children in the family. Now we can't talk about it. Take your time!The old lady may also see her son-in-law's doubts, but also said a light, "we are all old!" As soon as he said this, Yuan Changlin realized it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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