Yuan Chenglin also understood why his father-in-law and his mother-in-law should talk about this issue with himself today. From another perspective, there will be no economic problems in the family in the future. Some things need not be said too clearly!

The family has given enough hints to himself, but yuan Chenglin also has some doubts. What does his nephew do? The so-called doctor should be a hidden identity! There should be other identities behind it? They grew up in ordinary families, but they have a close relationship with the military, and they have no connection at all.

Yuan Chenglin feels that there are so many incomprehensible! However, the old man continued to say, "I have reached an agreement with Ding Yu in this respect. What about this matter? It won't be publicized for the time being. It's OK for the family to know. Now all the things are carried by Wang Yang! He is the most suitable person

I have seen Wang Yang's dress up, but it is very good. At least, it gives people a very comfortable first impression. It is not publicized at all, but it seems very calm and low-key, with connotation. However, many things can't be seen from the appearance, but yuan Chenglin is really ready to say something about it.

"Dad, can Yang Yang take the responsibility?" Yuan Chenglin also sincerely asked about this, not to say that Yuan Chenglin had any opinions and ideas about Wang Yang, but because he was worried about Wang Yang. After all, Wang Yang has just entered the society. "To a certain extent, this has destroyed more than half of Wang Yang's future. Is it appropriate?"

Wang Pu's expression is also slightly depressed, "two reasons, on the one hand, Wang Yang is the most suitable candidate, not only our family, but also the Su family. In addition to him, other people are not suitable, at least for now. On the other hand, Ding Yu, that bastard, doesn't mean this! I... "

Yuan Chenglin did not hear the last sentence. His father-in-law was obviously not so simple as to complain, otherwise he would not be rude. This is really rare. He has not heard his father-in-law's words for many years. It is really not easy!

"He tried to distinguish his relationship with his family?"

"I can't say that, but what about the attitude of the family? Some of them are worth pondering, and some people are not clear about it. Otherwise, your mother and I would not deal with this matter like this! "

Looking at his grandfather and looking at himself, Wang Yang also said slowly, "previously I yearned for this matter, but after I took over, I found that things were not as easy as I imagined. The pressure of these industries was really too great. I went to see my brother this morning and was taught a lesson!"

Yuan Chenglin looked at Wang Yang, "I don't know about your brother's affairs, so I heard some things. Those things can't be the basis and conditions for judgment. If you have time, you should sit down and have a good meal and have a good chat."

Wang Yang looked at his grandfather and grandmother. After they agreed, he said, "my father and mother have met, and so has my sister. Earlier, my brother went to my father's place. One of his comrades in arms died. The situation was quite special. On that day, I was present at the special brigade directly under the military region, at least one platoon It's more like a garrison there

This also made yuan Chenglin realize something. It's not that there are no other ideas in his family, but the problem is that he can't get off at this time. It's true that this person is a grandson, even the eldest grandson of Changfang. "He's still a member of the military?"

"No, but the military had some advantages at the beginning, so Ding Yu was robbed in his own hands. The child has a special right in his hand. He has a very good relationship with the British side. He has a special immunity to enter and leave Britain, which is more special than the so-called diplomatic immunity."

Hearing his father-in-law say so, Yuan Changlin is more and more interested, his nephew is really extraordinary! I know that he is not old at all, but it is very unusual to do such things at this age.

"Why don't you go home? Are there any other concerns? "

The old lady also began to smile bitterly, "no one can say exactly what it is because of. In the past, I didn't dare to ask, but now I can't ask. The little guy is still quite aloof and proud. What about his character? It's a little bit indifferent. It's true for everything. I've always wanted to see his assessment report in the army, but I never had a chance! "

"Not even the Su family?" Because he knew the relationship between his father-in-law and his family, Yuan Chenglin also asked more questions.

The old lady shook her head. Although she said that the Su family was a member of the military, and her in laws were also a big tiger in the military at the beginning, the nature of their affiliation was not ordinary. Therefore, it was OK to investigate some ordinary situations, such as the special situation of her grandson, which was not as simple as imagined.

"Yang Yang, it seems that you can only go up with your own scalp!"

Wang Yang also laughed, a little reluctant to smile, and then under the sign of his grandfather and grandmother, he also came out. Looking at the aunt sitting there, he also grabbed a peeled apple and ate it for himself. Wang Hui looked at his nephew and looked at the room over there, "you're making a fortune!""Auntie, don't make fun of me. I don't know how to deal with myself now!" Although it's my aunt, what about some things? I can't say what I can't say. My uncle said it was another thing. Although I didn't mean to hide it when I talked about it with my uncle today, it's a rule that this news can't be leaked out from myself.

Of course, Wang Hui didn't mean to ask. She grew up in this family, and she knew almost everything. Since her nephew didn't say it, she wouldn't ask. If she really asked, it would only make each other very embarrassed. Is nephew saying or not?

I just need to wait for a period of time. Either my husband will tell me, or my father and mother will warn me severely. That's it. There is nothing different. I've been used to it for a long time.

"Dad, Yang Yang seems to have been hit a little bit. In the past, he was very happy, but now he seems to be carrying a little bit of pressure?" Yuan Chenglin also said tentatively, because he really saw that Wang Yang, a child, can hold on, but how long it can last is unclear.

"Ding Yu mentioned this issue to me earlier. He can arrange Yangyang to Goldman Sachs. Do you think it is appropriate?" Wang Pu also sighed and said, Yuan Chenglin also pursed his mouth. What does Goldman Sachs mean? He is very clear. It is a deep pool.

If people from the Wang family are involved in such places as Goldman Sachs, it will be difficult to explain clearly at that time. Although it is definitely a place to train people, it is not easy to say whether it is going to the clouds or falling into hell. However, Ding Yu is a tough boy who wants to send his younger brother to such a place.

"If we don't have the identity of the Wang family, I hope so. There's nothing wrong with exercise!" Wang Pu also set the plate for this matter. Yuan Chenglin hesitated and nodded. Goldman Sachs is a very good place to exercise. Not everyone has such an opportunity.

"Now Yangyang is holding this golden rice bowl. Although he is no longer in the downtown area, the danger is still a little bit too big. This is also the reason why Yangyang feels afraid!"

"This is not the most important thing. The main thing is that Ding Yu's meaning is very clear. He would rather let the money go to waste, but also let Yang Yang exercise. Anyway, he has such an attitude. Now he will look at the choice of sitting in the house. It is enough to eat interest and dividends for the family expenses."

"This is a big problem. What's the opinion of the Su family on this matter?" After all, this is not a family affair, and even if it is a family affair, the opinions of the people in the family can be unified when the old man and the old lady are present, but can they still be unified when they are not?

"At present, the Su family doesn't know much about this." After saying that, Wang Pu also took a look at his wife, and the two looked at each other. "At the beginning of your business, he sent a bank check of 230 million yuan, and the remaining 30 million yuan was used to pay off the account. Later, he sent a check. Old Su tou felt unbalanced in his heart, so Ding Yu also sent an equivalent check, but let Lao Su tou Take a shower of wax

When talking about this, Wang Pu also laughed. Yuan Chenglin also felt that he could not understand. He had a hot temper. He knew this, but he didn't expect that he was still a child at this age.

"It's just taking money instead of money." Even if there is no small amount of money in the company, it seems that the rules are very strict!

"I really don't know what the power and financial resources behind him are. However, he went to South Korea two days ago and had a quarrel with SK in South Korea. SK bowed his head and met Li Jianxi of Samsung. It's not clear what is involved. Anyway, this guy has no meaning to say!"

Yuan Chenglin also feels that he has some toothache. Relatively speaking, Li Jianxi is more famous. But SK is the representative of South Korean energy, which can make SK bow its head. How big the power behind this depends on absolutely not the simple means. When thinking about this, Yuan Chenglin also takes a long breath.

The more you know about it, the more you feel that your nephew is so unusual that he is simply non-human. "Dad, he is a doctor. Is this his cover up identity?"

"No, this is his identity, and his work is very excellent. He was involved in the operation of Lao Qu before. At that time, your mother suddenly found him. This is a commonplace thing and has no significance. Who are his subordinates? I don't know, I don't know. There are too few people in the open! What is it like to be cautious? "

"Can you be sure of his identity?"

Yuan Changlin's words have two meanings. It is a matter of great doubt that Ding Yu can take out such a large sum of money. Moreover, it is the identity of Ding Yu's royal family. Can this also be guaranteed?"There is no problem with these two things!" Wang Pu also nodded his head, "but I also have some doubts, this cautious a little bit too much, why? I'm not sure. I doubt that anyone has such a defensive posture? Is it because of his training in the military? But I can't find any clue! "

Yuan Chenglin looked at his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, "what is the attitude of the military towards this matter?"

"Yes, but they will never get it. At the earliest time, the military didn't know the identity of Ding Yu. He was a child of the Wang family. However, after a series of operations, the military must know it now. But even if they do, they will pretend they don't know. Ding Yu also means that!"

Yuan Chenglin now seems to have outlined this context. What are some of the reasons why Ding Yu didn't go home? I don't have a lot of feelings about my family. On the other hand? It is also out of a kind of protection for the Wang family. It seems that the child still has some feelings for the Wang family, and the blood relationship is not ordinary after all.

I have said all the things that should be said briefly, which is also a disclosure to my son-in-law. What are some problems? It's not that he was not allowed to know before, but the timing is really inappropriate. Now that the time has come, Yuan Chenglin has understood that since he is already a member of the family, there is no need to hide anything.

In fact, Yuan Chenglin also knew that sooner or later, his family would talk to him about this issue. However, he didn't think that the amount of information was so large, which was quite unexpected. He didn't expect that the support would be the eldest grandson of the family. This is not just a surprise!

At the beginning, I was also thinking about this issue. Who was the person behind the support? What kind of agreement did the old man reach with the supporting side? After all, I am already in this big family, so I need to think from the perspective of this big family.

But today, the truth is placed in front of me. The surprise is so sudden that I suddenly feel at a loss. What about the honest and clean choice made by the old man? I don't have any objection. I even support it with both hands.

I have seen too many typical examples in this aspect, and many people have fallen down for this. At the beginning, I was worried that the old man would be confused and even biased. Now I think, I really have some shame, thanks to the cultivation and expectation of the old man! He is just a pig. How can he doubt the old man?

"If this matter has been settled, I think it is necessary to cultivate Yang Yang, but it seems that it's not such a thing to let him go on an errand like this. There are some things that are not very decent! For Yangyang, I think it's also irresponsible, and I don't think China is the best choice. "

"Tell me what you think!"

"The domestic system is not suitable, and it is extremely easy to be criticized."

Two simple sentences, but they are quite illustrative, "yes! The domestic system is extremely inappropriate, and it is extremely easy to be criticized by others! " Then the old man also talked about Ding Ding Ding's industry. After listening, Wang Pu also thought about it for a while. It was a good industry, but it was too late for the problem to enter the market.

"From the understanding of the situation, it is impossible for Ding Yu to give up voluntarily. This is the dowry he gave to his sister. There is no problem for other people to enter. But if you want to pay attention to Ding Ding Ding, the child will be extremely dissatisfied, and the consequences of dissatisfaction may be slightly serious! There is no room for discussion on this matter. "

The three people had a long discussion in the room. When they came out of the room, the sky was already dark. The main reason is that they are not talents in this field, and even don't have much cognition. It is meaningless to sit in the room and discuss it!

When Wang Yang lay down at night, he didn't feel sleepy. He really couldn't sleep. He put his hand in the back of his head. He was still thinking about the things his brother mentioned to him. This question has always troubled him, but even now, he still can't find the answer.

When I came back at night, I vaguely felt some conditions, but from now on, the situation seems to be so different from what I imagined. There should be other aspects of the situation, absolutely.

But one night, there was no harvest. When he got up in the morning, Wang Yang's eyes were dark and he thought a little bit more. What happened in a moment? And a little bit messy, so I really don't know what to do. Looking at my grandfather and grandmother, Wang Yang also respectfully said good morning.

"Didn't you have a good rest last night?"

Although the old lady said she was old, she was still more sensitive. Wang Yang also laughed bitterly. Now it's strange that she can sleep well at this time! It's impossible for me to do something impossible. I've never experienced such a thing. It's very easy. But what about the actual situation? I even have some regrets.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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