After Jin called, Ding Yu didn't rest, but looking at the caller ID, a little smile appeared on his face! The call came at a good time!


"Sir!" Kim's words were a little less! But still can hear from the voice, a little strange!

"Have you called home?" Ding Yu said on purpose! "It's business to call home. I've seen Meilin and her two children. I've done everything for them, but I don't care about myself. At her age, it's a little rough! I didn't expect you to have such a skill! It's worth praising!"

"Sir, I filled in the trouble for you! This is my problem!"

"What trouble is not trouble? There is no need to mention it between us! I didn't know this before. Now that I know it! There's nothing else to say! But Meilin is still very cautious. Even there are some worries and fears, I can't tell what's the reason! I didn't go to the White House for the specific situation The news mentioned on the side should obviously have been quite modified! "

At this point, Ding Yu didn't mean to hide anything on purpose! If even such things need to be concealed, then there is really no trust between each other! That would be pathetic!

"I've just learned about the specific situation. Through some people, I've dragged her down. If she doesn't know about the situation and if my identity is not exposed, there won't be many possibilities to see in my life! But these guys can take out everything in the mouse hole, which makes me a little surprised!"

Listening to the sound of Jin gnashing his teeth, Ding Yu laughed happily!

"Don't talk about you! There are clear records on such things as how old I was peeing my pants! There is even quite a behavioral analysis. I have some doubts. Are these guys really abnormal? Are they idle? Should they study these things?"

"Would you like to give them some fun, sir?"

"Please forgive me! At this time, we are very calm. People have just given you and me this face and slapped them in the back. It's not appropriate. At least we don't have enough power!"

Obviously, Ding Yu can clearly realize his problem! Of course, this can also be said in reverse. If Ding Yu has absolute power, what can you do if you slap him in the face at this time?

Maintaining dignity is not as simple as saying!

"Sir, no matter what? I need to thank you! Without you, even if they can come out, they don't know it's a matter of monkey years and horses, and even other accidents will occur in the whole process!"

Gold is the shadow hiding behind. I have seen a lot of darkness. Naturally, I know some of the problems and situations!

"Only limited help! In fact, the real role can play will not be as big as imagined! When you come to China, everything needs to start again! This is actually difficult for people!"

"Sir, everyone has his own perception and life, which doesn't need too much coercion, and too much coercion will lead to other problems!"

Ding Yu sighed! "You are responsible for taking care of your own family. I don't have so much spare time. The two little girls are cute! There is a lack of playmates at home, so they can follow!"

"Sir, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, just a wild girl!"

"Depending on the situation, my parents prefer children, especially such children. However, my father can barely communicate. As for my mother? Don't mention it! I can't understand anything!"

After chatting with Jin for some time, Ding Yu put down the phone!

When I got up in the morning, it was not only Hou Tianliang, but also Qiu Tianyang! It seems to be a lot more energetic than before! At least the things in your eyes are not so anxious!

Ding Yu looked up and down! There are not many other expressions! Hou Tianliang was greatly relieved!

After Qiu Tianyang came back, he was honest and even calm! Why? Obviously, in the process of learning, those who were cleaned up were so powerful! This is an inevitable thing. Xiaoming didn't go half way. He already felt that he was very lucky! On this point, the director will not keep his hand easily!

As for the effect? This question? It really takes time to verify it slowly! It can't be seen in a moment, but there is not much response from the director, which shows that there are not many problems initially! If there are any questions, can Qiu Tianyang be released? It's impossible!

Of course, it can't be said that it is incomparable. If that happens, there will be other performances on the director's side!

But then I saw Meng Xi staggering out. When I saw Qiu Tianyang, I was slightly distracted, but that's it! It feels like it's half a beat too slow! I don't know what caused it!

Out of such a long time of understanding, the child gives people the feeling that although it is half slow, he is definitely a gifted and intelligent person, and is valued and liked by the director. He is often taken to his side! If only from the perspective of education, it is a little harsh, even a little harsh, but in other aspects, it is a little indulgent!

However, this slight indulgence is only relative to learning. Compared with the children of other families, and even the children of Ding family, I don't feel much difference!

Sometimes fate is really a wonderful thing. Some of Mengxi's brothers and sisters will often come here. Ding Yu also takes good care of and treats Mengxi, but they are still different from Mengxi! At least give people the feeling that Mengxi is not like a child's child now, and others? Still a child!

"Director! I heard that Kim's family is coming!"

At dinner, Hou Tianliang finally couldn't help asking! But to say that this is Hou Tianliang's meaning, it's really a little fake! From Hou Tianliang's personal point of view! He has no interest or interest in Kim's personal situation, but what can he do? He can't decide such a thing!

Ding Yu naturally understood why Hou Tianliang asked so! Merlin came here with two children! It will certainly attract the attention of some people! But for this, Ding Yu is really a little impolite! Other things may have room for discussion, but there is no room for discussion at all!

However, Ding Yu will not deliberately target Hou Tianliang, because there is no need! If Hou Tianliang was really interested in this, he wouldn't ask such a question at this time! He's not a fool!

So Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang who was talking, and even took the initiative to clip him a meat pie!

"It's not negotiable. If anyone makes any small moves! Don't blame me for not giving face!"

"It doesn't matter to me what other people's opinions and ideas are! If there is any contamination, I believe someone will know what the consequences are!"

The words are not so simple as tough! Hou Tianliang nodded his head after getting the answer! Obviously, I also understand the meaning and attitude of Ding Yu's words!

"Director, I know! I think it should stop. I'm afraid some people don't have eyes!"

In this regard, Ding Yu glanced at Hou Tianliang! Then he suddenly smiled. When he saw Ding Yu's smile, Hou Tianliang didn't respond much, and Qiu Tianyang felt a tight heart!

"What should be said has been said! There are not many good ways left! We can only reason!" even Ding Yu deliberately raised his shoulder! "I'm willing to do such things. After all, I still have quite a lot of experience in talking about such things! I just don't know if I will have this time!"

Seeing the director's resolute attitude, Hou Tianliang also felt some toothache!

"Director! You are busy! If you can't, I'd better come!"

"Forget it!" said Ding Yu disapprovingly. "A young rabbit like you, will people give you this face? People may give you this face to the intelligence department, but they haven't seen it! If it's really inappropriate, let Jin come back and take a trip! Anyway, this is his business! I believe he will be very interested!"

fuck! Qiu Tianyang feels that his legs and stomach are a little cramped! Are you kidding? Let supervisor Kim come back? You might as well let the director go! Although will pay a considerable price, but at least there is considerable discretion!

If you really let supervisor Jin go, it will not be so simple when there are corpses everywhere! I'm afraid there won't even be a hair left! After all, I've seen a lot of information about this! It's not as simple as having two brushes to be the director's safety supervisor! Qiu Tianyang has some unimaginable scenes. What will it be like at that time!

But peeking, I found that my senior brother seemed very calm! Big heart!

Don't doubt that the director is talking nonsense. It's really not. Quite often, the director is a more rational person! Of course, this is without touching the bottom line of the director! If you really touch the bottom line of the director, it's the things the director did in those years! Everyone who is a normal person feels that going to hell is a kind of enjoyment!

Hou Tianliang nodded at Ding Yu! Obviously, this time, I thoroughly understood what the situation was like! The director has a certain consideration for quite a few things! Some things can never break through the bottom line, or even considerable contamination!

At that time, the director may be inconvenient to start directly due to some reasons! However, the director's inconvenience does not mean that the director will really be indifferent! Even when necessary, the gold that has been hidden will be sold!

Kim is not in China now, which can be confirmed, but there are a lot of things involved behind this. Together with the intelligence department, there are some taboos on this! Under such circumstances, we can imagine what kind of ending will appear!

Even then the director really let it go! Who can find out the director's problem?

After all, who can get to the bottom of such a thing? So what does Hou Tianliang need to do now? Just pass on the director's attitude. It has nothing to do with yourself, and I don't want to get involved in the muddy water! Who wants to move? It's your own business! Don't try to involve me!

When Ding Yu left, Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang immediately reported the situation to the intelligence department. Anyway, it doesn't matter if others are willing to carry the pot. Anyway, I don't carry such a black pot! Then don't think about involving me. It's impossible!

Don't try to make it clear to me! After all, such a thing is dead! There won't be too many ways to live next to it. I don't want to dance in the crater. I have a considerable understanding of quite things. I should do it myself without any problems, but I shouldn't do it myself! Don't touch it at all!

"Elder martial brother, why are you so cautious and careful this time? I feel a little confused!"

Hou Tianliang, who sat down, took a long breath and finally reported the matter to him! What about the follow-up? It doesn't have much to do with yourself! It's not that you evade any responsibility, but that other people can bear the black pot, but you really can't bear it!

"It's no big deal to carry a black pot at a considerable time! It's quite normal! But if you are involved in this black pot, you must stay away from it. The farther you stay, the better! Your time with the director is relatively short, and you don't know so much about some things of the director! So you don't make a considerable judgment, which is understandable!"

"I don't quite understand! But I can feel it. Elder martial brother, you are too nervous!"

"This is not a question of whether you are nervous or not, but if there are any problems and situations, you will really die at that time, and it is definitely not as simple as one or two!"

Hou Tianliang looked at Qiu Tianyang very seriously and put forward his most severe warning!

Qiu Tianyang was not in a hurry. He even offered Hou Tianliang a glass of water! "Elder martial brother, the director attaches great importance to such things?" it is obvious that Qiu Tianyang has really grown up after a period of tempering!

Looking at the water cup, Hou Tianliang was also very pleased, so he explained patiently!

"The relationship between the director and director Jin is extraordinary. Even director Jin can represent the director to a certain extent. Of course, it can also be said that it is a kind of inheritance of the director! And this inheritance? Together with the children of the Ding family, they have not been able to enter it now!"

Qiu Tianyang immediately realized the problem!

"I've heard some! Even during the previous training, I realized the differences of these security guards, but I heard that there seems to be a considerable gap between these security guards and the previous predecessors!" Qiu Tianyang even shivered! "Think about it, I feel a little exaggerated. Whether it's in the wild or outdoors, I'm hanged!"

"It's quite normal. Even if I go now, it's the same. The original security guards have withdrawn from the front line due to age, life, health and other reasons! But for Sir, they are the most trustworthy, so these security guards basically go to the children at home! Even Mengxi's side also exists "Hou Tianliang also lamented the director's luxury!

"A little exaggeration! It's too wasteful!" Qiu Tianyang said in the same way!

"It's not that they can't go to other places to eliminate the traces on their bodies. It's difficult to say, but it's relatively simple to say! But when they go to other places, they will be quite unwilling to these security guards, so it's better to go to the children of the ding family!"

"Elder martial brother, is it a bit taboo to mention these?"

"Don't count!" Hou Tianliang shook his head! "The director sees such things very thoroughly and doesn't even care what he sees outside. What I want to express is the feelings between the director and these security guards! It's extraordinary and profound! It's really a life-long friendship, and Jin naturally doesn't have to say more! It's just what he didn't know before, but he already knows! Doesn't the director know what he will do? It's not at all Impossible things! Even pay special attention to them! "

"Will it be too fierce at this time?" Qiu Tianyang was quite worried about it!

"I don't know!" Hou Tianliang shook his head. "This is not something we can interfere with. We can only express the director's attitude. What will others think? This problem is not something we can solve!"

"May retreat in spite of difficulties, may be desperate! Who knows?"

In this regard, Hou Tianliang did not make any judgment! It's not his turn to talk!

The intelligence department also has considerable consideration when knowing this matter!

Ding Yu's attitude didn't surprise everyone. He was very firm! But as far as we know, some people are ready to move! Even a little out of control!

This is a headache for the intelligence department. How did Jin's family come from? Others don't know? Isn't the intelligence department equally clear? Impossible! The intelligence department really knows very well. Through this matter, it really makes the intelligence department feel so shocked!

Behind this is the helplessness of the board of directors and white house, as well as Ding Yu's arrogance!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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