All along, everyone's feeling about Ding Yu is that this guy will repay for his bad temper sometimes!

But it's so direct now, it's really rare, and even gives people the feeling that it's too abrupt!

It suddenly makes people feel that something is wrong!

Now Ding Yu is involved in farm and consortium affairs. Does he have so much spare time to deal with these things and problems? Not at all. Under such circumstances, why is Ding Yu so grumpy? This point is really worth exploring!

However, if you don't explore, the intelligence department still passed on Ding Yu's attitude! It doesn't matter who is willing to cause this trouble! It doesn't matter, as long as you can bear the price behind this trouble!

What's more, there is still a little tacit understanding between the intelligence department and Ding Yu! Everyone's cooperation can be said to be very good! Under such circumstances, the intelligence department will not go to pit Ding Yu! Something you can't do!

Of course, there is a more important reason. Ding Yu is really too strong this time!

Moreover, the communication channels between them are also very smooth. Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang are right next to Ding Yu now! But their performance is really good! At the beginning, I left them with Ding Yu. This step is really the right one!

In general, apart from the intelligence department, are there other departments and forces that have such opportunities?

Not at all! Even if they want to find such an opportunity, they can't find it! On the one hand, Ding Yu's uncertainty is so big! On the other hand? Ding Yu's character can't be controlled by a man!

Even if these two conditions are suitable! There is also a crucial one, that is, whether it can be valued by Ding Yu!

It is true that after so many years of exploration, everyone has learned something about Ding Yu, but how to say this understanding? Still holding the pipa half covering your face!

In a word, Ding Yu is really a little different from ordinary people! What's more, this guy is great, just wearing human skin! Even so, it has a rather derogatory meaning!

On Merlin's side, two days ago, it was like a frightened animal! He is a little cautious externally, and even keeps quite vigilant about anything! The situation in these two days has changed considerably!

Because Merlin suddenly found out! It's really different from the scene you imagined! Even if you go to the street at two o'clock in the morning, there is no danger, even very safe! Great is that there are a little few people, that's all!

Also, the environment and air here are very good! It can be said that everything is beyond your imagination!

Even give Meilin a doubt, will everything in front of her be Truman's world? It feels a little fake! But the reality told itself! Everything is true!

The only obstacle now? It's about words. Whether it's yourself or children, it's always very difficult to integrate into it! This can never be changed in a moment!

Of course, there's no problem asking for help! At this point? Merlin really doesn't know how to express it! The farm did not ignore itself and its children! But they don't always follow their side! Even quite often, I still hope I can take the initiative to integrate into the whole city!

Instead of that desperate, just cram yourself in! This is not the case!

So it also makes Meilin feel comfortable and contradictory now! The real reason? Or because I was squeezed too much by the White House! Left quite a deep shadow!

Ding Yu sent an invitation to Mei Lin when she was a little secure! There is no other meaning, that is to invite her to be a guest at home. Previously, it was too abrupt, but now there is no such restraint!

As for Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang, they are now tool people! What other good things do you think? Now that you have come home, don't think about so many messy and impossible things!

At first, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying felt very surprised, but after hearing the details, they also gave their son a hard look! It's the trouble of my son! If not, is the noise still like this?

Kim's father? With his wife and children, there is no way to take care of! A little too outrageous!

Ding Yu can't refute such a thing! How to refute? It is true that there are quite a few reasons, but Kim can't come back now. Is this always true? Moreover, if Kim wasn't his own security supervisor, Merlin and the children wouldn't suffer so much!

From this point of view, it's not too much to say that the problem lies in Ding Yu!

But everything else is OK, except the mutual communication between each other, and there is always a considerable gap! They can't go together at all, and even need Ding Yu's help at a considerable time!

When waiting for dinner, Ding Yu shook his head slightly at Mei Lin! Their parents take care of one by themselves! Take care of the two children very well! This even made Merlin feel a little incredible! After all, I know the situation of my two daughters best! They are quite dependent on themselves!

But now? They are very close to the two old people! How long has this been! Why don't you feel strange at all? After all, they have never seen the two old people before!

"Mr. Ding! What's the reason? Oriental magic?"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing! I'm sure. I said to Merlin! "No! My father and mother loved children when they were young! To be exact, they knew how to get in touch with children!"

"Oh, I remember! One of them is a doctor and the other is a primary school teacher!" Meilin looked at her two daughters. They don't have any pressure and comfort now, and their eyes began to brighten up. It's not like they were chicks when they first came here. They are trembling at what they do!

"Has Kim called yet! I gave him the phone number!"

"I've made quite a connection with him!" Merlin was a little uncomfortable!

Ding Yu didn't mean to ask! "The previous situation has improved a lot. The White House shouldn't go into this matter! When you have time in the future, go home and take a stroll as a trip! It's no big deal! As for what you and your children are doing now! I still respect your personal opinions! What do you think is good! You're free!"

"Mr. Ding, it's very good here! I feel that the people here are very good! It's just that there is a slight difference in verbal communication!"

"We have a special idiom called do as the Romans do!" Ding Yu showed great patience! "Now that you have come to China, it will be much easier to understand some Chinese culture as much as possible, at least in communication!"

"Convenience is really convenient! But it's a little too convenient! I don't know how to use the money in my pocket. At first, I thought everyone despised me because I was a foreigner. Later, I understood! It's silly for me to take money to buy things!"

Ding Yu couldn't stop his smile! Then shake your head slightly!

"At present, the domestic development is relatively fast and rapid! This is like the popular credit card in your country! This is a very complex thing! One step mobile phone here can solve all problems! There is no need for so much trouble! It is fast and simple! The times are developing! Making progress! This is a good thing!"

"I still have lingering palpitations, even some hesitation and uneasiness! After coming here, I feel like an era has changed! There is a big gap between each other!"

"When you have time, you can go out for a walk! Take a stroll! The plane is certainly not so convenient. After all, this is only a small county, and other places are OK, but high-speed rail and other means of transportation are still very convenient!"

Meilin returned home with her two children. The work and rest time of the two children was adjusted very well. Even the enrollment situation had been well settled, and Meilin, who was idle, seemed to have some hesitation!

Because the two children don't need their own care at all, and even the two children are completely addicted to the kindergarten environment! So Meilin, who had nothing to do, felt that she had some waste!

Do you want to go on like this? Just eat at home and die?

So Meilin didn't hesitate too much, so she went to Ding Yu and directly mentioned her requirements. Ding Yu felt a little incredible. After Meilin made it clear, Ding Yu would realize something!

"Ms. Merlin, I have generally understood what you mean! But are you sure? Because it's a little out of line with the schematic! It doesn't mean that you can't find a job suitable for you. It's not true. There are a lot of jobs on the farm. The problem is..."

"Mr. Ding, in order to take care of my two children, I used to be a nanny and a waiter! I can support my two children!"

When she said this, Merlin vowed!

"I see!" Ding Yu really knew what Meilin wanted to do at this time! "But you want to officially work on the farm! Not now. One is that you don't pass the language, the other is that you don't pass the professional knowledge training! But since you are interested in this aspect, I can't have any obstacles!"

After Meilin left, Hou Tianliang looked at the figure leaving and said with some doubt!

"Director, what's the situation? Is she acting too eager? What does she want?"

"Don't want to do anything!" Ding Yu snorted angrily. "And what you think is a little too biased! She's not the kind of person you think!" then Ding Yu explained, "to be exact, she's a liberal! It's no exaggeration to say that even if she lives with Jin in the future, many aspects may be made of AA!"

Hey! Ah? Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang beside him are all stupid! I'll wipe it! And such people? There's no water in your head, right? How could such an idea come into being?

"Director? There are such people? How can it be? That's not what I mean!" Hou Tianliang was so incoherent! And Qiu Tianyang next to him was obviously shocked! Some silly!

It's not that I haven't encountered such a situation, but what Meilin showed in front of me, which made everyone deny themselves! What's this NIMA with! Does Merlin want to be a strong woman? Or is she too? I don't know how to describe hunger!

"Director? Does she really think so? Is there something else?"

"After you make more contact, you will find quite a situation!" Ding Yu suddenly smiled. "I believe this is the reason why Jin took a fancy to her at the beginning! If the people in the White House didn't find the door, Meilin really couldn't support it. What would happen if there were children? It's really hard to say!"

"It's exaggerated enough, but I don't enjoy it when I'm well placed. Why?"

Facing Hou Tianliang's confusion, Ding Yu explained! "There are not so many reasons! It's like you're not going to have a good future. Why do you have to take this road? How dangerous? Maybe half of your life will be lost when you're young! In the eyes of quite people, this behavior is not understood at all! The same reason!"

"I am for the stability and prosperity of the country and the security of the people!"

"In the eyes of quite a few people, this is a high-profile behavior. They will think you are a little too stupid! Don't be afraid of a good future! Why take such a bumpy and bumpy road? Isn't there a bubble in your head?"

Ding Yu immediately spread out his hand! "The same is true for people like Mei Lin! I don't have hands and feet. Why should I let others feed myself? Such a thing can't be forced! From another point of view, it really needs to be praised. At least many women don't have such preparation! They don't have such motivation!"

"It's still a little hard to understand! Maybe we have a little knowledge!" but then they looked at Ding Yu at the same time! "Director! It's quite troublesome! What kind of position is suitable for you?"

"It doesn't matter!" Ding Yu is quite sure of this! "Then let her choose for herself! What she is willing to do is her business. As for Kim, there doesn't need to be too much consideration!"

"I don't understand! I really don't understand!"

This thing? Ding Yu also had quite a communication with Jin afterwards! Kim didn't show any surprise! And Ding Yu didn't mean to continue to cross cut! Kim has agreed! And Meilin also has a considerable intention. Under such circumstances, what else can she say?

But the most surprising thing is Merlin's last job! The agricultural machine drives very well! Hou Tianliang and Qiu Tianyang who knew the news were stunned! Even when I came back, I was a little confused!

Other projects may be OK, but do agricultural machines run so well? This is a little exaggerated!

However, it's really a little difficult for Meilin to enter the job, but Meilin can not only drive agricultural machines, but also be a good hand in maintenance and inspection! But even so, she still needs considerable training. Similarly, since she came to China, certificates and so on, she needs a new assessment!

"Director, just trust her? I always feel a little inappropriate!"

When he came to Ding Yu's office, Hou Tianliang chattered a little! Qiu Tianyang stood on one side honestly. He didn't know what his senior brother wanted to do! Since you don't understand, just look at it! Elder martial brother, it must have a deep meaning to do so! I just didn't see it clearly!

Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang thoughtfully, and then couldn't help laughing!

Qiu Tianyang subconsciously moved his feet and saw the director smile! It's not a good thing!

Hou Tianliang is slightly helpless and stands on his shoulder at Ding Yu! "Director, if you don't give such a thing to others to try, the so-called fear of ten thousand is just in case! Don't you think so?"

"So? Why don't you try it yourself?"

As soon as he said this, Hou Tianliang almost jumped three feet high! Hurriedly shook his head, his head shaking like a rattle! At this time, Qiu Tianyang also understood more or less! It's obvious that elder martial brother didn't mean to say this!

However, senior brothers are a little unable to bear the pressure. Qiu Tianyang is really interested!

Why did you find your senior brother but not yourself! Qiu Tianyang still has a very clear understanding of this!

I don't have any say in front of the director! Even when breathing, you need to pay attention! For fear of making any big noise! It will affect the director! So even if someone finds themselves, even if they are forced to arrange their own tasks, they won't have much effect!

It should also be based on this reason, so some people found the elder martial brother, but for the elder martial brother, he obviously can't carry such a thing, and even if he can carry it, the elder martial brother is not willing to carry it! So in front of the director, he directly pierced the window paper!

"Director, please forgive me! How much do I weigh? I still know some! If I really pick it up, is there a double? I doubt it seriously!"

"Definitely more than two liang! A hundred pounds!" Ding Yu made some deliberate jokes. Of course, doing so is also intentional against Hou Tianliang. From this point of view, Ding Yu's evil taste is still more important!

"Director, even if it's a hundred pounds, it's not worth money!" Hou Tianliang said nothing to Ding Yu, who didn't play cards according to common sense!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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